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Posts posted by Strange

  1. Just now, Grubster said:

    Yes I questioned a bill in Krabi once, that was clearly padded and the bar owner/manager started throwing bottles at me hard, after I paid the bill. I won't ever question a bill again, I think she would have killed me if she could have. Lesson learned. Drunk or not I bet this guy was right.


    I never had them get violent with me before, but I have, in Pattaya some 5 years ago, on several occasions had my bill padded and intimidation was used to get me to pay. I paid of course, but pissed me off just the same. Luckily I was still switched on enough to know that I was in their house and they knew it and they had me dead to rights if I felt like getting physical. 

  2. 7 minutes ago, Maggusoil said:

    You got a big loud mouthed drunken boorish yobbo who is getting aggressive and throws the first punch.


    The only people that claim he threw the first punch were the group that put the guy in the hospital. The people that beat the shit out of the guy are the ones claiming that he threw the first punch. 


    On what planet is that objective police work or reporting? On what planet is that a credible group of witnesses?

  3. 21 hours ago, r136dg said:

    RE my columns post; Only 1 spot peeled from the early stripping (they patched it immediately) and they sealed them up right away to slow the curing. 


    Is your last pic a picture of the early stripping damage ur talking about? 


    FYI that last pic has nothing to do with stripping the forms early or curing. 


    Thats entirely the result of a less than optimal mix/dry spot/rock heavy/un-settled pocket. 


    Now with that said, its gonna happen. In the professional world its the reason that companies use vibrators with pouring concrete. Constantly pouring, dipping the vibrator in, pouring etc... 


    Here they pour it and hit the form with a hammer to get the cement to settle. 


    No big deal, house won't fall down, but a notable example as to why its important to do what you can to get the cement to settle as your pouring it. 

  4. 2 minutes ago, Sooo Upto Me said:

    Best thing to do then is go bac home.


    Does it ever get old? 


    You know, being that guy that constantly parrots that little gem? 


    Just because I don't agree with everything about Thailand, does not mean I need to run away. 


    It is possible, you know, to like the country as a whole, but seriously dislike certain aspects of Thainess. 


    I may like it here, but I'm not too blinded with being Thaier than Thai that I can't see the BS in it. 

  5. 1 hour ago, Artisi said:

    This is the basic fool-proof priming system, the tank needs to be sufficient to counter inlet line length / volume.  


    We use this kinda setup offshore for stuff, and most of the large, self contained diesel powered centrifugal pumps we move around with the cranes use that too. 


    Your right its a fool proof system. 

  6. 11 minutes ago, kannot said:

    Calm down chaps  all in hand


    Not arguing lol just talking  :smile:


    11 minutes ago, kannot said:

    my  other plan is to use a  flexible inlet  hose mounted on a floating buoy


    This is an excellent idea. 


    Hell if the PVC Inlet is long enough, you might not need flex. Just put a little weight on the end by the foot valve and then hook it up to your buoy. Flex would be better for sure though. 


    Good idea regardless. 

  7. 38 minutes ago, webfact said:

    The bouncers were called in for questioning at Patong Police Station, but no charges have been filed yet.


    Yep. That wouldn't be good for Thailand's reputation. 


    38 minutes ago, webfact said:

    When the bar was about to close, staff handed him his bill, but instead of paying it, he started creating a scene


    3 Thais vs 1 allegedly drunk foreigner. Blood clot, brain hemorrhage, possible head surgery. 


    Little chickenshits. 


    This "Restaurant" with 3 bouncers. Really? Only places I ever been that had bouncers - had them for intimidation. In other words, knowingly doing illegal things, and if you complain or create a scene, you get 3 20ish year old fighting age thais telling you "This is Tai-lan, you must pay"


    What a joke this country can be. 


  8. 7 minutes ago, KhunBENQ said:

    Even if you are happy now I can not resist to ask: which HomePro was that?

    Smaller ones out of stock?

    Very exceptional.


    Gawd this bring back extremely aggravating memories of shops conveniently not having what I want in stock in favor of the most expensive option. 


    Entire walls of tools, heaters, etc... Conveniently "no have" anything but the most expensive option. Go back the next day, speak to a different "Staff Member" and miraculously they "have" now. 


    Hopefully this was not the case for OP. 

  9. 53 minutes ago, Artisi said:

    I was thinking more along the lines of a check valve seizing closed over a long inactive period.


    Ah yeah, that too. Also getting gunked up from lake stuff. 


    Maybe good a good idea to have a decent quality union fitting in the PVC pick up so its easy to take apart, recover, & clean/replace. 

  10. 19 minutes ago, FritsSikkink said:

    No, the story of a drunk is credible.


    The story of the drunk is no less credible than the Thais that put the sucker in the hospital with a blood clot in his brain. Witch, buy the way, its very unlikely from a few punches to the face. More likely from being foot stomped, kneed, elbowed, or hit with a blunt object. 


    19 minutes ago, FritsSikkink said:

    No a story about a drunk who gets agressive


    And thats precisely the view the Thais and the Media want to do believe. Besides, getting aggressive requires a beatdown? Shiiit more like a couple man-children couldn't stand losing face to a foreigner. Its patong, they could have just gotten the police over. 


    I don't buy it at all. Not yet anyway. Thai males of fighting age acting as a "Security Guard" for a restaurant in Patong?


