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Posts posted by Strange

  1. 12 minutes ago, StevieH said:


    well this is it. the defence they're mounting of "IT WASN'T STEALING, IT WAS LEGAL!" while technically correct kind of looks a bit foolish when you consider that the taxes he's avoiding are taking money away from schools, troops, cops, firefighters, roads - all that critical infrastructure that non-billionaire americans rely on to live their lives.


    so keep telling yourselves trump wasn't stealing. keep being impressed by a con man who has screwed over those he now considers his base. but taking money away from kids, cops and the poor doesn't make you "smart". it makes you scum.


    So im scum for trying to save as much as possible by utilizing the tax code legally? I don't agree, but you can always pay more tax if you feel like its a charity. 


    If people don't like it, then they need to change some laws and not accuse the people following the law and utilizing the tax code legally of being scum. 


    Dems have been knowing about this for the last 8 years (and longer) and have not done anything about it. What makes you think Hillary will be able to do something? Her impeccable character?


    Honestly can not see how doing something legally as a businessman is considered scummy. Honest to god 99% of us are probably doing it now, and completely happy with it. 

  2. 3 minutes ago, lannarebirth said:


    Are you sure I didn't explicitly express something more in this vein? "My God man, lay off the hooch, you've become unintelligible".


    Yeah Ive constantly had this thought as well. 

  3. 9 hours ago, Publicus said:

    The next Potus will be Hillary Clinton or Donald Trump. No one else but.


    I've made my choice and you have made your choice. However you may vote -- and maybe you won't vote -- you will act whether it is to directly or indirectly elect Donald Trump.


    My vote will be to elect Hillary Clinton Potus. You want to give to us and the world Donald Trump in the White House. At all costs.


    No way I could vote in any way toward electing Donald Trump. There is just no sympathising or accepting anything about him. Hillary is competent, Trump is a psychotic. And here I'd though the choice was obvious.


    FINALLY a comprehensible post without pseudo-intellectual nonsense blurring everything up. 


    Good to see you are still capable of such. 

  4. 1 minute ago, greenchair said:

    There were people much higher than him well involved with that airport closure, that cost this country billions. Since yingluck must pay compensation for the rice, so Suthep and apichet should pay for the closure. As the power to stop that was one word away from them. Compassionate leave is the right of prisoners throughout the world regardless of how much time they have served. 


    Im pretty sure most "rights" of prisoners are lost during the incarceration process. 

  5. 20 minutes ago, NongKhaiKid said:

    I asked a question I didn't state my belief. Did you not see the ? after the sentence ?

    I can't speak for Thailand but prisoners being taken out under escort isn't exactly unheard of.

    There have been reported instances of prisoners here getting special privileges depending on who they are of course. 


    Yes I saw the question mark, it read like you were looking for a way to allow leave. 

  6. 5 minutes ago, Winkburn said:

    Or you can watch cnn or fox they are quality independent news centres that teach us so much about the people. Defend the Trump and Clinton candidates to your hearts content it is your democratic right God help America


    Since you made a point to reply, I'm going to assume that I hit a nerve. Since you brought up Fox and CNN I'm going to assume that the nerve I hit was your viewing of BBC and taking it as gospel. 


    I don't watch any news unless its un-opinionated (highly unlikely) or I can easily fact-check it. Furthermore, I definitely try not to form opinions about an entire country based on the news. 


    You realize TV News is all about getting the most viewers right? 

  7. 5 hours ago, Chris Lawrence said:

    If rehab or support does not exist what does one do. Adopt the Philippines approach? Need the right people in the right place at the right time and things will work. The worse thing I saw was the rapid detox. Now the doctor running that eventually was sending people to 12 step programs after taking bucket loads of cash from mum and dad. And some died from that process.


    Maybe I didn't type it out right, maybe you misunderstood me, but what you quoted was aimed at the practice of Methadone Maintenance Treatment in the US, and not at general support and recovery for addicts. 


