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Posts posted by Strange

  1. Clutch mentioned shots and thats the TRUTH. The farmers dogs have likely never see the inside of a vets office and parvo, distemper, etc and very much alive and well here in thailand and these dogs being outdoor territory animals have likely been exposed and may be carriers. Get all shots/boosters/de-wormers up to date and if they are not, make sure you keep ur dog at the house until immunity can be established. 


    On to the topic, I gave up trying to walk my dog cause of the same reason. Dogs know when they are outside of their "Territory" and if you take yours out and he is on a leash, behavior may change around these dogs. 5 against 1 on a leash... Yeah. Now add yourself in there trying to keep your dog from getting killed, and you could easily get bitten as well. 


    I definitely would not give the dogs food in any way, shape, or form. They may become less "afraid" of you, but before you know it they will be in your territory looking for food or feel encouraged to approach. 


    I don't really have a solution here. Its hard to safely bring a domesticated house/family dog around wild farm dogs because the house dog likely has no socialization skills for this situation. 


    Personally, I would put the dog in the car and take him to a safe spot to walk. I don't think its worth it to try and battle with this kind of thing. 

  2. 2 minutes ago, robblok said:
    11 minutes ago, Strange said:


    Genetics can not be changed. Every person has a baseline that can not be changed. Height, reach, etc, can not be changed. 


    Bodyweight CAN be changed and the solution is simple, eat less calories than your body needs to maintain current weight. 


    Partly correct,,, problem is that how much hunger someone has is also set by genetics (how you respond to leptine). I won't shame fat people.. and in my opinion everyone can improve on themselves. But we are not all born with the same genes. I could eat all day and it costs some effort to keep it under control. But on the other hand i can gain muscle (compared to others not top bodybuilders) better then many. 


    However getting as lean as some is quite hard for me... I am on 1500 calories (i count them wel weigh my food ect)  Normally I am higher but I am going all out to see how low i can go bodyfat wise. I exercise 4 days a week .. about 2 hours per time. Half of it is cardio on a concept rowing machine and still my weightloss is almost not measurable. I keep going on because I know i do it well.. and I also know the body hides fat loss at times by holding on to water and stuff. 


    Still there will be others who would be lean in a month on a diet and exercise program like that. So I really dont think everyone is the same. i do think people don't have to be really overweight and they can improve if they want. But its never easy. 


    Agreed, and I'm the same, easily add muscle and hard to lose fat/water regardless of diet but it can be done. I also struggle with blood sugar crashes when dieting real low in carbs/calories, but I overcome that by spending meals out 6 times a day, or by simply eating what my body is clearly telling me I need to. 


    In responding to @Alive Im purely talking in terms of an overweight/obese person trying to "lose weight" and when we get into the Bodybuilding side it starts to overcomplicate things for a beginner and I think its part of the reason people get overwhelmed when thinking about dieting. 


    Another thing to note, an obese/overweight person that eats 5-6-7k calories a day, then tries to drop to 2k a day overnight, will struggle with hunger and other uncomfortable feelings. Another reason I think people can't keep up or "Give Up". Too much too fast. The body needs time to acclimate to whatever you are doing. Whether this is because of leptine or what, I don't know, but for an obese person to lose weight keep it simple and don't overcomplicate it. Figure out what you are eating in a regular day, then gradually drop calories and exercise until the scale tells you you are going down in weight. 


    Its not easy, but it IS easy if you know what I mean. Everyone is a bit different in nutritional requirements, but I really don't like to over complicate it. For an overweight person, there is so much distraction from the facts on the internet and magazines, retarded "Diets" and supplements... 


    People are genetically different in height, reach, hand size, foot size, etc.... And people are genetically different in that some easily lose fat or gain muscle, but for an overweight/obese person looking to lose weight the starting point is so easy. Eat less calories per day and exercise. 


  3. 1 hour ago, Alive said:

    You can't explain everything so simply. Why aren't you an Olympic athlete or NBA superstar if all people are the equally the same? Please tell us why you aren't an Olympic athlete or why you absolutely could have been one. By your logic ,you just have to exercise more to be that Olympic athlete so why didn't you have that willpower.


    Genetics can not be changed. Every person has a baseline that can not be changed. Height, reach, etc, can not be changed. 


    Bodyweight CAN be changed and the solution is simple, eat less calories than your body needs to maintain current weight. 

  4. 16 minutes ago, Alive said:

    I have another general comment. Why is it people come onto the fat forum to say that fat people have no willpower yet these same folks won't go onto the Smoking forum or Drinking forum and spout their logic. We have to face food everyday and it is addictive. People will kill other to eat when they are starving. The problem of weight loss is not simple; you can't stop cold turkey like you can with smoking and drinking and drugs. Yes, it's a big problem worldwide but the people who have to deal with it don't need to hear from trolls who seek them out to shame them or to tell them that they are weak or have no willpower.


    Yeah, nobody is fat shaming. It really is this simple: Eat less calories than your body needs to maintain your current weight. Don't need to starve, don't need to kill anyone, the solution really is that simple. This, combined with exercise, will take it even further. 


