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Everything posted by Sydebolle

  1. So the police is checking on the police - or am I getting something wrong here again?
  2. All the more proof that this country is run by complete morons. If I look at the gross misuse of alcohol, the complete disregard to alcohol-related laws as far as sales and consumption is concerned, this "legal case" is taking the biscuit. But yes, keep 'em silly and stupid, fine online comments but disregard the thousands of alcohol-related deaths yearly. Same with prostitution vs. Sutthisarn and Rajadapisek, Patpong or Patong, same as corruption and "no tips please". What a farçe and the next show of jokes is around the corner in less than three weeks when a new set of pigs will be invited to feast on the troughs so nicely kept filled by the uneducated, ill guided taxpayers and voters ....... PS: was that ruling handed down by one of those semi-divine judges who is entitled to rest and recreate in those villas in the National Parks near Chiang Mai .... just asking for a friend ????
  3. The foreign tourism numbers targeted by the government and economic planners this year ........ are generated by real genuine tourists. So, forget smoking the excellent weed in all your offices, stop to play your own trumpet and go out to find out, what actually has happened to the tourism product marketed as "Amazing Thailand". Since its conception of "Amazing Thailand" some 35 years have passed and literally EVERYTHING has changed. Rip Offs left, right and centre, two- and multi-tier pricing policies, visa policy not even understood by some of those semi-divine officers in all those immigration offices (some not even able to speak English .... in an immigration office!), the greed of the service providers, a policy of racism of unseen proportions with "alien", "dirty farang", "khaek", "Jeck" and many more. Back to basics and you're doing OK again, numbers say absolutely nothing as quality and quantity are still two different pairs of shoes!
  4. Well, how many days visa exemption does the US enjoy in North Korea, Bhutan or Mongolia for that matter. The tourism impact in the US might be slightly different to Thailand. Compare apples with apples or revisit Primary Grade 2 for clarification ????
  5. Leaving after 8 days to Vietnam (attending a wedding) and returning on the 10th day leaving 35 days. A single entry visa will be used at the next touch down in Thailand (i.e. for the first eight day stay) - you figure. Nothing to do with being "dumb" or "talking <deleted>", despite your uncalled-for accusations and wrong assumptions ;-)
  6. Interesting move, unclear intention though. An American friend from Nebraska wanted to spend a six-weeks summer vacation with his family of totally five here in Thailand. As things stand, he needs to apply for visas at USD 200/stamp which will add USD 1'000 on the trip costs which he is not willing to pay ........... your call!
  7. Some serious reshuffling of cards it up certain sleeves; get ready for a bumpy after-election period or "the outcry of the dinosaurs" ........... For once thy cannot stick that one on the alien's backs ???? The Titans are getting ready, let's see if verbally only ????
  8. The dinosaurs woke up in between and referred to "no booze on Songkran". Good luck with that one! I'm going to get popcorn to truly enjoy Thailand's latest law enforcement attempt - possibly some limited lining of pockets might take place - stay tuned ????
  9. Tell the air chief marshal to have a look at the royal air force fleet's movement on www.flightradar24.com - absolutely scary, what these clowns are doing with their toys. Among others you can see flights from Bangkok to Kamphaengsaen (that is in Nakorn Pathom), 11 minutes flight time, other movements from Don Meuang to Swampy and the pictured airbus A320 is an absolute luxurious plane, fitted by the best in Hamburg and in service for a very short time. Should the protectors of the sky need civilian services, then the three brand new B777 (HS-TTA, HS-TTB and HS-TTC) are absolute long-range birds in a three class concept so to accomodate the tired bottoms of all these goons in blue. In closing, Airbus is an European plane (with US components) and home based in the French city of Toulouse. Needless to say, how scary this is how they splurge unbelievable amounts of money for all the wrong causes yet the electorate says Zilch even if they know. The air force boys learnt fast from the navy with their little stint on the Chinese submarines without engines. Good luck it is not my money being spent on various "beneficiaries" (remember the Rolls Royce scandal on the "much more open" Thai Airways purchase - nothing ever happened thereafter).
  10. Blame on the hill tribes, like every year - as long as you do not <deleted> into the soup of the industrial agricultural big wigs. Driving from Bangkok to Chiang Mai a few weeks ago was proof enough, that along the entire stretch of +/- 500kms the fields were burning/burnt ...... yet I could not see a single hill tribe person. Either hill tribes are excellent in hiding, have ghosty abilities or the real culprits are sitting on the back seat of an air-conditioned chauffeur-driven limousine. Just wait and see what happens, if a Royal Thai Airforce is unable to land anywhere North outside Bangkok due to haze ...
  11. She had only known him for five days after meeting him on a dating app. There are also suggestions that money changed hands. Nothing to do with being half/half; it is - to my limited knowledge - called a soured up deal with a Hckooer.
  12. "Of the 444.3 billion baht spent in the past three years addressing COVID outbreaks, 260.2 billion baht (59%) was spent on medical services, which include screening, treatment and vaccinations." Thoughts: what happened with the tiny difference between 444.3 billion and 260.2 billion, or 184.1 billion Baht if each and every person in this country got treated free of charge on the expense of the tax payer, it results in THB 6,347, irrespective of gender, age, race or shoesize and, before I forget, does Anutin's private airport on his ranch in Khao Yai have a working instrument landing system in place Last question is, of course, not related to the coronaphobian merry-go-round 8-)
  13. Thais are the nicest people money can buy! Even understood so by the red brethren from the North; guess what will happen once the Lao-China Highspeed railway extension is operational into Bangkok ????
