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Posts posted by prk888

  1. I was always a strong supporter of the excellent-value-for-money Tiffany show. Sadly after last night's visit that's changed - see below

    Mimosa - clearly hurting financially as at November 2014

    Far fewer performers (30 absolute maximum).

    Fewer fancy costumes just basic outfits

    Longer segments = less costume changes

    National segment themed dancing (e.g. Thai, Indian, Chinese, Spanish)

    Basic musical backing to these

    Simple stage settings

    Very poor water/lighting shows

    No more Michael Jackson !!

    Dozens of shops empty

    Many more coach parties with clients who seem to buy nothing.

    Currently I would not pay even B150 to see this entertainment

    Effective 2015

    No more discount cards for free entry

    Pay B150 for entry. The Tiffany show is included in this fee

    Farang without Thai partner is B600 entry (aimed at Russians maybe)

    Restaurants can get you in free if you eat there but youd have to pay the B150 for the show

  2. The charming, fit, fun-loving Swiss gentleman who serviced my 2 antique clocks for many years here in Pattaya suddenly and sadly passed away recently. Missed by me and his many Pattaya friends - RIP

    Does anyone know of a horologist who might be able to fill his shoes for me? thanks

  3. the owner has found the local goat cheese supplier and now does a nice warm goat's cheese salad

    Yes Mr Feline it's still my local and seems always doing good business now ............ and I still wont post photos. Go and find out for yourself

  4. I've noticed that since Mobi's thread ceased (me being a regular follower of that as I have posted earlier) I find myself just randomly browsing TV again with no real incentive to open too many threads. If the Title tittilates then and only then I may open. Nothing to focus on I suppose. What say you?

    Maybe Raro's new café thread will capture the imagination and fill the gap - some contentious posts so far and it's early days.

  5. the TV stats show that in just over 5.5 months there were about 58,000 views of this thread. That's over 10,000 every month. Some sort or record I wonder? Will another thread ever match those stats I also wonder?

    I used to regularly view to keep abreast of the happenings of Mobi and team way out there - it became my Eastenders, Cheers, Friends or whatever (or should that be East-siders?) and was disappointed when I missed an episode.

    So what in your opinion made this thread so appealing to follow?

    Cant go without wishing Mr Mobi the very best of health and luck and of course .............. THANKS

    • Like 1
  6. just enjoyed what I (as a Brit) considered to be a great meal of chilli con carne (a large bag at B80) from Fon's Foods ...... yes the homemade pie and home made curry lady ................... on Soi 5/1 on left/south side of Theppasist going west towards the sea.

    BTW - she's also just started taste testing her home made lasagne too.

  7. if you M.Feline had read the thread and referred to #87 I stated I have no commercial interest at all in this Bistro. It's simply a good 'local' for me as is Aroi. No reason for me to post any photos of venue or meals therefore.

    If you want to see then I suggest you go visit and then you can make the pic posts because as you say "..... a 1000 words"

    Had to use the Oxford dictionary to understand 'spruiking' and now see it's antipodean slang for speaking in public or showmanship. Not quite erudite but hey ho, that's antipodeans for you.

  8. to be fair once or twice I've not been sure who I should see for advice on a health matter at BPH and to date have never been charged for that initial 'chat' by a Dr who has then referred me onwards and upwards

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