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Posts posted by yabaaaa

  1. I have a horrible neighbour I would like to see move out. You could live next to me if you like. The condo is cheap but it's on the 13th floor and the lift never works. But it's cheap and your fitness will improve.

    Good look Mr.

    And with luck you may end up on www.peepholeperverts.com .......... bonus!!

  2. 23 years in this trade in the UK make sure they, whoever does it uses an undercoat /primer on any gloss woodwork, make sure they cover up all surfaces with dust sheets plastic etc Ive seen paint plastered everywhere here many times, show them what sandpaper is for and how to keep all work areas spotless, remove all door handles door furniture etc.

    I generally sand all woodwork, vacuum it clean with a saoft brush attachment, wipe it all down with a damp rag washing frequently, then wipe it down again with something we have here called a tack rack it has some tree resin on and gets up the last few bits of dust. Sand down the undercoat when its dry and repeat with the dusting wiping down etc, keep doors winmdows closed to keep dust down I dont do what it says on the tin and get "ventilation" too much rubbish floating around in BKK to do this.

    Good painting takes time and patience.

    I do my own so sorry cant help you with "who"

  3. Global Realtor conspiracy I suppose :blink:...growth numbers are included.

    I don't think the slideshow is pushing anything, It's simply noting markets where housing is not depressed. Of course, many of these countries are very lovely and yet people are leaving them for places like Thailand out due to cost of living.

    Interesting how Malaysia bests Thailand yet again and presumably you could get something nice outside KUL on the island for even cheaper.

    I like the UK figures, interesting I sold one of my properties there in 2006 for £175000 (then $350000) now 2010 it has resold for £135000 (then that would have been $270000 but now with currency changes about $205000) ??????? yet accoridng to them prices are rising, I suppose they mean from the fall of 2007 onwards so its rather misleading.

  4. Have a small house on an unattended farm. Shortly before it became unattended the cottage was broken into and some valuable tools were stolen. I removed the remaining valuables. It has been repeatedly broken into since with some remaining items stolen. The cottage has been used for drinking and drugs and other "social" activities. Recently the electricity cabling from the street and internal was removed. I have since padlocked the door so the only entry/exit has to be by forcing a window. Evidence points to people in the immediate vicinity but not necessarily neighbours.

    So, in my experience, if you can't keep your eye on it almost all the time in all likelihood you'll loose it. I have a great distrust of all Thais now as a result of this and other experiences.

    My Wife's Brother regularly has chickens and ducks stolen, they are quite poor. Ranong area.

  5. Ok... so the intention is to get rid of the mosquito.... it brings both Malaria and Dengue fever..maybe history can help.

    I lived for 18 years in a town in Africa.... previously it had been a deathbed for workers in the local mines due to Malaria and Blackwater Fever

    Have a look at this paper.. albeit academic it shows the amazing difference a real program can make..

    It quotes the story of how Luanshya Town was rendered almost almost free from Malaria by a series of programmes between 1929 and 1949 and the effect it had on the mortality rate. (Within 3-5 years, malaria related mortality, morbidity and incidence rates were reduced by 70-95%.)

    Tables start on page 24 with a map of Luanshya and its' watercourses following.

    It is all a bit dry as befitting its' purpose but quite a fascinating document. Worth wading through.

    And applicable here in Thailand just as it was in darkest Africa


    The big problem here though is with time people forget, they have short memories and then start leaving stagnant water around, its the same with war and almost anything else. It requires thought and future planning education.............. Thailand????

  6. According to the land registery prices are up year on year, though down from the peaks of a couple of years ago but theyre certainly not crashing as of yet.


    I was with you in thinking they were going to crash and if the vile labour government didnt <deleted> over savers to protect the reckless we'd have been correct ... but with .5% interest rates possibly for years to come despite higher then forecast inflation, and with QE to boosts the banks balances and ability to loan im starting to think they may fall a little but just stagnate for 10 years or so.

    I think we'll no a lot more 12 months from now as to how the longer term economy is going to perform, i dont think anyone really knows whats going to happen at the moment long term.

    PS I'm looking to buy for somewhere to live and keep it for the rest of my days despite being early 30s ... not to make money though obviously im wanting value for money.

    To get that in perspective I sold one of my UK houses in 2006 for £175000 and now I see its up for sale again at £139000!!

  7. I almost met Gunga last year when we had planned to go and buy some plants for his garden from one of my suppliers but at the last minute he couldnt make it due to his leg problem I seem to remember. Farewell Gunga!!

  8. Yep, and better still, if you have web access to your account, SWIFT it to your newly-acquired Thai account, easy peasy. You guys must be nuts carrying through such dosh, whether it's a small amount to you or not.

    You get a much better exchange rate bringing cash into Thailand , no rip off swift fees or balls ups saying you wanted to send £ and then the UK bank converting it to Thai baht by mistake before they send it (oh really) I often bring cash.

    Not necessarily, depends if you've already exchanged the other end. I really don't get this kind of thinking; people bringing in cash to save a negligible amount, yet willing to take all the risks. Just bad advice all round.

    The limit is €10000 EUROS not £s in the UK and the difference is not negligible, example I go up the roads to my post office and change cash the rate will be abysmal and the same at my bank who really dont understand that I want to send £'s to Thailand and always want to convert it to Thai baht here in the UK. Last time I used a UK bank the difference in exchange rates on £10k cost me about £800. Despite me asking them to send £s they didnt they converted it to Thai baht first, I no longer bank with them.

