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Posts posted by jaideedave

  1. 50 minutes ago, herfiehandbag said:

    Most of which is in waters to shallow for submarines to operate effectively.


    The bit which is deep enough for submarines to operate effectively can only be reached from the projected base by sailing down the Gulf of Thailand, around Singapore and through the Malacca Straits, which are amongst the most heavily monitored waters ( in the naval and submarine sense) in the world.


    There is no military justification or role for a submarine fleet for Thailand. There is no surface naval threat posed by any of the country's neighbours, which would require a submarine to counter.


    It is purely a source of "backhanders" to the naval procurement system. It is a budget, to be managed and disbursed  With control of a budget comes real power and influence. The Navy has been rather left behind in this respect since they broke all the aeroplanes for their carrier!

    Correct herfie,The average depth of the gulf is 190 ft. I served 4 years on a diesel,electric sub that was 312 ft long.End on it would stick out of the water here by 120 ft.lol. The Yuan is about 250 ft.At least if it sank in the gulf the men could just pop open a hatch and swim to the surface. We trained for that at Ford Island sub base in Hawaii.

    FYI: I was at Queen Sirikit Naval hospital last year and noticed a couple Thai officers in uniform with submarine badges. What's that all about?



  2. 2 hours ago, jacko45k said:

    Let us hope so........ although I recall the company I worked for allowing some parts to be made in China that failed and forced some very expensive retrofits!

    Several years ago I worked briefly for a US based O&G company north of Udon.They contracted a Thai driling company for a workover job.They used copied GM diesels (read China) You would not believe the amount of lube oil that leaked from these engines from any place there was a gasket.The clean up was a huge job.They had to find sawdust to help soak it up and placed it in barrels. 


  3. 22 minutes ago, sapson said:

    When mental illness grips you as in severe depression and total hopelessness it is a horrendous situation often with dire consequences as in suicide.


    Its not a joking matter and the Im alright Jack brigade should save their flying club comments!


    You never know when your own life can take a sudden catastrophic downward spiral and cause a severe physical or mental health deterioration.


    Have a great day. 

    Point taken.A few years back I was struggling with cancer and was thinking I don't want to live like this.I even bought the para cord . The subsequent operation was successful and I'm still here. If the outcome was different I would have used the cord because I'm afraid of heights. 

    • Sad 1
  4. 10 hours ago, kimamey said:

    Getting ready for bed between 8-9pm isn't the issue. It's how long that takes. Are you in bed before 11?  ????

    I should clarify...These days I'm always in bed before 10pm,sometimes it's 9pm.Thats when I normally look at some Instagram shorts on my phone.That puts me to sleep in a matter of minutes.I'll wake up a half hour later with the phone on my chest..lol

    After 6 - 7 hours I'm awake and refreshed.

    Insomnia is a curse,,,thank god I don't have that issue.

    • Haha 1
  5. 4 hours ago, Bangkok Barry said:

    They are maintained regularly, with the errant walkway checked a few days before the incident. One report said the night before. How thorough they check none of us have any way of knowing, but to say they haven't been maintained for 25 years is ridiculous.

    Perhaps a visual inspection by Somchai as he rode it on the way for a break.

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    • Sad 1
  6. 5 hours ago, Bim Smith said:

    You need a committee for this. Will the conclusion be that no one was to blame as all others where examined and deemed fit for purpose therefore no one to blame just an accident and no one lose face. Truth is that airport is on its last legs and no amount face-lifting will change that without major investment. 

    It's very important that this incident gets swept under the carpet before blame can be administered.I see there is a delay in the police obtaining the video footage? TIT

    It will be very interesting to see the monetary value they put on this poor woman's leg.

    Pain and suffering and psychiatric counseling.

    Hitachi is a huge corporation so will be lawyered up.

    • Sad 1
  7. 14 minutes ago, Reginald Prewster said:

    As ex navy I flollowed this event but the story ends at the beginning.


    The HTMS Sukothai (a 77 meters Corvette) hit adverse weather and made water through his exhaust pipe which led to a complete blackout of the electrical systems.


    This made the crew incapable to start the pumps and it capsized before it sunk.

    Other vessels tried to support with their pumps but handling them on and in a not maneuverable vessel bashed by hard waves I can only imagine that the lads did their best facing a hopeless situation as long they could... 


