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Posts posted by Strange

  1. 35 minutes ago, redhorsebeer said:

    Yes I agree with that. And they are doing their best to do that already. 
     But you choose not to educate yourself on what is really happening over there, except base it on hearsay from sensationalized news reports.


    Try again. Don't assume people don't know anything.

  2. 45 minutes ago, redhorsebeer said:



    Easy for you to say, you haven't experienced what it is like living in Manila. 
    More than half of those murders were not even POLICE operations, but mysterious killings that are under investigation.
    Vigilante Squads? A creation of political opponents who want to oust him and replace him with the VP who is of their political party.
    And MORE of these killings have already been happening even before Duterte became president.
     You're making judgement from somewhere distant, and you don't have never even experienced life in the Philippines, don't even understand the culture. So what makes you think you have better judgement? 
    Of course there are collateral damage or Innocent lives lost because of this, but not in the thousands. But would you rather let a drug pandemic grow wild if you were a president of a third world country without money or resources?
    Instead of complaining, how about helping fund drug rehab centers there? Or are you just a man of "words" and no action? 


    There is nothing in this reply with any basis other than conjecture and opinion. I may not be from the Philippines but I spend a lot of time there, and spend more time with the Pinoys offshore than I do my own family. And I'm american. 


    Yeah I'm not pandering to "Being a man 'words' and no actions". 


    You guys need to sort out your politicians, government, police, for the rampant corruption and disregard for the law, before killing people for a drug pandemic. The pandemic is symptom of the rampant corruption and disregard for the law of your country. 

  3. 51 minutes ago, redhorsebeer said:

    2 things:
    1. Duterte has openly announced when he ran for president, that he is a socialist. He has no respect for oligarchy and nations that have a habit of meddling in affairs of smaller nations. He is a commoner and like the usual people of the street, talk vulgar and use profanity just like ordinary people. He avoids hypocrisy so he tells things as he sees it, be it factual or not, be it unstatesman-like or not.
    2. His Left leaning tendencies make him want to ally with Russia and China, but as a Filipino he still has "some" respect for the US as long as the US does the following:
         a. Apologize publicly for killing people of Muslim ethnic groups in the Philippines 100 years ago, to heal some deep wounds still being felt today.
         b. Investigate/Talk first to the Philippine government about Drug-related deaths due to his Anti-drug campaign, instead of accusing publicly and relying on unverified/slanted news report. For most unexplained drug-related deaths are either not really drug-related or just attributed to it to distract investigators from finding the real motive for killing.
         c. If you're going to be a "real" ally and USE the Philippines for strengthening US control/visibility in the Asia Pacific region, don't just give out outdated/scrap military equipment and spare change for military aid. You have chosen Israel to receive most of the millions of dollars in military aid, egypt and some african countries, yet you just give the Philippines (a country you once subjugated and occupied immediately after the Spanish for half a century) a miniscule of that moolah? I mean, that's just being mean, especially you're forcing them to antagonize China, who has never even invaded the Philippines out of respect for being a trading partner for centuries.


    1. Socialist. OK thats cool, but its one step away from communist. If you guys are ok with that, who am I to say. Your house your rules. Maybe thats what the phillipines needs. Spent a lot of time in Manilla and work with filipinos offshore and know its dangerous as hell there. If it takes Duterte to clean up and get people in line, fine. 


    2. You are blatantly selling yourselves to Russia and China because of military aid and "Moolah". What if North Korea offer more money? You realize how ridiculous this is? You want aid, and want to have allies but don't want to hear any criticism about your policies from these allies? 


    To request the USA to bend a knee and apologize publicly for what happened over 100 years ago, that just incredulous. Ive got family that died in your country trying to get the Japanese out of there. Did you somehow forget about that? 


    How much aid "moneys" actually get to the people when its got to be filtered down through your corrupted governments first? 


    If its all about the money, then go ahead and change flags. 



  4. 1 minute ago, Anthony5 said:
    6 minutes ago, Strange said:

    Try that on some other sucker. 


    Everyone has the right to a fair trial or at least some form of judicial help. 

    You responded to RedHorseBeer with Filipino detected, I think I detected something from your last reply also.


    You think too much. 

  5. 30 minutes ago, Anthony5 said:
    41 minutes ago, Strange said:

    So you are ok with murder in the thousands outside of a court of law?


    With thousands murdered outside a court of law, do you mean the drug addicts indirectly murdered by the dealers?


    Try that on some other sucker. 


    Everyone has the right to a fair trial or at least some form of judicial help. 

