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Posts posted by jaideedave

  1. On 4/4/2021 at 8:55 AM, ThailandRyan said:

    A friend of mine built out the shell of his condo and spent over 2 million baht doing it.  He also lives in the Philippines and the US. He tried to claim the VAT refund at the airport upon leaving after buying the aircons, stove, refrigerator and washer and dryer.  They wanted to see the units in his luggage.

    Good one.Several years ago I purchased a new Rolex in BKK.I asked for and received a VAT rebate form. Next time I left the country I went to a couple airport offices and received over 17 k back in cash before I boarded the plane.It can be done but not a fridge unfortunately

    not for fridges.

  2. On 1/25/2021 at 8:20 AM, ezzra said:

    Don"t do it... they're just waiting for people like you, you'll have to pay so much taxes and the headaches to release it from custom will overshadow any saving you think you're making by buying it elsewhere, i have stung few times and now learned my lesson...

    I bought a new Rolex Sub several years ago in BKK. I was on a rota job in the ME at the time.

    I bought it at a shop that provided a tax receipt.I got them to use an old address in another country.I received over 17 k back for a tax rebate at the airport the next time I flew out . (bonus) Do you have that option? Just wear it home.

  3. On 3/8/2021 at 10:20 AM, Berkshire said:

    From the article....


    [While Thailand became the first country in Southeast Asia to legalize medical marijuana in 2018, its use for recreational purpose is still banned. Any flowers and seeds yielded from the crop grown at homes must be sent to state medical facilities as they remain in the country’s criminal code due to their high levels of psychoactive compounds, the minister said.]


    This would make it rather impractical I would think.  I myself would be interested in growing cannabis.  Not necessarily to make money, but rather for personal use...like a hobby.  But the above takes the fun out of it!

    Theres an article on page 5 thats got the skinny on how to get your own equipment locally thru Lazada.

  4. On 3/8/2021 at 1:42 PM, robblok said:

    Sorry no experience, i once tried to grow a seed but it went too fast and the stalk could not hold its weight. So never really grew anything viable. So i don't know about the smell. But I do know about the smell of dry weed. It smells a lot, so im not so sure I would want to grow it in my home. (if it was legal and all for a foreigner to do).


    Still with consumption not being legal and weed staying longer in your system then most other drugs (i mean longer detectable) its probably not a smart thing to do. Unless you can get a Dr card that you need it for medical reasons.

    A friend tells me that everything you need to grow indoors (tent) is easily available online thru Lazada/Shopee. There are pages of items here,tents,fans,LED lights fertilizers and soil.Not to forget the carbon air filters to remove the odor when flowering.He also tells me the things all come in unmarked boxes. Its all available here and now folks.A little discretion and you're good to go.LED lights are very efficient these days,no heat and use only a bit of electricity.



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  5. 4 hours ago, bdenner said:

    For me it's the frustration's generated in the annual extension process, just completed my 12th. The fundementals are the same but why do they continuely move the goal posts, paint the hoops different colours then throw them in different directions.

    It's almost too obvious they are trying to get us ALL to use a 20K Baht dodgy visa services as about 60% of the expats are doing now in our amphur. A friend with 800K+ in a term deposit has just gone through a week of hell.

    Hi BD...After putting up with the IMM BS for years I now always use the same agent . Seamless and done in 1 day. Cost is less than 20k. Yes they would prefer if everyone used agents,then they wouldn,t have to deal with those pesky foreigners.

  6. On 2/8/2021 at 8:32 PM, kingstonkid said:

    Dealing with Canadian Banks they will send me an emergency replacement card via courier to here in Thailand However, to maintain my account I have to have a Canadian Address and that is where my new cards and stuff go to.   


    My address is my daughters address and I send money to the kids and when she gets anything she lets me know and I send her the money to ship to me.


    Canadian Bank knows I am here so it is not that big a problem

    I have an account with CIBC in Canada.Its a non resident account and my address with them is my Thai address. Completely legit. I've become a non resident a couple years ago.There are tax advantages to doing this! "0" withholding tax!

    CIBC sends my new debit/credit cards directly to my home here. Sometimes by snail mail and other times via courier.

  7. On 2/19/2021 at 5:54 PM, murraynz said:

    Good point...what about having  a lawyer as trustee and acting on belhalf of child,until he/she is 21 yrs old.

    Blood is way thicker than water over here.I have a distinct feeling that a large part of my estate will be voluntarially given to my wifes elder sister.She has gotten herself in major debt to the banks. With a gov't job you can borrow untold millions which is what this lady did . 

