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Posts posted by prk888

  1. Can anyone confirm if Phoenix Golf Course been bought by Shinawatra family? Is the planned resort to accomodate and focus on Korean golf tours? If so maybe it's time to start investing in and around that locale, So ................. Interesting replies anticipated,

  2. i am a very safisfied patient of BPH (except for the extraordinarily high pharmacy prices of course) and I accept that private healthcare worldwide is expensive. It seems i am going to have to be be 'regular' hospital visitor for some while so i wonder if there are equally good and perhaps less expensive alternatives. The treatment is likely to be chemo.

    Let me ask ........... if you have been under Pattaya International how would you rate it on a scale of 1:10 (10 being the very best). I realise every case/situation/problem/person/doctor is different but a general overall grading of the hospital & its facilities would be much appreciated. Thanks

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  3. I NOTICE that one IrRiTaTiNgLy, pontIFicatingly incessant (TO me any-WAY) thaiVISA POSTER with thousands OF posts TO his/HER name now USES capital letters for an increasing number OF WORDS in A post, SUCH words i ASSUME he/SHE perceives TO be IMPORTANT, stressed AND therefore need to BE in CAPITAL letters. Used MORE AND now. Why IS that? Is it THE AIR here? ANY expla-NATIONS, enlighTENment or suggestions MOST welcome.

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  4. pm me please. IN UK we'd say it's sods law! Today i put high quality (Brown Farm) stuff at Coliingbournes Auction House for this saturday. High-chair (cost me B8K); swing cot (B2K); baby sling (B1K) ; stair safety gate (B4K); collapsible pram (B5K). I could always get them back before this saturday auction if needs be. So PM me for my cell number and/or contact address.

  5. I had same problem. Numchai (nice people) do not do repairs on small products and told me to take mine to a shop in the soi on the left [west] after Pattaya Nua traffic lights and before Bankok Pattaya Hospital. The shop is on the left about half way down. Small shop with Electrolux sign over the shop so drive slowly and keep eyes peeled! It may be a throwaway society but a B5,000 vacuum cleaner only a few years old is worth repairing in my view

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