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Everything posted by Sydebolle

  1. An actual picture of how open baskets and open bags were moved from Paragon on the 1st election weekend 7 May 2023 ;-)
  2. We shall never know, if he is honest or if it is yet another display of crocodile tears ........ ????
  3. Well, unlike quite some of his fellow MPs ........ he is the lucky guy as he made his millions before even starting - and it is all LEGAL money. Congratulations are in order!
  4. Honest mistake, they must have used American vote counting machines ......... 8-)
  5. The argument by those dinosaurs is, that MFP wants to rewrite article 112. The MFP proposal, as far as I understood it, would only allow the Palace and its Royal members to file a "lèse-majesté" cases. That (yet to be formulated) revision would have to pass parliament, then presented to HM for His signature and then published in the Royal Gazette. So all those hand-picked dinosaurs could no longer hide behind this "lèse-majesté" law, which has been grossly misused in the past by too many people to get rid of political or business opponents. A revision would result in the initial reason this law was created in the first place. So it is quite obvious, why all those misusers - outside the Palace - are against touching this delicate issue.
  6. The Thai language media reported this incident slightly different. She got stopped, like anybody else, in a general road check and was slightly above the level of 0.5%. The police let her go without fine but her conscience and responsibility towards party and voters made her going public with this while resigning at the same time. A very laudable while regrettable move - she removed the risk of some dirty mind who might undig this incident in the future for a smearing campaign (for which Thailand is more than known for). Without being able to prove it; you can take it to the bank that many more existing, past and future MPs have exceeded the 0.5% limit on alcohol and some past dinosaurs like i.e. Chalerm were certainly no strangers to the bottle ........
  7. Remember the days when they were 36kgs and chandeliering nicely - with a "way" on the way out next morning ????
  8. It ain't over till the fat lady sings ............ An interesting summer is lying ahead of us. Some of the possible scenarios would include MFP to lobby a minimum of 69 (Prayut-appointed) senators. Potential Kingmaker is out of the question due to conflicting policies. Latter could be watered down Thai-style to please the Kingmaker. A re-explaination by MFP on a controversial law; for decades misused by various politicians and business moguls. The suggestions there, I understand, are that only the directly affected can invoke a complaint filing. PT has a change of heart, groups with everybody else and runs the show - the dinosaur senate might favour a lesser evil. Banning of Pita due to its leader's worth- and voiceless media shares in a company, which went bankrupt 16 years ago. Public "disturbances" in town and bonfires all over the land; lasting disadvantage to economy, currency and tourism. As I said, "faites vos jeux" - an interesting summer ahead of Thailand indeed.
  9. A nice remuneration package for those who are in charge of stupidifying the next generation over 15 years of "education".
  10. Amazing: no alien can get an overdraft on any account here in the Land of Boanking. no alien can open account without a one year visa So, why on Earth, do all those agents manage to open bank accounts for all those alien infidels who - by whatever decree - are not allowed to enrich Thai banks? Back in the day, a tourist was more than happy to open a bank account, exchange his £$ into THB and withdraw THB all over the country. A passport was sufficient, no resident certificate, blood and stool sample nor letter of recommendation of the passport holder's country's president. Today, some come with credit cards to withdraw (at exorbitant fees) cash, others travel with wads of banknotes or traveller cheques but only the semi-divine qualify for handing over money to the bank for the latter to make money.
  11. Unless, of course, Prayut and Wissanu as well as their fan clubs are sent packing; after all it cannot take more than two months to form a government ......... or am I wrong on that as well?
  12. Narongpan Jitkaewtae must be new on the block, otherwise he would know, that many of his predecessors on the yearly rotating musical chair have said the very same over and over and over already. Interesting enough it was the very same army, which got involved in what Narongpan Jitkaewtae does not like to hear. A Coup d'état is quite clearly an internal power play and, let's face it, Thailand has had its more than fair share. A total of 18 coups and 18 constitutions over the last 91 years, so there is a justification on the questioning by the Thai electorate.
