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Everything posted by david555

  1. Might be because you don't like the Happy ending ....?
  2. All party's needed each-other , MFP could not do anything without PT , and as PT is not against the Royal H. and MFP blocked themself with a Vote winning 112 ....but impossible to realize this next decade .... So PT was the "kingmaker"... and for a price .... And the military could not loose Face (we all know how Thais are touchy for that ) to reverse the kangaroo verdicts for Thaksin and Yingluck (next one to be aranged .....) they found this setting , as best solution and in progress now . Politics .... you know same as in all country's (This just my personal view on it )
  3. Sorry guy's the funny Gif seems to be removed ???? by the ....X.... probably on demand of " the frustrated Anti -T frustrated gang " .......nevertheless the Anti-Thaksin gang knows they go bite the dust anyway ????..... on high level planned , decided , and just in waiting days, weeks ....month's for now ????
  4. Look what happened when with mouse hoovering over all this posts ????
  5. Maybe this link can get you the information needed . You can see X Country to - X Country by search window https://www.oecd.org/tax/automatic-exchange/country-by-country-exchange-relationships.htm And on this Country listing Thailand shows only 2023 but furt5her nothing as many other country's show some V marked . Yes Thailand was dragging longtime his feet on it , that is why OECD was pushing them .....with little result and maybe many excuses on it .... see this link the result (many links on this OECD site for whatever you are vsearching ..... (beyond my knowledge is not deep to it ....) https://www.oecd.org/tax/automatic-exchange/crs-implementation-and-assistance/crs-by-jurisdiction/#d.en.345489
  6. nothing wrong with his posts ..... freedom off speech ... And i can laugh with them too .
  7. not me.....! ,it was addressed to onemorefarang as you could see ....if you "would "see ????
  8. And better stick to it ...... as i dont see U.K. accepting the Euro instead of the Pound ???? It is " done and dusted " ..... best to keep it so as it is now !
  9. "who previously led pro-monarchy protests against former PM Thaksin " Of course !.....???? no further comment needed
  10. Just a fact , no justice prosecution case ....a fact
  11. I think it depends if one is pardoned .....or got/ demanded amnesty in the proven case of General Prayut ????
  12. A good post from you ???? Prayt had the Tanks ........ Thaksin has the money , the political backup ,the connections, the brains , and ......the love of a big % of the population , that gave him the opportunity's now .......
  13. She is rumoured to now be in London. Yingluck has become the chairwoman and legal representative of Shantou International Container Terminals Ltd since 12 ... https://www.google.be/url?sa=t&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=web&cd=&ved=2ahUKEwjHtryJgvSAAxWEafEDHbhGAf8QFnoECBUQAQ&url=https%3A%2F%2Fen.wikipedia.org%2Fwiki%2FYingluck_Shinawatra&usg=AOvVaw1YY1VM59-YRMx-5lZICuoj&opi=89978449
  14. O.K. show me the accusation by a court in such mass killing
  15. I would not be surprised ????........however not to quick in time ....unless the present Pm would become sick or steps down in example 6 or more month's time And of course only after a pardon ????
  16. The military influenced kangaroo court made some cases on him ...... but i did not see any about a mass murder .....
  17. Yes ! i am sure , so best is to all Anti -T commentators just to swallow it ????.....it is decided on high levels ....political & some other i guess
  18. General Prayut made a coup ousting an elected PM.... Thaksin , a coup is punishable by dead sentence ...... he went straight to the Palace asking for Amnesty ...... did not have to waited for 2 years Just to compare ...... and yes i know many anti -Thaksin don't like to hear that ....????
  19. Or you can see it as repairing an injustice done by a military coup (punishable by death sentence normally ...)???? of an elected prime minister and followed by a military influenced kangaroo court prosecuting.... So by this doings ,...those " culprits" saving their faces now.....????
  20. Same i was responding to a comment about Thaksin (yours) That Singapore could be by the best , but i never had the opportunity to be there as moderate person ,and i only like direct flights to Thailand ...... i guess it is also nicer than many European and G.B. airports , anyway at that time T gave Thailand a nice arrival airport face ????
  21. my point was only to show any slight thing can make an airport closing flights ....... And still i like Swampy as one of the nicest airports on world ...... build of course under Thaksin gov. BTW you mentioned it in a Thaksin topic yourself.....????
  22. This reminds me only 1 drone made U.K.'s airport #1 closing for hours flights ......????.......just comparing in case you would be a Brit ????
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