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Posts posted by onni4me

  1. Thais overspending and in debt. It aint on necessities. Their addiction to luxury goods and the credit to get the items "in their face at Malls and in the media" is irresistible.

    Might be some truth in this but generally I see people trying to do their best. Thailand has jumped direct from the rice fields to the mobile era, perhaps too quickly, and therefore people have invested heavily into the needs of modern days. They have bought new cars to be able to go to work and they have bought a house to live in. I see nothing worng with this.

    What has failed them is the backwards system of schooling and education along with the everchanging governments clinging into the past and making sure that the interests of the rich are not threatened in any way.

    People of Thailand don't have the luxury of free and professional schooling system and neither they have social welfare system providing them the necessities when they fall on hard times. It could be the death of a spouse or falling sick that would collapse their economy.

    People who like to have the prejudice to judge Thais and generalizing are the worst. You do exactly the same as rich Thais. It is always the fault of people who were not given a chance to begin with. They were not born with wealth. had little chance for education. No social welfare. One could think that given the circumstances they are true survivors.

    When someone speaks bad of these people, it is no different than in the West someone preaching that anyone can be anything if they just decide so. I strongly disagree. Without any backup from society and no access to funds dreaming of better days remains the only option.

  2. It will be interesting to see where this woman is in 5 years from now.

    She will have to become a hermit because every relative down to the 22nd removed cousin and anyone with a nose bleed or chest cold will be trying to contact her.

    Everyone within 50 km of her poor village will be making a crusade to the great woman. She will be expected to solve everyones financial problems expecially loan shark debts.

    Depends on her own choices. I live in the dreaded Isaan where according to all ThaiVisa know-it-alls a Farang is always the walking ATM and robbed blind and beggars and relatives making beelines to meet, greet and borrow from him. And the poor sod is never asked if he likes it or not.

    I, on the other hand, have observed some Thais here being very frugal, hard-working and sensible with their monies. Exceptions exist but they are not the norm. When it comes to relatives, I would like to point out that this being Thailand the most common reply you get from a Thai is: Up to him/her referring what and how they want to spend their money. Normally, I would say that a Thai and foreigner are not forced out of their wealth. Normally it is voluntary choice. A fool and his money are easily departed.

    I also don't see the need to put down the BIB. They do sometimes okay work. I have had few issues in the past and in my experience they were doing their best. When an official police report or statement is signed and proven, the lady is more secure with her assets.

    Hope she gets some proper financial advice from professionals.

  3. C. Seems that certain kind of people form a 'hang-them-high' brigade not having all the facts. And since this is LOS I would wait and see how things develop. He has been named and shamed and announced guilty without any verdict. I suppose this is how you folks like it when it hits you too some day?

    ....................."I suppose this is how you folks like it when it hits you too some day?"............................

    Whoa !!! Please don't assume that everybody is into paying/not paying young boys/men for sex and it is only a matter of time before "those folks" get busted.

    It sounds to me like you are defending this guy with just a little too much gusto.

    Going by his past record, I don't think this is a case of him being in the wrong place at the wrong time either. thumbsup.gif

    It is always nice to notice how some peoples brains work. I did try to suggest that someone hit with similar way of "justice" - naming, shaming and judging him - before a proper investigation and trial - is not fair neither is it a sign of justice. It is bad practice, simple as that, to jump to conclusions.

    I was also not referring just to pedophiles. Any accusations against anyone should be dealt with the right procedure, guilty or not guilty. Otherwise we will have a wild west and no order or justice.

    I detest anyone taking the role of the investigator or court if they are not working in such profession. Same applies to pedophiles. But I still want them as accused to have the chance to defend themselves in the court of law. Same applies to any person accused. Let's not pretend to be know-it-all.

  4. Few things happened to me:

    - My car jack with tools was stolen in brand service along with car ashtray. Complained when noticed, no reaction.

