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Posts posted by 473geo

  1. I still find it hard to believe when I hear of Westerners accepting the Thai superstitions!

    Its amazing that the Western world has managed to do so well (compared to Thailand) when the Thais have followed these superstitions and beliefs all their lives - whereas Westerners have side-lined them. :)

    Don't appear to have sidelined the curse of working 5 days a week yet!!!

  2. Nope you are cursed......


    Quick, where's the salt? I'd better close those umbrellas, unbreak the mirror & get out from under the ladder. :)

    None of which will resolve your curse........

    You have been cursed with the inability to understand what you are cursed with.......sadly unless you consult somebody other than yourself......you will never lift the curse...... :D

  3. My comments in blue.
    I suppose you're a member of the Flat Earth Society as well? :)

    No but I am a Licensed Professional Cynic & Boundary Pusher. :D

    And you do it well! :DGeez! Thanks! :D

    Cynics and boundary pushers are very important in the advancement of science. "That cannot be possible" is a great double-dare to the scientific community to work on a proof - positive OR negative.

    Just so long as the cynicism doesn't close your mind to possibilities. I suspect that, given proof of something (the x-ray example), you are willing to accept it. Absolutely!!

    Boundary-pushing would be, "there's got to be something better than x-rays" which led to PET and MRI scanners.

    I appreciate a good cynic. Keeps us on our toes, eh? Some people would say that I tread on toes. :D

    Nope you are cursed......

  4. Well I'm pleased Abhisit will not be expecting to ride into power on the sad ripple of support generated for him by his supposed supporters on this Forum!!!

    Hopefully not too many voting Thai will read the derogatory comments aimed at their own fellow citizens by the farang 'supposed' Abhisit supporters!!!

    On the contrary,look at the recent polls on here and you will see by far the highest support is for the Legitimate current

    Government,who have done their best to clear up this mess created by the fugitive living abroad,using his paid pawns

    to further his own bid to regain power.


  5. Abhisit has one chance to win the next election, a hearts and minds campaign, and action in the rural areas, devisive elements will not assist in achieving his goal...........perhaps then your goal is not a unified Thailand with Abhisit as PM.

    I would love for PM Abhisit to win the next election and unify all Thais. But he has his work cut out for him. The Red Shits are too entrenched in their thinking and their love for the beloved leader. Add that to the fact that the Red Shit guards will never allow any fair campaigning or anyone to speak for the Democrats. Should I remind you about the the radio guy who got beaten up with his father who died, by the Red Shit guards for actually speaking up against them?

    If they show love for us first by expressing some form of remorse for holding our city hostage and burning down our structures, then maybe we can forgive. Until then, I for one, have no love for them.

    Nope you must meet in nomans' land to stay in your trench is no good as it is no good for them to stay in theirs. You carry too much baggage and I feel are on the outside looking in

  6. For the most part Greenham Common was a way of life Gender encampment,of no violent threat to the countries

    stability,and unlike the Redshirts demonstration relatively peaceful by comparison. not a like for like comparison,hence

    the 9 years period of protest,which by the way their aim was the removal of Nuclear Missiles in that area,not to bring

    down the legitimate Government of the day and reinstate a deposed absconder from justice..............Big difference!


    Nice try, the protestors broke the law by cutting the fence and entering Government property....sound familiar

    A government spokesman at the time stated they were 'at risk of being shot'.......sound familiar

    To reiterate there is "not a like for like comparison" the Redshirts broke the law in the manner of Anarchists/Terrorists no comparison with the Greenham common protesters.

    At the time the Greenham Common protest was an expensive thorn in the side of the Government nothing more,again no comparison

    your definition of 'big difference' appears a little ill thought out....but this is just detail and not important to the future of Thailand.....maybe take this as a reminder to research a little deeper next time.... :)

    To reiterate there is not a like for like comparison the Redshirts broke the law in the manner of Anarchists/Terrorists no comparison with the Greenham common protesters.

    At the time the Greenham Common protest was an expensive thorn in the side of the Government nothing more,again no comparison.

    Eventually the Greenham common protesters were evicted by the Local District Council,thats the difference between non violent demonstrations and violent protesters inconveniencing and holding the rest of the population to ransom,again no comparison.They didnt destroy the area after they surrendered either,again no comparison.

    Got it now?

    I will agree with you on one point: not important to the future of Thailand.

    I get the fact you are not able to make the connection.....I have given 4 good examples, one, 'the expensive thorn in the side of the government' which you amazingly cannot accept as a match....saying there is no comparison does not make it true

  7. Hopefully not too many voting Thai will read the derogatory comments aimed at their own fellow citizens by the farang 'supposed' Abhisit supporters!!!

