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Posts posted by Strange

  1. 3 minutes ago, boomerangutang said:


    There are many ways to cheat which are legal.  If I take your 19 yr old daughter out on a date and promise not to get sexual with her. But then I get her drunk and have sex, that's cheating, because I promised I wouldn't do something which I then did.


    If I hire you to build a carport for me, and we agree on three payments, the final of which is to be paid upon completion.  You finish the job. I say it's unsatisfactory (you used the wrong shade of green paint), I don't pay the final third of what was promised.  It's legal, according to Donald Trump (he's done that sort of thing thousands of times, put hundreds of contractors out of business in Atlantic City alone) ....but it's cheating.


    If I buy a bottle of juice and give the sales clerk Bt.500, and she mistakenly gives me change for Bt.1,000, I can walk out the store Bt.500 baht richer.  That's not illegal, but it's cheating.  It's the type of thing Trump would do, except on much larger scale.  Would you like more examples?


    Yes, I would. Particularly where Trump breaks income tax laws. That would be good. 

  2. I had a similar problem a while back, and I basically wiped my Android Box clean, deleted all un necessary apps, deleted Kodi (At the time was XMBC Something) updated my android OS, reinstalled the newest version of Kodi "Krypton" and then all my add ons fresh. 

    This fixed all my problems. 


    Try and delete kodi itself and reinstall the new version "Krypton" then fresh add your add-ons. 


    Also, I discovered that 1 Channel sucks and exodus is about 10000X better for quality. 

  3. 13 minutes ago, Publicus said:

    Finally a post absent all the superfluous words that I earlier stated I could not understand. 


    A couple of youse guyz around here are a barrel of laffs.


    Checking in.... 


    13 minutes ago, Publicus said:

    (Thought you weren't going to post to moi any more until I got respectful of your superior knowledge of police, policing, police work, not to mention accepting your scolding and lecturing of any poster you don't like or agree with. I'd been so looking forward to you keeping your promise/threat not to post to moi. Oh well, to be continued...)


    "moi" "moi"


    Seriously, Publicus, this an attempt at humor? No hate, just curious. 

  4. 1 hour ago, Chris Lawrence said:

    Strange you read a lot into my paragraph. Oz to be exact. One secret in working with people in rehabs is to love them back into the world. Not many addicts in Oz have any type of insurance cover? It still gets back to the 'right people at the right time in the right place' circa 1990 stated by a North American Cree Indian at a indigenous drug conference.  Methadone is just a tool in an arsenal used by various medicos. It can work and I have seen just that, but is known as liquid handcuffs. If your a yank I would suggest to expand your reading on the subject and look at some of the successes that are happening around the world. Remember Nancy' famous quote 'just say no' which was the total expenditure by the Regan Govt in combating their recovery programs. That is they didn't see the need to increase spending. I have worked at the coal face, in needle exchanges, an advocate for people living and significant others with Hep C, worked in various rehabs, set up a rehab, advocate for shooting galleries, made submissions to parliament both state and federal, found funding monies, worked with people from goal and P&P, parents. people with mental health issues. Take your blinkers off mate.  


    Apologies man, I jumped into this thread head first and didn't read any of the pages before it. 


    Addicts in the states don't usually have insurance, unless they somehow have coverage from their parents and are under the age of 26 (I believe). But yeah for the most part no insurance, and when they do have it, the program is largely dictated by insurance companies and they don't care about the medical opinion, just get you out as quick as possible. Its even worse when people have compounding medical issues like Hep C and HIV, tuberculosis, etc. Honestly its real bad and REAL expensive without insurance. Anywhere from $500 a day to $1000 a day depending on if you need actual clinical detox with medical supervision. 



    Methadone is just a tool in an arsenal used by various medicos. It can work and I have seen just that, but is known as liquid handcuffs. If your a yank I would suggest to expand your reading on the subject and look at some of the successes that are happening around the world.


    Not trying to take your words out of context, but you mean that people are successfully coming off of methadone? Or you mean successfully using it as a substitute/taper option from heroin and such? Is Suboxone available in Oz? Buprenorphine (partial agonist Opiate) with Naloxone (an Opiate Blocker)


    I just can't see how using methadone is a good idea man, and Suboxone is WAY better IMHO. Both are liquid handcuffs, but methadone WILL provide sedation (Euphoria) even for an addict with a really high tolerance. Suboxone will not (For the most part - my grandma might get sleepy) but effectively kills withdrawal without sedation or the inclination to abuse it. The only down side is that you have to wait for withdrawal to fully start before taking it because of the naloxone. There are more benefits than what I typed but you probably know about Subs, and the benefits. I just don't see (today with todays options) methadone being a good idea. Honestly man I'm not speaking on behalf of anyone but myself and the people I know. 



