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Posts posted by floridaguy

  1. Can't a mod. delete this post querying this barbaric 'sport'?

    Sure you can find it on youtube or something. Hope this satisfies your macabre curiousity. Maybe after watching you will became an animal rights ranter yourself. I can only pray that your interest is a result of ignorance. Have you any idea what happens? The razor spurs etc? Google it.

    Understandable for poor cultures not to be able to consider animal welfare, but our job with our more fortunate backgrounds should be to educate, not encourage.

    Go and watch people box the sh#@t out of eachother. At least they had a choice and some rules designed to minimise injury.

    I love eating meat. I am happiest to do so when the animal has had a fair stay on the planet. My cockerals, pigs and cattle have a good life. I then dispatch of them quickly and eat them. In my work I have humanely euthanased many animals. I don't enjoy it.

    If this is a troll you got me.

    Got your ranter.

    I saw it going on a couple of weeks ago while shopping in the pet section of Chatuchak Market, way in the back. You really have to just keep going further and further back to the end. It is out in the open for all to watch.

    Barbaric or not, it is not illegal, and I will answer the OP's question without expressing my opinion about the practice. On another note, I love watching the UFC, where humans pulverize each other for sport. Regardless of how anyone else felt about that, since it is also not illegal, I would want someone to answer my question about where I could view a live event if I were to ask such a question.

    Dear Floridaguy,

    Barbaric or not? Really?

    Admire your open mind but suggest your argument flawed. If buying under-age children for sex were legal would you facilitate this with directions to obtain same. If it were legal would you tell someone how to do something you thought wrong? I doubt it. Humans pulverize eachother by choice as I pointed out in my earlier reply. I don't know what UFC is, but your 'loving' watching people pulverize themselves is a little disturbing to me. Many bad things are not illegal. Hope after seeing a cock-fight your opinion would become more learned.

    Yes really. I stated that I would not state my opinion, which you so belligerently did. I am very open minded. I live in a free country, where we can do as we please as long as it is legal. I don't condemn others and flame them just because they have a differing opinion as me, as you did. Some people, in fact millions, maybe billions of people on this planet consider eating meat as barbaric. So go kill something and justify it in your mind however you want. I don't judge. I give information, which is what TV is about.

    Now, your argument is flawed. As I stated, cock fighting is not illegal here, so I will give information about it. Buying underage sex is not legal, so I wouldn't divulge that information even if I knew it. As for giving information on what I think is wrong, again, you are using a poor example. I specifically stated that whether I agreed with the idea of cock fighting or not, I would give the info. I didn't say I agreed or didn't agree. Read my post again, get off you moral high horse, and stop projecting your morals and beliefs on others. As you state, "Hope after seeing a cock-fight your opinion would become more learned.", you are uniformed, since again, you didn't read my post. I DID see one at the Chatuchak Market, and I did NOT state my opinion one way or the other in my earlier post. So once again, you show your ignorance. Also, you are assuming that your opinion is learned, and anyone who doesn't share your opinion is not.

    And UFC is similar to muay thai and boxing.

    So anyway, back to the OP's question, yes, you can see them at various places I am told around Bangkok. Yes you can see it at Chatuchak Market. I don't know times or days.

  2. Can't a mod. delete this post querying this barbaric 'sport'?

    Sure you can find it on youtube or something. Hope this satisfies your macabre curiousity. Maybe after watching you will became an animal rights ranter yourself. I can only pray that your interest is a result of ignorance. Have you any idea what happens? The razor spurs etc? Google it.

    Understandable for poor cultures not to be able to consider animal welfare, but our job with our more fortunate backgrounds should be to educate, not encourage.

    Go and watch people box the sh#@t out of eachother. At least they had a choice and some rules designed to minimise injury.

    I love eating meat. I am happiest to do so when the animal has had a fair stay on the planet. My cockerals, pigs and cattle have a good life. I then dispatch of them quickly and eat them. In my work I have humanely euthanased many animals. I don't enjoy it.

    If this is a troll you got me.

    Got your ranter.

    I saw it going on a couple of weeks ago while shopping in the pet section of Chatuchak Market, way in the back. You really have to just keep going further and further back to the end. It is out in the open for all to watch.

    Barbaric or not, it is not illegal, and I will answer the OP's question without expressing my opinion about the practice. On another note, I love watching the UFC, where humans pulverize each other for sport. Regardless of how anyone else felt about that, since it is also not illegal, I would want someone to answer my question about where I could view a live event if I were to ask such a question.

