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Posts posted by Razzler1973

  1. Gerrard is woefully out of form for months now yet no one in the media seems to pick up on it. I am not confident of him being in a midfield two at the best of times with his positional indiscipline but at least that was a pay off for his attacking threat. Not seen much of that for ages :/

    28 games (7 as sub) 9 goals, 5 assists. Not that bad really, especially when you consider how crap Liverpool have been this season.

    Compare it to Yaya Toure, acclaimed as one of the players of the season, playing in a free scoring, championship winning side. 32 games, 6 goals, 6 assists.

    Gerrard is past his prime, I won't argue with you there, but it's not quite time to write him off.

    Stats can be dangerous. You can't compare the influence Yaya has had on City's team compared to Gerrard/Liverpool. Liverpool have been awful, no question but the games in which Gerrard stands out nowadays are few and far between to the point of being annoymous in a lot of them.

    Add to that playing a bit deeper meaning he cannot engage his brain to do anything other than hit a long ball time and time again. He is one of the worst offenders for giving the ball away. To use stats have you seen the stats for games won with/without him for Liverpool? Something like 2 with and 12 without? Not to mention the lowering of the rest of the midfields tackling and interception stats when he plays.

    I'd have Lampard start ahead of him but with Gerrard captain it wasn't going to happen and that's before Lampard's injury. He's very below par atm for me but we really don't have too many other options. I don't think he can influence a game the way he used to.

    Had a big game against Everton, off the bench vs Newcastle about Xmas .. .perhaps 1 or 2 others where he stood out but other than that ... meh.

    I'd be happier if we were not playing 4-4-2 with Gerrard in the middle but this is what Hodgson is doing by the looks of it.

  2. I honestly can't believe people still both to rent jet skis on Pattaya. I know that's not the point but there really isn't a person alive that doesn't know about this? It's like the people in the gem shops in Bangkok ... really ... you have never heard of anything?! ermm.gif

  3. Gerrard is woefully out of form for months now yet no one in the media seems to pick up on it. I am not confident of him being in a midfield two at the best of times with his positional indiscipline but at least that was a pay off for his attacking threat. Not seen much of that for ages :/

  4. I have gone to Thailand with my Filipino girlfriend who lives here in Dubai. She flew seperate/later than me and didn't have to show any money or anything at the Thailand end.

    Thais constantly tried to talk to her only for me to have to reply in Thai that she's not Thai and then they look confused about wondering how or why I do speak Thai then if she's not. This seemed to amuse people way more than it should

  5. He knows she's chatting filth with these guys as well? At the very least this is totally disrespectul to him.

    She 'has' a guy now (him!) and she's maybe looking around for something better. I wouldn't care if she's a bar girl or not but the fact she's 'with' me and still openly flirting and chatting up guys online in a sexual way is enough for me to have had enough and move on

  6. I remember years and years back chatting to a Thai girl in one of the bars around Khao San and it was one of those Thai holidays so plenty of girls were out for a night out, etc. I ended up going back home with one of them to her place but her friend who she was drinking with asked some other guy she was chatting to in the bar for 2K for the night.

    The other one did look a little naughtier, I have to say. Had dreams of becoming an air stewardess IIRC but the one I was chatting to was complete opposite.

    Nowadays around the Khao San area I do see an awful lot of slightly older Thai women (early to mid 30s) hanging out and paying for trampy looking (but ever so slightly posh looking) farang's beers.

  7. Haha and going for a commercial every 5 minutes with that little square in the corner whilst the newest power drink is flashed on my screen!

    No, they don't have the commercials for these tournaments, thankfully.

    Wow, that's pretty good. Think I'd miss that everytime the ball is out for a throw

  8. I think the fact you are asking means you have some suspicions. I think I would follow your suspicions. "best case" scenario is she is hunting for guys and putting it about but to what end? She's in it for the long term and is looking for something and the fact she keeps looking and you're suspicious makes me think that something is maybe not you.

