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Posts posted by Strange

  1. 6 minutes ago, canthai55 said:

    If your knowledge of cars is non-existent, then you are at the mercy of the seller.


    So much truth here. 


    If you don't know about cars I would never recommend buying second hand here in Thailand. Some people may get lucky but the amount of lemons here is astronomical. 


    The only reason I can see to justifiably get second hand is you don't have the resources to buy new or you know how cars work and know full well what you are getting yourself into. 

  2. 2 hours ago, JAS21 said:

    Gee guys ... what is up with some of you.  He is not exactly young, but has got all the money he will ever need. Has spent the last few years with a young experianced babe living in luxury.


    It can't be that bad for him. What else is he going to do with his money anyway.... probably a few on this forum would swap places with him ...☺


    I would never swap places with the guy, and the girl is a total narcissistic parasite of the highest order. 


    I hope harold is happy, but to spend your last days giving away all you have worked for in your life to a person that literally does not love you or care about you? 


    Hell no, Id rather get a dog, watch porn, and give my money to charity, than to associate with a woman like "Nat". Couldn't care less about how good of a taco she has. 

  3. 5 minutes ago, geriatrickid said:

    Sometimes the Thai approach is more efficient in terms of the worker's  time management.


    Doubtful. But maybe "Sometimes" I guess. 


    The issue is them confirming a time/place for work, then flat out no-showing and not calling. 


    Arrange a time for workers, internet people, aircon service people etc. to come, plan your day to be there, and they don't come, or come extremely late, usually not calling either. 


    I mean I get it, I expect it, but everyone has jobs, responsibilities, and I don't know about anyone else but its very rare that I'm late for anything, and I never no-show if I confirm. Its not like its all that hard to time manage. They just don't care because its all about them, and who cares about the impact they have on others. 

    TIT of course, but its still frustrating sometimes. 

  4. 12 hours ago, stevenl said:

    This face thing is a mis conception, same thing everywhere.
    And handymen/construction workers not showing up, also same everywhere.


    Face thing is a misconception? Really? This face thing is ingrained in their DNA and probably one of the main root causes of a majority of what can make Thailand so frustrating sometimes. 


    59 minutes ago, Deepinthailand said:

    Do you feel better now. You have just described most of the civilised world well done


    I never understood why people say things like these two ^ I mean I get it, they are unwilling to see things for what they are because they love it, but, no, not like "most of the civilized world" unless you guys are from a 3rd world country. 


    Nobody says that frustrating shit doesn't happen everywhere else in the world. The issue is the concentration in witch it happens here and how its completely accepted & expected. 

  5. 3 minutes ago, Andaman Al said:

    Whats the rhetoric? The 2 Ltr coke?



    That is the level of education that has led to the current situation of the US being up S**t Creek without a paddle. If you were not going to take the world down with you I would not waste my breath or finger strokes. Build the wall all the way around, let nobody out or in, we will all be better off.


    The rhetoric? 


    Everything you post in regards to the US. 


    Happy to bring you down with me. 

  6. 4 hours ago, Thanyaburi Mac said:

    The neighbors say it's a cobra, of course, but I have my doubts.


    Gotta photograph the head dude not an underbelly strung up shot. 


    Looks like a cobra to me though. Had a baby one on the porch yesterday morning even though it was cool outside and my dog was inside the screen door barking at it. 


    Bricks were shat. 

  7. 1 minute ago, Morch said:


    And still, you haven't got a clear answer - better ignore it? Better not look into it? Is it another one of your imaginary lists of "nothing", then?


    You're switched on enough to see what I'm replying to . 


    Whats the question that you desire an answer to? 

  8. 22 minutes ago, Linzz said:


    No but that begs the question on what is he going to do. In the light of his interference with the Israeli elections he hasn't got a leg to stand on so it's really just hot air and the hope that the Electoral College will change it's mind.


    He's going to do nothing, just like he has been doing for 8 years. 


    EC won't change its mind, all he's doing is cage rattling & kicking the hornets nest right before he hits the golf course & Trump takes over. Pandering to his base.


    Putin don't care, he's over there in the Kremlin giggling like a school girl over trolling the US so hard. 

  9. 22 minutes ago, Morch said:

    The threats made by Obama are silly, if perhaps sort of customary under such circumstances. A wuss? Would you be happier with him starting a real confrontation with Russia?


    Id say we are well on our way with that with Obama and previous DNC bullshiznizzle. 


    I don't want it at all, and thank god we got Trump rather than HRC & Co. Otherwise we would likely be well on our way. 

