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Everything posted by Sydebolle

  1. The katoeys defrocking Indian gold buntings again ......... ring Delhi and tell them to bring some new ideas - the gold theft is meanwhile definitely past glory!
  2. Well, if you run a public bus network with such coffins on wheels ......... no surprised there!
  3. Pull my left leg and it will ring "jingle bells"; the mayor "not familiar" and handing over passwords and the works? It's New Year in summer - it seems ????
  4. Yet another government executive fiddling around in the private industry. Never heard of such BS, in a civilized country there would never be such an issue; assuming that white plated bikes are, like cars, taxed and insured. Just some pr1cks on a self-profiling ego trip on the world-famous Thai-governmental merry-go-round
  5. We have laws, laws, laws, rules, regulations and prohibitions. Add such dogs onto the list - no such dogs to be kept as domestic pets. The owner is to be held responsible for all the damages and a juicy fine of 100K - 200K Baht; beneficiary an orphanage or a medical healthcare institute for the no-haves. It is time to clean up this failed state and it starts here and now!
  6. Pornpetch said nepotism, in government, is not morally wrong. So, what is the problem? The majority of voters still believe in lucky numbers of the three-headed chicken, luck in dinosaur vomit and the tons and tons of clay and stones worn as amulets ....... go figure! As long as the voter base is as it is - good luck to all of them.
  7. Khun Wanchai Singto is an absolute disgrace to Thailand, wildlife conservation and the Thai people. The photograph, showing how the wildlife conservation centre keeps macaques species-appropriate in a cage, explains it all. The "dirty farang" bashing in full swing. Wanchai is forgiven for his faux-pax as he is, most likely, infected with the "virus idioticus" which wipes out everything left (if there was ever anything to start with) in the patient's brain!
  8. Well, well, that did not take long then. Catrona-19 virus is roaming the Soil and gardens of Thailand, beware. Make sure the cats stay indoor during curfew and no food and drinks from midnight to 6 am - that's when Catrona-19 is most active. Just made my day; lets wait and see, what else they will have up their sleeves for us this week!
  9. A trip to the temple, ordained for three months, a nominal fine - file closed. Thailand's laws are good, the interpretation and execution though are a far cry from justice. The least, this driver should be screened for is voluntary manslaughter as, irrespective of the (to me unknown) situation, the pick-up driver needs to be in control of his vehicle at all times. Not being so (due to speeding or whatever other reason) does not get voided by honking. "Thailand’s roads (are) the ninth most deadly in the world." I suggest Thailand does not upgrade itself from second to ninth - you can witness on a daily basis, how irresponsible, incapable and unable many drivers are on the road. I am truly sorry for the husband who lost his wife in another "casualty" of Thailand's roads; for the latter a statistical addition, for him the end of the world ......... Thailand, how dare you?
  10. Lets wait and see, what is next. The dinosaurs are getting ready early for an all-out fight, it seems ..... Losers, whoever moves into the driver's seat, is oncemore again the voter whose vote will again depend on the printed paper with something like ""*ç"ç% hundred Baht". It really looks like the perpetual merry-go-round to me ????
  11. Samak ....... did not examine the deal carefully .......... What a joke, he knew perfectly well, how much can be creamed off that particular tart. Another highlight was his interview during the PM days when he wanted to stamp out a journalist on some questions he would have never had to ask when the same interview would have been done by Thai journalists ....... If this goes through without hinderance (like going bankrupt or transferred assets to third parties) then Thailand started to take the first step of a very very long journey to the 21st century in the right direction ????
  12. Not again ......... The girlie bars had to add "food", "snacks" etc. to their operating offerings as bars were not allowed to operate. Now the same bars will have to add "hotel", "guesthouse" etc. to their business module to sell the firewaters without upsetting Covid. Thinking of it I am sure that one or the other bar already has some accommodation to offer and likewise it gives the dead accommodation industry the opportunity to create a new business model. "A room with a view" is what we had already - go for "a room with a drink".
  13. A big glass of plain water on the bedside table - sorted!
  14. The boys in brown "think", it was the Russian, although the victim was gone for something like three weeks already. It is one out of many assumptions and should be dealt with accordingly. If it really was the Russian, I would check with the immigration first; chances would be, that he left the Kingdom already - after all he had an apparent advantage of three weeks. Irrespective of whatever happened - it is a terrible case and needs to be dealt with without further delay.
  15. No worries, the said party is well-known for uncontrollable but making lots of cash for the boys in uniform. Legal or illegal, the show always went on, so what are you really talking about? I phoned the operators on the island and you know what? They confirmed just serving kiddies syrup and lemon ice tea and everything else was just unjustified bad mouthing; after all such things would never happen in Thailääääännnnn ........
  16. The product costs 100 (input VAT of 7% included) and is collected by the vendor. The credit card commission is 2% = 2 (output VAT is 7%) or 0.14% of the product price. This is according to daily statements of my bank crediting credit card sales and hence of having sold 100 Baht I am getting 97.86 Baht as net credit. Difference is 2.14 Baht (2% of sales as commission and 7% VAT on commission - or 0.14% on the total sales)! I, in turn, have to pay 7% of my net earnings or some 6.86 Baht as my earning is not 100 Baht but 97.86 Baht only. At the end, the revenue department gets 6.86 Baht from my earnings and 0.14 Baht from the bank's (commission) earnings - simple as that!
  17. Considering the short time since legalization and having the product literally everywhere on the shelves is a first for Thailand. Yet, in all fairness, I wonder if all this is not a (pun intended) smoke screen for something else which is being passed behind this hashish-mania?
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