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Posts posted by jaideedave

  1. On 7/12/2023 at 6:43 AM, ezzra said:

    The proposed offer came from a Thai guy i know for many years that has become a weed grower of a, according to him, high quality Ganja, he plans to open a shop in some large hotel on Pattaya's beach road that he know the owner, my part will be to invest the money to deck out said shop and nothing else,

    but as many posters has advised, better wait to see where the new government is going and have a better business plan.

    Even if you think you know this person well...it's Thailand and they will screw each other in a heartbeat.Word is already out that there will be a "clampdown" on these shops.You are wise to decline.Keep your money in the bank...otherwise you will lose ...guaranteed.

  2. 9 minutes ago, bignok said:

    Take magnesium 2 times a day.

    Life Extension Magnesium Citrate 100 mg (100 Vegetarian Capsules)I take these plus Tumeric 2250 mg daily.I have the wrong magnesium tabs but will change up when these run out.I should have done a bit more research into which magnesium tabs to take.There are several varieties on the market. Any suggestions? Thanks...

  3. 13 hours ago, Confuscious said:

    My ex-wife, 65 years old was hospitalized last year with urgency for the 99th time.
    Could not breath.
    Happened every time the weather was sunny and the temperature raised above the 25 degrees.

    Her lungs were gone to the dogs by her heavy smoking habit.
    When she was transported to the hospital she was still conscious and she signed a paper that if her situation would get worse she would refuse to be kept alive with machines ($$$$$$).
    She died peaceful after 2 weeks in the hospital without machines.

    What you state is an example that I go by.The DNR paper is very important and I've explained it to my family (Buddhist) so they understand fully.I've left them a fair inheritance and don't want to see it go to an ICU Unit. Mind you if I get a broken leg please disregard. 555

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  4. 14 hours ago, Felton Jarvis said:

    I am 73 and my opinion is that life is not worth living much past 75. I’m too cowardly to kill myself but I wish I could rely on going in my sleep. At least I’m living with a nice Thai woman as I face death.  ????

    Food for thought.I'm almost 73 also.I feel ok and have survived my share on medical issues.The only complaint I have is mobility.My old legs are arthritic and I can't walk/stand for long.No much I can do about that. I'll gladly take a sleeping pill when the grim reaper comes knocking.

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  5. 8 minutes ago, Celsius said:

    This is what happens when you live in a 3rd world country with no money for hospital bills. A lot of my family in Canada are enjoying their lives in their mid 70's. Yes, in my old age I will be getting the best healthcare on taxpayer dime. Trust me, no old folk are envious of you living in Thailand.

    That's the issue ...you'd have to live in Canada

    • Haha 1
  6. 35 minutes ago, OneMoreFarang said:

    I guess in most situations we don't have to plan much ahead.

    When we feel for an hour that we don't want to live anymore then maybe we should wait a little longer.

    If we feel for a week that we don't want to live anymore and there is no hope then it's up to us to act, or not, or maybe later.


    As far as I know people who are sick and everything hurts have often morphine at home. I know one guy with terminal cancer who said bye bye to everybody before he took a large dose.

    Another guy with health problems has a big stack of morphine at home. If he doesn't want to live anymore, he can end his life anytime with a deep sleep. 

    Interesting ...I wonder where they would acquire that stuff?

  7. 1 hour ago, Confuscious said:

    That's the point of this discussion.


    My friend is dying slowly from cancer, and I strongly doubt that he is enjoying his life now.

    Would it not be better to go to a high rise building and start skydiving?


    I live alone and struggle with walking.

    My health is not so good anymore.

    I have nobody I care off.

    When things go worse and I would live in pain and isolated at home, would it not be better to chose the easy way out?


    I remember someone who had a successful website in Thailand, and got a stroke.

    He lived in Chiang Mai if I remember correctly.

    One day he put a plastic bag over his head and went to sleep.

    That was the end of his life.

    Actually I've put a lot of thought into this.I'm a 72 yo cancer survivor.I had bypass surgery 12 years ago so I've had my fair share of illness.I had my wife sign the DNR papers for my DR.

    I don't want her inheritance blown away with me hooked up in ICU and the Dr breaks the news "sorry insurance finit" Thats my solution.In the perfect/dream world we would all just go to bed one night and not wake up.In reality I don't think it works that way very often. 

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  8. 1 hour ago, koolkarl said:

    Likely find him in Monaco, on his yacht,  with a blond under each arm  whereas he should be standing trial for treason.  What amazes me is what these people get away with and the general public always does nothing.

