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Everything posted by Sydebolle

  1. To all the international exhibitors and non-Thai visitors alike - the message is clear. Welcome to Thailand! And, thank you to the Thai authorities to keep this Pandora box - over the last 40 years this subject keeps popping up; unlike other Asian capitals where exhibitors and visitors have the alternative of a public skytrain/subway or most frequent shuttle buses. But, in all fairness, why should Impact be different to the rest of the country?
  2. Well, he must have glued quite some printed paper of the eyes of many on his odysee from Phuket via Hanoi, Paris to Oslo - me thinks! Reminds me of Charles Sobhraj some 40+ years ago in Bangkok ... he just walked out of an interrogation room of Bangkok's finest but ultimately spent more than half his life behind bars.
  3. Beware though, the bootleggers are in full swing at Tachilek again - the price of 400 B is appropriate though ????
  4. How can they "warn individuals idling at the area not to sell sexual services" if there is no prostitution. According to local laws and regulations, prostitution is prohibited and we all know, what that means. Here the semi-divines follow the laws more than the alien and, needless to say, never pass on a few red or a purple piece of paper in the privacy of a shady place ???? Or am I misunderstanding this again?
  5. Well, the US' heydays date back 50 years ago and ever since their influence in this part of the world went downhill - excellent news!
  6. The photos say it all - let's get rid of all those nasty alien and dirty farang. Welcome the Chinese zero-dollar-tourists and the Southasian crowd. I am happy to attest, that quite obviously Phuket's finest have cleaned up their little island of virginity from all those bad Thai elements and now can concentrate on all those feeding fish illegally - I feel very safe in Phuket now!
  7. 90% less zero-dollar-tourists shouting and screaming all over the land with their mostly unacceptable behavior of littering the path they leave behind.
  8. Choice between getting expelled next year as dinosaur or betting on some non-democratic interventions by the present placeholders ...... decisions, decisions ........
  9. Ruangkrai Leekitwattana is as colourful as his loud shirt. No party in a coalition is ridding itself of "independence" but well, he might have studied political science in a rice bowl?
  10. Bring 'em in - all those millions of zero-dollar-tourists. Congratulations to TAT, well done ????
  11. And the baby; Khun "Taa" might be delighted to see the next generation in person ????
  12. You can sell those old F16s to NATO, as per G7 there is cash and permits and might be a good deal for all. As they budgeted new equipment, there is ample space for some "expenses" between buyer and seller ????
  13. And me fool always thought that the senate works in the interest of its people ........ wrong again!
  14. I rather read an "endorsement" of the junta brothers who ran Thailand over the last nine years - a certain quality in the Burmese statement .......
  15. Interesting indication - the generals across the border are getting scared too - right so! Maybe the Thai dinosaurs should all congregate in Naypiyadaw, declare the latter a separate country and leave Thailand as well as Myanmar in peace ....... wishful thinking? Well, we shall see ????
  16. Instead of keeping a close eye on what is going on in his homeland, be it the formation of a (new?) government or the exploding Covid figures - as per the news ........... he sits in Hong Kong with his sweetheart on something resembling high tea (with a terrible cup of coffee when looking at the picture). There is more to the story, he could have high tea of colonial proportions at the author's lounge at the Oriental - the real thing ???? me thinks :-)
  17. Well, THB 10'000 is helluva lot of money to find a loved one. Given the assumption, that he might be in Pattaya .... you have three guesses, what he might be doing instead of calling back home ???? I hope he's OK and gets properly "grown up"; he will return as a different character 8-)
  18. What's there to "asset" in a company, which went out of business in 2007? Obviously you cannot get out of shareholding, as long as the closing proceedings are not finished and whoever closed a company legally (I did) knows what hurdles and avalanched bureaucracy that brings along. The "asset" value of those shares ...... you guessed it! It is a politically motivated issue again; yet this time the dinosaurs would nullify not only 6+ million votes like four years ago; this time is is more than double and that would certainly not triggering off parties in the roads of Bangkok to welcome the "new" government which would manage to slip in only because of some worthless shares - unless I am wrong again ????
  19. Wisanu Krea-ngam might want to retire, he is 72 years old by age and much older by the dinometer; if married with kids - maybe play with grand kids for quality time of whatever is left for him ????
  20. Getting there is one thing, not clogging yet another road with limo and driver another. The fellow has the right attitude - hope to see more of him ????
  21. I assume that he passed all those stringent re-testing funnies at the department of land transport with flying colors.
  22. Interesting; Thai Airways (TG) has accrued 300 billion (not million) THB in losses carried forward, Thai Smile (WE) reported a loss of 20 billion or so less than two months ago. So, what exactly is getting merged, considering the fact, that both airlines are completely off the radar as far as customer satisfaction and pricing is concerned ????
  23. Contrary to what I wrote yesterday, the media had a change of heart and now reports, that she has been handed down a jail sentence of two months - suspended for two years. I - for one - did not know, that the Thai courts have an overdrive but then, what does an alien know in the first place!
  24. Need some help here - how can you ban something which does not exist in the first place?
  25. Well, presently they run on the 20th constitution over the last 91 years ........ rewritten ever 4 ½ years by average ????
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