    One secret in working with people in rehabs is to love them back into the world.


    I fully agree. I think my post came off in a way I didn't mean. The ONLY good thing about helping people in rehabs or in recovery are the people themselves and the support the get from others. Without this, it would be almost impossible. I just get frustrated by the bureaucracy involved in the US that blocks good people from getting treatment because its a money/insurance business. Addicts should not be treated as criminals either and its SO HARD to get out of that cycle once you are in it. 


    My blinkers are off man, I just don't think methadone is any kind of a good option at all. Honest to god I would rather be COMPLETELY wrecked dope-sick for 7-10 days than to be handcuffed to that liquid with the cloud of a month long withdrawal overhead. Plus there are better medicinal options out there today.  




    Just wanted to add that I have rapid detoxed with naloxone would not wish that on my worst enemy. 

  5. 4 hours ago, andreww said:

    Buying a new car, dealer insists that in Phuket it's important to have an anti-corrosion coating applied. The salesman found a shop that cost 12,000 thb for anti rust and colour coat, 5 years warranty and we have to take the car to that garage once every 6 months for check up (600 baht) each time.

    Question: is it considered a good deal, and can someone recommend any other shop to compare the deal?


    Find another dealer. 


    Lived my whole life in Florida on the Gulf of Mexico and many years 400 feet from the water. Never in my life have I heard of such a thing. You have to change nothing to your car and do not add anything to the paint from what is already applied from the factory other than a wax every once in a while. 


    Furthermore a Thai guarantee is worth just about zero. 


    Seriously, this is a blatant money grab, and the dealers brother probably owns the other place. Go to another dealer cause if they are trying this sh*t on, who knows what else they are doing. 


    By the way, your paint is ALREADY a protectant. Sheesh you don't have to paint another protectant on your protectant


    Man hate this kind of thing. 

  6. 29 minutes ago, citzofwrld said:

    You forgot to call me unAmerican, a America hater for not loving our lying, corrupt politicians, and their corporate wars of aggression. Which, I imagine, you are quite chest pounding proud of. And yes, I'm so glad, the government allowed me to work between 8-16hrs a day to pay into S.S. 


    Look man whatever you decide thats on you. Im glad your happy where ever you are. I get it, you are tired of it. 


    Just be careful because its not much better here in Thailand, just cheaper and the people smile more. 

  7. 16 minutes ago, Berkshire said:


    Oh of course you're not...unlike Trump, who believes Mexicans are largely murderers, rapists...and Muslims are all terrorists...blacks are all lazy...Chinese can't be trusted...etc.  And you still support him because....?  Nevermind, none of your reasons will make any sense. 




    I. Cant. Stand. Hillary. 


    Never said I liked Trump. Only reason trump is a thing is because of Hillary. I would have loved nothing more than to see people of character and integrity up there debating but nope... 

  8. 3 minutes ago, citzofwrld said:

    The rah, rah America 'can do no wrong' types always resort to childish name calling (tin foil hat, nutty conspiracy theorists) to make their lame case to promote the U.S. and its so-called exceptional people. Fortunately, they are quickly becoming the minority in the U.S. as Americans wake up to the very disturbing reality they have been ignoring for decades. Regarding the  police state, a 2014 C-Span poll ''Is the U.S. a police state?' Produced these results, Yes 2734, No 211. I personally split my time between two  foreign countries, after spending more them 60 yrs in the U.S. tolerating totally clueless, stupid people on a daily basis. Yes, every country has them. But, they aren't eager to conquer the world, displacing and killing millions in the process. A country that does that is no place for me. 


    Its great that the country you are leaving has had enough going for it to allow you to prosper to the point of retirement. Then in retirement you decide that everyone is "Stupid" and decide to leave and spend the rest of your days (and money) in a foreign country. 


    You should renounce your citizenship while you are at it. 


    These "Stupid" people wouldn't want you come back all broke needing healthcare or anything. 





  9. Just now, Berkshire said:


    Yes, Trump did and does offend the vast majority of Americans.  You may be surprised to learn that the majority of Americans are not old, racist white guys.  But you'll see soon enough when November comes around. 


    If you vote for Trump, you are an old, racist, white guy. Riiiiiight 

  10. Just now, Jingthing said:

    trump offends again isn't exactly surprising news, is it?

    It's news when he goes more than a few days WITHOUT offending, more like. 


    I could post some youtube clips of Hillary lying about some major issues that offend ALOT of people. 