  3. The Sak Yant is ink, the first one i got was lines accross the top part of my back and up the rear part of my neck (i believe it has something to do with the umbilical cord to Buddha??), the second one is two tigers in the middle of my back (which i believe is for strength and protection??), they were both done at Wat Bang Pra in Bangkok. i am not sure of the Ajarn's name or of the Yants required, i went there alone and as i dont speek Thai (yet) is was very hard to ask questions. i do try to follow the rules of Abstention in reguards to the Sakyant rules of Bang pra.

    i am a Farang (Australian) thaiboxer.

    so the incense is an offering to Buddha, are prayers usually said before lighting them?

    my knowledge in thai culture and Buddhism is low. but i have decided to look further into there beliefs. hence why i have come onto this forum.

    thankyou for your reply

    Its debatable as to whether these sak yants have anything to do with either Buddhism or Thai culture.

    To most normal Thais sak yants are seen as a sign of low class.

    Yes it is fashionable now for certain HiSo types to have them, nothing to do with religious beliefs more to do with a show of wealth.

    The most infamous master in Thailand now charges prices off the chart for most Thais, you may be lucky if he actually does the actual tattoo itself,

    more likely to be done by one of his staff and then blessed by him.

    If you head over to the Buddhism forum there is a pinned thread (tattoos) that deals with the above subject.

    The Thais I know who have these tattoos tell the the going rate is about 200 to 500 baht per tattoo, as oppossed to some people being charged 50,000 baht and

    upwards elsewhere.

    Some sak are out of the price range of most people, not just Thais. Ajarn Noo Ganpai who did Anjolina Jolie's charges over 10,000 USD for one now, and it is very hard to find him, since he travels the world doing these. I went to Wat Bang Phra in Nakon Pathom. There is no charge for the sak at any wat. It is up to you to make a donation to the temple, in the form of cigarettes, flowers, and incense that you purchase in front of the temple and place into the offering plate that the monk who will do the sak is at. You may place money in there, but it is more accepted to place gifts. Only private ajarns charge.

    As for the chants and the meanings of your sak OP, it is completely dependent on you. When you see the monk, normally he questions you and asks if you have anything specific that you need protection from, any specific sak you want. If not, he just makes the determination and does it. For example, the sak you mentioned, with horizontal script and a "pyramid" shape can offer protection from many things, such as spirits, weapons, disease, etc. It is impossible to know without having someone read it.

  4. Well, a couple of possibilities, but let's focus on what changed. I will assume that it didn't do this before the plugs were changed. If so, then it is probably a misfire. The low RPM's amplify the problem, until higher RPM's where it will seem to smooth out. The easiest check is swap plugs with a new plug of the OEM recommended type and see if the problem disappears. If not, check the plug cables, check ignition. Are the plugs seated correctly? Gapped correctly? Is the plug wire seated correctly? Are there any cracks in the plug wires? Any cracks in the ceramic of the plug? Is the plug wire properly seated on the ignition coil? Did anything fall into the cylinder when the plugs were changed? Some plugs require electric grease. Check the ignition coil, does it produce the required energy to drive your iridium plugs? Good battery connection? Good ground?

    Also, is it unrelated to the plugs? Balanced wheels? Tires properly inflated? Loose connections from the ground up to the handle bars?

    Good luck.

  5. I am happy to hear that they need a warrant. You don't let police in, whether you are guilty or not. Every lawyer in the world will tell you to keep your mouth shut and not talk to police if you are ever questioned about anything without an attorney present. It doesn't imply you are guilty, it just means you know your rights. They can and will use what you say against you. In this case, if you keep them out, you are not admitting guilt, and you are not obstructing justice. You just want them to follow the law, as in showing a warrant, just as they want you to follow the law, as in don't use pirated software. Seems fair to me.

  6. I know there is one on Petchburi, as it goes from Thonglor to On Nut. Problem is I don't remember where, and I don't think it is Petchburi anymore in that stretch. I think it is Phatanakan. Sorry, not very helpful. But, as any taxi driver. The 24 hour places are really for the taxis and limos. Who else would want a sudsy for their car in the middle of the night? biggrin.gif

  7. I think the copying is capitalism pure and simple. They say imitation is the purest form of flattery. I think your lady should buy up all the shops and just shuttle the girls back and forth between customers.

    Come to Kanchanaburi and look at the hundreds of disco rafts floating there doing absolutely f*** all.

    Years ago the guy who had the first one probably had a good year.

    Now every one is lucky to rent theirs out once or twice a month.