    Why not just enjoy yourself without thought to the long term? Certainly don't give her any money and see how her interest changes

  9. His wife has done nothing wrong, if someone is so silly to give away information for no benefit them good for her. It's not like she's opened up next door either, she's back in her village doing it and rightly not telling anyone any info.

    The copycat businesses tend to be ones that don't require a great deal of thought to open so it's easily understandable. Noodle shop beats dot.com start up anyday!

    Also, if people are in a particular area to buy mobile phones and various add ons then give them the option to go to a different place nearby to do the same thing. Shop A is in a mall with people strolling about everywhere, dam_n right I am getting in on that!

    It's like Burger King used to open up right in the areas where McDonalds were. If people are thinking of buying a burger then give them an option.

    Not sure just how many game shops are needed in some streets though but how much do fruit sellers need to sell to really make it worth while, hardly huge overheads so an easy business to get into I would imagine

  10. Yes, Koh Kood is pricey indeed and I think Koh Chang to stay and doing some day trips is quite a good idea. oo.

    You do not need to go to Koh Kood for snorkeling, there is great places in shorter reach on the way to Koh Maak, too but a day trip to Koh Kood

    is an excellent idea since the island is a real natural paradise, explore the beautiful waterfalls a other points of interest. If deciding to stay on Koh Chang,

    let me know, I live here for many years and may be of help with info and tips.

    If you are in Facebook, look out for Koh Chang Ticker, a great source run by a friend... Plenty of insider tips...

    Thankyou for info, last time i was on koh chang was about 8 yrs ago, I stayed @ kai bae beach, kb resort, I liked that part & further south of island, but kb want 2000 baht/nite in april, any alternatives?

    rgds songhklasid.cool.gifcool.gifcool.gif

    I am one of those people that stayed on Kai Bae way way back and it was great. However, regularly going back to Kai Bae these days and there's hardly any beach there at all

  11. Aside from that big bus that is linked above do the buses from go from Ekamai stop off near the airport?

    I am never 100% on this. I am pretty sure there is some kind of bus station at the new airport and I vaguely remember getting a bus from Ekamai and it pulling into the airport bus station and a couple of people hopping on. Other times this hasn't happened.

    Is it a particular bus at a certain time that stops at the airport bus station coming from Ekamai or does this not happen and I am imaginging it (possible ;))

  12. I have been there but not for a long time. I remember about 10+ years back going there and meeting some non-working girls although they didn't exactly go out much so perhaps they were in the wrong place. There were definitely working girls there but not overkill. I returned some 3 years later so about 7 or 8 years back and it seemed to be a lot more hardcore and full on so I wouldn't recommend it in terms of meeting non-working girls

  13. The VIP government bus from the new southern bus terminal from Bangkok to Koh Phangan is very convenient and comfortable. You just buy your ticket on the day and the ticket includes the ferry for just over 1000 baht. I read on some guide that the best way to get to Phangan was by a combined train-bus-ferry ticket. This is bullshit. The trains are extremely unreliable and for part of the way they cram you on a very uncomfortable songthaew to the train station in Surat Thani. Forget any stopovers - just take a direct bus.

    That's not true at all.

    I have traveled down to the South many, many times via Train and it's no problem whatsover. The trains are not unreliable at all, they tend to leave on time. I think in near 15 years of using them I had only one breakdown that caused crazy delays but every other time it has stuck to the timetable give or take 30 mins at most.

    You can book the ferry combo thing at the train station and once you arrive at the train station there are people checking tickets, etc pointing you to the correct bus/coach (not songthaew, that was 10+ years back before we had combo tickets) and the coaches take you to the ferry, no problem at all.

    The most recent time I did this was just last year. Buses are of course a bit quicker but I get irritated by the constant stops for food. I like the train as you have a sleeper and your own, quite large seat next to the window until the beds are made up. I can buy food before I get on and during as well as beer, toilets are right there, it's comfortable and you have you own space

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