    But, you know, thats not allowed in a Trump thread.

  11. 5 minutes ago, Jingthing said:

    OK, I've heard enough.

    That was the biggest risk of starting this thread.

    That many people would totally DISRESPECT what the thread is about, which is in the O.P.

    People -- you FAILED.

    It is not allowed for members to start a political debate thread and that's not what I started. 

    But that's how it ended.

    I am formally requesting the thread be closed  because of that.:signthaivisa:

    Oh well. 


    You had to know it was going to turn out this way right? 

  12. 59 minutes ago, Publicus said:


    No hurt feelings sport so don't delude your troll self. Trolls do not have opinions, they instead make troll statements in their troll posts. 


    It's your guy Trump who has managed to offend not only the vast majority in the United States, but he's extended his reverse midas touch to all four corners of the world.


    Your posts here demonstrate the truism that desperate people pursue desperate measures in their strange and desperate ways.


    Carry on.


    (You're getting repetitive btw but then again a troll is a troll.)


    Well its clearly apparent that he didn't offend the "vast majority" in the United States and its pretty clear that people are flat out tired of being verbally filtered because its not PC. Call me what you want, makes no difference. I call them like I see them and I usually don't like to do that but in your case I make an exception. 


    I do not buy for one minute "Vast Majority" of what you post but hey, you can do what you want, but be prepared to hear about it when you start reaching. 


    I stand by my assumption of your intoxication. 

  13. Just now, Publicus said:


    I honestly think you may post while intoxicated


    You are a troll.


    I'm a good sport


    The best for sure.


    Carry on.


    Sorry if I hurt your feelings but a man can have an opinion right? Im not trolling you I honestly have felt numerous times that you must be intoxicated while posting. Because I feel this way does not make me a troll, even if it hurts your feelings. 


    Im a plenty good sport. If hillary wins then thats what America wanted and so be it. People on both sides are offended by our current choices for president. 

  14. 3 minutes ago, boomerangutang said:
    17 minutes ago, Strange said:

    So im scum for trying to save as much as possible by utilizing the tax code legally? I don't agree, but you can always pay more tax if you feel like its a charity.  If people don't like it, then they need to change some laws and not accuse the people following the law and utilizing the tax code legally of being scum.  Dems have been knowing about this for the last 8 years (and longer) and have not done anything about it. What makes you think Hillary will be able to do something? Her impeccable character?  Honestly can not see how doing something legally as a businessman is considered scummy. Honest to go 99% of us are probably doing it now, and completely happy with it. 


    If you think cheating is smart, they you probably love Trump.   For myself and for people I influence, I teach them that cheating is wrong.  That's one of many differences between me and Trump.  Another is I've had no debt in the past 35 years.   I believe in paying as I go and living modestly.  That's another way I'm opposite to Trump.  I'm also a gentleman.   I don't call names, I try not to offend people.  All that is alien to Trump.  He enjoys denigrating people, cheating workers, borrowing insane amounts of money, not paying back, .....such things which make him unfit to be president of a dog pound. He would starve the dogs to save on dog food, embezzle the funds, sell the building clandestinely and, when he's about to be busted, he'd sell the dogs to a Vietnamese shoe leather company, and move to another city.  


    You are going off on a tangent about yourself (sorry don't care) and your opinion of Trump. 


    How is it cheating if its completely legal? 






  15. 1 minute ago, Publicus said:


    Strange stuff from over there in lannarebirth territory. The exclusive zone on strange soil.


    Reality is youse guyz keep getting clobbered on all fronts.




    ...do carry on. 


    Ever so desperately. 


    Because it is obvious which side is losing. And which side is winning. The desperation happens with regularity, from time to time. 


    The Trump campaign peaked last week yet without actually getting abreast to the Clinton campaign. Now Trump is in crash and burn mode. Spiraling nose over tail. Best part of it is dashing over the the spot nobody's reaching for the fire extinguishers. Everyone is instead tapping their camera icon.


    Are you ready for it?


    I am ready for whatever happens. 


    I just hope you are as well. Im not debating politics here nor in my last post, I honestly think you may post while intoxicated or you are trying to be pseudo-intellectual or a combination of both. This makes a majority of your posts hard to comprehend. Im sure you will go in pseudo-intellectual attack mode by trying to imply that I am un-educated and can not understand your "Complexity" but this is not the case. 


    We shall see who wins and I'm a good sport (If my side loses) I just hope whoever wins does whats right for our country, and the rest of the governmental system keeps whoever in check and has their constituents best wishes and values first and foremost. 

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