    No idea what the reason is, lack of imagination(copy copy copy), lack of opportunity, who knows :ermm:

    I hate those boats. They go from about 7 am until midnight. I rented a quiet little bungalow right on the river outside of town. Quiet for stretches of 20 minutes between boats. The music was so loud it shook the windows and mirrors in the room, and the bed. Wait, I think that was something else....:whistling:

    I will never do that again.

  8. Google gives you 10GB, Windows Live gives you 10gb, all for free.

    Thankyou all for your help(s).

    I've tried googling for google cloud, but only get a service for developers.

    Could you point me in the right direction?

    For both, you just need to sign up for one of the free email accounts. With Windows, get a email such as [email protected] or [email protected], etc. You automatically get 10gb on a Skydrive account for documents and photos.

    For Google, get [email protected] and you get Google Docs to upload, along with Picasa Web. You may need an invite to sign up. If you do, PM me your email and I can send you an invite.

  9. To answer your question floridaguy, he is certainly free to go to uni in the US; however, he has 2 choices after that in terms of working in Thailand.

    1. Return to Thailand after uni, do his 2 years and then apply for a job in Thailand.

    2. Work in the US after uni until the age of 30, return to Thailand and get his สด9 (miliatary exemption form) from the amphur where his tabien baan is. And then apply for a job in Thailand.

    This is all assuming he wants to work here and doesn't want to work on a work permit with his US passport.

    (He can in fact apply for an ID card from the embassy in the US; however, no employer will hire him without passing miliatary service or otherwise exempted)

    Thank you for the information. Much appreciated.

  10. He doesn't want to serve here either. He would rather join the US army. I tend to agree, at least on that point, but not on the whole military thing in general. If all goes as planned, he will be in the US at a university anyway. I don't know if he would get an "out" if he were to get a letter of summons from the Thai army to my house while he is out of the country getting an education.

    And BTW, I have not established his Thai citizenship yet. I was born here, but he was not, so he only has a US passport. I haven't even added him to my tabien baan yet, mainly for this question of military service.

    Playing the devils advocate here, but what would happen if the tables were turned and it was conscription in the US and not in Thailand, and imagine comments US citizens on TV would be making if you were discussing trying to dodge the US draft....:whistling:

    Pretty sure you would be hearing..."revoke his citizenship"...."coward"....."disloyal to the US" as some of the more polite comments.

    Not trying to dodge. Read, he isn't a Thai citizen yet, so therefore can't dodge. And so you have never tried to "dodge" paying alot of taxes, or a traffic ticket? This isn't about not being patriotic, it is about choosing my son's future, when and if I can. And since he has only been in Thailand 2 months, and has never been here before, and is not a Thai citizen, I wouldn't consider him as being a coward, disloyal, or deserving of a revocation of a citizenship he hasn't attained yet. Also, this isn't a "draft", it is compulsory military service, of a sorts. Also notice, I never said that he WOULDN'T serve if called up, I only would like to avoid it. I never asked how to pay someone off to avoid it, or do anything illegal, as many Thais do for their children. Being one of the few Thai citizens on here, and I am assuming your aren't, I would welcome any Thai person's comment on the subject of patriotism, but your comments are not relevant to the question posed. And being a US citizen as well, I wouldn't consider someone un-patriotic if they were avoiding, but not disregarding, a call to duty.

  11. There is also a section in the US policy that deals directly with American citizens serving in a foreign military. It used to be an offence that was punishable by revocation of your US citizenship, which is my main concern for my son, but this is no longer the case. It is fine as long as the foreign military you are serving in is in no direct conflict with the US military. I don't think Thailand will be opposing the US military in the near future, so no worries there.

  12. I would like to ask please, a Thai / farang child, once they reach the age of conscription - would they have to sign up if they are in Thailand? ( i guess so, but dont know for sure ) Or If they are living in the west, would they be sent call up papers? Or if they returned to Thailand at the age of 24/25 would they be expected to join. Is there an age when they no longer have to sign up. thanks

    I have these exact questions about my son. I am considering the implications of getting him his Thai ID card, he is 12 years old. I would rather he not serve in the Thai army.

    Why not ? he is Thai is he not ?.....maybe you should leave that decision for him once the time comes....

    He doesn't want to serve here either. He would rather join the US army. I tend to agree, at least on that point, but not on the whole military thing in general. If all goes as planned, he will be in the US at a university anyway. I don't know if he would get an "out" if he were to get a letter of summons from the Thai army to my house while he is out of the country getting an education.

    And BTW, I have not established his Thai citizenship yet. I was born here, but he was not, so he only has a US passport. I haven't even added him to my tabien baan yet, mainly for this question of military service.

  13. I am an American living now for 7 years in Thailand and if I wanted to hang out with a bunch of Americans, I know where I would go: America.

