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Posts posted by Razzler1973

  1. Num Dtok Muu

    Som Tom

    Goong Chae-nam-pla

    Tom Yum Goong (an old favourite but you can't knock it!)

    Muu Daird Dee-ow (sun dried pork)

    That's not even mentioning the likes of gra-pao and various curries ....

  2. I have lived in Dubai for about 11 years now, it's getting more and more ridiculous, this kissing thing isn't the only thing that has been happening.

    Dubai has a lot of 'rules' which are never enforced unless they want to get you something else. You're technically not supposed to be drinking at home with a booze licence, the fact you can drive to Umn Al Quain (45 mins away) and buy it from the shop there (owned by Sheikh of UAQ) is neither here nor there. If you act like a git THEN they'll decide to get you on something else.

    Not supposed to be signs of affection but no one cares ... UNLESS someone complains or the wrong copper is bored. It's pretty stupid, there is a lot of call for clarification on these things here at the moment, what is and isn't exactly allowed. They're never keen on putting in proper boundaries as they can't use the leeway to their own advantage when they see fit.

    Any kind of drinking and being in public after means you are automatically wrong and most of the time the cops don't want to 'open a case' so they threaten people with 'have you been drinking' ... obviously, yes so you'll then not proceed with a case against someone that hit you or did something else.

    What makes this 'kissing' thing even more ridiculous is that the people kissing were spotted by an Emirati woman's daughter at 2am in a cafe. This, apparently, is sufficient to have someone jailed. The woman had been tried to be contacted for verification of facts but authorities were unable to contact her for days, then she changed her story, she didn't see anything only he young kid did. Looked like it would be kicked out but now she has a month.

    They argued they kissed on the cheek, apparently an Emirati word against anyone else and no other witnesses is enough to jail you. Trust me, there's a lot of talk about it. Woman got raped last year and then arrested as she was having sex (with her boyfriend) out of wedlock ... example of the 'little rules' they get you on if they don't want to prosecute the other side.

    These are all Brit related, Westerners, etc ... you have no idea what it's like for the Indian, Pakistani, Filipino community.

    The city is mostly empty now, a lot of people in the real estate industry have left, the bottom dropped out, most people got skanked, the real estate authorities don't know how to deal with it ... this is the problem, they don't know how to deal with these things, they have nothing in place. It's the fun place of the Middle East but still really backwards and going back further.

    Prostitution is rife, street walkers in some parts of the city that would put lower Sukhumvit to shame! Mostly Arabs picking them up but nothing gets done ... everyone's making money from this, ultimately an Arab local is making money from issuing these girls visas via some front company and it all goes round and round ... no one will say a word but if someone wears a short skirt in a shopping mall by the beach it's like the world has imploded!

  3. I thought that whole locking thing was when you were involved in an annual contract with the provider in the UK? I have only had this one UK phone so don't even know what this unlocking is all about, sounds like it's when you put a different SIM card in them? Wondering if I can do something about that over the phone before I leave here. I don't really need it for the amount of local calls I will make but it could be a little useful. If it'll be a pain then I'll leave it here and get phone cards :/

  4. Wasn't sure if should put this here or 'Travel' but you're lumbered with it!

    On my way to Thailand for a few weeks next week, have an old mobile handset that I use when I go back to the UK, it's just a 'pay-as-you-go' type thing.

    Are there similar type deals in Thailand? Wouldn't mind taking my handset and slotting a Thai SIM in there for while I am over. Possible? Any idea of cost or where I can pick up a SIM?

    Cheers :)

  5. Some good ones.

    When I lived in Hong Kong we did have a 'Lei Kee shoes' and also collected business cards of Chinese people that had taken an unusual western name (often Candy, William, etc). There was a 'Hitler Wong', 'Fanny Pong' and 'Robo Kwok Won' ... someone must be on a wind up, like to think they have their tongue in their cheek but not the Hong Kong Chinese style :/

  6. Tremendous, saw this first time round, I'll watch it again. Creepy little git that agency boss :) The Yorkshire (?) guy gave me a chuckle, basically came to get married "with this candle" can't believe people do that but they seem to, wonder how that couple is doing

  7. Don't think the OP is an alcoholic. I drink more than that, probably drink everyday (not in Thailand, in Dubai) at home, usually Vodka. I do stay fit, go the gym, etc I just like drinking.

    Currently having a couple of weeks off the booze (+ carbs) as I drop a few kilos prior to my trip to Thailand in 2 weeks (when I will put it back on!)

    It's such a habit to drink with food, etc but I guess there's a difference, I stopped and it's not a big deal. Just enjoy drinking. OP sounds similar

  8. I'll drink any beer, I love Singha in Thailand, if you taste Singha anywhere outside of Thailand it's not the same, more generic lager, must be kind of 'export' version.

    The only beer that is awful I think it 'Thai Beer' ... just tastes of chemicals and I don't mean 'tastes horrible' I mean it actually tastes of real chemicals of some kind

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