  6. 6 minutes ago, Gecko123 said:
    58 minutes ago, Strange said:

    No guilt here.


    We're not talking about guilt. We're talking about greater self-awareness.


    Seriously? Out of my entire reply, those 3 words are all you got? 

  7. 2 minutes ago, redhorsebeer said:

    2 things:
    1. Duterte has openly announced when he ran for president, that he is a socialist. He has no respect for oligarchy and nations that have a habit of meddling in affairs of smaller nations. He is a commoner and like the usual people of the street, talk vulgar and use profanity just like ordinary people. He avoids hypocrisy so he tells things as he sees it, be it factual or not, be it unstatesman-like or not.
    2. His Left leaning tendencies make him want to ally with Russia and China, but as a Filipino he still has "some" respect for the US as long as the US does the following:
         a. Apologize publicly for killing people of Muslim ethnic groups in the Philippines 100 years ago, to heal some deep wounds still being felt today.
         b. Investigate/Talk first to the Philippine government about Drug-related deaths due to his Anti-drug campaign, instead of accusing publicly and relying on unverified/slanted         news report. For most unexplained drug-related deaths are either not really drug-related or just attributed to it to distract investigators from finding the real motives.
         c. If you're going to be a "real" ally and USE the Philippines for strengthening US control/visibility in the Asia Pacific region, don't just give out outdated/scrap military
              equipment and spare change for military aid. You have chosen Israel to receive most of the millions of dollars in military aid, egypt and some african countries, yet you
              just give the Philippines (a country you once subjugated and occupied immediately after the Spanish for half a century) a miniscule of that moolah? I mean, that's just
              being mean, especially you're forcing them to antagonize China, who has never even invaded the Philippines out of respect of being a trading partner for centuries.


    Pilipino Detected. 


    So you are ok with murder in the thousands outside of a court of law? How many of these thousands were innocents? 


    Its best you provide actual data in the form of links to external sites for review. Seems like you may be drinking the Duterte cool-aid a little too heavily. 

  8. 3 minutes ago, Jingthing said:

    Things are not so great so let's put in a mentally ill fascist. Yeah ... that'll help. Nihilism.


    You ever stop to ask yourself why things are not so great? 


    JT what kind of country do you want the USA to be? 


  9. 1 hour ago, boomerangutang said:

    Here's another example of Trump cheating the system but it's not technically illegal. So, because, it's not actively illegal, it's fine (and savvy and genius) according to his fans.


     At least two out of his three most recent construction projects HAVE USED CHINESE STEEL AND ALUMINIUM.  Plus the loans for those materials come from Chinese banks.  So, while he keeps shouting re-faced to Americans about how he's going to bring jobs back from China to America, he is actually spending hundreds of millions of $$'s buying products from China, including % on Chinese bank loans


    Yeah, but, um, I work in the industrial field and 99.999% of raw materials come from china regardless of region. 


    From a business standpoint, makes sense to me, I can't see anything wrong. I see no cheating and no law breaking. 


    From a presidential debate standpoint, so Trump is a business man and looking to maximize profit. He does this successfully. Now he is running for president, and I would think that this experience as a businessman would give him better experience than "Hill" on how to reduce bureaucracy for US business to actually want to operate in the US again. Let alone pretty much ANY business topic whatsoever trump will be more experienced than "Hill"


    So yeah next....  

  10. 2 hours ago, Gecko123 said:

    I don't know you personally, Strange, and, no, I don't know if you're racist or sexist. I know you know your Thai basils, and I'll give you a lot of points for that. But I also know that just saying, "I'm not a racist or a sexist" doesn't necessarily make those statements true, and oftentimes people need to look deeper into their hearts to find out what's really going on in there. As Hillary Clinton so eloquently said during the last debate "all of us have unconscious bias towards others," and "we all need to start asking ourselves why we are feeling a certain way towards another person."


    No guilt here. I don't need to look inward at anything. "Hill" says things for mass consumption and NOT because she actually believes in them. Her entire career is nothing but a flip flop on her opinions and policy. She says whatever she (and her billion dollar think tank) thinks will get the most "appeal" at the time, and has no problem turning coat and furiously denying it like everyone else is retarded. Its like watching a patronizing 3rd grade teacher running for the highest office in the states. A lot of her major talking points in regards to her "Career" and "Experience" have been largely exaggerated to the point of being comical. These are some of the reasons I don't think "Hill" should be President. Nothing to do with sexism/racism etc... 