    UNLESS there is a mental health problem associated with it, a legitimate health problem, or an addiction with food. I mean actual addiction, not using addiction as a cover-all scapegoat. 


    If its a mental health or addiction problem, the this needs to addressed first and there are ways to recovery. 

  5. 15 minutes ago, Silurian said:

    These gang youths need another outlet for all their energy and time. They need venues to distract them from the drugs and violence such as community centers, park activities, boxing/martial-arts gyms, internet cafes and other youth outreach programs. Also, creating summer time and after school jobs specifically for these youths would help stem the violence. Instead of spending money to incarcerate them, there needs to be a way to teach them skills to better integrate with potential jobs. Schools can also help out with sports, arts and other extracurricular activities. There are solutions beyond the knee jerk reaction of "stop and frisk" and more policing. You need to get to the root cause of why these violent incidents keep happening not just a clean up afterward.


    All this violence is "Cool" to a lot of them. Its a lifestyle they choose to be in. Majority could care less about employment. 

  6. 7 minutes ago, daveAustin said:

    Cheaper to live/more poverty/gangs in parts of Chicago than other cities? Overall, just the nature of the beast... the States was born by the gun and is still a very young country. Not having a dig, but most of its big cities are violent -- I've been to more US cities than probably most Americans. Although populations are much lower, look how relatively peaceful Canada and Australia are. Get rid of your guns, guys.


    These gangs we got... They are seriously hardened murderous criminals with zero respect for law enforcement or the law. 


    How can we get rid of our way to protect ourselves from these criminals? They will certainly not give up their guns, and only the law abiding people will give them up. 


    Gotta look at this issue very seriously because we are not Canada nor Australia, and an off the hip "Give up ur guns" will not fix anything. 

  7. 5 minutes ago, Publicus said:

    Don't know what you might be carrying on about but you're sure you're on to something.


    Police get a lot of latitude and even a leeway in the laws and from the courts on up to Scotus to be judge, jury, executioner, all rolled in to one trigger finger. No one else in ordinary civilian society is entrusted with all of that truly awesome power, authority, presumed legitimacy. 


    It's life and death. Which is why we need independent police review boards. We don't know for instance whether the shooter police had college degrees or were the typical high school grad police (or its equivalent). Or a mixture of each. College grad police have a vastly lower rate of disciplinary procedures against 'em than do the high school grad only cops.


    Bottom line is that the police will investigate and report on this shooting death. However, police investigating police is but little different from the fox investigating the fox.


    Ok now you are just flogging opinion. 

  8. 8 minutes ago, 212Roger said:

    I always tell my friends that in America I am far more afraid of the police than I am of a criminal.  The police can ruin your life.  They can take your kids away from you.  They can break up your marriage and/of family.  They can arrest you and take your freedom, leaving you in jail until you can prove your innocence.  Lastly, never call the police; they are never there when needed because they show up after the fact...  Personally, I've had numerous conflicts with the police and zero conflicts with a criminal!


    And you tell people this? Seriously? 


    Fear monger much? 


    Care to explain some of these "Conflicts with the Police" that you have had? 

  9. 3 minutes ago, TallGuyJohninBKK said:


    It must have been a very depressing experience...


    No raw sewage pipes emptying out onto the beach?

    No horses sh**ing on the sand at the water line?

    No jet skis wreaking bodily mayhem among swimmers?


    Bet it made you seriously homesick for good ole' Thailand!


    Word. And where Clutch went is the area that I will be going to at the end of the year. 

  10. 7 hours ago, jobin said:

    The car is oddball, and old, but the parts pretty normal after 20 yrs wear and tear.  Front suspension parts like shocks, mostly.  Some vendor in the UK has supply of parts and says will ship International. 

    Anyone have experience with buying and shipping new/used car parts toT'land?


    If you have the cash and don't mind spending it, yeah sure order it from the UK. Some posters said that they did not have to pay Duty, but I have. It will be hit or miss on that front and its equally annoying because sometimes you can not predict what customs will charge. 


    But on to the Shocks and other parts (you probably already know this - just tossing it out there) things like shocks will have a part number and that number will fit many, many different cars. Also, if you know the bolt pattern, extended and compressed length, and vehicle weight, you can pull one off the shelf and run it if you go with a similar car. Example if you know your cars weight, and the measurements of the shock you want to replace, find a car of similar weight and configuration and run it. 

  11. 22 minutes ago, tropo said:
    1 hour ago, SummerHaze said:

    I don't think that it's true. I sleep enough (6-8 hours ) and see no changes in my weight. I think that the more important are healthy diet and intensive workouts. I am on the way to lose a few pounds, even start taking anavar. I am serious in my decision and I am sick of being fat.

    Anavar is toxic to the liver. It will also lower your testosterone levels. It is normally supplemented with the addition of testosterone. It will shut down your own production, which could also be low to start with.


    I wouldn't recommend it, in fact I'd say it's bad choice.


    If you like to drink alcohol, then taking it is even more dangerous.


    Listen to this guy. 

