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Posts posted by uptoyoumyfriend

  1. after reading through the entire four pages of this thread :D i came to the conclusion that many of you are obsessed with your fears and should live in the bubble back home.as for me personally i will just stick to leo,with ice.from the tab. :o

    Chug-a-lug dude!

    Up to you, somebody's friend but safe drinking water is an issue worldwide and just because you don't care about yourself doesn't mean that everyone else should not take precautions.

    ...of course and they should be.all i'm saying is not to overdo things. leaving a trail of empties behind wherever you live obviously doesn't improve the environ that has been polluted by just those petrochemical products to the point that the water is bad just about everywhere.the long term solution aside from croaking can only be a drastic reduction in consumerism/wether its plastic bottles or any other deposible items and of course in the number of participants.just trying to get the most out of it personally by shifting the problem to those without the means to pay for every whim and fancy means just that,passing the buck the shitty way.i worked for people once,but only very briefly that filled theit pool with poland springs water.20 000$ worth.that to me is obscene and intolerable.they own levi's .i haven't bought any since.not that that would change anything.i'm just saying you gotta keep the eye on the ball.

  2. after reading through the entire four pages of this thread :D i came to the conclusion that many of you are obsessed with your fears and should live in the bubble back home.as for me personally i will just stick to leo,with ice.from the tab. :o

  3. QUOTE (mongoose @ 2008-08-24 09:44:18) post_snapback.gifI too will be going to Laos soon, thanks for the advice. I have a bunch of big one dollar bills, do you know where I could change them to the small one dollar bills you recommend ?

    i can give you the phone nr of my shrink :o

  4. I got treatment at the regular section at sun doc(maharai) hospital in may.it was no problem you just fill in a form and wait with everybody else.i had to wait longer and when it was finally my turn the doctor got up and went away.after some more waiting it turned out that they made sure they got somebody who was not too shy to speak english since my thai is only good to order beer and food.i had a consultation and subsequently x rays ,more consultations and some medication.everything was cheap,around 600bt.the service was great ,i talked to a real specialist .the med's were good too.if you can sit in a crowd ,it's doable,just bring a book.

    previously i had some outpatient experience at ram which was also very good and reasonably priced.

    x rays,diagnosis and doctors advice for around 1000.- cm ram has great service.no waiting around there.

    when i admitted myself with what turned out to be dengue fever at ram they did a great job and the room was very posh.two full days with all the treatment and tests rang up at 20 000 bt.a little more than i expected from my outpatient experience there -that's why i tried out sun doc to find cheaper alternatives for the future.

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