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Everything posted by david555

  1. I am availble if any appointment ring me at let say 1 hour before , just in case i need to do last days things as today at KK cancelling one of my 2 Accounts ( quite an expieriance KK system to do that...????..) 0933424730 Location Theprasit area
  2. It is 220/240 v....3 pins ,no Thai pins
  3. yes it is still there , same as the other low priced items for kitchen use which i thought would go first ....strange ...???? The Tefal sandwich maker is a set with plates , Panini maker (can also used as croque monsieur) waffle , and those Asian pancakes .... but beware it is a heavy sandwich maker this set is 2690 grams or 2,690 kilo ...... the reason i don't like to put in lugage , while i liked to use it , costed me in Baan & Beyond 3600 Baht , as i like such a appliance to be able to take plates out to clean . More Tefal plates available , but at a price from around 800 Thb , ..... yes Tefal is the (Expensive ) name
  4. 1 point of not understanding in this sale ..... seeing in air friar topics so much praising the system given recipes and more ..... and when i bring a brand new one on the sale then not one reaction , even when the price is almost the same as that ersatz Otto mini air friar "thing" 1000 thb, ?, or is it because i got it as a free gift when i bought that expensive Samsung fridge ...???? I never used it , even when i was curious to expermenting with it , but knowing it would take the new value away ....for eventual buyers ....or what a 800 Otto thing price difference can make for some ....against a full size airfriar for 1000 bht ???? A bit frustrating to try understand .....but yeah ....this is Pattaya folks .....topic for researchers i know ....????
  5. UPDATE #6 MY BIG FRIDGE BECAME SOLD FOR A VERY FAIR OFFER .... THANKS . (I can advise you this Samsung fridge as it works silent and accurate , just in case you go look for a new fridge , consider this model , it exist also in a minor size & an even bigger size ???? ) Now my most difficult sale , my European built in kitchen is in serious negotiation ???? and only left now the coffee table ,1000 bht ,and the set of 2 round side tables for 600 Th.baht together, all bought at Index , and not forgetting my bedside tables and chrome and velvet lights (pricing on the picture ) come on make an offer , don,t let me go hiking way to Swampy next week .....????
  6. we all can know who go win next election ......as always .....but " the forces "not letting them governing.....
  7. Today Buddha helped me i guess ....????. My White Index Leather sofa became sold.....Jomtien Farangs seems still to have money to spend on quality ???? ????
  8. UPDATE #5..... SAMSUNG 40 INCH ALSO SOLD WITH 3D BRACKET now only waiting for buyer for Index leather sofa , Samsung inverter fridge , European kitchen...????
  9. I dont know ,but is at those dates on month that crowds have being in the past ....and most times it is at last moment the gov. Extend it I am not on it
  10. Reminding your ordeal... I try to play safe from getting them handlers to make burst open my bags next 1 Sept flight home as both checked lugage ones ....
  11. Try to avoid the dates of those covid extension expiering dates...as most times would be many people there i guess
  12. NOT LETTING YOU DICTATE TO HIM!...LOL Same for us customers lol ...????
  13. Oh dont you do that anymore in U.K....?.As i see so much traditional old habits in Westminster opening ...????????... ( bad joke ...i know ...but couldnt resist ????)
  14. But still you were surprised and pocket overtaken ...???? But anyway you enjoyed it ...and avoided the security boys and hospital...???????? QR saved you...????
  15. Just voting with my feet.....not agreed with the one side ruling ...but just be a sheep and accept everything ...and one day you shall also not be agreed with whatever thing new ... No one go keep me away from my cash part, and i also use digital online banking , but i CHOOSE WHAT I USE ,that is the freedom i like ...to have a choise ...or else i choose where i spend my money in my way...thats the final thing
  16. A bit more control on your bar spending would have avoided that ????
  17. Strange that always the new things must become the main thing while trying to put the old working stuff to the dust bin ... Those old system users have nothing against the new things ....just dont force it to us to use it ....let that our own descision...each at their own choice .... As that looks like dictorial command
  18. Just let the freedom to the customer to choose ....our freedoms get cut moment by moment ...... Isn' t there not a 4th amendment for that paying option ?????...no ? O.K. time to make one ????
  19. Vote with your feet ....direction exit door
  21. You might think so ???? ....but i am not a guy who steps on 1 night ice .. .this is a result of 3 years planning ..... If only Thailand would be as my first 7 years ...there would be no leaving after almost 14 years .....????
  22. Wow....my leaving brings more inquiries than my sales objects ....???????? Wel not planned to come back ; might for as a tourist max. 3 months ...why 3 months ...wel because in such a system i can enjoy full insurrance from my home country for max 3 months included med.repatriation for my country yearly medical insurrance contribution of that gigantic 86 Euros ????....but for this i may not be a resident permanent for the visiting country... this at my normal contribution yearly for 86 euro in my nanny E.U. country .????....but not planning Th. Special.return... Would maybe more interested in Carribean islands under French gov. As they have almost same conditions for long stay ret. If would not feel home anymore in home country...but this only for E.U. citizens as i am one ....same 1650 Euro sending in on local island bank (as Thai system ...i used the 800K in bank system.....and by those Frenchies free to spend immidiate and after 3 years even not obligated anymore ....yeah bad E.U. some thought ... ???????? This just as u suggested the case i would / might/ maybe consider different than Thailand stay or my home stay ...but constant living Thailand is excluded
  23. UPDATE #3...HDMI SMART SAMSUNG SOLD TODAY NOW ONLY THE 40 inch for sale leftover
  24. Thanks... Leaving not out of dramatic reasons after 14 years ..., long time planned , never planned to stay Thailand forever..., first 7 years where wonderful ..., original plan was partly Stay Th. And partly my nanny E.U. state ..., but seeying Thais not beeing respected in theirvoting and so not the same happy ones anymore and so changing the LOS feeling , on top of it came Covid which let me see that such could would and probably can rehearse in other pandemic with again disruptions in coming and going .....i am lucky no hooks or anchors like others have to leave at wish ( kept relations on a very short rope....so no drama creating for me or other ones...) Short said no immigration problems or financial reasons and sure not blaming the common Thai ..., but original planning disrupted .... "Thai atmosphere changed too much " That's it ???? About lamps ...what about this ...NOT FOR SALE ONE......go in my lugage the copper body .....as Thai post lady categorize it as Electronic ..and so not allowed to send by post out of Thailand ...( understanding this gov. Rules becoming hoples ????)
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