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Everything posted by Sydebolle

  1. The thick brown manilla envelope arrived - praise the Lord!
  2. Aha, the sweetheart of public health did NOT want to stay in a quarantine hotel and threw a tantrum instead! The shoulder-rubbing with the Swiss ambassador, PR-hungry whenever she can, seemed to have borne fruit and she must have kissed the Swiss FM's whatever-side to let her trusted old friend to attend a conference, where - despite his hatred for caucasians and alcohol - he will be able to indulge in nice wines at affordable prices served by caucasian hospitality staff. Good luck and bon voyage .........
  3. Well, well, what do you know ...... Tell Taweesin and the clown-in-chief Prayuth that, before handing out little New Year's gifts they might want to get that Morh Prom up and running. Neither my Thai wife nor me (PR) could even get an OTP and the vaccination-administering hospitals failed as well. The provincial office of public health could not be asred either and told me to just forget it. So, in all fairness, what are these illiterate ignorants talking about New Year's gifts - which, by the way, are paid by the same tax payers like the failed Moh Prom carp!
  4. Well, if the experts of Thailand and the experts of Laos .......... Lets not go there; without any particularly strong reason just wait for February or March 2022 and then we will see ..........
  5. He was, is and most likely will stay a controversial pr1ck among the clownery in Bangkok. "(The) minister took direct aim at nightclubs, pubs, bars and karaoke for damaging the country." Well, guess what, 77 provinces with 77 different governing goons running their little countries at will. One country has no restrictions, others sell alcohol, some others require a vaccination upon entering while others could not care. The link between alcohol and any corona virus needs to be established. Unclear remains, why we all get vaccinated in a horrendous run-for-our-life just to find out, that PCR, antigen, quarantine and other funny little ideas are required at random - depending on moods, ignorance, arrogance or greed by the local bigwig. This minister is the problem and not all those dying businesses and craving customers!
  6. Wondering with what kind of dodgy passport the little sunshine is travelling around. By all accounts and his ongoing travelling all over the world his passport is either already expired or certainly filled with stamps and visas. Asking for a friend ????
  7. You are quite obviously not affected businesswise .......... then, of course, you can easily „let it go“!
  8. They approved Moderna TODAY? Give all those geeks at the health ministry and its self-confident bigwig a medal with the wish to keep up the good and very fast work .........
  9. What all those arrogant freakies in the government have not understood is, that you can command Thai people around at will whereas tourists will not adhere to such brainless bureaucratically overloaded b“*ç%hit. Foreign tourists, dirty farang and alien just go elsewhere and if these daydreamers at the tourism bureau and the relevant government agencies would stop poking noses and rather try to find out, why other destinations are doing more than fine - they might find out that Thailand is a touristic nightmare. But just wait and get ready for the Chinese avalanche, which will take over much more than just tourisic offerings - good luck!
  10. Blame it on those goons at the health ministry and the primus-inter-pares. Not available, now available at X Baht, now free and yes, we mix the vaccines like cocktails at Tiffany‘s. The health minister gets bounced off from enter Switzerland to attend a WHO meeting and now they are puzzled, why nobody believes these pr1cks? Really ?????
  11. A typical HiSo problem more ........ she is Thai and can read Thai (assumingly) hence did not make homework prior to going on a little shopping spree. USD 11K for a handbag - tidy sum but as long as some idiots pay for it and then get creamed at their home country‘s customs ....... love it!
  12. So CP fixed the food supply chain from A to Z, wholesale to retail and now is reaching out for the next business segment which prints money 24/7 in Thailand. Well, as long as everybody can toggle around on the mobile phone in stores, only disturbed by customers, then all is OK!
  13. Well, guess what. The poor fellow got suicided, all was an honest mistake and the whole lot of the police slime is being reposted to the Ministry of Inactive Posts for a while. In a year or two, back to work with a full re-instatement, backpayment of salaries and a promotion for all of them. Seen it before, will not change this time - unless of course the little Ferrari pr1ck does not fill the little brown manila envelopes with some of his illicit dew .......