    The mother can put a lot of unsavoury ideas into an impressionable childs head.

    IE: My parents divorded when I was young my mom began a long tired road telling me how bad my father was.How would I know?

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  8. On 2/13/2021 at 9:38 AM, ChipButty said:

    I guess it depends where she lives and what facilities they have in the area, International hospitals is going to cost you a small fortune in Bangkok there is a superb cancer hospital sorry I would have to ask the wife the name of it, 

    If the cancer operation is not bad enough then along comes Chemotherapy and Radio.

    That Chemo is a killer I thought my wife was going to die on me one night I kept her awake allnight had the A/C on freezing walking her around sit on the computer for a while, I was worried, 

    Strange feeling when in the morning the sun is coming up shinning through the windows and she survived the night you can breath a sigh of relieve, put the kettle on and make a cup of Tea,

    I forget to add, I bought a few of them cold towels from 7/11  

    I had prostrate cancer a few years ago...The <deleted> surgeon refused to remove the colostomy bag after I was stabilized for well over a year unless I had chemo.

    I refused because after the operation I had Renal failure..(kidney) So now its plan "B" and instead I had the PET Scan at a prestigious hospital in BKK. A daughter of the late King is named here.

    I came out clean as a whistle so called in a favor and  had the removal procedure done at a teaching hospital in BKK by a top ,notch Dr.

    I do believe I was one of the lucky ones though. I have the CEA Blood test done every 6 months and my last test was 1.3...  

    One day at a time..                                                        

    • Like 2
  9. On 1/28/2021 at 2:59 PM, patman30 said:

    i have had my SCB account deactivated a couple of times
    simply had to go to bank to deposit funds to reactivate (years later)

    not sure why it would not be the same with transfer deposit
    but if you can try get someone to go deposit a few hundred baht in cash at a branch, yours if possible

    SCB has also deactivated my online account and after calling the only way to resolve the issue was to go there in person? It turns out that my pp had expired and they wanted to verify the new one.

    Mine is a small sub branch in Pattaya and they've <deleted> me off a few times.

    One time I had my 800k for retirement pension and asked them to put it in an account for immigration purposes.

    Comes time to renew visa and Imm says its the wrong type of account? I was forced to use an agent that year at extra expense. I was so frustrated I immediately went and withdrew the whole lot in cash and put it in my Kasikorn account. The bank lad said casually what you doing with all this money? I casually replied oh I'm going to give it away. I'm starting to think its a training branch for nu-bees.I now only keep a couple k in there to keep it open.I've been very happy with my K Bank since I started to use the phone app. Very handy indeed to use my debit card the same as a credit card. I've had that account since 1991.

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  10. On 1/23/2021 at 2:24 PM, jacko45k said:

    Upstairs on a KLM 747 drinking a cold Grolsch Bangkok bound.... good memories.

    Hi Jacko,I have many fond memories of flying bus class on both the 747&380.Before I retired I worked O&G industry on rota. The companies that didn't fly me bus class allowed me to upgrade for cheap. Never had a dodgy meal in bus class on Emirates,BA , Qantas & Qatar AL.

    Never forget the rear bar area of the 380 on the way to Dubai drinking all the way from BKK. Was well on my way by arrival. The good old days as they say.  

    Thai lady.jpg

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  11. 21 hours ago, WineOh said:

    That is exactly how I live too mate!

    I have never owned a credit card in my life and I never will! ???? 

    I've had bypass surgery several years ago hence my medical insurance is minimal,only covers from chin up, knees and lower..I find my credit card with a high limit ensures I won't be left curbside in an emergency. I also have ample (for me) savings. A couple of years ago I experienced some kidney issues and had to pay it all in cash.

    Unbeknown to me renal failure is one of the many "exclusions" in my policy .Aetna , Bupa

  12. On 1/18/2021 at 1:59 PM, EVENKEEL said:

    I'm sure they've been groomed on what to say and expect from the generous gringos. Working won't be mandatory once they enter the system. 

    Its happening now in Canada.Theres an unofficial border crossing at the Quebec/New York border called Roxham Rd.They arrive by the busload from any and every <deleted>hole country you care to name. They've already landed in the USA. Welfare cheques waiting,free medical card,housing,education,it goes on and on.They can even apply to have other family members join them will awaiting a ruling on their legal status.

    Virtually unvetted. What a <deleted> up! Thanks to our Prime Minister. (Turdo)

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