    - Bought brand new pickup and asked if the wheels were balanced and aligned. They said they did already. Brand service station. Later felt that not everything was 100% and when taking it to XXXXX km service asked them to do the check again. They answered they don't have the wheel alignment machine (<deleted>?). Took it to another garage that did with the result that one wheel had been so badly worn out on one side that I had to buy a new one. Dangerous and unforgivable service that I paid for. Took the wheel to the boss of that brand shop as a gift. Slammed it direct to his desk with compliments.

    - Seen a mechanic making a 'check and service' opening the hood looking the engine and closing the hood. Service done.

    And lots of other times that made me feel desperate. It doesn't seem to be the thing for Thais to take pride in their work. It doesn't make any difference whether it is a so called quality brand place or a village garage. Actually, the best motorbike mechanic I know is in a small village. He worked in Australia and after making enough money retired here with few little businesses. Hands on man and can explain me everything in fluent English. There is now a local garage that they have done good job so far. I say so far since I would never trust the status quo to stay the same.

    Due to all my disappointments, I have been looking into how to service cars and read about various things in net. I have never been interested in cars except being a good transport from A to B. Since moving here, I have had to understand how various things work and so on. Normally they don't stock spare parts, sometimes not even air filters or similar exchangeable things. So, one has to prepare with right parts and so on before entering any garage. BTW, your problems with leaking might have something to do with not having the right part. I had once a problem with Volvo and the part was supposed to be right one but eventually it had some very minor difference so it didn't work right. To know the exact right part one needs to check the serial number of the part. As far as I know, if it works, it doesn't matter if it's used or not.

    So, my advice is to know about ones motor. Otherwise here in LOS anything might go wrong. And myself I really don't like to get involved with car service and maintenance but here I must do so.

  5. A. Pedophile is interested only in very young children so the title is misleading.

    B. His male lover made a video to blackmail him and probably take his assets if he is somehow connected to his business endeavors. The whole thing smells to high heaven. It is okay to prostitute and blackmail, right?

    C. Seems that certain kind of people form a 'hang-them-high' brigade not having all the facts. And since this is LOS I would wait and see how things develop. He has been named and shamed and announced guilty without any verdict. I suppose this is how you folks like it when it hits you too some day?

    I see all this as something planned. Since he had his male lover "taking evidence" for blackmail, I wouldn't be surprised to know that same guy tempered with his computer too.

    Shame on you people taking the role of the court.

  6. Ah! Dealing with Thais when it comes to selling or buying land...brings loads of memories. Not happy ones. Seems whenever there is land issue there will be stress, fraud or some try to benefit in not-so-nice way.

    Years ago when I was looking for a plot to build on, we went around for months looking suitable place. I found few that looked very nice and prices were not above my reach. The problem was that either there was something wrong with the Chanote or ownership or the plot was owned by several family(?) members. I was asked sometimes cash advance to pay for the paperwork and I simply said that I am okay to pay for that but only after the paperwork has been done and dusted. In other cases the relatives seemed never to come to conclusion what price to sell or even if they wanted to sell or not.

    Then I stumbled accidentally to a spot that had 5 Rais for sale and the owner living in Bangkok at the time desperately needed cash so we came to an agreement and met at the land office. Land was divided in two deeds and the other Chanote was been processed at the land register at that time. We made an agreement that the seller signed to have the right to get that paper from the office. Other than that the whole proceedings were quite straight forward.

    Actually, coming back to this situation, it is possible to make a binding pre-contract when handing over the deposit. In that agreement the sum and other details are mentioned with a due date so both parties are forced to obey what has been agreed. In case the buyer refuses to pay the full amount at the due date, the seller just keeps the deposit and that's that.

    I would strongly advice against paying anything in advance. Your best offer is to meet at the land office with the cash money and hand it over when the papers have been signed. Also, you need a copy of the Chanote to see who is the actual owner/s and check what kind of other - if any - tenures the land has. If this is not happening I would be looking elsewhere.

