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Posts posted by spacemunk

  1. FF3 doesn't seem to work properly with the new BBC radio console either. I can't get the news to play despite un-installing and replacing Flash so if the Beeb's your lifeline with civilisation (well, one version of it anyway) then wait until that problem gets fixed too.

    I use FF3, been listening to Radio4 from BBC today , no problems... I also don't find it slow, and love the improvements that have been made. I guess I'm just lucky, but I think it's a great upgrade. I'm using a TOT 1.5mb connection in CM btw.

    I'm in CM on a 2Mb connection (very up and down as you'd expect) but BBC iPlayer Radio Console simply doesn't work with FF. Using IE 6.0 it behaves fine. Can't understand it.

    i tried listening to Radio1 and it wont work with RealPlayer. :S

    Customer (General Dan) 06/27/2008 01:18 PM

    Is there any support or updates for the browser download plugin? I'm specifically looking for an updated version of RealPlayer browser record plugin that will work with Firefox v3.

    Response (Rajalakshmi) 06/28/2008 02:10 AM

    Dear General,

    Thank you for contacting RealNetworks Customer Support.

    I understand that you would like to access RealPlayer on your Firefox 3.0 web browser.

    We apologize for the inconvenience.

    As of now, the Firefox 3.0 is under the testing phase with Real products. The updates will be available in the future releases. As of now, we recommend our customers to use the previous version of Firefox to get rid of any issues related to Real products.

    Please reply if you need further assistance regarding this issue.



    RealNetworks Customer Support

  2. Always have a thumbdrive or portable HDD. Incase of pc problems u can always back up all ur important files.

    What i do is i only have my OS on 1 HDD and another HDD for all impt files. So incase of a hookup i just reformat my OS HDD and do a fresh install.

    I dont send my PC for repairs cause i fix my own problems when it comes to hardware.

  3. Best is to get international warranty. And check what does the warranty cover.

    CPU speed - 2.0 - 2.2 ghz would b more than enuff.

    Rams - Check and see how many ram slots does it have. U just could get 2 x 2gig ram sticks. Its cheap.

    Intergrated camera - Dont really need it. If u do just buy 1. usually built-ins suck.

    HDD - 200gig will be enuff. Even at 160gig i still have more than enuff of space.

    Graphics card - IF ur just using the laptop for multitasking IE - Work only. U dont really need a graphic card. Onboard graphics will b best. Since u wont b gaming.

    Go for the Dell XPS. IMO. Dell has the best international warranty. Their tech staff will do on-site fixes if needed. U dont really need to go to their office. Back in Singapore , they came over the house just to do a 10min job.

  4. ......

    All in a country where abortion is illegal so the only "slight" alternative is a back street abortion shop in Washington Square, very nasty.


    Law was changed last year making abortion legal however the govt has chosen not to publicize that info. More info in the pinned section of the health section of thaivisa via the link below:

    thai abortion now legal

    The last I heard was they would only do it if the woman was raped or her health was in danger, not just because she got knocked up.

    Not really. My wife's friend got pregnant and went for an abortion at a clinic some where along sukhumvit and paid something like 4,000

    Sorry but i find that very hard to beleive (I mean the ammount being 4000 Baht i presume?)

    Was between 4000-6000 baht.

  5. ......

    All in a country where abortion is illegal so the only "slight" alternative is a back street abortion shop in Washington Square, very nasty.


    Law was changed last year making abortion legal however the govt has chosen not to publicize that info. More info in the pinned section of the health section of thaivisa via the link below:

    thai abortion now legal

    The last I heard was they would only do it if the woman was raped or her health was in danger, not just because she got knocked up.

    Not really. My wife's friend got pregnant and went for an abortion at a clinic some where along sukhumvit and paid something like 4,000

  6. It seems that many of us here on TV will be playing WAR Im keen to join (I really like some of their classes) but really hate the grinding aspect of WoW.

    At first I enjoyed the game but have just recently become completely bored with it. I purchased Burning Crusade about 2 months ago as I have just got my first toon to 60 but I just cant see myself completing this game, its just lost all of its appeal. I think its the repetitive aspect to it that really drives me nuts. Its mind numbing.

    I'm not looking for an easy way to level but want a game that I can invest my time into but not be doing the same thing every night. After doing some reading around it seems that WAR will be less of a grind and less demanding on my time, (compared with WoW) so to any one who has played on the beta would that assumption be correct?

    WoW is time consuming. Pre BC and i had a T3 Rog and a T2 Priest and a Rank 14 PvP Lock.

    Gave up WoW for 2 years.

    WoW = No life. Endless raiding and PvPing...lol

    Im now actually wasting my time on God Of War II for PS2.

  7. Well, bought the CE Warhammer online from I27 at MBK. 3600 baht. You get a envelope with codes for open beta access, head start program (early access to the official release), and 2 magic items. Im using the beta access code to download the beta game but apparently people registering now cant join the "other" beta until Sept. 7th... which totally defeats the purpose of me spending all this money NOW... I want to play NOW... goddamnit.