    I'm pretty sure many Thais have a lot of derogatory comments for their northern neighbors after they tried to BURN BANGKOK TO THE GROUND.

    I think Abhisit will probably be amazed too by his 'supposed' supporters attempts to unify Thailand and move forward

    The Red Shits don't want to unify Thailand. They want what THEY want, not caring about anyone else. So pray tell, why should we be nice to them when they hate us so much?

    Abhisit has one chance to win the next election, a hearts and minds campaign, and action in the rural areas, devisive elements will not assist in achieving his goal...........perhaps then your goal is not a unified Thailand with Abhisit as PM.

  8. Nice try, the protestors broke the law by cutting the fence and entering Government property....sound familiar

    A government spokesman at the time stated they were 'at risk of being shot'.......sound familiar

    To reiterate there is "not a like for like comparison" the Redshirts broke the law in the manner of Anarchists/Terrorists no comparison with the Greenham common protesters.

    At the time the Greenham Common protest was an expensive thorn in the side of the Government nothing more,again no comparison

    your definition of 'big difference' appears a little ill thought out....but this is just detail and not important to the future of Thailand.....maybe take this as a reminder to research a little deeper next time.... :D

    To reiterate there is not a like for like comparison the Redshirts broke the law in the manner of Anarchists/Terrorists no comparison with the Greenham common protesters.

    At the time the Greenham Common protest was an expensive thorn in the side of the Government nothing more,again no comparison.

    Eventually the Greenham common protesters were evicted by the Local District Council,thats the difference between non violent demonstrations and violent protesters inconveniencing and holding the rest of the population to ransom,again no comparison.They didnt destroy the area after they surrendered either,again no comparison.

    Got it now?

    I will agree with you on one point: not important to the future of Thailand.

    You do not believe that was the case in Bangkok?


  9. Well I'm pleased Abhisit will not be expecting to ride into power on the sad ripple of support generated for him by his supposed supporters on this Forum!!!

    Hopefully not too many voting Thai will read the derogatory comments aimed at their own fellow citizens by the farang 'supposed' Abhisit supporters!!!

    I'm pretty sure many Thais have a lot of derogatory comments for their northern neighbors after they tried to BURN BANGKOK TO THE GROUND.

    I think Abhisit will probably be amazed too by his 'supposed' supporters attempts to unify Thailand and move forward

  10. I didn't suggest they did JD just replying to the question........ :D

    So ... just muddying the waters. Fairly typical of the redshirts.

    Was Parliament in session in the UK at the time and how many people were there? (Just to clearly point out that you are not in fact answering the question .. about "mobs" :)

    Was in session and I think 5 people entered the chamber as I recall armed with lethal bags of flour......... :D .......don't think they were given the label terrorist......but you know my memory is not what it used to be..... :D ...........I think some of the politicians became white suits..... :D .

    3 parliamentary protests I can think of, - "rights for fathers" - Greenpeace climate change protest - Heathrow 3rd runway.........I don't think any were charged with terrorism offences ...........need any more mud in the water..... :D

  11. I do believe on a couple of occasions in the last few years people have been on the roof of parliament and entered the actual chamber in the UK..........army didn't get permission to use live ammo as I recall

    They didn't use live ammo here for that either. If they had there wouldn't be a manhunt for Arisaman :)

    I didn't suggest they did JD just replying to the question........ :D

  12. Depends, my ego and confidence is just fine, I do enjoy the related posts that agree with a statement I make, likewise those that disagree are there to continue the debate if you so wish. Yes I usually get inolved in a thread and go back to check just in case there is somebody out there who really does think they know more than me!!!.......actually on one occasion they did.... :D .....or was that two occasions.. :) ..oh well who's counting..... :D

    Edit: came back to look and corrected spelling......do that quite often too!!!!

  13. Does anyone know the international standards for evicting a large mob of criminals from a barricaded section of a major city? What is done in the UK or the USA when armed terrorists occupy the streets and attack security forces? Suggesting that there is a standard method for dealing with the Thai crisis is ridiculous, when has a similar event happened anywhere else?

    But Chad dont you remember this was a peaceful rally till the army marched in. Abhisit or whoever had control stuffed it right up. They let the UDD, PT, whoever, right in the door. The traffic was still flowing it was like a carnival for many people not only the reds. That fateful night apr10 the army marched towards the protesters, no barricades. All hel_l broke loose, what a stuff up. Had the controller, Abhisit, whoever, waited for them to make a wrong move. He would be a hero,

    Peacefull? In what Western Country would the government allow people to storm the parlament?

    Whatch the link of "peacefull red sh*theads.