    Methadone Maintenance is a ridiculous idea thats costing addicts and extreme amount of pain and suffering because they don't have the funds to rehabilitate, or they don't have the time because of work (family) or both. So they opt for maintenance either because they don't really want to quit, or they do but can't. So they opt for the option that takes them off the street and functioning, but are caught in an even more vicious circle. 


    As for general rehab/support, I don't know how it should be implemented, but I know it needs to be there. Has to be. How, though, I don't know. In the US, rehab/detox is largely dictated by insurance companies. Addiction being classified as a disease allows it to be treated by the medical field, but thats dictated by insurance. The whole 28 day stay idea in the US was a largely Insurance Based structure, and insurance companies today don't listen to what doctors say patients need in regards to treatment and time. 

  8. 1 minute ago, starky said:

    Cant follow your reasoning there so opiates yes. MDMA no? Mushrooms yes, LSD no? Cannabis yes, Cocoa no? I think you need to do a bit more research. Also I think we are talking about stritcly controlled, registered, monitored decriminalization not legalisation but thanks for playing.


    Im not playing and stated what I said. You don't have to like it and I don't really care.  Im not going to debate semantics with you. 


    I don't want to see things that can cause damage to people "decriminalized". I did not say "Coco" I said cocaine/crack. 


    Trust me, I've done more research than most, hero

  9. 3 minutes ago, ericthai said:

    Correct, the issue with overdoes is there is no quality control. So a heroin addict will know from experience how much to take, but then comes in a strong bach and the same amount will cause an overdose to be being stronger. Also users that have been to rehap have a good chance to overdose if they revert back to using, because they cant handle a high dose after not using for some time. Overtime they build up a tolerance and need more and more. 


    I agree that this would eliminate a lot of overdoses, but there would still be overdoses. 


    There are pharmaceutical grade opiates that are already very much QC'd and very strong and comparable to heroin and people know exactly what they are getting, but they still overdose because they keep pushing their limit. Dilaudid, Oxycontin,  Fentanyl come to mind, and even know they know how much or how many MG they are cooking, they still want to push it. 


    However, if I look at alcohol, and compare it to what we are talking about here, I'm sure there would be less negative impact on the legalization of opiates than what we already have with alcohol. In other words I'm sure it would be safer than alcohol. 


    Im not saying is should not be legalized, I'm just playing devils advocate. 

  10. 28 minutes ago, Ulysses G. said:

    I am under the impression that methadone withdrawal can kill and there is plenty of evidence that some professionals agree. If methadone takes 4 times as long as heroin to kick and you can die from doing it, to me, that would be more addictive. 


    I have tried both heroin and methadone - way back when - but not a lot of experience with either. Speed was my drug of choice in my youth, but would never touch it again. That stuff is scary!




    More about the horrors of legal methadone:




    Ive kicked both.


    Methadone withdrawal won't kill you. Its the same withdrawal as heroin, dilaudid, oxy, opana, same effects, just slightly less acute over a long ass time. Heroin, you'll be sneezing and watery eyed in 4-5 hours with acute symptoms in 24-48 hours. Methadone you might go 1 day or more before the sniffles start. 


    Its a horrible thing I'm not arguing with that, but its very unlikely to die from the withdrawal. Most of the stuff posted by rehab/detox places kinda fear monger about it because they want you to go in patient. A lot of people do it because frankly once you get hooked, its HARD to function in any capacity while dope-sick for an entire month.The inpatient places nowadays prescribe Suboxone for opiate withdrawal. It kills the withdrawal, without any euphoric effects, but you are still hooked on the suboxone because you will get very sick if you stop. So they get you on suboxone and taper you off with that so that you are more "Comfortable"  and not bed-ridden crapping yourself for a month. 


    Anyway the whole process is horrible and avoidable and the government doing this is despicable. Not only that but detox/rehab places are filling their beds nicely over it as well. Its a whole racket that should not exist. 


  11. 2 minutes ago, Dexlowe said:


    Lots of advice on the web about going cold turkey with benzos. Listen to what the "experts" say and don't be deterred by a handful of individuals who are spreading a lot of hate about certain support groups.