  10. 4 hours ago, kannot said:

    Think what Ill do is  as a  test try it without the pricey relief  valve  FIRST and see what  happens, there is  also the scenario (daily) of all sprinklers  will be off and some hand watering by a  hose which Il have to take into account.

    So the pressure SWITCH is wired  normally? ( saw you mention cheap switch "L" connection) ie the square D type and  Ill set  cut  off at about 60psi my  only concern then would be how many times it  turns the pump off on though manufacturer says 50 times a  day apparently.

    Until I get it  running I  guess I wont know how this  pump  will cope or what pressures  it will produce as my sprinkler system has a fair  few  elbows and joints  all of which along with length  ( friction loss) will lower psi anyway meaning it might never  reach too high a  pressure anyway.


    Yep the pressure switch is wired completely normal. If using your switches, wire it completely normal. 


    The problem is like you say, if you don't use a good bypass regulator, the switch is likely going to short-cycle like a bastard causing all kinds of wear, pulsation, and weirdness. 


    Might not need the bypass for all 30 sprinklers, maybe not for 10 sprinklers, but probably will with a hose. 


    If you are going to try it without the bypass, I would DEFINITELY install the pressure switch for testing to see what you can get away with. 10-20-30 sprinklers, a hose, etc... You would install it after the pump but before you would have your provision for the bypass. Wire it exactly the same as you would normally do. 


    Set it cut out at 60 PSI (and by doing so will cut-in at 40 psi) or whatever you think the maximum safe operating range will be, and test. I would use it for safety, to cut out the pump from going crazy (during testing) if it turns out to generate a lot more pressure than expected. I would not depend on the switch to do any "work" or to regulate anything. 


    5 hours ago, kannot said:

    $239 so about 10,000 baht


    Yep expensive, but worth it. That little gem is whats gonna make the whole thing work from just a single garden hose to 30 sprinklers. 


    Man I know they are going to have a Thai made valve somewhere they are completely common things. 

  11. Do you have any pics of the tab/hook/plank concern? I got you about the trampoline effect, not too concerned about that, just want to make sure the issue is clear. 


    But from the sounds of it, appears normal except they should roll out a wire mesh deal before pouring, and 5 cm is a little thin for my liking but should be fine. I would have gone for about 7cm before starting to feel comfortable but 5 should be okay. 


    Pics if you can. 


    2 hours ago, r136dg said:

    By the way, I posted the columns topic a couple days ago. I'll post results on that with pics later, but for now I can say no big issues on that gig.


    Glad to hear it. Not really as weak as you initially thought right? 

  12. Sorry didn't think to include this lol


    Either one of these will work, seems same except one has a hand wheel to turn, and the other has a nut thing to turn. I would go for the Model 19. 


    3 hours ago, kannot said:

    Model Descriptions Model 19: All bronze, equipped with handwheel for easy adjustment within spring ranges.


    3 hours ago, kannot said:

    Model 20: All bronze, with pressure-tight cap. Suitable for maximum back pressure of 50 psig.1


    Model 20 says it can be used in back pressure situations but you won't have any back pressure to speak of really. 


    And in whatever size - 1" 3/4" Etc...


    Also, when you wife calls have her ask if they have a Thai manufactured replacement. The one I linked to is imported I believe. 

  13. Also, that PVC "T" fitting with the little threaded nipple you can screw in any pressure switch into the threaded nipple as a port to measure from. No need a manifold. You can use the pressure switch as a very simple way to cut out the pump due to over pressure. For the sake of safety & good advice, I would recommend it.


    The cheapie switch I pictured just switches the "L" part of power and screws into the port. So you would have the bypass valve I mentioned above doing all the work of regulating your pressure, and you would have a secondary pressure switch to kick the pump off in an overpressure emergency. Double safety. 


    Now, with all that said, you can easily setup everything, pump, pressure gauges, etc, and leave yourself a capped access point on your PVC setup. Try running your pump and sprinklers without the bypass regulator and very closely watch your pressure gauge. If the pressure is acceptable without the bypass regulator, and it does not climb over time, then you might not need it. Meaning you could save the cash as that valve is pricey. 


    However, I would imagine you are going to need it if you want to have the functionality of running either 10-20-30 sprinklers. Nothing saying you can't try it without the bypass valve running different combos of sprinklers and closely watching your pressure over time. 

  14. 2 hours ago, kannot said:

    ive never seen  one ill go have a look tomorrow thanks.............on my way to take back the brio :-(      still struggling with where to get relief valve here


    2 hours ago, kannot said:

    ill have  to  take  a photo  with  me..............are  they  like  the one  ive shown or  different  loooking?