    TBH..there's not much Somchai and Noi can really do.There's no point in vowing to never vote for him again. He wasn't voted in the 1st time. Hopefuly he'll just fade away and keep busy counting his ill gotten gains.

  9. 9 minutes ago, webfact said:


    In a new move to tackle issues of tourist congestion and rowdy behaviour, the vibrant city of Pattaya has taken decisive action to restore tranquillity to its renowned Pattaya and Jomtien beaches.


    Collaborating closely with relevant agencies, Pattaya City Police Station implemented a series of measures aimed at safeguarding the safety and well-being of tourists.


    Under the guidance of Deputy Superintendent Pol. Lt. Col. Surachet Aneksri, a joint operation was executed on Sunday. This operation brought together dedicated tourist police officers and over 50 officers from Pattaya City to patrol Jomtien and Pattaya beaches.


    The core objective of this concerted effort was twofold: To maintain order, and to provide assistance to the clusters of tourists congregating along these scenic beachfronts, Pattaya Mail reported.


    As the officers embarked on their patrols, they engaged in conversations with tourists, emphasising the shared responsibility of creating an enjoyable experience for all beachgoers. Their prominent presence aimed to foster a secure and welcoming atmosphere while actively discouraging disruptive behaviour and curbing the excessive consumption of alcohol, particularly during nighttime beach visits—a time when unruly teenage revelry tends to peak.


    by Tara Abhasakun

    Photo by Pattaya Mail.


    Full story: https://thethaiger.com/news/pattaya/pattaya-police-step-up-beach-safety-patrols



    -- © Copyright Thaiger 2023-07-12


    - Cigna offers a range of visa-compliant plans that meet the minimum requirement of medical treatment, including COVID-19, up to THB 3m. For more information on all expat health insurance plans click here.

    You heard it here first folks.Another crackdown,lol

    I can sleep better now...

    • Haha 1
  10. 2 hours ago, rvdk said:

    Yesterday I read that you can't be an agent or a broker as a foreigner. This German guy is a real estate agent, is that not illegal?

    I believe one can be a managing director of a business.I've seen that title on many farang business cards.

    They also seemed to hold themselves in high esteem...Lonely at the top. lol

    Theres ton of real estate businesses in Pattaya with farang names attached?

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  11. 2 hours ago, spidermike007 said:

    My question is this. If the extremely toxic and dangerously timid army were unwilling to take any risks whatsoever, with regard to Covid, why are they spending 22 billion baht on submarines? Obviously there is some risk in operating subs, and even more risk if as they say, they are purposed to protect against terrorist threats and any threat in the South China Sea. The real budget is more like 13 billion baht for the first 
    S26T Yuan Class sub, due in 2013. And the real cost for the subsequent two? 

    Thai naval forces have not operated submarines for over 60 years now, while neighboring countries, particularly those with a major dispute at sea with Thailand, such as Vietnam, are all equipped with modern submarines. Looks like they are willing to take a huge risk with the treasury. Why so timid with Covid?

    This government is a whirlpool of conflicting loyalties and interests. It's leader has to manage those interests, and effectively buy the loyalties of the various parts of the armed forces. The submarines are the price he has to pay for the navy supporting him. They will end up unusable and unaffordable, as did the aircraft carrier

    There is no strategic justification for the submarines. There is really no military threat to Thailand, none of the countries with which it shares a land border have the capacity for anything other than the occasional cross border firefight. If you look carefully at all the military procurement of recent years, they are all to support ambitions, and thus buy the support of the various rival groups within the armed forces. They simply do not add up to any sort of a coherent modernisation or re-equipment of what remains a largely obsolete, immobile and under trained force, able only to undertake the most mundane of garrison duties, whilst it's bloated leadership occupies itself with playing politics or their own largely unregulated business ventures.

    The government however (or more realistically those to whom it reports) must rely upon the military to keep it in power. It was put into power for one core function; to prevent the nascent political, social and economic liberalisation of Thai society which arose with the arrival of new technologies and communications, which have allowed a (younger) population which has long been kept ill educated and dependent for any advancement on its elders and sponsors, to communicate, educate themselves and develop business independent of those elders and sponsors. The Covid crisis is in a dimension beyond that, and it's timid, chaotic "rabbit in the headlights" response to the challenges it brings are simply because it does not know how to react, other than to use some of the opportunities to exercise power, in pursuit of that core function, which the social and political restrictions they argue the disease has necessitated give them.

    Google tells me there are 660 soldiers per general in the Thai armed forces.1,600 in the US armed forces.

    That info may be dated...maybe more generals these days.

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