    And when it comes to that, you are looking a place to stay longer and live so pick your choice carefully. Any bad feelings to start with the neighbors is not what you are really looking for. There are plenty of places to choose from and I would probably take my time and do it when I would be there myself. Also, this doing-yourself-attitude could give an advantage regarding your Thai family. I am not trying Thai bashing but in my experience it is better in the long run to show who is in charge. And that I have learned from the Thai males or females that are the bosses of their families. It just isn't the Thai way to allow someone be The Number One. It is either you or someone else. And believe me that if you give up and allow to be that number two, it will cause problems in the long run. I, myself, am not the leader type - at all - but I have learned that it is best to do the things the way I want since it will cause less problems in the future. Any other way will make your head ache one day.

    For some reason, perhaps so many tossers being around, Thais consider most Farangs to be weak and try to walk allover us. Funnily enough, I am selling a plot of land (partners name, of course) to a neighbor and the discussion has been very Thai. The last word, however, was mine so when the agreement on the price and everything was done and dusted their eyes turned to me and I was asked whether everything that has been agreed is fine by me and I nodded. I'd like to know how many foreigners in this country get this far in respect...

  7. because they're on the land you're renting legally.

    No, he isn't. He has no paperwork so the land owner could one day call the police to throw him out of the property. Actually, we don't even know who owns the property...and since no papers have been done, how and to whom is the rent paid to? More questions than answers. I would not agree to anything this vague...

    The gullibility and feeling of entitlement of some never seizes to amaze me...

  8. I find it funny all the comments about you have to put up with it......They are taking the piss and you, (and girlfriend) are letting them. I live in a small Thai village and understand how it works, (to a point) what's happening at your rented house is not acceptable, even in a Thai village, and these cheeky gits know it!

    Fully agree with the above. I live in rural village and without my permission they would never come to do anything on our family land. I have allowed them to cut some grass or collect it when cutting it down for animal feed (helps me to get rid of it). Years ago when we built the house some came wondering around our land and in no uncertain ways I told to my Thai family to tell them to stay away and I would ask them to visit if I would like to see anyone. It's been 5 years now and still no-one wondering around.

    The landlords are close friends of the family so there is no contract or paperwork of any sort.


    So you rented and no paperwork = no rights whatsoever

    And it's your GF / wife that has agreed to this arrangement?

    I suggest you run. You are a fool and they are normally departed with their cash. Even in my own country I would not be gullible enough to "rent" something without any paper. The rent could be minimal for tax purposes but such document gives me rights. Rights to stay and use of land.

    Loo another place. you are not respected at all. You are been used. I would also consider looking a new love since the one you have seems not to be interested protecting you or your rights. As far as I know it could be her land that we are talking about since you have not seen any papers...

  9. I was bidding once for a foreclosed property and you can sometimes make a lower offer than the actual asking price and the bank committee will have their say. It's a slow and bureaucratic process but worth a try.

    In my case the former owners son made a bigger offer. Offers are made in sealed envelopes. In this case the offer was significantly higher than the asking price.

  10. Cheating a woman out of a fixed price for sex (however absurd the price might have been) should be treated as rape, imho.

    There's quite a few Farangs here that promise a Thai lady a rose garden for sex, like a house which in fact still belongs to their Farang parents or a bank. Those should be also treated as "conmen" and forced to keep their promises.

    Feel free to ask me what I think of "occultism" when it comes to Western economics.

    Seems that it's all about price here...selling their virtue as some sort of currency seems to be acceptable. I consider it to be prostitution that I really see as something I can't condone. You can turn the table and ask whether or not the guy testing the 'waters' saw the 'product' as low quality and not worthwhile his efforts?

    If a woman's claim of insufficient pay would be enough to be charged for a rape, that would open very interesting future for the lawyers and courts. I thought it was illegal here in LOS but I see that almost everyone here don't see anything wrong braking the law...

    And when it comes to promises, what does the lady bring in to the bargaining table? And how about all the Thai guys making eternal promises of love and caring? Should they be excluded?

    This discussion seems to see all trade between sexes as merely a commodity trade. Interesting in a way, that is.

