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Posts posted by mango66

  1. My sense is that the OP is not exactly rolling in money. Also, the March 19 (one day before the new regulations go into effect) is looming. I agree, if funds allow, talking to a good lawyer is prudent. However, if this would mean that he would be leaving after March 20th, or have insufficient funds to leave, he will need to quickly try to verify his position, perhaps by trying to phone the court officials, and (if there is no obvious impediment to leaving) leave on a flight somewhere. A flight to Laos should be avoided, however.

    why a flight to LAOS should be avoided ?

  2. Exits are rarely managed well.

    That the article mentions people had difficulty finding exits or exiting in time is not surprising.

    So many stories of exits (lack of) being a significant factor in tragedies the world over... here at home, we are not special.

    Not to hijack the story, but last night ...

    I was in Gateway mall (again). I parked in the garage on level MA. There are MA and MR as well as M levels. I wont try to understand the logic but am grateful they marked them with something different on each floor.

    I wanted to enter the mall on the ground floor. I saw I could walk the long distance to use the service elevator or go down the stairwell marked EXIT nearby. I inquired and was instructed by the friendly uniformed guard on the MA level to use the exit stair well to walk down to the ground floor. I did so and found the door was locked. Being locked in the exit stairwell and nowhere lower to go, I walked up a level. Door was locked. Going up another level, door was locked. Going up to where I started, I found the door locked but knocking on it was lucky to find the same guard opening it for me. He explained that they were usually locked but he was hopeful it was possible I could go down the exit (EMERGENCY EXIT) and find the door open.

    2 things in conclusion: Gateway mall and that medical mistake building across soi 42 are some of the worst designed building space, counter intuitive to access and egress, ugly, and confirmed safety hazards in my experience.

    Thai guards have a hopeful outlook and think positively.

    emergency and fire exits to be locket !

    That's Thai safety understanding -

    no oxygen can come in to fuel the fire !!

    POOR works ! RIP !

  3. A stupid move to try and get out of paying for drinks. If I tried to steal from Thais in this way I would expect the same treatment.

    I really like the Thai style of getting a bill rather than having to pay for every single drink every single time you buy one like in pubs in other countries, where you have to wait at the bar to be served, then wait for the waiter to pour your drinks and then pay for your drinks and then have to wait again for your change.

    If idiot farangs keep behaving like this it will ruin it for everyone. A couple of Canadian girls tried it in a go go a couple of weeks ago and I have personally seen it many times. Come on a holiday to Thailand and steal from the locals. Scummy.

    many times I found to be cheated by Thai bar workers when they collect a total bill;

    99% they try to cheat you and putting some more drinks on;

    I am lucky I have a " very Strong Thai wife " ,

    and she usually settle such things,

    by reducing the bill to the correct amount !

    But its no way that this Thai shit take weapons to heart tourist as a result of cheating

    and tourist don't accept !!

  4. Surely as soon as the passport number is scaned it brings up all previous history attached to that unique passport number. I know it is slightly different but when I opened a bank account at Bangkok Bank they just entered my passport number and found me on their data base within seconds and my account with them was closed 20 years ago.

    look at your passport !

    Your name, your birth date, expire date of passport, Nationality,

    and passport number on the 2 lines which are electronically scanned,

    and it takes not a second !

    so they will find all passports which they have under your name and birthdate

    in their system;

    Last time he asked me if I have 3 passports ?

    I have 3 PP valid ones,

    but 1 was lost - but by expire date still valid;

    They have this information !!

  5. I wonder how the diplomatic immunity works in Thailand. When I lived in Nee York it was a nightmare. The UNbtypes would get in an accident and get off scott free - police could not even give them parking tickets

    It is an International convention, specifically The Vienna Convention on Diplomatic Relations (1961) which Thailand ratified on 23 Jan 1985. As such they are obligated to follow the convention the same as any other signatories.

    One thing to be aware of is that not every Embassy/Consulate employee has the same degree of immunity and are broken down into various categories and even within a category may have other levels of limitations. So depending on this individuals position will determine any legal consequences that can occur.

    That would mean the Car driver in fault could not be charged for wrong driving

    ( pushed into main privileged street and guilty for the exident )

    but he - his insurance or his working company have to pay for the victim !

    the hospitalization,

    for might be his handicap in future,

    and the bike damage !!

  6. Motorcyclist was 100% at fault, the car driver edged out slowly, and waited to join the flow of traffic, the bike drove into the car.

    An easily avoided accident on the part of the motorcyclist, the rider simply had to look ahead and slow down WHEN YOU SEE A CAR BLOCKING YOUR LANE!

    I look at it and you are 100% right the bike should have miss the car slowly coming out I would say the bike rider was not looking ahead.

    I think you both should learn traffic rules !!

    This car was " pressing out to the flowing traffic !!

    The car was not allowed to push into a the flowing traffic,

    if it was hindering a bike or a car

    - for example to brake to leave the car to enter the main advancing road !!

    The embassy car had to wait until there was no car or bike coming along close to the crossing !!!

  7. Well reading it at watching the clip, I would say that the motorcyclist is not blame free either, the VW is across the road for a good while before the collision showing that instead of slowing down to allow it to complete it's move, tried to overtake, which the driver was probably not expecting.

    Taking a neutral view the driver is correct not to visit and not to accept responsibility/liability and let the insurance company sort it out, and has probably been advised the same by the embassy's lawyers.

    Really there is no story here, other than the rider trying to force the issue via social media, or wouldn't even be published if it wasn't an employee of the embassy.

    That said, it doesn't mean I don't feel sorry for her injuries or the situation she is in, but it certainly isn't as clear cut a case as is made out to be.

    High Nose of Brits Embassy !!

    They above,

    no need to answer at least !!

    That's behavior of Brits we know !!

  8. Easy, get rid of 90 % of all the permanent beach vendors.

    that would make the area, way more friendly to Tourists. thumbsup.gif

    They act like they own the beach,

    The beach vendors: It's their country and it's their living. Shame on you for telling them to get away. They probably have more rights of ownership to the beach then you do. It's the property of the King of Thailand and they are his subjects, not you or me.

    and that means still,

    the beach is not the vendors one !!

    But they put all their shit and wastewater just there !

    I have a condo there,

    never ever spended 1 minute there in the sea !!

  9. Of course they do.

    The reality is though is the term gets used by a Thai with limited English when referring to foreigners who do not want to pay for something that is overpriced.

    I was called CC only a few days ago for not wanting to pay 250 bahtx2 for a massage for me and the Mrs at a country fair when I can get one for 200 baht in town.

    Sure the old ladies will give an original experience but a few years ago it was 100 baht.

    I like that special with that old ones,

    Ohhh Mister ! your skin is so soft,

    you are so hansam,

    from where r u ?

    want some more ???

  10. I'm definitely cheap.

    OK so I'll tip the beer serving girl 100bht if she's cute, attentive and keeps my glass full.

    One of these made a 100bht tip from me ..........


    But on the other hand, I can't resist buy one, get one free, or 3 large beers for 150bht.

    And am totally happy with 30bht coffee shops ....... no need for Starbucks.

    I would take all 3 of them, for 100,- each 555

  11. What planet did She come from? Didn't She read about Thailand before coming here? Crazy behaviour! The police were spot on getting her off the street, well done the BIB. annoyed.gif

    You have still some billionaires in Russia !!

    She wouldn't have received any satang from them !!!

    why ??

    All Russians are running out of money !!

    And they always looking for some stupid which will believe stories and fund them !

    She didn't want to return to Bangkok,

    she wanted to find a " customer " to spend time with her

    and continue to sponsor her holiday !!

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