  13. "it ceased operations in 2007". The Ministry of Commerce might come in handy in clarified this point, the Ministry of Finance could also report on eventual tax returns, the Department of Labour could report of Social Security contributions by the company, which apparently "ceased operations in 2007". If Ruangkrai is wrong, then I would sue his backside for defamation, spreading of false news and make it crystal clear, that Ruangkrai's statement were timed in such a way, that it would smear the name of Pita without him being able to get external proof prior to the whole Sunday ......... On that note, maybe it is time to scrap that old dinosaur law as well?
  14. It is, of course, not an issue of democrats or republicans; Biden happens to be the sitting president. And no, Biden might have issues in finding Thailand on the world map and does, what he is told ...... so much to the cronies. Glad having been able to help!
  15. And then tenants are surprised, if the landlord asks for references of previous landlords; some landlords clearly do not rent out to Asians while others do not want English tenants .......... Given the fact that millions of rental agreements are in force, the few and far between exceptions confirm the rule .......
  16. Chief-of-Dinosaur Wissanu Krea-ngam is either walking a very, very thin rope or has a hell of a protection from further up. Nobody gets away with so much "statements" without consequences ....... unless either of afore-mentioned conditions apply!
  17. You can get the gizmoreplaced free of charge at any of their offices, usually on the very LEFT just after a tollgate. So pass through the very left tollgate, park your car and Bob's your uncle. I actually used the opportunity to load up some credit at the same time ???? Easy, professional and competent! And yes, the remaining credit on the disfunctioning tag is transferred onto the new tag 8-)
  18. Wondering, how long it takes for Thai netizens to be outraged about being outraged .......
  19. Every day is school day; I never heard "about XXXXX expected to be spent on election-related activities" before but it is a rather nice way of publicly confirming what this country has always understood as "democratic" attitude towards voters ????
  20. Interesting, that Thais are not outraged about this. Fact is, that they skin an alien almost alive for not having all these forms, reports and show-of-gratitudes like i.e. TM30. Of interest might be, that many Thais are not living at their registered address; while I was still working I had in an SME a total of 14 staff, of which precisely ONE was living at the address as shown in the house register. Psychological warfare proving a governmental minority complex to prove, who is who on the banana boat ......... oh well ........
  21. Interesting, I thought my looking into the crystal ball would suffice .......
  22. Biden and his cronies must be particularly proud of this chosen sample of "great American people". Why does not someone get her embassy or consulate moving instead of steamrollering this - factually irrelevant - story all over the internet; just asking?
  23. I suggest to reinstate the death sentence for disobedience - ridiculous, to say the least! As if that would "swing" voters ......
  24. Which, more than once, did not work online at the FB 1 in Nong Khai. Possibly batching data later on is done yet I seriously wonder, how these figures are compiled. The TM6 card is obsolete unless you cross overland while nobody knows, how many dual nationals enter with a non-Thai passport by plane shows as a tourist?
  25. "tax rebate to first-time car buyers, which led the household debt percentage to skyrocket from 60.3% at the beginning of 2011 to 71.8% by the end of 2012. That program ultimately cost the government an estimated 91 billion baht." The correct wording would read, that the government had THB 91 billion less income; it did not cost them anything. And, like in real life, you have to ensure not to spend more than you earn. In clear language I see three brand-new B777 for Thai Airways, a bankrupt company which declared a profit of THB 10 billion while its 100% affiliate daughter Thai Smile clocked THB 20 billion loss and will be quietly disappearing from the skies of Thailand. All the while, the boys in uniform have sheer endless cash to splash on submarines, while forgetting the engines; I am sure that similar shopping lists are lying around with the air force and the army. The official Thailand has not an income but a spending problem - but that's what applies to the majority of its citizen as well. If only fully paid cars would circulate, if only fully paid up credit cards would be used and everything else would be downsized to level "paid", the problem would have never occurred but, yes, I know, it is not in the interest of industry, banking nor the state as only owned houses and cars (never mind if paid or not) generate excise, taxes and duties ????
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