    I do believe on a couple of occasions in the last few years people have been on the roof of parliament and entered the actual chamber in the UK..........army didn't get permission to use live ammo as I recall

  14. On CNN at 7.12 pm Thai time - new footage of men in black up close and identifiable + shooting in the temple examined.. /via @danieljerivers

    just watched this and Dan Rivers and CNN may just have redeemed themselves

    this clip must be manna from heaven for Abhisit

    it shows a number of 'men in black' accompanied by their Red guards.

    some are unmasked with full frontal facial shots for easy ID

    most importantly they are fully armed, with holstered pistols, ammunition and M16's slung over their shoulders

    it will be hard to dispute whether the 'men in black' exist now and that they worked in tandem with red guards

    it will only be a matter of hours before at least one of them will be identified

    right on cue CNN..........

    Did you enjoy your holiday..........men in black exist?......has been known for weeks.....an actor was arrested weeks ago after a photo of him was distributed.....a man in black

    what holiday?

    did you see the clip on CNN?

    thought not

    better to be thought a fool.......

    :) ..........you have just removed all doubt......thank you

  15. On CNN at 7.12 pm Thai time - new footage of men in black up close and identifiable + shooting in the temple examined.. /via @danieljerivers

    just watched this and Dan Rivers and CNN may just have redeemed themselves

    this clip must be manna from heaven for Abhisit

    it shows a number of 'men in black' accompanied by their Red guards.

    some are unmasked with full frontal facial shots for easy ID

    most importantly they are fully armed, with holstered pistols, ammunition and M16's slung over their shoulders

    it will be hard to dispute whether the 'men in black' exist now and that they worked in tandem with red guards

    it will only be a matter of hours before at least one of them will be identified

    right on cue CNN..........

    Did you enjoy your holiday..........men in black exist?......has been known for weeks.....an actor was arrested weeks ago after a photo of him was distributed.....a man in black

  16. Greenham Common Women's Peace Camp. 1981 - 2000

    For the most part Greenham Common was a way of life Gender encampment,of no violent threat to the countries

    stability,and unlike the Redshirts demonstration relatively peaceful by comparison. not a like for like comparison,hence

    the 9 years period of protest,which by the way their aim was the removal of Nuclear Missiles in that area,not to bring

    down the legitimate Government of the day and reinstate a deposed absconder from justice..............Big difference!


    Nice try, the protestors broke the law by cutting the fence and entering Government property....sound familiar

    A government spokesman at the time stated they were 'at risk of being shot'.......sound familiar

    your definition of 'big difference' appears a little ill thought out....but this is just detail and not important to the future of Thailand.....maybe take this as a reminder to research a little deeper next time.... :)

  17. The protests should have been put down by the police, using tear gas and batons, as was the case against the PAD when the PPP government were in power. Things were done correctly using the Police.

    The present government has made clear errors, by not using the police.

    The next error was calling the army.

    The next error was allowing the army to use lethal force.

    Why did they not use the police ? They should never have called in the army.

    If the government has no control over the police then it should have stood down and had elections and allowed a new government in that had the power.

    I am afraid the "double standards" are going to get worse and worse.

    Has the Bangkok governor been moved to an inactive post as Bangkok burnt ? NO

    So why has the governors of Isaan provinces been moved to inactive posts because there were fires in their provinces ?

    Has any Bangkok police chiefs been moved for failing to control the crowds ? for failing to follow orders ? NO

    So why have police chiefs in Isaan been moved to inactive posts due to the fires ?

    It is clear that horrendous double standards are still ongoing. If the government did not use the police then

    Why ?

    And if the answer is not obeying orders then.... why has no Bangkok police been moved to inactive posts ?

    It seems there are strange double standards going on, very strange.

    You are so red. Even your avatar is 100% red.

    Poorest response of the day......some of the questions above seem quite valid.....but you give no answer

  18. Newsflash; Over a TWO MONTH period it is.

    Maybe its just me, but putting a time limit on the value of a human life like that is unacceptable.

    How long did you want the Anarchists to hold the Country to Ransom then? or burn down the Country wholesale? with

    their outrageous demands?

    Whether you like it or not PM Abhisit showed amazing leadership qualities, and restraint,no western Government would

    have tolerated for more than a few days,let alone 2 months!

    Greenham Common Women's Peace Camp. 1981 - 2000

  19. You know Ozzieman, if you and others would just absorb the fact that while people may not dislike the current government, they may disagree with some aspects, and therefore cut out your childish name calling generalisations, perhaps your voices may be heard and your words read with more interest.

    Just a thought.

  20. Wow, "diplomatic immunity" in your own country? What a license! So if you can burn, loot, incite violence, etc. without being incarcerated, what's a little corruption now and then? :)

    yup a free do not go to jail card

    Did I not read somewhere he is on a list of MP's that are in the process of being impeached.....just hasn't happened yet?

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