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Posts posted by jaideedave

  1. 21 hours ago, WineOh said:

    That is exactly how I live too mate!

    I have never owned a credit card in my life and I never will! ???? 

    I've had bypass surgery several years ago hence my medical insurance is minimal,only covers from chin up, knees and lower..I find my credit card with a high limit ensures I won't be left curbside in an emergency. I also have ample (for me) savings. A couple of years ago I experienced some kidney issues and had to pay it all in cash.

    Unbeknown to me renal failure is one of the many "exclusions" in my policy .Aetna , Bupa

  2. On 1/18/2021 at 1:59 PM, EVENKEEL said:

    I'm sure they've been groomed on what to say and expect from the generous gringos. Working won't be mandatory once they enter the system. 

    Its happening now in Canada.Theres an unofficial border crossing at the Quebec/New York border called Roxham Rd.They arrive by the busload from any and every <deleted>hole country you care to name. They've already landed in the USA. Welfare cheques waiting,free medical card,housing,education,it goes on and on.They can even apply to have other family members join them will awaiting a ruling on their legal status.

    Virtually unvetted. What a <deleted> up! Thanks to our Prime Minister. (Turdo)

  3. 23 hours ago, spidermike007 said:

    Trump has been a human wrecking ball, when it comes to anything environmental. A man so completely lacking in vision, and so completely sold out to corporate interests, that it boggles the mind. For someone who used the slogan drain the swamp, it is a stunning contradiction that he was never able to once say no, to a corporate lobbyist who entered his office, or asked him for a favor. The environmental degradation under his watch was a nightmare. Plus the leasing of public lands for logging, mining and drilling was an abomination. Pristine areas throughout the US were opened up, and pillaged. 


    Then there are the 125 environmental rules and safeguards that Trump weakened or rolled back in his time in office. Only 17 of the 89 that were legally challenged have received rulings in favor. The Tongass National Forest in Alaska was about to be opened to logging, and he also weakened the Clean Air Act and the Endangered Species Act.


    Fortunately, the dems have always been more friendly towards the planet, and Biden will roll back alot of the wrecking ball policies of dangerous Don. The earth is quite finite, something he does not understand, as he has likely never spent a night outdoors, in his entire sorry lifetime, nor has he ever visited a national park, for recreation. Nature is just not his style. Gilded penthouses and the White House lawn, are as close as this guy comes to nature. 


    America has the best National park system on the planet. The parks, forests, and recreational areas are second to none, and need to be protected. It is astonishing. I have been to dozens of these areas, and they are truly amazing. Today there are four major federal agencies that manage around 610 million acres of public land held by the U.S. government: Bureau of Land Management (BLM): 248 million acres or 10.5 percent of all land in the country. U.S. Forest Service (USFS): 193 million acres or 8.5 percent of the country.




    “There’s a quiet, almost covert, effort to dismantle the public lands management infrastructure,” said Jim Lyons, who was Deputy Assistant Secretary for Land and Minerals Management at the Interior Department in the Obama administration. “It’s very effective. I call it evil genius.”










    Tons of space for many pipelines and probably some refineries. Whats the issue? Just kidding of course. I only need asphalt to ride my HD.

    • Sad 1
    • Haha 1
  4. 3 hours ago, Tagged said:

    One year ago, 















    OMG I just gained 5 kilos looking at the food/meat pics. Look at all those steaks..and hanging hams. Appears to be rather high end..a little rich for my pension.Oh well. looks like a lovely place but I'm quite settled here since 2004 own a  bungalow with pool  etc. I could never afford to replace it in Canuckville. I ain't  goin nowhere unless they <deleted> me off. Went to Vietnam last yr for a 3 week vacay and liked Na Trang a bunch.pre covid

    • Like 2
  5. On 10/9/2020 at 9:42 AM, Grumpy one said:

    A friend was interested in a bank repo down in Panburi, we went look at it and were chased off by the sitting residents

    Turns out they refused to move out when the bank reclaimed it

    So any future buyer has to buy sight unseen and then try and dislodge the tenants 

    Myself...I would use an established realtor or nothing.Wouldn't even try to buy privately unless I knew the vendor. IMHO

  6. 10 hours ago, Leaver said:


    So you think it should simply be left up to the good will and donations of ordinary people to feed and house the displaced?


    What about the Thai government open up their cheque book?  It's happening all around the world, but not here.  


    While their people are becoming impoverished, the Thai government is investing in space travel.  How ridiculous.   

    If they give all the money away how are they going to pay for 3 sums they don't need or send Somchai to the moon!

    • Confused 1
  7. 3 hours ago, 4reaL said:

    Not so sure...casinos are a big problem in Canada.millions a year re money laundering. The mafia will be front and center.My buddy in Burriram,s old lady gambled away the house that he built.Forced to walk away.Some locals can't control the urge to gamble for some reason.Probably open in Pattaya ...that will explain why they are building so many condos.As soon as you cross the border into Cambodia there is a huge casino and 99% of the plates are Thai. Casinos will provide a few low paying jobs but may cause all sorts of other issues. Mind you there is widespread gambling exists in Tland all the time.

