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Posts posted by jaideedave

  1. 1 hour ago, hotchilli said:

    And still mugged... the robber seldom checks if it's fake before dropping you.

    Good point, I was in Shanghai and Bejing walking the local streets near my hotel to have a look around when I started to feel uneasy. I also had issues getting it insured. 30 years ago we used to wear the 500 baht copies around the bars all over Pattaya and never got so much as a second glance.  For that amount I probably wouldn't have put up much resistance. 

  2. 47 minutes ago, Dcheech said:

    Clarity, what a concept. Reading the OP three times, I still not sure I am following the hoop jumps, backward hoop jumps, sideways hoop jumps while balancing on one foot. However, after all that I do feel positive no one in a position of authority was responsible for this unfortunate event, in reality, more a misunderstanding. Isn't that what it is all about?



    I think its called "word salad" intentionally to confuse. I actually bought a Rolex Submariner back when I was working.The dealer shop was in Siam Square. I assumed it was all above board.I sold it after 1 year as I was traveling a lot at the time and got way too many stares and looks that it made me fear I was going to get robbed/mugged.I could have got a replica for 1k. 

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  3. 1 hour ago, jvs said:

    Yes i would pay,would not be happy about it but i will not get into

    an argument over here over ten baht.

    Fighting over ten baht can get you killed over here!

    Pay,forget it and have a nice day!


    Good point...my 1st reaction was "no way" after a moments thought and envisioning him pulling out a tire iron from under the seat and him hitting me over the head and me getting charged for assaulting the driver.TIT pay up..

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  4. 43 minutes ago, Kerryd said:

    It's possible a lot of them could have Diplomatic Passports. Canada and the UAE had a minor tiff years ago when we were in Afghanistan. We used to get a 90 day "visa exemption" stamp every time we entered Dubai.
    But the UAE wanted Canada to provide Diplomatic Passports to members of their royal family.

    3,000 members of their royal family in fact. As every nephew, cousin and third cousin twice removed is apparently a member of the royal family.

    Canada said no and for a short period the UAE restricted our travel (until "someone" talked to "someone" and suddenly they relented and allowed normal travel again). 
    But they only gave us 30 Day exemption stamps after that. No big deal for most of us as we usually didn't stay more than a day anyways.

    So if certain Arab countries did the same thing with Thailand, then yeah, there could be dozens/hundreds of youths in the country on Diplomatic Passports.

    We also have "satellite" families in Canada where rich Chinese, mostly from Hong Kong, arrange Permanent Residence or even Citizenship in Canada (about as easy these days as opening a bank account is for most people).
    Once they get a Canadian passport, they can pretty much bring their entire families over, who all get Canadian citizenship as well it seems. Then the parents go back to Hong Kong to continue making money while leaving the safe in Canada.

    So we end up with a bunch of filthy rich Asians (like the TV show but not as fake) racing around like it's Hong Kong Drift - and that was years before the first Fast & Furious movie came out.

    Reading the news about them street racing in Richmond and other places was pretty much as common as reading the news here about the Arab scooter gangs recently.

    When I worked in the ME I had to spend time in Dubai and was getting visa on arrival and like you say it suddenly stopped.It caused a lot of logistical issues for the people arranging my flights etc.

    I'm a Canuck also and from what I see online Canada is quickly turning into a 3rd world sh__ hole.

    I thank my lucky stars I relocated to LOS several years ago.

  5. 18 minutes ago, Jingthing said:

    My current understanding is that expats can legally retire in France for under the Thailand financial requirement levels.

    Of course you'd need a lot of money to live well in Paris but there are many provincial areas that are quite affordable and I think retired expats can get on their health system, even non EU people.

    Maybe so, I was referring to the kind that arrive in rubber boats with their hands out. Quite unlike us old gits who pay our way.

  6. 1 hour ago, Kwasaki said:

    Cut all down, put thick plastic sheet wall to wall,  lay large concrete paving slabs.

    We did similiar but a smaller area.Cleared everything, sprinkled coarse industrial salt down (cheap) then layed heavy plastic and covered the whole area with decorative rock that we had. Pea gravel would work to.Maybe slabs would be less expensive. No sign of weeds so far.

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  7. 3 hours ago, Reginald Prewster said:

    Nail studios. You forgot the nail studios. That equipment is already 10-15 years old and get handed around as needed.

    Every time when a new Farang is willing to invest in a business to get the whore out of her misery.. 

    yes..turn key revolving door 555

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  8. On 8/3/2023 at 9:32 AM, BritManToo said:

    It's essentially the same game in a different country.

    For me it's not more fun, but it is as much fun, same as Cambodia and Vietnam.


    BUT, if you're one of those guys that wants to talk with his bed partners the Filipino ladies are well ahead in the game. They talk our language, watch our movies, listen to our music and understand our humour and culture.The people are generally more friendly than Thais, and it's easy to make pals with guys or girls (something impossible in Thailand), and they do actually appear to like foreigners.


    Not to mention it's really easy for a foreigner to live in the Philippines compared to Thailand. No income or savings required.

    Hi BMT, yes I visited  there briefly in the past but its not 1st on my list.With all the rumbling about the IO rules possibly changing I'm undecided if I'd go to Cambo or PP. I'm not deeply in love with either place. I did like Battambang though. As long as there is good farang food available.

  9. On 8/3/2023 at 9:12 AM, ezzra said:

    The Philippines, as Thailand, used to be a mongering haven back 20 or so years ago, not so much now where mafia type are controlling the bar/girly scenes and prices are up there far cray from days of yore.

    Agree, my 1st and last vacay there was in early 90,s.

    The companion fee was "up to you" The only reason Myself and pals never went back was because of the male species..making a Mexican thief look like a choirboy. Plus shotgun toting security guards everywhere.  

  10. 28 minutes ago, B0nkers said:

    Just got back from a few weeks in Cambodia and brought my excess Cambodian money with me to Thailand, thinking I could exchange it. Went to the one of those yellow exchange booths and was told they don't accept it. Anyone know where I can?

    Now you own it.I've been over there several times over the years and the last thing one does is change ALL local currency to usd for example. A couple months ago they even ahad a bonafide currency exchange in the waiting area upstairs at PP airport.

    Same rule applies for the Laos (kip) script. I jokingly asked for 1 kilo once at a money changer. 10k in Thai baht would fill an overnight bag.

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  11. 1 hour ago, zyphodb said:

    IMO The Immigration give us white foreigners such a hard time because they want us all using agents. More cash for them... 

    I've been saying that for years.It's easy money for them and they don't have to deal with us foreign devils.I check the signature on my Visa every time and its exactly the same person. I'm told the agents only receive a fraction of the fee.

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