    Haha, that is funny, and true. I agree. We are a loud bunch aren't we? jap.gif

    I have been all around Thailand since living here, and the most Americans I ever saw were concentrated in Pattaya. Hence, I avoid Pattaya like the plague. blink.gif

  14. There is a definitely lacking respect for the environment here. Just eliminating the over use of plastic bags would be a start. If I order a meal at McDonalds, I get:

    1 bag for the drink

    1 bag for the fries or hash brown

    1 bag to put it all in

    Why do I need 3 bags? At 7-11, I always ask them not to put my things in a bag unless I really need it. I see plastic bags everywhere, in the streets, the rivers. There are empty plots of land around Bangkok that have accumulated thousands of little plastic bags that have floated in. It is horrible.

    At least it isn't this bad around here:


  15. I would like to ask please, a Thai / farang child, once they reach the age of conscription - would they have to sign up if they are in Thailand? ( i guess so, but dont know for sure ) Or If they are living in the west, would they be sent call up papers? Or if they returned to Thailand at the age of 24/25 would they be expected to join. Is there an age when they no longer have to sign up. thanks

    I have these exact questions about my son. I am considering the implications of getting him his Thai ID card, he is 12 years old. I would rather he not serve in the Thai army.

    Maybe I should post this question in the general topics forum, as I have not seen any good posts addressing this situation.

  16. I am enjoying this thread. Commonparlance has it all right. I grew up in the north of the US, and we didn't really use the term Yank or yankee. But then again we referred to the southerners as rednecks or hillbillies. The only time I ever heard it was when I moved to the south, and it was used jokingly (usually) in a derogatory way to refer to the Northerners. This throws back the American civil war, when the confederate south fought the north, and they referred to the northerners as Yankees. Don't refer to a southerner as a yank, they will mostly get annoyed or angry. I found it rather funny the first time I was referred to as a Yank here in Thailand. When I asked around, I never realized that the much of the rest of the world referred to all Americans as yanks. Funny.

    Now, if you really want to get obscure, are there any trolls or yuppers here?

  17. I had the same housekeeper for nearly 4 years. She came once a week and I paid her 200baht each time. I have a two bedroom, two bathroom, living room, and western kitchen sized apartment. On average she spent about 5 hours each time; dusting, sweeping, mopping the floors, cleaning the bathrooms, and straightening up the house. She didn't cook, do laundry or iron.

    FWIW: she seemed more than happy with the arrangement (or I’m sure she’da just stopped showing up for work). She’d probably still work for me if her father hadn't died forcing her to go back home and care for her nearly blind mother with cataracts. I do indeed miss her!

    Good, stand up thai person, honest as the day is long. Once I misplaced (as in stupidly lost) 5000 baht. After tearing the house apart a couple times looking for it, I wrote it off, but mentioned it to the house keeper when she showed up. Low & behold when I returned home later that afternoon, there was the 5000 baht sitting on the coffee table! She’d found it for me in about 5 minutes. I tried to give her a 1000 baht as a reward but she wouldn't take it. I finally ended up secretly putting it in her pocketbook when she was busy cleaning.

    While it's technically against the law to hire burmese workers, several foreign friends of mine kinda share the same burmese housekeeper. They said she's about 300baht a week and comes twice a week; doing their laundry, washing dirty dishes, cleaning etc.

    Many times you can go to a foreign frequented hotel and ask the housekeeping staff if anyone 'moon-lights' as a house cleaner, many of them do.

    I personally wouldn't pay anyone; thai, laotian, burmese, cambodian, (or insert your S/E asian nationality here) over 500 baht a week. I wouldn’t pay that kinda money even IF they came twice a week, did my laundry, cooked, cleaned, and everything. The cost of good labor here is dirt cheap, especially as the 'official' minimum wage in Bangkok (which BTW is the highest in the entire country) is only 206 baht a DAY for 10+ hours!

    It makes very little sense to pay more than the 'going rate' a thai in the same socio-economic niche would pay for a similar service. You're highly unlikely to get any better quality of work by paying more money.

    I know the foreigners who pay their maids crazy money will vehemently disagree, but that’s my experience in visiting people who have high priced maids; seeing the condition of their place versus the condition of mine.

    Your mileage can and in all likelihood will vary. .. ;)

    This is incorrect. Thai labor law specifically states that a working day is 8 hours, and anything over that is overtime. Also, a working week is 40 hours, anything over that is overtime. That is the law, but many do not follow it, and specifically tell their staff what the working times/hours/days are, and that the pay agreed to already includes overtime. This really to skirt the law.

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