    So guess i'll just ignore the PM :o

    3600 is a good buy...roughly abt USD$100.

  8. Fat Russians Men in Speedos and Fat Russian Women in Thongs....

    And Euro Trash in Pattaya....

    Keep an eye out for some stupid 6ft 6inch yank who thinks because he owns a bike and an attractive bird he is cool.

    He should be very easy to spot! His name is pipi I think. Last i heard he was riding a little red wagon. Probably the biggest TROLL :D you will ever see. He is a chronic story teller and very delusional. You may want to smash him in the face, but that would be like assaulting someone with a developmental disability.

    Don't try to start a conversation, because nothing makes sense to him. It's not his fault. He likes to call people "boy". His vocabulary is underdeveloped, because he has been hit by the stupid stick one to many times.

    Enjoy your stay in the LOS.! :D

    This Guy is the Farang Dad that I posted about and his Family, check out the pics again on the first page of this post, thats the main one to watch out for here in Thailand. hahahahha...he is a bad ass behind a screen. ...oh and he is from Boston and you know what that means, right?

    Mr. PapaRico, What is wrong with you! I've been coming across your rants and posts for a few days now. Please, please tell me you're not really an American! Out of more than 300,000,000 which includes all the people in jail we somehow get you. If you are who you say you are I'm sure most here feel truly sorry for you. If your presence is some kind of cyber joke I think it has run its course. It appears the moderators have taken a few days off.

    I personally, IMHO, believe you are a teenager who lives offshore with your single mom. You may have heard of Thailand on the Discovery Channel and may have been through here once but by your writings you know nothing of the culture, history, geography or what you are talking about. My advise to you is stay in school but find another outlet, perhaps Playboy Magazine, for an outlet for your teen angst.

    Good luck!

    aawwwww...I am sorry, i didnt mean to hurt yor feelings ok? but you can go at me, its ok, I dont care, like i said before, it dosent change a bit about who I am and where I am going,what I have and what I know,what I been through etc. So keep you silly comments to yourself, and dont forget to Call me Mr. like you did from now on, ok? I guess If someone stands up for what they believe here they get punished? I mean its ok for others to bash right? But when the Flashy American does, then he is the bad guy...right? Stay Happy stuck here in your crappy little lives.

    Hey Man, I have been reading some of your posts, somethings you say are crazy, I am not saying they are true or not true, but why does everyone hate you? Whats Up?

    Cause from what i read of all his posts....he most likely got his head stuck way up his arse. :o:D

  9. I searched for all the preorders in singapore. U will have to email the company to actually "book" a copy of the game.

    SGD$128 for the CE.

    SGD$50 for normal edition.

    exchange rates will be 22.2/22.1 per SGD$1 for banks.

  10. Driving along Sukhumvit road to the intersection of Asoke rd. you will notice a farang looking kid, a light browned-hair boy and girl, wiping car windows at the traffic light. Every time I stop there, I always see them, and they seem to remember my car since I always gave them some money without a window wipe. But I never got a chance to talk to them or ask questions.

    Anyone know of their status? Where's the dad? Did a farang bastard came to Thailand and made 2 kids leaving them to fend for themselves?

    I always see them there. The last i saw them a few days back , they were both arguing over a large macdonald fries.

  11. I was at a 7-11 at Asok near Oceon Towers2.

    And saw this women going thru garbage and was like eating out of it.

    For the person that i am , i don't like that and decided to give her 40baht for her to go get something to eat.

    Instead i got scolded for trying to do something good.

    I was like <deleted>! i'll never give anything anymore :S

  12. Singapore.

    Oh yeah, Thailand. Hua Hin as it is yet to fully developed. The real estate industry section of Organized Crime has yet to fully gain a foothold there.

    Why are there twice as many deeds as there are properties in Phuket?

    Im from Singapore. It's too small & too little things to do. Only thing good about Singapore is that its a "safe" country to live in.

    Since being in Thailand for 15mths now , I don't miss Singapore even a bit. :o

  13. Hey all. :(

    My name is Greg. Been living in Thailand for the past 14mths now. Moved over here from Singapore. Im half american and half singaporean. Met my thai wife in Singapore while she was working for Marina Mandarin Hotel Singapore.

    Her work permit expired so we decided to move. And so here i am!

    Really love thailand alot. Love the spicy food and cheap beer :D:D

    People here r super friendly & nice. But 1 thing i noticed that the night markets love charging higher prices to Farangs. But once u speak thai they lower their prices by alot :D

    Was surfing the net and came across thaivisa , checked it out and had alot of nice info and so far its the only english speaking forum i could find...haha.

    Basically im a computer geek. Love PC's , gaming , surfing and anything electronic. And i love to party too :o

    Looks like i'll be in thaivisa for a long time. :D

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