    On top of that I DONT want the govt to know what Im doing with MY money and where MY money is going and what purpose its being used for, they can keep their stinking noses out of it and keep throwing away OTHER peoples money on bailing out idiots who cant control how they take care of OTHER people money ie the banks.

    There is no problem carrying £9000 in Sterling thru customs I have been stopped once in 5 years and asked if I was carying money, they dont know what your carrying they rely on tip offs for the most part and scare tactics to make you think they know more than they really do, new airport scanners will probably show I have the cash on me now but as yet I havent seen these introduced at the airport I fly from.

    £9000 in £50 notes is quite easy to conceal it doesnt take up huge amounts of room €€500 notes are much easier I only wish the UK like Scotland used to have £100 notes.

    Todays rate Siam commercial bank 47.53625 superrich 49.2 24000 baht difference on 10k£ 16638 baht difference. Id rather have the £338 difference in my pocket than the banks thanks.

  9. I think the limit is 20k, there are other considerations though...

    A large amount of paper cash will have a percentage that has been used for sniffing drugs and will still contain traces, a few notes may not warrant attention from sniffer dogs a high concentration of notes might.


    Dogs at airports are trained to sniff for cash because of strict money laundering legislation.

    How does the dog decide if you are carrying $100 in the amount of $20000 or $1 bills to the amount of $20000?

    :DThose muts have got a nose for the stuff.

    Can the dogs count to $20000 if so how does it know if you have a lot of $1 or $100 I doubt it can tell the difference. Dogs can smell money but if u r carrying it in $1 bills there will be a lot but in $100 a lot less hence the recent scrapping of the €500 in the UK as it was easy to take out lots of cash using them. :whistling:

  10. Interesting, not so much what Moonrakers said, (sorry whack!) but more the amount of times that 7/11 keep cropping up in the posts on TV. Maybe it deserves its own topic.

    As for embarrassing farang, “there but for the grace of God go I” I’m never embarrassing, too me my mates are just a lovably cheeky chaps and I find all our jokes very funny! But singing in 7/11, no way, I can’t compete, way too many nutter, sorry I mean talent in there.

    The best performance I’ve seen in a 7/11 was in Pattaya, (surprised?) Around 2 am I entered the store and was immediately hit by the sound of someone singing “Angles” a Robby Williams number, not one but two performers, they were giving it some! Both at the back of the store, one by the Slushy machine the other by the yogurts, and what they lacked in; pitch, tone, harmony, tempo, remembering the words and dance moves, (Oh yes, they were dancing)they made up for in volume!! When I got there they already had a loyal following, both Thai and farang, about 15 people (IMHO the Thais were just being polite, and waiting for them to finish so they could get what they came for at the back of the shop) But a few people were holding lit “Bic” lighters in the air, and swaying, (alcohol induced me thinks)

    I like most of the fans where in the “snack” section of the 7/11, I was there about 3 minutes when it all started to go a bit “Pete Tong” the guy by the Slushy machine tried to pull off a flash dance move and jammed his knee, “with some force” into the edge of the freezer, I was up to this point a little unsure as to their nationality. The knee jamming gave it all away, he was a Brit! I’m an ex Marine… and he made me blush with the language he was using. With this the manager entered stage right, (7/11’s manager, not there’s) carrying a mop, I like most people though she may be part of the act till she slapped the still singing “Robby” square in the fizog with the business end of a very wet mop, to the joy of the audience she rounded on hopping “Robby” lined him up for a broad side…… and missed, taking out the top shelf of bread, and at the same time spraying the audience with mop head water. Well! It all went downhill from there. 7/11 is great entertainment. The best time for buffoon spotting in 7/11 is from midnight on, book early to avoid disappointment.

    What "Angles" would that be? 180degrees on the floor or what??

  11. Why carry that kind of cash anyway?

    As Jingthing suggested, open a bank account here - very easy to do on just about any kind of visa - and have someone SWIFT the money to it for you.

    Carry only the amount of cash you'll need for maybe a week.

    Safest, and most efficient.

    Yep, and better still, if you have web access to your account, SWIFT it to your newly-acquired Thai account, easy peasy. You guys must be nuts carrying through such dosh, whether it's a small amount to you or not.

    You get a much better exchange rate bringing cash into Thailand , no rip off swift fees or balls ups saying you wanted to send £ and then the UK bank converting it to Thai baht by mistake before they send it (oh really) I often bring cash.

  12. I think the limit is 20k, there are other considerations though...

    A large amount of paper cash will have a percentage that has been used for sniffing drugs and will still contain traces, a few notes may not warrant attention from sniffer dogs a high concentration of notes might.


    Dogs at airports are trained to sniff for cash because of strict money laundering legislation.

    How does the dog decide if you are carrying $100 in the amount of $20000 or $1 bills to the amount of $20000?

  13. For the very reasons mentioned I got a usufruct with my wife on our land, NOT incase of divorce but in case of death. We will start to build our house soon and this ill be added. I REPEAT this is NOT for divorce just insurance against her death...............mind that top step dear Ive just mopped the flooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooor!!!! ;)

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