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Everything posted by Sydebolle

  1. Well, look at Betong (no flights anylonger, despite two airports), the "new" airport of Chiang Rai or the excellent work performed on the runway extension of Mae Hong Son back in the day ........ your call!
  2. Still believe that rapists, pedophiles and drug dealers should be eliminated for good, in the interest of society and individual defenseless people. These years in jail = taxpayers expense; the death sentence would be the cheapest and absolute guarantee that this particular person never ever commits the crime!
  3. Honestly, who cares really? Does the UK have no other problems these days?
  4. Unless the Missus did not - by mistake of course - clean out the balance between was left after borrowing the daughter the 50 grand ......... or even asked the daughter to withdraw the 50 grand herself and return the ATM card (or phone) later on while forgetting to mention the remaining balance being transferred as well .......... As one comment said, unless you are fluent enough to understand the entire conversation, the Missus might have given out the bank details (possibly even in good faith) and now, due to a complete loss of face (and of lesser importance, the money) she has "forgotten" this tiny detail. I get spam calls almost daily and I answer all phone calls, even those where I do not know the caller's number (like courier delivery boys, new customers etc.). A spam caller is kindly requested to hold the line for me to finish quickly something else and then I just put the phone down, leave the connection open until the caller realized that (s)he has been taken for a ride. Some call a second time, the longest someone waited was a solid 48 minutes but usually those who I hanged out to dry do not call ever again. The bank can certainly tell you, how the balance got booked off the account; take it from there!
  5. After all these years, the Thai authorities and its gifted leadership still amazes me with what kind of ideas they are coming up with. Cables and ropes are not the solution of the self-inflicted issue and traffic jams. Such transport is used in rugged terrain, across rivers, up hills and mountains, across valleys etc. and nowhere used as mass transport. Latter would suggest ample parking for x-thousands of cars and a vehicle free city zone with buses roaming on fixed routes. Much cheaper and, except a huge car park, no other infrastructure. Since Switzerland is quoted, you might want to look at the holiday resort of Zermatt; vehicle free for ages. You MUST arrive by (public) train, bicycle or foot from Täsch, some eight kilometres further North. Zermatt is doing thriving business and, few and far exceptions, everyone else absolutely enjoys the fresh air without noise and people can roam anywhere by foot. The train runs 84 times daily and between midnight and early morning there is a service every hour to the hour. But yeah, putting such a bus service in place here in would not bring the expected cash shower for the selected few ............. In closing, we all know that after some seriously overpriced feasibility studies, the entire idea will disappear into thin air until another expert comes up with the splendid idea of proposing an underground train network ????
  6. Farsighted again - congratulations. Yet, as there is no prostitution due to its illegality, we can all stroll at ease along the beach but I like the farsightedness of the authorities. Exact fines are not revealed as they would be a matter of bargaining skills - or natural compensation in lieu? Anyhow irrelevant, as prostitution is illegal!
  7. Many years ago a wastewater officer was asked by a TV reporter, when and how long the wastewater plant would run - as the rotating drizzle arms (one of the last processes in water treatment) were standing still. The bloke answered honestly, that these rotating arms would only rotate when high VIPs would be arriving such as the PM (at the time, it was Anand Panyarachoon) but once he's gone, they would switch off the system until the next bigwig would show up. While this is 30 years ago, I am pretty sure that not much has changed ever since; except the TV screens which got flatter in the meantime ????
  8. Possibly news for Paetongtarn, the newest kid on the block. Your lovely Auntie, spending an extended holiday with your father since 2014, had already such devastating ideas. Auntie Yingluck promised, in a very populistic way to underline the most uneducated electorate, a salary increase from 200 Baht to 300 Baht and, guess what, she got elected (among other ideas of plundering state coffers at 15'000 Baht/ton of rice and 15'000 Baht minimum salary for university graduates). While politicians have funny ideas, it is the private industry to pay for it; same applies with the tremendous increase of "public holidays"; announced by the government which got standing ovations while the cranky looking industry had to follow. It curbs inflation (everybody was wondering, why i.e. the noodle soup skyrocketed from 25 to 60 Baht) and makes Thailand even less attractive; nobody gets staff at those minimum wages anymore (except those crooked Chinese with their mills and farms employing Burmese, Laotians and Cambodians which are all hired below the belt line, no permits, no insurance, no nothing).
  9. Welcome to the 21st century, or any century after year Zero for that matter ????
  10. Given the way they handle medicaments here I would assume, that your luck can be found in Lazada, Shopee or similar ????
  11. Grief over the fact, that he was from the right origin but did not make it in time for the award given to the 10th million tourist by Prayuth. Latter knew Friday evening already, that this award goes to a passenger disembarking on Gate 10 on Saturday morning ....... but some sporty fellow was faster than him ????
  12. There is more to this particular story. While the RPT is doing one of their world-famous "hunting" jobs the Cambodian story is incomplete, to say the least. On that note I also wonder, who pays for the outrageous bills for which the Bangkok -Pattaya Hospital is, meanwhile, known worldwide for? Irrespective of all, it is of course simply not acceptable to resort to torturing in any form and needs to be reprimanded with the full force of the law. Question remains, if the brown envelopes or the law prevails?
  13. Proof again of another ridiculous UN resolution, giving the geeks in New York yet another reason for a champagne reception; well attended by our African, Asian and Latino friends. Another proof that Prayuth still does not speak/read English, otherwise he would not make a fool out of himself.
