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Posts posted by 473geo

  1. I thought I detect a little humour in there Glitterman.......does riding along holding up the traffic make you smile a little.......and knowing how comical you might look if caught by a sudden gust of wind.......

    Enjoy....... I'm sure you bring more smiles and cheerfulness than most

  2. Falang or not, it's simply rude to not return a greeting.

    I tend to agree with that........emphasised by the people on the thread who blank other farangs 'because why should they treat them differently'..........like..... they blank the Thai as well? :D:D

    Actually thats just the point there isnt it. I don't run around the place greeting the masses no matter where I am, so why would I start doing it here.

    If someone made a massive effort to swim the klong and climb a mountain just to say hello to me I would most likely return the "hello" and perhaps a quick, "go away, pisseoff now or see ya later" comment to follow.

    Come on, lets get real, whats the big deal, some want to get around the place making eyes at other foriegners that may or maynot speak english, up to them BUT please leave me out of it. :)

    Oh I don't mind if people don't respond ND.....it is a free world...I really don't even think people have to be miserable not to respond.....but I find no problem with looking anybody in the eye and saying hello, good morning.......and contrary to many peoples apparent experience here, I have not met many people who fail to understand hello or good morning, many times I just nod..........I don't often get into a conversation have no real wish to......I'm certainly not looking to broaden my list of friends......just being polite... :D

    I've said before I was raised in a village.......if you walked down the street and passed somebody without saying hello your parents would get to know about how rude you were.....you walked with your head up and your eyes open.......and tough shit if you tripped.. :D

  3. Try again in 6 months......

    They are all too busy at the moment creating divisions with name calling, abuse hurling, factual inaccuracy, conjecture, opinions and presumptions......

    All which create discussion without resolution......the perfect circle..... :)

    But I doubt Thailand is too interested in what a thousand idle fingers are filling their time with!!

    The Thai have to resolve this situation and move forward

  4. Two fairy tales in two days...

    But I have one question as to your nationality, are you a Brit with little imagination or just another Brit knocker? :D

    Lighten up, it was just a humourous story. :D:D:D:D:)

    Yep and the surname gives away the origins........ :D

  5. UKMatt

    I was raised in the country amd nod and smile at Thai people, farangs, most people in fact......habit.....

    On one thread I was called 'Bobblehead'........doesn't make any difference I am what I am....be yourself and you will be ok

    You'll know me if you see me......I'll be nodding and smiling away to all.....

    Best wishes


  6. Why don't you do a search & find out exactly why I've 'clocked up' over 3000 posts since 2005-09-15 09:35:17?

    I think I'll take the repetitive thread option thanks.......based on your 10+ comments on this thread that you say should never have been opened!!

    A quote from myself:

    BTW, I'm fully aware that I am speaking against myself, in the sense that this thread be linked to the old thread. By replying, I am in fact, supporting your new thread. My only hope is that you are able to provide vitality & variation to your thread as opposed to the old thread. :D Maybe if you read the old thread, you could make some improvements?

    This thread started out as yet another boring & redundant piece, which could (& still does) fit nicely into an existing thread. The only reason why it is boring is because it has been said before, thus my comments in the above paragraph.

    Well you are certainly displaying that anything is better than a cracked record.....even something that has been said before......in fact you appear to think that muliple repetition is required.....I cite this thread as clear unrefutable evidence!!!

    Please do not comment further on the subject of thread or not....comments such as yours have been written thousands of times already we do not require them again.....get it.....you are saying nothing new.....hung by your own word....... :)

  7. Nonetheless, a repetitive thread is exactly that...repetitive.

    Well maybe, just maybe, if you hadn't spent your life clocking up well over three thousand posts on this board alone, nit-picking through every single thread just to find things to complain about, you would possibly find a topic that you never read on here before!!

    Just saying. :)

    Why don't you do a search & find out exactly why I've 'clocked up' over 3000 posts since 2005-09-15 09:35:17?