    As far as the whole racism/sexism thing, my honest opinion is get over it. I don't mean this as an insult, I mean, the longer we keep harping on and on about this, the more of a divide its creating within the people. Im not saying we need to stick our heads in the sand, Im saying that a lot of the time, it aint got nothing to do with that and when people keep trying to call other people out with "White Guilt" "Privilege" "Racist" honest conversation and debate becomes impossible. Who wants to be called a racist for having an honest opinion about another person? Who wants to debate something when if they don't fall inline with your views they are then a minsogynst sexist pig?


    Trump is what he is, and it may be "offensive" to some, but a vote for "Hill" is a vote for the things I covered in the above 2 paragraphs and more. There is more of a divide within the people today than there was 8 years ago and I don't think another 4 years of the same is going to make anything better. 

  11. 3 minutes ago, Jingthing said:

    Don't play games. It's well documented that trump has strong support of Nazis and racist white supremacist groups in general. It's not unreasonable to mention Nazis when the truth reveals actual Nazis. Don't be naive either. The dark trump movement has a history in American politics going back to fascist racist pro Nazi isolationist hyper nationalists Lindbergh and Ford. He even uses their same slogan.


    Does Trump have an affiliation with nazis whatsoever? As despicable as it is, its not illegal to be a nazi, and they can choose who they support. And frankly, THEY would be the racist misogynists opposing "Hill" at all costs so they kinda have to go trump, being nazis and all.  

  12. 2 minutes ago, Pinot said:
    2 hours ago, Strange said:

    Im sure you would think its because she's a woman. There is a group on here that certainly would think that. Its unfortunate that they feel this way because, at least in my case, its not true at all. Honest to god, I wish for there to be a woman up there of integrity and character who can hold the bar high for the first lady president. Hillary is not this person. 


    It is possible, you know, to dislike someone for a reason other than their gender. 


    If a quacks like a duck, waddles like it...


    You probably don't even realize that you hate her because she's a woman. Just like you didn't realize you hated Obama because he was black. Think about it. Na, don't bother. 


    Really? Thats the the best you can come up with? How in the name of humanity can you guys accuse something like this?

  13. 2 minutes ago, Jingthing said:
    23 minutes ago, Strange said:

    Objectively speaking "hill" is much much worse.


    "Objectively" :whistling:


    Not really. trump is a nutcase demagogue with a horrific bizarre temperament. He has zero experience in government. He doesn't even understand it. He has no attention span. He's an isolationist. He attracts fascists racists and Nazis to his support base. He lies massively more than Hill again objectively speaking and Hill is one of the most qualified by experience for president in U.S. history.


    Well that escalated quickly. Got all the way to Nazis in the process. 

  14. 11 minutes ago, manarak said:

    what a ridiculous debate.


    I don't like Trump and I think he is indeed unfit for presidency, at least for US presidency - maybe he would do a good job in the Philippines - but I think before declaring a loss of nearly one billion, his companies in the past probably also were taxed on substantial profits - otherwise what campany can afford to lose a billion?


    Rather concentrate on his dishonest business practices, such as not paying his bills. This disqualifies him more than this ridiculous tax story.


    Nobody should like to pay taxes, the only people who don't care about taxes should be the people who don't make enough money to pay any, and they shouldn't be allowed to vote in the first place.


    He didn't break any laws and luckily he would have to become a felon to lose his voting rights.... 

  15. 28 minutes ago, BangkokTony said:

    Trump is not perfect but is HRC?  I cannot vote because I am from UK. We all know both of their faults but I think we only receive one side of the story from looking at the headlines on world news in Thai Visa forum.


    HRC is far from perfect. Thai visa forum is not a good place to find information about this topic man honestly. Most of the posters already have deep seeded opinions/feelings so it mostly comes down mud-slinging. 


    They are both bad but HRC is a terrible choice imho


    There are not many pro trump threads here because of the demographic unfortunately. But hey, their house their rules. 




  16. 6 hours ago, Publicus said:

    After this election the rightwhinge and other Republicans are going to be fighting one another bitterly and fiercely for the next four years. This will help us in the midterm election of 2018 and in legislating, setting priorities, public policy, amending laws, getting a couple of new justices on Scotus, in the US courts system throughout and in so many ways.


    Let 'em at each other. While the Republicians and other rightwhingers rage on about purity of ideology, ethnicity, religion etc we can get on with the matter of governance. 


    Democrats fully intend to spend the next four years hanging Trump around the necks of Republicans from Washington into every state capital. 


    Reality is, given the Republican Party of the past 30 years, a Donald Trump nominee coming out of the cave was inevitable. It just happened to be literally Donald Trump himself and at this time under the present circumstances.