  14. Flush the floor drains regularly (once a week?). It should ensure that the smell trap works; a brass/stainless steel bell mounted to the floor drain grill covering the drain pipe, whereas the floor pipe is a few millimetres higher than the bell rim. When "flooded" you have a water film outside the bell cover which keeps the smell ........ in the pipe. If the floor drain is connected to any other drain (wash basin, urinal etc.) and the bell overlapping the floor pipe is minimal, then it takes very little to eliminate that water film = it smells. Eventually you will have to change the floor drain, which usually comes in a set; keep floor drain diametre in mind when getting a new drain. The bigger the water film is between the bell rim and the drainage pipe, the better it works; good luck
  15. Well, well, the fortune tellers at work again. The circus knows now already, that tomorrow on a flight from Saudi Arabia the ten millionth tourist arrives. I query this irrelevant number (which serves to please the ignorants as a pre-election populistic statement) as I am shuttling back and forth across the Mekong from Nong Khai to Thanaleng. Some days the Thai immigration wants a TM6, some days not. Planeloads of aliens arriviing daily by air without any TM6 so how on Earth do they count the tourists. But as said, it is yet another smoke screen covering utter self-profiling incompetence; hotels remain below 10% occupancy; the long weekend (the private industry thanks for the ongoing increase of public holidays) hikes exempted.
  16. Thank you for your most valuable input; kindly read my post again, slowly at that and then you'll get what I was referring to ????
  17. Those 400 experts are planned to cover the government house only? Just asking for a friend ????
  18. File a "manslaughter attempt" and see, what happens. But, yes, it always depends on who exactly is on the gurney in the ambulance and until this endless selfishness of Thai drivers does not get re-educated away ......... As a cop, he should be fined dearly and then thrown off the force to set an example; trust me, it woud never ever happen again with a semi-divine representative of the RTP ????
  19. What is this ...... WHAT is this? Fined for parking the wrong way? The cops must have a field day at each and every 7/11 to start with; I never saw any country with such an inability to park a vehicle more or less right. See all those scooters blocking 90% of the space by absolute carelessness; be it in front of stores or restaurants. Just made my day with this contribution; thank you very much for it ????
  20. Keep Thailand safe from all those most dangerous alien fried chicken sellers; likewise lock up the dirty farang for overstaying 16 days ...... while you're at it. Punish them, drain all their belongings and kick 'em out of the Land of the semi-divine. Once you're done with the perfect clean-up job in the Land, take binoculars and look for the sweetheart of a grandson of Mr Red Bull. Ah, and you can call Associated Press in case you need directions; they found him on first attempt in London. I feel so much safer in the Land of Equality where some are more equal than others ????
  21. So Anutin (not Zarathustra) spoke .................. again and again and again and again! He is completely wrong in his illgotten assumption, that Covid-19 outbreaks are on a stark increase between 2am and 4am; likewise excessive drinking is more mind boggling between the aforementioned hours. Visiting tourists are mostly not motorized and use taxis and taxi-pickups, pillion ride on motorbikes, working people, most Thais and myself are in bed at that time anyway. It is about power, nothing but power as absolute power corrupts absolutely and this pristine example of a hard working man in the exclusive interest of land and people leaves nothing to the imagination. His statement of "maintaining balance in all dimensions"; a man with a private ranch and a private airport for his own personal use .......... puts all I learnt sofar into new light and dimensions ????
  22. I hint, that the Thai PM has not understood basics of democracy. The question is not what he wants. He might want to hint, if his electorate would like him to even stay around another day. This question, of course, is not asked as the underlings, minions and the zero-divine; they are told form birth onwards in no uncertain way not to hint about anything. Exception to this rule are lottery numbers, amulet trading as well as trapeering at fossied dinosaur vomit left-behinds ...........
  23. The Swiss had a rabies issue in the 70s in their forest and free roaming wolves. The answer was very simple and very cheap. They used (slaughtered) chicken heads and injected the drug into the head. The free roaming wild animals went for it and the area (Southwestern Switzerland) was rabies free within no time. But the 8'600 volunteers might be nothing but an employment programme; for sure it is more expensive and less effective but both were never criteria in this country!
  24. Thais are mostly brainwashed thoroughly, which explains their attitude to literally almost everything. Underwear is not hung at the same height as the rest of the laundry, Wednesday is "no hairdresser day" and after the constant and immense hammering of Covid, Covid and Covid again ....... no wonders there. I saw people in a hotel swimming pool wearing a (completely soaked) mask, most scooter drivers do not wear helmets but masks. Why is that? They don't know but as they have been brought up like sheep following the herd's ram .......... Not asking questions, no querying anything has put the country into today's position and if you insist on dancing on one leg to access a department store ....... you might be surprised, how many would follow suit. Either put on the mask, use a different branch or change the bank altogether. They don't care so do whatever suits you best!
  25. From where I come from it is called sarcasm; 36,829,499 million Baht though would be slightly more than 36 billion Baht but 36 trillion; in real money still 1 trillion USD. Of course not even the most gifted Thai politicians will achieve that which shows the worthiness of media articles - combined with the Thai understanding of numerals a devastating outlook. Whatever and how much is irrelevant; my comment was querying the professionalism of the article's editors ???? On that note - happy Father's Day to you too ????
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