    I think I'll take the repetitive thread option thanks.......based on your 10+ comments on this thread that you say should never have been opened!!

  8. If you are confident, outgoing, fearless, and approachable you will make eye contact with almost all people you meet

    If you lack any of the above, you will probably avoid eye contact

    Fair enuf, but I've always found theres plenty more to focus the eyes on (eyecandy) when out in the big smoke, i have no time for little pasty faced farangs looking for recognition :) sorry, but thats just the facts of life.

    Not smart when out shopping with the wife.......better to be seen to be acknowledging a fellow farang or two...........

    While actualy absorbing the (eyecandy) behind them...........practiced art....... :D:D

  9. Suppose you geniuses advise all of the factions how you would stop the vote buying and corruption both at the national and village levels. That might actually be helpful.

    Eliminate all corrupt leaders and business man? Same like the army sniped seh daeng...... :)

    Says it all really........no thoughts on letting the people vote then?......no thoughts on the government actually making changes the majority would appreciate and therefore allow them to continue by being elected by the people......

    Nope...not for you........mass murder appears to be your solution

    Worse......you appear to think this is a smart answer!!!!

  10. Unarmed Reds, Amnesty International decrying the treatment of the poor innocents - BS, pure BS. Armed militants who should be treated as enemy combatants, if shown to have participated in a violent way.

    At the suggestion of another poster, I sent a letter to Amnesty Int., basically telling them they have no credibility and they should put someone in charge who has a brain and can think with it.

    Yep...... I can see them being bullied into changing to the way you think...... :)

  11. Basically don't Judge people unless you want to be judged, Every body has problems,maybe small to you but big for them.

    Yep......I'm loosing weight......now all my clothes look too big...... :) ........ :D

  12. There are more and more Silly post, Maybe I post a few, But at least I am active on the forum. I suspect that there are a lot of people that do not post, just lerk in the back ground because they have had there fingers burnt from harsh replys to there posts. Some times a bit of humour would not go a miss.

    What..... you are saying a harsh reply causes your keyboard to burst into flames..... :) ...... :D

  13. Without doubt the smartest idea was running the daily information closed thread........interesting and informative

    Any other threads only required an occasional visit to verify they were still running the repetitive treadmill

    I've read a couple of books while still fully appraised of the situation at all times

    Thanks guys

  14. My beautiful wife is from Surin......she has all the qualities and attributes you would wish for in a wife and more.....I am very proud of her and our children.....she gives me absolutely no reason not to be.......

    Hope yours turns out to be the same Ozzie

  15. Could be jumping to conclusions. Army declared they were not going to infiltrate, only close off. The rest is only a guess?

    Didnt do much of a job of closing off.

    Not just a guess actually. Earlier in the thread I suggested that the army should disarm before entering the encampment and, as I thought it was a good idea, I rang someone close to the Government. He said 'the military will never accept it, Abhisit does not control the military and they are pursuing their own agenda.' He also said you can see 'the military are shooting Thais while achieving nothing and that is not good either in the eyes of Thais or internationally.' He also said the 'police and military are corrupt to their very core.'

    So yes there is quite a lot of guessing in there. But I know Abhisit is committed to reducing the influence of the army in Thai politics. Also remember there is the army reshuffle coming up and he wanted to replace the coup's constitution. There are some 3500 people at the encampment do you think the Thai army cant contain them when they can execute a coup in three hours.

    So yes quite a lot of guesswork but it all seems to add up to me.

    So it isnt hard to believe they are manipulating this protest - in fact it must be harder to believe they apparently cant contain it. Cutting the military budget and revising the constitution as well as having a say in the army reshuffle, I dont think would go down well. Thaksin got kicked out for mucking about with the reshuffle.

    If you really believe Abhisit is interested in getting the Army out of politics, then please tell me why he has not used the police in this protest and let the Army do its job of protecting the country from outside dangers like from Burma or Cambodia.

    I'll take that one. The police are not loyal to the govt. Pretty easy explanation.