  14. Somtam, Lakorn, Doughnuts and, if nothing works, invoke a new law as the boys at the parliament have been spinning out ever since 2014. So many laws to curtail Thais, lets go for the law Sipgao (19); non-vaccinated being thrown into the slammer for 50 years or fined 500 Baht - or both!
  15. I predict that this country is run by selfish crooks, completely off reality and heading full steam into an economic desaster - all selfmade by the gifted goons down in the parliament house. My predictions might be even more realistic than those daydreamers whose minds are completely off scale; I sometimes wonder what kind of excellent weed is smoked in some of those officers work places ...
  16. So let me get this right. Anutin did not go to Switzerland NOT because he was not vaccinated but because he did not want to go through the ordeal of the „dirty farang“ and the quarantine - despite being vaccinated. In other words, the tourism cirus director might want to listen in - it might explain, why all those dirty alien opt for Senegal, the Caribbean, most European and South American country where proof of vaccination suffices to enter their country. Nobody in his right mind gets vaccinated just to be skinned alive with crappy hotels and overinflated prices, cold food in plastic containers at prices you‘d find with a Michelin 10-star dining temple.
  17. Nobody in his right mind considers Thailand for a vacation as long as other countries offer more-common-sense approaches once it comes to PCRs, CoEs/Thaiand Passes, non-quarantine quarantine massively overpriced while served crappy cold food in plastic containers at equally inflated prices by staff dressed in transparent garbage bags ........
  18. Give the man a solid gold medal for his medical explanation and, WHO, please note, reprimand all countries selling firewaters to the fullest extend. Well done, keep up the good work!
  19. What a surprise; look at all the counterfeit deluge of branded products and honestly, I would not want to check all those generic medicines in Thailand being based on legally aquired formulas and copyright/tradmark protections ........ He might blame the next hickup in their Covid-19 issue on Pfizer as the bad, bad Pfizers would not part with the formula. Your call!
  20. „Thai Airways had reported profits but this was due to debt restructuring and asset sales - the reality was 21.4 billion in operational losses.“ This, combined with the net profit of THB 51 billion, which they officially declared, makes a loss of 72 billion Thai Baht which is a staggering USD 2.4 billion. Give these experts a medal, nobody ever achieved such a financial fiasco - well done boys, keep up the good work. Explains possibly, why everybody still waits for refunds which will never come ..........
  21. The thicker the envelope the petitions are file with, the fairer the chance of success ....... so make sure that the petitions are written in huge capital letters and dont forget to mention numbers as well ....
  22. What a load of bo11ocks. A loan from the government to the government? The petrol is being unorthodoxically taxed in most countries and Thailand is no exception to the rule. What the semi-divine government did is to reduce their take on petrol taxes. What people, anywhere, have to understand is, that the government does not earn, make, produce anything. If they give something, they took it away somewhere else, i.e. taxpayers money. In short, any handout is financed by another tax payer and not a lovely gift of the government nor the Prayuths, Prawits and consorts .......
  23. Ask Sweetiepie Anutin about his experience with mixing Chinese vaccines and a (usually not available third vaccination) booster by Astra-Zeneca in connection with his recent missing of a WHO conference in Geneva. He was denied entry by the authorities of a „dirty farang“ country, despite his good relations to the Swiss ambassador, who has been shoulder-rubbing in a more than embarrassing manner. Lets face it, Thailand is a failed state and this century will be the Chinese century. The earlier the local yodlers get to understand that, the better for all. And, in hindsight, it might not even be the worst solution of Khon Thai and their inability to get things right.
  24. Swimming and second (third or fourth) languages are taught at school = education ministry in charge. Latter not moving anything for decades as the status quo keeps the underlings at bay. Out of curiosity, what entrance pricing is there for government officials? I mean, Thais pay 10% of what the dirty farang are supposed to pay so I was wondering, what they charge dirty politicians?
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