A trip to the temple, ordained for three months, a nominal fine - file closed. Thailand's laws are good, the interpretation and execution though are a far cry from justice.
The least, this driver should be screened for is voluntary manslaughter as, irrespective of the (to me unknown) situation, the pick-up driver needs to be in control of his vehicle at all times.
Not being so (due to speeding or whatever other reason) does not get voided by honking.
"Thailand’s roads (are) the ninth most deadly in the world." I suggest Thailand does not upgrade itself from second to ninth - you can witness on a daily basis, how irresponsible, incapable and unable many drivers are on the road.
I am truly sorry for the husband who lost his wife in another "casualty" of Thailand's roads; for the latter a statistical addition, for him the end of the world ......... Thailand, how dare you?