  8. 15 minutes ago, Olmate said:

    Took night train for the scenery! Mmmm.

    Yes you,re correct.It was my 1st trip to Tland and still wasn't used to it getting dark so early. I was thinking I could get a couple hours in.However at 6am could only see jungle and bush.What was I thinking? Poor planning on my part agreed. I'm from British Columbia and used the train to cross the Rocky Mountains...that was scenery. A few years ago I took the Indian Pacific from Sydney to Perth and enjoyed that.

  9. Years ago I had the same brain wave and thought it would be a novel way to make the same trip.

    1st mistake was going on a Sunday. Every Tom,Dick, and Somchai got on along the way obviously heading to work in BKK.

    Trip took several hours and lost our seats somehow. Got a lot of dirty looks from the "old boot" ex

    Trash lined the track the whole way. Quite uncomfortable.

    I also took the overnight train from BKK to Chiang Mai hoping to see some scenery. Another mistake. The train left BKK just before dark so there was zero to be seen.The cabin steward wanted to make my bed before 8 pm.

    I never go to bed at that time. I retired to the "bar car" for refreshments. Needless to say my bed wasn't made.

    NO MORE TRAINS! 1 hr + flights for me now.

    That was 20 years ago and things will have changed..IE: no work in BKK.

    BTW I never even considered taking it again!

    • Like 1
  10. 4 minutes ago, Liverpoolfan said:

    Neither would I mate.

    Winter in the UK is beyond grim.

    It's abysmal. 

    Try growing up in rural northern Canada as a kid I had to walk to the school bus on a frozen road in ice and snow.

    Never ever going back , I would never want to leave the house, if I could afford one that is. Sure the cost of living has gone up here over the years like everywhere but everything/one is taxed to the max...

  11. On 1/9/2021 at 7:05 AM, Liverpoolfan said:

    As long as you have a degree and/or your TEFL you should be fine.

    Have a look on Google, there are many online schools available, mostly focusing on the Chinese market.

    I know a lot of guys doing the same, making about 500 quid a month at present.

    Think that's for about 30/35 hours a week.


    I'd have a go myself if I could be bothered but im too busy drinking myself into my grave ???? 

    I like your reply...Same here.lol

    • Like 2
  12. 13 hours ago, ChipButty said:

    If she has family there all the more reason not to live there, live as far away as possible from the outlaws, 

    My buddy bought a building lot from her parents right next door.He now realizes it was a hug mistake.The "mom" is on kratom and frequently asks for beer.Chicken,dogs and everything else. Her family always have their hands out for money or non repayable loans.

    Thats not all...he goes back home every summer for 5 months.2 years ago apparently she took out a loan on the house and she no longer has the chanote.So far hes had to repay the Chinese lady 600k. Happy retirement eh?

    It turns out his lady is a gambler.OMG

    • Like 2
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  13. 18 hours ago, Pravda said:

    Read just now that Canada accepted 15,000 immigrants in October which was 50% less than last year, but still 15 thousand who will need a place to stay, pay tax (if not income then at least sales tax) and spend money either from money saved or from the sponsors that support them. 

    Well I'm an expat Canadian and not everyone is on board with the 'open' borders the current PM has began.Tens of thousands of unfettered so called immigrants/refugees are allowed to cross into Canada from the USA at a place called Roxham Rd.Upon they are given a cursory check in and are immediately entitled to welfare,housing,medical ,dental and the list goes on.Very kind of the Cdn taxpayers wouldn,t you say.They/we already pay among the highest taxes on the planet. Agreed some are required as skilled workers etc but not the many thousands from <deleted>holes around the world living on the dole more or less permanently.

    Import <deleted> and become <deleted>!

    • Like 1
    • Confused 1
  14. 9 minutes ago, fredob43 said:

    Most batteries here have a 1 year guarantee. Try taking it back to where you got it. If that fails get a new one. If your not using it much disconnect it whilst not in use. The system could be draining it.

    IMHO batteries do not last long here for various reasons:quality/heat.You may also have a "parasitic" load .

    My buddy in Burriam goes home every year (pre-covid) for 5 Mons and when he returns he has to buy a new battery every time no matter what he tries.

    • Thanks 1
  15. On 12/1/2020 at 5:32 PM, thailand49 said:

    Common problem here in Pattaya and will continue as long as those who have been in charge since the beginning of the 20 Century continue to hand their  jobs down to family.

    Take took a perfectly good road " Railroad" dug it up made it a hazard then left like they always do. ???? partying all the way to the bank!


    I moved here permanently in 2004.They were working on beach road burying the cables.I believe they are still doing some work there.

    • Like 1
  16. 22 hours ago, Surelynot said:

    As soon as any tourist sees a "set of requirements" to be met.....boom, gone, toast.


    Tourists want a care free holiday, not an administrative nightmare...idiots.....not a clue.

    I first came here in 1990 as a tourist and every year until 2004 when I retired here.

    I came with a crew of friends from the same area.There is no way on earth we would chose Tland if any of these restriction/rules were in place.There were too many other options.

    That was then. IMHO I'm cautiously optimistic about the future for tourism."But" a ton of foreigners have lost employment thru all this.


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