    OK, I have been re-reading this thread, looking at your pump and what you need it to do and I think the relief valves you picture and I picture are not going to work very well. They are more of a pop-off release safety thing rather than an actual regulator meant to bypass continually non-stop. Its probably gonna cause pulsation & other weirdness. 


    IMO if you can take the Brio back and get the 2000 baht, put that 2000 baht towards a non-code bypass valve. A real one. With this, you can run 5 sprinklers or 30 and not have to worry about using a pressure switch to "Control" anything. This valve will work as a "regulator" and its adjustable from 1 - 300 psi. The "Continuous Bypass Relief" and "Pressure Regulation" in the "Applications" part of the link are the key points. 


    They are expensive though. But worth it imho. 


    I found a thailand company that has good stuff on thier website:


    http://www.epmc.co.th/Safety Valves/kunkle.html


    And the valve that I think would work well:


    http://www.epmc.co.th/Safety Valves/pdfs/Kunkle Model 19 - 20 Safety Relief Valve.pdf


    Screen Shot 2016-12-17 at 12.28.03 AM.pngScreen Shot 2016-12-17 at 12.29.28 AM.png

  15. 13 minutes ago, kannot said:

    ive never seen  one ill go have a look tomorrow thanks.............on my way to take back the brio :-(      still struggling with where to get relief valve here


    Global is guaranteed to have it. Local hardware stores (mom & pop) will have it for sure too. Same same the gauge. 

  16. 50 minutes ago, kannot said:

    Now  how  do you attach a pressure  gauge if  i  go  back to the system u  mention as I havent seen any  adapters to do this, my well systems  use a  nice manifold where everything has its place


    Staying in line with a cheapie system, I don't see why you would need a manifold. You can buy PVC "T" fittings with 1/2" pipe thread nipples and thread in a pressure gauge anywhere in the system you want. Sold everywhere and just as good as a manifold for this setup. 


    Something like:



  17. 17 minutes ago, kannot said:

    BUT the pump has  an absolute max  total head in metres of 47 and the plate on it says 22-46 this  equates to about 65psi "max" the pump wont go higher than this sooooooo  itll never  reach  more  than 65psi.in the system?.


    Honestly, usually these things are max "Operating" pressure. Either a safe range or a capability range. There is nothing on or in the pump to limit pressure & thats the problem with these things. Sometimes they are written in a way that means at such & such "head" and such & such "distance" etc. they are "capable" of a "max" psi of "bla"


    In other words, I wouldn't depend on what the plate says as a "max psi" as its not a pump limit, its operational limit. It can very much overpressure. Centrifugal pumps are not as bad as submersible pumps, but the danger is still there, let alone you want a stable pressure. 


    37 minutes ago, kannot said:

    I turn on the  pump, pressure  builds to its max 65psi  I assume brio  can sense  when pressure no longer increases in the system and turns  off the pump,


    What I read on your instruction manual what that the Brio has a minimum pressure sensitivity only. Set that at 2 bar. After that, it senses FLOW. So it keeps the system charged to 2 bar, open a tap, it senses a flow, turns the pump on, close the tap, FLOW stops and the pump shuts off. It does not sense a max pressure. Its not capable. Your pump has no pressure limit, its not capable either. So I wouldn't depend on this as it works different. 

  18. 7 minutes ago, Morch said:

    I don't know, but I think there's enough to justify doubts and looking into matters. If you mean a direct connection between Trump and Putin as some nutcases suggest - no. However, if there was a Russian intervention, and the winning candidate was to assumes office, and suppress an investigation - then he'd be compromised regardless of personal benefit.


    With regard to effect on election outcome - depends what falls under "whatever the Russians did". If this includes Wikileaks, then I'd say yes. Outright election fraud (as in tampering with voting machines) - doubtful.


    I agree, lets look into it. However, is that what they are doing? Or are they looking into it, whilst taking every little crumb and giving to the MSM to spin? This does not seem to be about the Russians, but more about Trump. More about making it as difficult as possible. More about cage rattling than justice. They promote themselves as taking the high road on issues, but here we are, regardless of to what extent russian involvement may be, with Putin giggling to himself over it all and the White House not giving a single shit. Putin trolling the US, Putin lolololing about it, americans fighting amongst themselves about it. Yeah sounds like winner to me. 


    With or without wikileaks, trump would have won. If the DNC would have been above board, there would not be an issue. If HRC would have been above board, there would not be an issue. 99% of the problems that HRC and DNC faced are of their own doing. Entirely their fault. Both Republicans and Democrats were attacked through hacking. The Democrats are no angels, arguably just as bad or worse than Trump. 

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