  14. Good luck with that one. Many property owners renting out their property to alien flatly refuse this bureaucratic-merry-go-round with ID card, house registration, shoe size and blood type. Those who entered Thailand by air do not even have a TM6 departure card portion anymore. What a farçe; some pass on the phone number of the property owner so the immigration can talk to them directly. Most important (provided the landlord provides all these copies) is, they have to sign with BLUE ink only. The TM6 arrival/departure card can be completed in either blue or black, praise the Lord for this allowance. A bloody joke all this is when knowing, that 60% (at least) of Thais do NOT reside at their registered address but rather somewhere upcountry ........... go figure what all this is about then!
  15. Now he is selling the retirees the fast monorail to the suburbs, so they can keep their hard earned savings .......... I must have read this wrong ????. Well, at least the headline is spot on with Anutin sucks
  16. Cannot be, Saksayan has been living off social welfare hand outs on a daily allowance of 284 Baht ....... and (many digit) change ????
  17. Does not really take much more than a lip service. But, given his happiness on the subject, he might focus to attend to the next irrelevant nuisance, the fantastic air quality in the Land. The Thailand map is accurate, 4 March 2023, whereas the Nong Khai reading was taken Wednesday earlierst morning, i.e. three days ago.
  18. Here we go with a visualization some ten minutes ago (Saturday, 4 March 2023 at 09h20 Thai time). So, for once they cannot blame it on the Khmer, Lao or Burmese ..........
  19. Given the presently lower temperatures it can be assumed, that the "90%" is more than just a conservative estimate. As long as the law is not enforced ...... In the past (and I am talking 30 - 40 years back), farmers would plough their fields, keep microorganism of the soil intact and the air breathable. Unless seriously stiff fines (six digits) on land owners are imposed and executed, nothing will happen. If the culprits (in their thousands) cannot cough up the fines, then confiscate the title deed and auction it off for social welfare and slap a juicy jail sentence of at least six months to get the message across. Go seriously public and within weeks you will have eliminated the Thai side of the burning and have set an example of how to keep your people out of the smoke. The money for 500 ridiculously less than those submarines without engines, so what on Earth are you waiting for? Ah, I forgot, the semi-divine Thais rather die a slow coughing death than possibly stepping onto the toes of the "phuyays". It might take a Royal Thai Airforce toy to crash-land in Chiang Mai or anywhere else due to the haze to re-inforce my point!
  20. How times have changed; anyone in the realm, say, 40 years ago, remembers when tourists were "invited" by a tout to a sleazy upstairs establishment. "No cover charge" for the Thai couple performing "obscene sexual acts" on a brightly lit stage back then. Difference to today is that the show as filmed recently was free of charge, no touts (except possibly some gold hunting katoeys) and no overpriced drinks were served. So the only point I can see is to arrest them as they possibly had no work permits for jobs, which are restricted to the semi-divines performing in Patpong, Nana Entertainment Plaza and those rip-off dungeons in Pattaya ........ But, to be sure, check with the Department of Labour as well as the Department of Immigration on the type of visa as well - just to be sure ???? Once that is cleared, check with the Ministry of Neaderthal headed by Gen.Sup.Com.Lt. Vishavartranam Kanotbeleaveitappans, also known by his nickname "Stoneage" - hurry up as he might be promoted to the country's biggest ministry, the Ministry of Inactive Posts and Unbelievable Jokes.
  21. Honet to God; do these people look across the border to see, what other countries are doing? Malaysia has (had?) a programme on five-years visa, first car tax-free, second car 50% tax, non-Malays can (could?) own ONE property, irrespective of room, condominium or house. The reason why that programme never really took of were those five-times-a-day "prayers" all over the land and, as there are plenty of such towers, people voted with their feet. Clean up your tremendously complicated immigration with all sorts of TM-forms from 1 - eternity. Grant one-year visas against presentation of a local health insurance and proof of means where a bank book updated on the day of application suffices. Charge THB 10'000/yearly for the visa which includes an automatic multiple re-entry, no TM30, no 90 days and no other funny ideas. Facilitate and streamline all those ridiculous forms. You can send at least 50% of the officers packing, do more online applications and you're getting there. Do not forget, the customer has the choice and Thailand is, the longer the more, in direct competition with other SEA nations, apart from African and Latin/South American alternatives ????
  22. So schizophrenics at the immigration results in "red cards" now? You could take the straight short cut and deport them at the first moment already. Here you take finger prints and the works - not as complicated as overly-correct Europe or the even worse USA with data protection - and Bob's your uncle.
  23. The taxpayer will be, once more again, delighted over the fact, that they finance pre-election vote-buying for the present set of circus directors. Wondering how long that can go on ......... you see, what kind of commercial havoc such subsidies can trigger off ........ If you cannot produce competitive rubber, then grow something else or study, how to become more efficient
  24. OK, and once the whining is over, let the Swiss go over the moon on chocolate, the Babylonians over beer and the Tamils over Kari (Curry). What a hopeless kindergarten; the Thais have been faking and cheating for decades on literally anything from garments, watches or entertainment (CDs) etc. and now they go apes"*ç%t over desserts? Most non-Southeast Asians will not touch the stuff anyhow for being too sweet and "interesting" taste. Or, possibly, it is a slow day at the news desk and the journalists just had to pull out a (boring) story!
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