  12. 6 minutes ago, giddyup said:

    Where I have my laptop set up there's not really room for a separate monitor, and I figure coming up 7 years is a pretty good run. Only one thing to decide, what to buy, what to buy? So many choices, but I am constrained to some degree by price, it's not really necessary to spend more than 20,000 baht to get everything I'll need.


    Buy the best laptop you can afford. Graphics Card, Processor, RAM, Solid Sate HD, High Res Monitor. Tech is changing so fast, and the internet is getting more dense and data heavy. Need to have a laptop that will hold up for the next few years. 


    Can I ask what the specs are for your current laptop?

  13. 1 minute ago, MW72 said:

    If you get the Chanote in order as other have suggested, your next step is to see a decent architect. He will submit drawings to the local authority who will give the green light or not to the design. There are building regulations in Thailand so don't listen to those who suggest you can build what you want. If you do you may be ok or you may spend a lot of money only for some jobs worth to demand you pull the whole thing down. A good architect will build the house and provide a contract which you should have translated. If you are just building a wooden shack like the locals then crack on.


    If you are inside the Tessabaan, yes likely you need some drawings but hardly not "architect" type. There are plans all over the internet that are more than enough and there are standard Thai Gov approved house plans as well that can be easily modified. 


    Outside the Tessaban in most cases you do not need any plans submitted to the local authority. 


    It is not nearly as hard to build a house in Thailand than you are making it out to be and the rules and regulations (of lack thereof) are stone age. 

  14. 1 hour ago, impulse said:


    I agree with you about "pick your battles", but I suspect a lot of these protests about justified shoots are the result of years (decades?) of pent up frustration.


    I've lived in towns where the police department was racist and corrupt.  Though I often don't agree with their methods, I do understand their anger.


    While it's fortunate that there aren't many killings that truly justify the protests, it's also a shame that there are very few constructive, non-violent outlets for the anger and frustration that get much media coverage (never mind any real reform) nowadays.  Break a few windows, burn some cars, steal some big screen TVs and all of a sudden, they're getting heard.  Shouldn't work that way, but it often does.


    They would be taken WAY more seriously if peaceful protest was their agenda. Stealing a TV is hardly a way to get attention. 



  15. 8 hours ago, webfact said:

    Michael Ray Rodriguez was among witnesses who said the man had his hands in the air. He said that he was driving from his apartment complex past the shooting scene and saw a shirtless black man with his hands raised.


    The officer "let go of the trigger and shot him again and again," Rodriguez told the San Diego Union-Tribune.


    El Cajon is about 15 miles northeast of San Diego and has a population of about 100,000.


    It is 69 percent white and 6 percent black, according to 2010 census figures, and has become home for many refugees fleeing Iraq and, more recently, Syria.




  16. 3 minutes ago, holy cow cm said:


    Yes I agree, that is, if all is onboard and happy proven with the wife, the other factors for her establishing a bigger credit value, which makes her happy (bonus), but also opens up financial doors. I understand all this as am familiar.


    No, I wasn't in a huffy, ... Just was saying!


    Its not about making the wife happy nor increasing her credit value, its a financial idea that benefits both husband AND wife. 

  17. 6 minutes ago, Busagon said:
    33 minutes ago, Strange said:

    My country has very good roads because they are maintained properly, the police will pull over large illegal trucks and make them pay ALOT of money and will take their trucks from them for creating very unsafe road conditions as well as costing the tax payer a lot of money for repair. The governments are not corrupt as they are in thailand and the money that gets sent for the repair and maintenance of roads actually goes to the roads and not the bank account of the person in charge. 


    I have never repaired any road in my country and I have never seen anyone do the same. Because people pay state tax, property tax, and federal tax, this money is send to repair the roads and many other things like Fire Protection, Emergency Service, and Police Departments that will come to you if you call them. 


    No country is perfect, but to improve Thailand, you have to stop thinking people are complaint about Thai people, and that everything is insult Thai people. You have to look at things that are being said, and be able to see what the problem is without your feelings getting in the way of what you see. 


    You think that we complain and insult thai people, but you misunderstand, because all the corruption, cheating, stealing, is hurting YOU, Thai people. Farang are not doing this. 

    Thankyou you reply for me.


    I can not understand everything you say. i am learning English. But i trying. 

    My Westerner friend tell me about that tax too much there. So much!!!

    And the officials have a good life and use the peoples money. 

    And everything expensive too much because tax so much. I understand. Even the noodles cost 300 baht for one bowl. And the oil. Corruption a lot.

    I think your country have the road holes also. What country you come from?


    Thankyou ka.


    The United States. 


    You misunderstand what I said. 


    What you said is not correct. 


    Oil in the united states is cheaper than Thailand. Corruption is bad in Thailand, and it is hurting YOU. Things are Cheaper in the United States because we do not have Import Tax like Thailand. 


    Money from Taxation actually gets to the roads and infrastructure because the corruption is so low. 


    I hope that you can start to understand that there is a very very large big world outside Thailand. There is a lot more going on than just "Thailand" and "Foreigner".

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