    Nope. Im more inclined to believe that they padded his bill, he got mad and was vocal about it, and they beat him down. Rather than he just randomly sucker punched a Thai security guard during a "Discussion" that the media & police report, without a shred of evidence, other than what the "Security Guards" say. 


  11. 3 minutes ago, webfact said:

    Yingluck urges Thais to give rices as new year gifts


    3 minutes ago, webfact said:

    Hence, she said this year’s new year gifts couldn’t be anything but rice bought directly from farmers.


    From Prime Minister to Facebook rice flogger. 


    Oh how the mighty fall. 


    Hope she is very uncomfortable & unhappy in her new role of nothingness. 

  12. Just now, Artisi said:

    Good - now fully addressed - but could be problematic if used infrequently as I think the OP mentioned (haven't gone back to check that comment) 


    Yep thats what he said. Something like 3 months a year during the driest part. 


    I don't think there is any way around a centrifugal pump losing its prime over a period of weeks/months. I think in OP's case it won't be too much of an issue as the pick-up will be closer to horizontal rather than vertical. The pump won't have to work nearly as hard. 


    Just have to unscrew that brass plug on the top of the pump housing and top up the system after a period of inactivity if it loses prime. 


    If the pump is out of hose range from other water sources - a couple milk jugs of water and a crescent wrench kept in the pump house will take care of it. 

  13. 13 minutes ago, Artisi said:

    I have only skimmed thru' the posts but it seems like the advice is certainly on the ball,  1 thing I didn't see was a fool-proof system ensuring the pump is fully primed on each start-up. Needs addressing. 


    Foot valve on the very end of the pick up in the lake or at the very least a simple PVC check valve will keep it primed. 


    There is a brass screw on the pump cover, pop it off and fill it up. Probably take a minute to fill up the pick up pipe into the lake, but once done the check valve will maintain prime. 


    Any of theses should work flawlessly. 








    Just the foot valve diagram part. 



  14. 20 minutes ago, Tawan Dok Krating Daeng said:

    Your call to Agism is a crock. Intended to divert away from the challenge to your inhuman and inhumane support of the forced assimilation of Aboriginal populations.


    No its not. Its constant rhetoric spouted by people such as your self and it is VERY much prejudice behavior. Very definition in fact. And of course, thats perfectly fine with your line of thinking. Blatant hypocrisy to everyone else. 


    You keep banging on about forced assimilation like its going on today, but barf up pseudo intellectual quotes from over 100 years ago. People from 100 years ago. Thinking and mindset from 100 years ago. 




    Sorry OZ - one of Americas crazies got out. 


  15. 6 minutes ago, Tawan Dok Krating Daeng said:

    For the avoidance of doubt, it does not matter what culture you wish to impose on another, you cannot remove children from their families in an attempt to assimilate them. It contravenes their Human Rights. To even suggest such a thing marginalized you into a fringe that has no relationship with any society based on dignity or respect.


    Sooooo its better to leave children with parents that neglect & abuse them because its racist to remove them for their own safety? 


    You have this red mist thats consuming you to the detriment of children being abused. 

  16. 15 minutes ago, Patsycat said:

    Firstly, this Forum is so against Western women it is sometimes horrible to read.  And extremely amusing!!  Raped women who asked for it. and now this!!  You should all pat yourselves on the back!!


    How do you know she knew she was pregnant?  I remember missing a period whilst on holiday in Thailand.  The change of climate, food etc. can add to a woman missing her period  for several months.


    How do you know she was drinking?  Did you see her?


    It is not the 1950's where women took to their beds the minute the were diagnosed.  And stayed there for the duration.   They go out, travel, go to parties, participate in the Olympics.


    It is not a disease.


    As for the hospital bill, i don't know.  But glad that she is OK.


    I agree with your post, and I been kinda looking out for a woman to post in here so I can ask:


    She was 3 months pregnant. I don't have kids, neither does my wife, but 3 months? I mean I understand missing periods due to stresses & stuff but how likely do you think that is? I have never known a woman that did not know they were pregnant for 3 entire months. Just asking cause you guys got some weird pipework that I dunno about. 


    My main issues in the OP were #1 the hospital gouging her for 100K then stealing her passport. #2 Being pregnant and not having enough cash to care for the baby she is carrying around. I just don't see how she would not know she was pregnant. 


    I agree a pregnant woman isn't diseased and can still holiday & stuff but has to consider what she's carrying around. Nothing wrong with shoe-string budgets when your only responsibility is yourself. 

  17. On 12/17/2016 at 3:07 PM, giddyup said:

    I am neither a bigot or a racist, I just choose not to see the world through rose coloured glasses, instead of some utopian fantasy where we all join in group hugs. Bye.




    Welcome to liberal american politics 101. If you are not 100% in their camp, you are a racist, bigot, hateful KKK member that should walk around with an "Im Sorry" sign around your neck 24/7 and people wonder why Trump won. 


    The woman you are debating with is an extreme case. 

  18. 5 minutes ago, stevenl said:

    Saying what I think of this would get me banned.


    That sure escalated quickly. A snake is not a road hazard, anyway you want to paint it. They are gonna get clobbered and most of the time its not on purpose. Bit childish to blame a motorbike or car for 'murdering' a snake on the road. 


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