    I suggest all you knights on white horse to go and rush for the rescue of these damsels in distress and see if that helps.

  11. Okay, have you heard the story of the Australian man in Thailand ? He talked to a Thai lady and told her that he would take her to Australia, and he paid for a few drinks and food for her. He said that sex between the two of them would greatly improve the chances of him taking her to Australia, so the lady went ahead with various sexual acts with him.

    A. Lady was a silly cow. Keep your legs crossed before getting married. I wouldn't want someone who would fall to such a stupid request.

    B. 'Greatly improve' does not count for 100% certainty.

    C. The lady was thinking of gaining something for this "trade" so was she completely innocent? I would say that the decent types of Thai ladies do not jump into bed thinking that will open the gates of heaven for them.

    D. I do not endorse such actions but it was not rape so maybe morally wrong but not criminal per se.

  12. he was just about to savour the golden phallic fruit of his desire

    That made me almost puke thinking about...er...the French with their bananas...

    Anyway, banana is not a fruit as such. Closest plant in the same family would be basil. And it's not a tree, more of a grass plant. Very big one. tongue.png

    Just wondering how much he is going to pay for his CCTV set? Does he have any common sense, at all? I suggest he could buy a dog. I have one and no-one is willing to come near it or the bananas...

  13. Well, if even in best hotels in Bangkok one gets something that he has strongly tried to avoid due to an allergy issue than there is no hope...it is downright dangerous when one can't eat - let's say - crab meat or any other seafood and asks if they are very sure there is no sauce or anything in it with crab or similar and with innocent eyes they tell you there isn't and you believe them...just finding yourself choking few minutes later...

    For this reason as dull as it sounds I carry around my own water kettle with tea and coffee and tend to prefer salad bars and buffets. When at home I cook myself so I know what I have in the plate. Most little food shops just are plain unhealthy. Sugar, MSG, cheap ingridients and all kinds of fats added.

    Back to the OP...German sausages I would have eaten but no French Fries or that noodle thing and eaten less at lunch. Otherwise it doesn't look too bad...

  14. If I remember correct one had to earn enough to be able to deduct the tax from income, right?

    I suppose for the right people this was a doable plan and they had some benefit. The tax as far as I understood varied depending the model and so on and in just few models they could get that maximum of 100 K.

    I myself am against government involvement when it's about putting people into different positions. And to start with, those who can and need a car will buy one. Issuing car debt to people who can't afford it is dangerous and ridiculous just making poor people's lives riddled with debt...but this is of course a way to slave them from here to eternity.

    How was it in Godfather movie? Finance is a gun and politics is to know when to pull the trigger...poor victims of idiotic schemes.

  15. Yeah...instead of experiencing multiple locations for 12 days or so I will buy a package to see one location.

    I think that they are utterly in denial.

    I have heard bad stories using Thai travel agencies. I used one years ago when they had cheaper tickets to my regular destination than the airline could provide (?) but that ended when one day they felt that they had been charging me too little and asked for 70% more than normal.

    They should learn how many times you can cheat the customer or provide bad service. The answer is two times. The first and the last.

  16. Seems to me that OP says that he wants to help people from the goodness of his heart but still wants being thanked and some level of gratification from his good deeds.

    If you insist paying people's medicine or lunches then it should be your free choice without expectations.

    I don't do charity or give anything for free. Have my own family to consider and the MIL is carrying the food to the local temple already so I consider that's enough donations.

  17. Limits put based on appearance, skin color etc. are not a way to determine whether or not a person is motivated, intelligent or capable. Not to mention that sometimes people do decisions that are not the wisest possible but are willing to make changes and learn to become better and get an education.

    But I forgot...we are in LOS where it's all about appearances and face, nothing to do with IQ. It is more important than ever to keep the masses in their place without a chance to better their lives. The enormous pressure coming from the emerging middle class to reform the system of education and other aspects of Thai system are met with the fiercest opposition from the have-it-all. Historically this kind of situation has never ended well.

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