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Everything posted by david555

  1. So about taking photocopy of our passport .....we could also then take a picture of the exchange boot person if asked as.... to our defense =....you take copy my i.d. i do not know what you could do with it ( danger of I,D theft ).... so that is why i like to have an I.D. info of person who has a copy of my Passport 😊 I think then they would not be so eager to ask a copy ....some yes.... many not ! if refused go to other exchange boot 😏
  2. you are ok , as i also would do it as it is a short walk to the beach for me , that time however they let me que in full covid 45 minutes , that is why i asked it and why i iknow it is not strict punishable Every body can do what he like with it I was surprised the I.O. admitted that it was not real enforced
  3. I can confirm that I have always followed that Jomtien immigration guideline, but during the covid period I still had to queue outside in a crowd for 45 minutes, unlike normal, just walk in, hand in the doc. and go back outside without waiting, regardless of whether others were being treated! That is why I literally asked the I.O. ( that friendly Indian Thai I.O) what the punishment / consequence / fine would be if I had not done that ...... Clearly surprised and bored he admitted that there was no fine or punishment or consequence regarding this, but that it is meant to help us that we would not act unwisely or forget to keep the obligation to keep the 400,000 in full ..... friendly explanation but a bit of a weak defense, because of course 3 months you have to have 800,000 Baht back in full on the account for the new extension later So DR jack54 is right .... no forced to do in real The final controle is by your new extention later if the 800 000 rule was followed in full
  4. 35.03 Thb now at TTexchange ...for 1 Euro ...! How low can you go ?😪
  5. some reason for the money decline worldwide ? https://www.amsterdamgold.com/charts
  6. 35,96 Thb for 1 Euro say Google just now 12'17 (E.U. Time) 😔
  7. 36,15 Thb. to Euro say Google just now (E.U. time 13'17 h. ) Yep situation getting worse
  8. call you all lucky in Thailand.... as in my E.U. country by deposit cash money on bank account must show invoice , starting from 2900 Euro deposit.....CRS (OECD ) controls !!, and Thailand is now active in this from 2022 after trying delay for so many years ...
  9. "Thailand is going to drown in red tape if it continues along this road. " Thailand is acting under CRS rules/reports now ....
  10. On condition you are under a I.O. office that accept the combo method. I just gave it as a extra possibility solution for those on narrow limit , or does not like to keep full 800K on a Thai bank as if not really needing it can be anyway under yor own control I myself kept the complete 800K in full on bank all time as i considered it as a eventuality reserve fund ...
  11. you could live for 7 month's on half (400 000) of that money ,.... on condition to fill up by the dates for renewing your extension , meaning that you need to transfer or deposit the missing 400000 Thb in time . I guess (hope for them ...) that a person living in Thailand as a expat has at least some money by month coming in on his account in home country
  12. "Hydrogen won't be a source of energy, only a means of storage." same for electric cars , why else they need a battery to store their electric energy ☺️
  13. of course ...., i only mentioned that it need to come from abroad . Only sometimes example Wise use wrong label and you need to ask your bank for a credit advise doc., as else your I.O. could refuse the transfer as non foreign transfer
  14. Example why taking the cash to Thailand yourself : A) get a Non o in home country following the requirements proof of value on Home country bank of 800K B) as you do not have a Thai bank yet , you can not transfer by bank C) you need Non O visa for opening Bank in Thailand , so you take it cash to Th. following customs procedures D) Once in Thailand with the Non O open Th bank account and deposit the 800 K E) after 2 months money on bank you can start the extension that is why it is possible to make a foreign Cash transfer by flight , unless you like flying 2 times up and down to make first flight for opening Th. bank account and so transferring by bank to Thai account
  15. This would be the form of Thai customs they gave you after declaring the ,money brought in on airport, i have an original in PDF but this site does not accept PDF attachments
  16. Of course they have to check deep or just on surface , but it is possible to do , IF following the rules with proof .... But i took the example that you would be living in Thailand , not traveling with those 400 K to home country , because that would be a hassle And in your home country you could have the same hassle PS : you should followed the custom officer when he went counting the money by machine !!
  17. Not sure , as reports are that in case money already "some time" on account no questions asked , probably they know so it is your own money , and NOT from an agent account ... As also you could bring it cash in foreign money in to Thailand and report it to Suvharnaboum customs red channel , and of course you also reported it in home country Customs with a declaration form as proof .
  18. I got my second KK account ( one KK i had already for my Non o 800K ) with a support letter i asked from desk 8 at jomtien 11 years ago (cost just a " fee 500 baht)
  19. Not sure about that (?), as when using the 800K om Thai bank , you can take up to 400 k after 3 months after getting your ext. but theoretically you could kept those 400 K max. under your pillow head 😉.... safe for in case you " could " die to let to "darling wife/ girlfriend " 😁....until next extension filling them up to 800K For those on the monthly transfers they need proof it comes from abroad transfer
  20. you are right for peanuts money , but just calculate if bringing / transferring 800k for ext. reason .....! and mostly the monthly transfer guy,s take it already as sharp as possible ....., so could face a surprise now with your example of 1250 you do not reach the 65000 baht any more in dollar or GBP or euro
  21. more plunging for the euro..... 36,93 Thb say's google just now for 1 euro those on the monthly transfers for your visa extensions .... check if your exchange rate sum is still enough , as I.O. has no pity if a single baht short ...
  22. 37.07 Thb only for 1 euro ....say's Google just now .... Thb keep rising.... Those on monthly transfers for their extension be aware for the correct exchange adaption ,as I.O. have no mercy if you are some baht short
  23. Thai immigration is the first / best placed in line who can report / confirm if we are 180 days a year residing in Thailand and so taxable or not ..... pure logic , as they are the best informed about or presence in Thailand , including partly also for our finances If we like it or not ....
  24. No sad at all ,i just mentioned the controle ,not accusing you of anithing wrong doing
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