    While Democrats successfully ran against Herbert Hoover for 30 years after him, we won't get that much mileage out of hanging Donald Trump on the R party. But the Trump candidacy is a gamer changer because it puts the Republican Party squarely behind the 8-ball for a good period of time and elections to come.  


    It's like Godzilla getting tangled in the cables and the steel towers out in the near distance. Oblivious stompings while tearing at live wires.


    Hey there is a job posting over on huffington for a extremely left-leaning sensationalist op writer. Might want to go check it out. 



  17. 11 minutes ago, Publicus said:


    If you literally fell into the river it would be a catastrophe. If someone fished you out again it would be a calamity. 


    I still don't know your view in respect of the topic however.




    Im sure you know, and I'm sure the vast majority of americans feel the same way. There will never be any sympathy from me for anyone that does things like this, and gets shot. The police have a hard time and now with people like you and everyone else that sensationalizes "Black Man Shot" to the point that the not only have to deal with the criminals themselves, they then have to deal with riots on their streets from doing their job AGAINST criminals. 


    You keep harping on and on and on about chief richard beary and the 2% of 2% of whatever like this is some kind of mass pandemic of systemic racism with the objective of eliminating the black man. You must really believe you are on to something, but unfortunately your not. No one, yourself included, has come up with an alternative that is safer for the public than what usually happens like in the OP. 


    I agree with the actions of the police in El Cajon so far. 

  18. 9 minutes ago, stevenl said:
    4 hours ago, Gecko123 said:

    I detect an element of misogyny in the ranks of people who don't like Hillary Clinton. Personality conflicts, Whitewater, Bengazi, email servers, Bill Clinton's affairs? That doesn't explain the raw hatred she engenders from the right. I think it has a lot to do with her being a woman. I really do. I think it's driving the alt-right crowd crazy that America is about to elect the first woman president, especially after having elected the first African-American president eight years ago.

    And that same hatred, only worse, has tried to prevent Obama from progressing the USA.


    Really.... You think maybe there are other people in the USA that might think slightly different than you and that fact has nothing to do with hatred and misogyny? And that political leaders must lead the way their constituents want them to? And the dispersal of power is there for a reason so that we don't have a dictator? 


    Seriously I can not understand why you guys go that low. Come on... 

  19. 2 minutes ago, stevenl said:
    31 minutes ago, Strange said:


    Yes, I would. Particularly where Trump breaks income tax laws. That would be good. 

    You ask how it can be cheating if it is legal, you get that explained with examples. Now you ask the same question again.


    Yeah, I was hoping for examples of trump cheating, but instead I got an example of dude getting my (hypothetical) daughter drunk and sleeping with her. 


    Second, if I was paying for a job, and it was not done properly, I would damn sure not pay the last installment. the hell kinda example is that? 


    Finally, we are talking about income taxes, and thats what I was hoping to get, not condescending kindergarten examples. 

  20. 8 minutes ago, citzofwrld said:

    That was true over 30 yrs ago, when most foreigners thought all Americans lived like those on 'Dallas'. Now, they come to the U.S. and are deeply disappointed, angry, bitter, broke, no friends, and no money to return home. I know a surgeon that is delivery packages to survive. There's nearly 7 billion people on the plane now. A few still think America is the place to make their fortune and send money back home.


    So where are they going now for their fortune? 

  21. 3 minutes ago, dutchisaan said:

    Man??? Get a life!

    If you don't have anything to bring to this discussion, than please shut up, or start posting somewhere else!

    To make a statement like you did, "I stand by my assumption of your indoxcation" only means that you better cut your alcohol consumption.

    As said before, you are a TROLL!

    have a nice day.


    Ouch... Im wounded... 


    No, I think I will hang around a while. 


  22. 3 hours ago, Gecko123 said:

    I detect an element of misogyny in the ranks of people who don't like Hillary Clinton. Personality conflicts, Whitewater, Bengazi, email servers, Bill Clinton's affairs? That doesn't explain the raw hatred she engenders from the right. I think it has a lot to do with her being a woman. I really do. I think it's driving the alt-right crowd crazy that America is about to elect the first woman president, especially after having elected the first African-American president eight years ago.


    Im sure you would think its because she's a woman. There is a group on here that certainly would think that. Its unfortunate that they feel this way because, at least in my case, its not true at all. Honest to god, I wish for there to be a woman up there of integrity and character who can hold the bar high for the first lady president. Hillary is not this person. 


    It is possible, you know, to dislike someone for a reason other than their gender. 

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