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Posts posted by floridaguy

  1. Well if she is not present, how would she sign the green book and the transfer paper?

    Sure it could all be done before and what assurances do you have it was indeed that person who signed?

    That is what the POA/bill of sale is for.

    As for assurance, the amount of assurance you want in any transaction is up to the individual. Honestly, the only people that I ever speak to that insist on these things, name in book is the actual seller you are dealing with and they accompany you to the DLT, it is only the foreigners. I have spoken to plenty of Thais who buy, some on a regular basis, and they just don't do it. But, I understand the wish to be careful, because if any problems arise, it is usually easier for a Thai to deal with it than a foreigner, as the system often seems stacked against you.

  2. Hey Jimbob, looks like all is working out well, at least until you see the bike first hand, haha. I hope it is in top shape for you. And I hope all else goes well, I would hate to see your first transaction in Thailand put a bad taste in your mouth, as you can see it has for some of our members. The interpretation and enforcement of laws and rules in Thailand is so varied, that what has always been a very smooth process for me, may always be a source of pain for others.

    If you need more help, post or PM me.

    And get as much riding in as soon as you can, the floods are coming..........or wait, the government guarantees no flooding this year, so there can't be any flooding this year, right?

  3. I have purchased 3 big bikes in Thailand in the last couple of years where all previous owners were Thai, the seller had NOT transferred the books into their name, and all transfers into my name went smooth at the DLT. People don't do the transfer because for a bike like the one in question it will cost 2000-3000 baht to transfer. There is no reason to automatically not consider these kinds of deals.

    You bought the bikes from a Thai dealer, the dealers never put the bikes in their name but they have POA and signed ID + house book from the owner, and usually don't pay the owner until they sell the bike.

    About the OP deal.

    Probably stolen, don't buy it, if not stolen it will be an illegal import with a fake book, it'll never be yours cos the paperwork is iffy. The other game is foreigner buys bike in Thai gfs name (that makes it her property), they break up, he steals her bike then tries to sell it as his ......... stolen from his ex-gf.

    You shouldn't be registering a vehicle in someone else's name anyway, easy to do it properly in your own name, even if you are staying in a hotel on a tourist visa.

    I did NOT buy these bikes from a dealer. I bought each one from an individual. Don't assume.

    All the smaller dealers will let you think they are private sellers, how would YOU know the difference, they have POA for the real owners.

    Well I would know because I have been to their houses. Why don't we let this point go.

  4. The seller has sent an email saying this ....

    the bike is in a thailadies name and i have all the necessary papers.around a month ago i went to my insurance [ which also for a fee changes the book in your name.i used this service already ]and showed them all to confirm that i have it.yes,i do.they deal with that every day,so they know.the same goes for you.you take the papers and in korat you change the book in your or your wifes name.when you come here we can go there together to assure you.100% no problem

    Would it be unreasonable to say I would like to ...

    1. Have Green Book in sellers name before anything ...( still in Thai lady's name for now now )

    2. Go to Phuket DLT with the seller and wife and get the book in her name... and leave with book...

    3. Take the bike to Korat and register for plates there ...

    Am I being too simplistic here ??


    No you been smart.

    The Thai ladies name could be genuine, however from past experience i had, it usually is not.

    If it is indeed in Thai ladies name, she should be present with her ID.

    The only problem is you do not know because can not read what the name is in the book and the girl present. The problems i encountered a few times, those taking the paperwork sometimes do not even check themselves, just make the copies and pass it on.

    If i were you, i would insist on making a small deposit, no more than 2000-3000 baht and paying the rest once bike is in your name.

    You can even agree to let him keep it until then or store it somewhere.

    I think better be safe and may be loose 2000 baht, then sorry and loose 200 000

    The Thai lady does NOT need to be present. As long as her Thai ID card has not expired, which you can see on the photo copy of her ID card, and you have a copy of the ID card and house registry and the POA, then the transfer will be fine.

    Don't trust his own insurance company. Just a word of caution. I have also in the past used my insurance company to transfer books into my name. They are the ones with connections that can make things happen by paying small bribes, but this is HIS insurance company, not yours. They will not be doing the transfer for you, and they may say anything he asks them to say. He seems to not want to transfer into his name. This is pure laziness on his part. This is your first sale, you want to be cautious (understandably), so I would recommend you insist he transfers it into his name first if he wants to make the sale. If he won't then there must be a reason, other than laziness. He could do it simply by taking all his papers and the bike to his insurance company and they would take care of all of it for him and have it back in a few days as long as the bike is registered in his province. It only takes a week or 2 if it is registered out of the province, since they would ship the green book to the province where it is registered for verification before sending it back.

    If he doesn't do the transfer, then it is up to you to decide if you want to proceed with the deal. There is a small chance that all the fears of the previous posters are true, that it is stolen or fake or a junk bike. Transferring green books into a new owner's name clears all this up and puts the responsibility of certifying that it isn't stolen or fake on the DLT. They are good at what they do, and are thorough enough to spot a fake or stolen bike.