    If the police are not loyal to the Govt, and say the army has their own agenda............is anybody really committed to defending Bangkok?

  16. Go argue with yourself over a minor point if you wish.....he is well respected by the red followers.......the results of which you are now witnessing...... :)

    We are well aware that the red rioters are prepared to follow a lunatic.

    A lunatic with a direct line to Thaksin.

    Not a problem for you that the blackshirts are an integral part of the redshirt movement.

    A minor point, eh?

    Oh dear Yoshi missed the point again!!!

    The minor point is his position the major point is the reaction to his shooting

    are you really as far from reality as you pretend to be?

    That's right, the rioting reds are just as thuggish as he.

    red shirts, black shirts, same same.

    As you.

    I am a thug for having the intelligence to work out that shooting him would possibly escalate the violence?

    Perhaps the ignorance is of they who ordered the pulling of the trigger Yoshi......no vision you see....(well probably you don't see)

    You think the attack on the Dusit Thani tonight (from where the shot was 'probably' fired) is pure coincidence......

    Thugs, I feel are not blessed with too much ability to evaluate consequences

    Does that possibly make you one?..... :D

  17. Can someone tell me how much the 55 pages of discussion here have contributed to an actual solution?


    25 pages of bickering insults,

    12 pages of historical blame hurling and insults,

    12 pages of repeated historical blame hurling and insults,

    1 page of mentioning what can't be mentioned

    and about 6 pages of relevant unbiased discussion......which is probably too little to reach a conclusion.... :)

  18. Do you guys think the Red Shirt leaders are even able to stop this now? Or have the hardliners gone off on their own? I get the feeling they have.

    I think that is a possibilty.......and I also feel there are more dangerous weapons out there which have been held back as long as they were in control.....I hope I am wrong

    Hardliners are fighting for a reason ... we can argue all day what that reason is.

    However, there are just some violent people looking for trouble now and those are the ones I think we need to be more concerned with. Few have guns but they all have matches (lighters ... do Thais even use matches?) and the willingness and possible desire to loot and set buildings on fire. Any time you have riots or chaos like this, these people come out of the woodwork.

    True, and there has been mention before of the possibility of many weapons appropriated from the army. My bet is, these are not in the Bangkok fortress.......that must also be a concern

  19. Do you guys think the Red Shirt leaders are even able to stop this now? Or have the hardliners gone off on their own? I get the feeling they have.

    I think that is a possibilty.......and I also feel there are more dangerous weapons out there which have been held back as long as they were in control.....I hope I am wrong

  20. The protestors have offered to come back to the table.......if the violence spreads and increases the government will be seen as the non negotiators.....so they cannot afford for this to go on more than a couple of days.......any more deaths will be attributed to their stance.

    It is a deadly game of chess....the pawns are the ones getting shot!!!

    I for one am far from convinced that the protestors are a spent force...............

    They said in the past "we agree to the road map"

    Only to then change their minds and try to change the conditions

    Just because they say they want to negotiate, does not mean

    they actually want to negotiate

    They have proven themselves to be liars and unable to negotiate

    in good faith, the writing is on the wall, it will all be over when

    you wake up Tuesday

    Maybe....There are many who would be pleased if you were right, especially without bloodshed.....but what will be over.......a corner in bangkok cleaned up, or the feeling of dissent......two very different things.....which is why resolving by negotiation must never be abandoned

  21. The protestors have offered to come back to the table.......if the violence spreads and increases the government will be seen as the non negotiators.....so they cannot afford for this to go on more than a couple of days.......any more deaths will be attributed to their stance.

    Disagree. Offering to go back to negotiations is just a stalling tactic. Nuttawut and cronies had their chance and blew it, som nam na. I don't believe the majority of Thais will blame the govt for the measures they are being forced to take. I think most law abiding decent Thais are sick to the back teeth of the current mess.

    I agree the Thai are fed up. What do the reds have to stall for?.......the disruption is spreading?

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