    I went cold turkey on xanax (just 1mg a day) and suffered 2 brain seizures. I was lucky to be around sensible people at the time, but when I walked out of the hospital the next day, I had no idea of the world of hurt that lay ahead of me - I wish I knew then what I know now. Sorry for the cliche, but it was a trip to hell and back - would have been better to have followed the advice of those who'd gone before. (I'm recovered now, but I don't think my central nervous system is fully restored)


    Alcohol? Deadly to go cold turkey? Jeez, you'd have to be pretty saturated in the stuff, wouldn't you?


    Just as deadly as benzodiazepines my friend. No fear mongering here. Seen people have seizures first had from alcohol withdrawal, and the bad part is, they think just like you do about it. 


    Buddy of mine drank everyday, not to oblivion, just every day. He had a hernia he needed repaired. The docs told him to quit drinking 48 hours before coming in for surgery. He told the docs that he didn't drink much. He had a grand mal preparing for surgery and the docs couldn't figure out what the problem was because he said he "Didn't drink much" but it turns out 6-7-8 beers a day over a good long period is more than enough. Some people even less. 

  12. 5 minutes ago, Ulysses G. said:


    Also methadone will kill you when going cold turkey. The drug that is much more addictive than heroin, that governments give heroin addicts as a substitute. Utterly ridiculous!


    Methadone won't kill you by stopping cold turkey, you might wish you were dead, but it won't kill you. Its not more addicting than heroin either, the problem is that it has such a long half life, the withdrawal from methadone can take up to a month whereas heroin acute phase is about a week depending on dosage. 


    Agree, its REALLY stupid the gov giving people this, but they are doing it to keep addicts out of withdrawal. One daily dose of methadone vs 4-5-6 doses of heroin per day to keep people functional. Its retarded I know, but thats the reason. 

  13. 4 minutes ago, 212Roger said:

    There are only two drugs that exist that "going cold turkey" can kill you: alcohol and barbiturates.  Unfortunately, I am mixing both; twelve beers a day a two mg. of Xanax a day.  Woe is me...


    Its alcohol and benzodiazepines that can kill you. You are not taking a barbiturate, you are taking a benzodiazepine. 


    Im sure you are aware of the hard time you are in for if you decide to stop. 


    Whatever you do, just make sure you tell your doctor what you are doing, and don't stop cold turkey unless supervised. Some Docs will prescribe longer lasting benzo like valium and then taper you off, but the risk of seizures is huge for both. 

  14. 10 minutes ago, ClutchClark said:


    It was a surprise to me when I got my first Honda.

    Great cars!


    Lol wife has a honda city right now and I didn't even know. Been checking it running and warm and never saw a difference. 


    Gonna check it in the morning and see if there is any noticeable difference. 

  15. 29 minutes ago, raro said:

    Out of curiosity....anyone an idea how much a new gear box is? Prepare for the worst, hope for the best....


    If its the transmission cooler leaking, lines going to-from the trans to the cooler, or even just a fitting, you shouldn't need a new trans at all. Even if the cooler itself was leaking, and it was built into the radiator, you won't need to replace the radiator (Unless its still under warranty, then forget anything you read here and go to honda) because the typical fix for an out of warranty car like this is to add an aftermarket trans cooler and bypass the radiator all together. 


    End of the day, you need to check the ATF. When you said that there is a delay and a bit of a clunk doing into "D" this is very typical of an auto trans thats low on fluid. Very unlikely you need a new trans, and the fact that its still drivable, all the gears work, and nothing was noticed until the fluid discovered indicates that the shift circuits are still operational within the trans. 

  16. 4 minutes ago, raro said:

    will check tomorrow morning and report back.


    Out of curiosity....anyone an idea how much a new gear box is? Prepare for the worst, hope for the best....


    No no not yet calm down


    If your car is low on trans fluid then it will shift terribly. The torque converter needs fluid. 


    Check the trans fluid with the engine running and in park while warm. 

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