    Hope this helps.

    BTW, there are plenty of 750cc bikes up your way if you pass on this deal. Korat has a huge biker community and one of the bigger bike weeks in Thailand. I see many for sale in your province and also in Bangkok, which would only be a 5 or 6 hour drive from Korat.

  5. I have purchased 3 big bikes in Thailand in the last couple of years where all previous owners were Thai, the seller had NOT transferred the books into their name, and all transfers into my name went smooth at the DLT. People don't do the transfer because for a bike like the one in question it will cost 2000-3000 baht to transfer. There is no reason to automatically not consider these kinds of deals.

    You bought the bikes from a Thai dealer, the dealers never put the bikes in their name but they have POA and signed ID + house book from the owner, and usually don't pay the owner until they sell the bike.

    About the OP deal.

    Probably stolen, don't buy it, if not stolen it will be an illegal import with a fake book, it'll never be yours cos the paperwork is iffy. The other game is foreigner buys bike in Thai gfs name (that makes it her property), they break up, he steals her bike then tries to sell it as his ......... stolen from his ex-gf.

    You shouldn't be registering a vehicle in someone else's name anyway, easy to do it properly in your own name, even if you are staying in a hotel on a tourist visa.

    I did NOT buy these bikes from a dealer. I bought each one from an individual. Don't assume.

  6. How is the bike "obviously stolen" and the deal dodgy? OP doesn't state who owned it previously but everyone assumes it was a foreigner. OP doesn't state what the seller says he has for docs. Maybe he has all the required docs. I agree I wouldn't just transfer the money, the OP seems smart enough not to do that.

    I have purchased 3 big bikes in Thailand in the last couple of years where all previous owners were Thai, the seller had NOT transferred the books into their name, and all transfers into my name went smooth at the DLT. People don't do the transfer because for a bike like the one in question it will cost 2000-3000 baht to transfer. There is no reason to automatically not consider these kinds of deals.

    If you insist he transfer the book to his name first, he may ask you to pay the fees. Ask him to add it to the agreed sale price. It will take him 1-2 weeks to get it done so keep that in mind. If he asks for a deposit for the bike or asks you to pay for the transfer into his name before you buy, pass on the deal. He should have done this already himself. There are plenty of other bikes.

    • Like 1
  7. I have tried Sygic and Tom Tom and Garmin always routes better because the local Thai maps are made by ERSI here in Thailand, not by Garmin. I am sometimes amazed at the detail. For example, the symbols of banks and stores match the actual signs out front of the store. So a 7-11 on the map shows the actual 7-11 symbol. Also, it has some POI's that are not even completed, but have begun construction. The new condo/shopping complex on Ratchada in Bangkok, and the new mall Terminal 21, were both on the Garmin map even before they were completed. Also, those other maps are not updated as often as the Thai map, which is released every April.

    • Like 1
  8. BTW, all helmet shields are made of 100% polycarbonate. All poly materials filter 100% UVA and UVB. This is not a coating or additive. It is inherent in the material. It also doesn't matter if it is clear or any other color or if any other coating is added to it or not. Also, it never wears off. In contrast, all other plastics the UV filter is a liquid bath that the lens is exposed to for several minutes. It will always wear out eventually, although it can be retreated, but this also strips off most of any other tint on the lens and they would need to be re-tinted. So if you buy a pair of cheap sunglasses that claim 100% UV filter, that is at the time of manufacture, and by the time you buy it, it actually may be under 90% and then over the course of a year, the effectiveness can drop below 50%. The really cheap ones are worse, because the UV filter is a coating on the front surface of the lens, and wears out even faster. Glass lenses that are UV treated will last for many years.

    I used to be a licensed optician in another life in the US.

    Aren't some mask shields also made of acrylic?

    Acrylic doesn't impart the same impact resistance of poly. Poly is the material used for all applications where impact resistance is needed, with glass being an exception. Bullet proof "glass" is actually made of poly most of the time.

    Any other material on a face shield or safety application is not as safe.

  9. ^ interesting info. From personal experience I don't think it's 100% but it must be pretty close.

    I could feel the sun on my face in the evening of a day of riding the mountains around Nan recently, first time this happened. That's why I don't think it's 100%. But I know what walking around at high altitude in full sunlight in Thailand would do to my skin if there was no UV blocking - I'd look like a lobster. My face says it's about 95% UV block.

    The heat you feel isn't all UV, there are also infrared and other wavelengths that come through that cause heat.

  10. I was gonna wire a charge socket onto my bike the standard cig lighter type ,but the two port USB sounds a better idea was it already to wire into the bike our did you modify it

    Wonder if this will work


    Sure if you want to spend 1000-1500 baht to have it shipped here. I spent 150 and it is still working great, even after being exposed to rain that went right into the USB port! Haha

    I forgot that some people does not have the luxury of frequent travel, family and friends in many countries wink.png

    Would not be surprised to find a similar or same over at fortune or pantip.