    I our trainings (I was on Frigates) we always including these blackout simulations and they are serious because without windows the entire vessel is black inside.


    The last option is the Abandon Ship Muster, but in these rough weather and sea conditions, the chance for the fellow sailors are very small to get found at sea.


    RIP Sailors, I am sure you did far more than your very best, as learned in many drills...

    Interesting,I'm ex Navy also but I always assumed the exhaust lines/pipes were well above the water line . I'm not familiar with frigates, wouldn't the running engines exhaust pressure be enough to prevent the ingress of water? I had a pleasure boat with dual exhaust pipes at the rear water line but the pipe had a loop inline to stop water from entering the engine through the exhaust when stopped. This case is a very rare event as its hard to believe something wasn't in place to prevent this.

    I wasn't there either but there are a lot of unanswered questions.

  8. 31 minutes ago, Kalasin Jo said:

    This happened to us more recently. Some land in my wife's name was being sold. Arriving early all went well initially at front desk but when the papers were passed up to a more senior person a " problem" was inevitably found, that my wife looked darker skinned and with a different hair style to her ID card photo. This impasse took us to the lunch break. Now we must wait her Mum said, the lady will talk to her superior. After lunch her Mum had words with the staff member and the transaction was finalised. Curious, I asked what had changed: oh said Mum she and her superior wanted some tea money, this is normal, I paid her. I don't know how much she paid to get it done 

    In my case the lawyers fee was 30k.I don't know how much of that was paid as tea money.The transaction was completed swiftly when the lawyer got involved.I love living here but this part of it sucks a big one. 

    • Like 1
  9. 35 minutes ago, herfiehandbag said:

    Perhaps the quote was based on his assessment of your house to and from that what you were "worth"?

    Back when I bought my house it needed several upgrades.It took me years to find a skilled honest neighborhood handyman.I know for a fact I paid over double the going rate for tile installation recommended by a neighbor.He f__ked me good.

    I still don't talk to him.I use the same fellow for everything now and always tip him because I'm that grateful. You must be aware that there is the "farang" price and the price a local would pay.

    I paid the farang price for several years..sheesh

  10. 38 minutes ago, GammaGlobulin said:

    The downside to buying in Thailand is the lack of control of the environment around the home you purchase. 


    Are there zoning regulations, for example. Does a cottage industry suddenly move in next door? 


    A new neighbor decides to buy 10 more barking dogs. 


    I would never buy property in Thailand. 


    A house that could be easily moved seems the best option. 


    Leasing land cannot be very expensive in Thailand.





    I can add to your statement.A couple years ago they knocked down the house next door in my moo ban.Little did we know its now a rental "pool villa" in Booking.com. Its 4 br so foreign(Chinese) groups rent it to party hardy. Unfortunately our bedroom is on the poolside.Its an unpleasant feeling to get woken up at 3am to loud yelling etc.When my wife calls the moo ban lady she apologizes and thats it until next time.I have ordered an air horn out of desparation.If anyone can give me some suggestions please provide.Sleepless in Pattaya.We've lived in this house for 17 years and really don't want to sell and move.

  11. On 6/29/2023 at 1:54 PM, BritManToo said:

    Forget insurance, accept death when it comes! 

    I agree BMT:In my case I'm a 72 yo cancer survivor plus I had quad bypass surgery 12 years ago.I've probably used up my (9) lives by now.I had my wife sign the DNR forms and gave them to my Dr.

    I don't want my family's inheritance eaten up in a ICU and they have to pull the plug when the insurance and money is gone.No issue for me at all.Its been a good ride!

    • Like 1
  12. On 6/29/2023 at 1:31 PM, Chivas said:

    No amount of saving in an account will cover serious Trauma, Strokes or Heart attacks whereby you're in an Intensive Care Unit for a long period of time


    The question always remains as to just HOW you get that money out of the account in the first place.


    Remember you're in a coma....

    In my case I'm a 72 yo cancer survivor plus I had quad bypass surgery 12 years ago.I've probably used up my (9) lives by now.I had my wife sign the DNR forms and gave them to my Dr.

    I don't want my family's inheritance eaten up in a ICU and they have to pull the plug when the insurance and money is gone.No issue for me at all.Its been a good ride!

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