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Everything posted by Sydebolle

  1. Run, by all means run and never look back
  2. Yet another reason to put pedophiles, like rapists and drug dealers up the wall and get the firing squad over. You will not undo what he did but you will prevent such sickos doing anything like this ever again while saving a lot of taxpayers money. Unless, of course, he gets suicided in jail - not unheard of either ............
  3. Get it from the horse's mouth, go there early in person and Bob's your uncle 😉
  4. He might have been suicided? Anyhow, good riddance, if you ask me and the tax payers are happy as well 😉
  5. Last supper for the doggie? The provocation seems to be real 😞
  6. Recheck that information; cannot believe that this is the only way. If you are a parent, get your name signed and inked on the child's birth certificate then you're sorted usually. A DNA test comes at a price and usually is required, if the parental roots are not clear. Ring the Embassy and get it from the horse's mouth; I for one never ever heard of a DNA requirement to authenticate clear voluntary parental admittance.
  7. Don't they start early these days ................
  8. Good riddance, the tax payers say "thank you" for the fact, that this lovely star of the law enforcement was most likely suicided! Must have stepped onto the wrong toes big (and for the last) time!
  9. Drinking zone - rarely read a more arrogant statement by a country which depends soooooo much on tourism. Next is "dirty farang" zone, shopping zone, bon23453ing zone and jump-out-of-the-condominium-zone? Grown ups do not need zones - me thinks. You either allow it ..... or not. In Thailand's case the oligarch elite keeps on herding the underlings into all sorts of funny ideas which, in 99.9% of the cases, do not work. So forget the drinking zones and realize, that alcohol sales ban hours don't work like there is no corruption nor prostitution in the land - so I have been told 😉
  10. There is most likely much, much more to this story than the media leaks ...... I guess we have not heard any famous last words on the soap saga!
  11. So the uglification of Thai children during their formative years at the world's most questionable schools comes to a screeching halt - thank the Lord for this. So the only spot on the planet remaining with governmentally "inspired" haircuts remains North Korea then ......
  12. Taking these power banks, mobile smart phones, tablets, iPads and all these other electronics I might not be alone wondering, what passengers (or people in general for that matter) were doing 30 years ago? There were no smart phones etc., no power banks, no nothing and they still survived somehow - or am I getting old?
  13. "Foreigners’ Working Management Act", a chapter of the "Alien Business Law" ensuring the non-competitiveness of Thailand's domestic business affairs? Fine the fellow, throw him out of the country but - for God's sake - focus on relevant things. Who in his right mind cares about what this Turkish bloke did wrong. He sold stuff without a work permit, that's it!
  14. Fun and Games - known by the Romans already. For anyone with common sense; stay indoors at home or leave Pattaya during the silly days - everything else is a complete waste of time
  15. 350 days is not a year like when the Thais had the AEC2015 moved from 1 January to 31 December 😉
  16. Dr. Somchai Suriwong should know, that some government bodies ban alcohol sales without logic like midnight to 11am, 2pm to 5pm as well as pre- and election days and Buddhist holidays. All this does not make sense at all; the pre- and election day ban was to avoid that political parties would get the electorate drunk prior to approaching the polling stations? Some other government bodies make tidy "tips" as the electorate could not care the least about such laws and hence booze is available everywhere anytime - except the official big supermarkets and the 7/11s etc. The mom-and-pop shops will sell you anything during these blockades. Another example of how this country really works 😉
  17. Knives were out all the while .......... get the pop corn, it might be an interesting summer session after all 😉
  18. Pudu (Uttaradit) coming from Laos as well 😉
  19. Possibly the silliest excuse if not an outrageous lie is Phumtham Wechayachai's statement. Did he expect a hand-written note by the American president or QE2/King Charles III on the subject? Be honest and just admit that you followed the whistles of PR China. Thailand could have granted political asylum as well and, except a lot of cage rattling out of Beijing and consultations on ambassadorial levels ...... nothing else would have happened. The official Thailand should be ashamed of herself, a very poor loss of image in the 21st century 😞
  20. Get it from the horse's mouth, see the immigration yourself and get the updated requirements. Everything else is hear-tell, possibly out of date, incorrect or incomplete.
  21. Send it back by all means. Specify very clearly in your order what you want: "not spicy" is still spicy to some; hence make sure "zero chili" "not sweet", same story; tell them you're a diabetic the cooking style is another subject; looking at the hygiene at most street kitchens you certainly want any meat "well done" as everything else might give you the willies. You will not die over a pink chicken - worst case is serious diarrhea or vomitting. No pineapple on a pizza, then order a different pizza. Should there still be pineapple pieces on the pizza, remove it. The ice in a glass for your beer can be disposed of before you pour the beer. If all that does not work, do it as I do. All my Thai food desires (and I love it) is being cooked by my wife, who still applies the same kitchen discipline for more than 40 years, no sugar, no MSG and seasoned to taste with no chili for me 😉
  22. How lovely that the Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Digital Economy and Society has sorted out all his other problems and now can focus on booze on religious holidays. Possibly got some intellectual assistance from Myanmar, Laos and/Cambodia - as those Buddhists there enjoy alcohol (or not) irrespective of what the calendar says. So it is proven, that it is not prohibited by the Men of the Cloth but rather a power play of the respective government breathing down the necks of the electorate tax payers?
  23. Sugar is much too cheap otherwise all processed food would not substitute almost everything with sugar. 40 years ago you would only see lean young people, today you're confronted with fat ugly toads, fed from 7/11 and similar outlets opposite the school yards, hectolitres of slurpees and sugary drinks; only diluted by even cheaper ice. The entire society is going downhill in free fall into the abyss and nobody takes the food industry to accounts. Most restaurants, street food suppliers etc. use tons of MSG and sugar, all processed sauces in fancy bottles are coloured sugar sludges and that, combined with the literal absence of exercise will result in a very, very sick society part once those kiddies hit 50+ years of age. Health costs will explode and the average life expectancy will go down. It is amazing, what kind of words are used to substitute sugar on packagings and explanations by "food experts". Same stuff with salt, instead of seasoning with real fresh herbs, freshly crunched pepper etc. some heavy misuse of salt is today's order.
  24. Well, the whistles of PR China need to be followed, no exceptions. Ever heard of "the Pied Piper of Hamelin or, translated from the German original "the rat catcher of Hamelin". Reality check; a very poor proof of the fact, that Thailand is apparently really not 100% in control of their domestic affairs 😉 Better hunt the dirty farang, more popular among the semi-divine - me thinks!
  25. Everything has its price; quantity over quality tends to decrease the quality in favour of the quantity. Simple physics!
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