    BTW has anyone tried the Garmin app? I have downloaded it but am currently traveling so have not had a chance to try it out.

    Even without shipping and duties it is 1000 baht.

    As for the app, I use it several times a week on my motorcycle and find it quite good. Even on edge, when I lose my 3G, it still can give me audible turn by turn directions in a timely manner. The spoken street names does not work very well, it trips up on Thai names. It is very accurate with the new Thai maps, 3D buildings are occasionally useful, and Junction View works great in Bangkok. My Garmin nuvi 3790 will not display Junction View since it is a US model, but both are identicle for directions, speed of route planning, etc. I have put the same destination into both my phone and the nuvi and placed them side by side in my truck, and they look and perform identical.

    Some complaints, time is Central US, so time of destination is incorrect and there is no way to correct it for Thailand time. Also, there is no way to import/export POI's or Favorites from

  11. I was gonna wire a charge socket onto my bike the standard cig lighter type ,but the two port USB sounds a better idea was it already to wire into the bike our did you modify it

    Wonder if this will work


    Sure if you want to spend 1000-1500 baht to have it shipped here. I spent 150 and it is still working great, even after being exposed to rain that went right into the USB port! Haha

  12. BTW, all helmet shields are made of 100% polycarbonate. All poly materials filter 100% UVA and UVB. This is not a coating or additive. It is inherent in the material. It also doesn't matter if it is clear or any other color or if any other coating is added to it or not. Also, it never wears off. In contrast, all other plastics the UV filter is a liquid bath that the lens is exposed to for several minutes. It will always wear out eventually, although it can be retreated, but this also strips off most of any other tint on the lens and they would need to be re-tinted. So if you buy a pair of cheap sunglasses that claim 100% UV filter, that is at the time of manufacture, and by the time you buy it, it actually may be under 90% and then over the course of a year, the effectiveness can drop below 50%. The really cheap ones are worse, because the UV filter is a coating on the front surface of the lens, and wears out even faster. Glass lenses that are UV treated will last for many years.

    I used to be a licensed optician in another life in the US.

    • Like 1
  13. I also looked for something similar. Some of the safety equipment stores carry them. These stores sell safety shoes, safety vests, safety goggles. There are many around Bangkok and around areas with factories. I also bought a couple of orange safety vests and cut the stitching on the reflective material sewn into them and used that to sew into one of my jackets.

  14. I do not like to go to places that employ a double pricing system.

    In the US, particularly Michigan and Florida, there was dual pricing there too. So, I guess it doesn't bother me much here. But then again, I always get the Thai price here. The difference is here, it is Thai or Tourist pricing. There, it was resident or non-resident pricing.

  15. Yesterday I was stopped 3 times in less than 15 minutes. I have been noticing more and more police stops, but now they are almost daily, and in the same locations and always targeting motorbikes. I usually just ride around the cops if I know I am doing nothing wrong, but they are getting more aggressive about blocking the way. Yesterday, I was stopped for getting over too early to make the u-turn right at my soi. He told me he recognized my bike and I should know better. 100 baht. So I proceed and make the u-turn and going back the other way, the cops on the other side of the road of the SAME location stopped me. I was telling them all I just got stopped on the other side as I was pulling over. I argued with the cop I have talked to before. He has pulled me over now twice and never ticketed me or asked for money. He just keeps checking my plate and registration and my motorbike license to make sure it is in order. They let me go, no fine.

    10 minutes later I get to a stop location and the cops locked arms in front of my bike! Said I was too far over from the left - I was riding the white line. 100 baht

    So, I guess if you travel the following locations by motorbike, be aware there are almost daily stops here and they are doing their best not to let anyone pass by on a bike if they want you to pull over. Sukhumvit just before and/or after BTS On Nut I see them just about daily. Rama 4 near Bangkok University in front of Big C several times a week.

    They seem to be mostly targeting motorbikes of all sizes.

  16. Yep, you've got a sticky float.

    A full strip down and clean shouldn't cost more than 200Baht

    Just make sure you turn the tap to it's 'off' position until the cab is cleaned.

    Might be worth taking the picture below of which i have just highlighted the float and float valve for you.

    It's the float valve that's sticking, bent / incorrectly adjusted that’s causing your problem


    Sometimes the float needle gets a groove worn around the cone and this can also cause the fuel to keep filling and overflowing the float bowl. For any of these problems, you should see a mess and smell the petrol. If you have no mess/petrol smell, maybe someone just siphoned your petrol out the tank!

    I was thinking the same thing, maybe you have a thief around. I had a stuck float also just last month. Leaked gas like crazy while the key was on, but as soon as I shut the key off, the fuel pump stops pumping, and the leak stopped. So even with a leak carb, it shouldn't leak much just sitting without the key on.

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