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Posts posted by uptoyoumyfriend

  1. when arriving in munich you will have to go with the gf to the easy jet counter to pick up your boarding passes. they will want to see her.if it is not in the transit area you will both have to go through customs and security. it is better to stay together while travelling outside of your country anyway.you should not leave her behing without her travel documents. just a thought.

  2. one other thing you can do is to interrupt their tunnels to your space.as far as i know they only live in the ground or in those termite hills you see sometime because they need are very specific temperature for breeding.they come and go to your place through the little tunnels they make from wood fiber.scrape them off as much as you can daily, where they come into your building or where ever you see them. they can only come and go protected this way as they are a preferred food source for many other critters.

  3. I am a citizen of the united states of A ,a country that prides itself as the most .

    most democratic,equal opportunity,free choice of religion,most prisoners ,most obese, capital punishment,standard of living,in short the united states of most.but not everybody.if you were inclined to go visit there you have to be priviliged to do that.and then you would find out that short of marrying a citizen you have very little possibilities to extend your stay beyond the initial 3/6 months granted.

    especially not to skimp by on meager pensions . most unfortunate.

    and to get back to the original quest of this post,when you're stopped by one of our formidable highway troopers ,a 6 foot something donut munching 280 pounder that will take down your nose to the pavement if you make the wrong move then you will appreciate that the thai cop calling you a guest trying to get a measly 5 bucks out of you is just a clown on a salary that is below poverty level.


  4. Always find that East-West jetlag far longer to recover from than the other way around.

    I read somewhere (think it was on airasia magazine) that you should get as much sleep as possible when flying west to east and try to stay awake as long as possible on east to west flights - its supposed to ease the jetlag.....

    when you fly halfway around the globe there is none of that east west issue.it is a twelve hr time difference from the us to thailand.

    i do it 4 times a year and the best is to enjoy the trip drink little alcohol and sleep as much as possible. in the destination country try to get up at a normal hr and spend some time outdoors as the sunlight makes the body adjust to different timezones. when tired I take a nap but not too long. takes a few days to get adjusted.

  5. you can buy it at YOK ,the shop on Super Highway Road..or the other branch in town on Assadhathon Rd. There are many stuffs for cake frosting :)

    I tried to google that Assadhathon Rd and nothing came up-where about is it?

  6. the night bazaar has it aplenty.and if you know the not-inflated tourist price i recommend you just offer that much without asking for a price first.

    this is how i buy things there at very reasonable prices .some people however offer ridiculously low there because they think it;s a sport to squeeze burmese refugees that survive on a few thousand baht a month or some other lowlifes like hill tribe people etc.

  7. me thinks it is actually one of the attractions of chiang mai that it doesn't hold you hostage and I enjoy getting away every so often on errands i can easily explain to the missus. like visiting the beach ,in pattaya or getting "stuff" in bkk.

    there are certainly enough books to read restaurants to eat in and beer to drink in cm.

    you are right about taxi tuk tuk etc mafia but it is easy to get around by yourself and the cops don't pester you unduly here.


  8. there is an indian spice seller at wororot market.when you come from the night bazaar it is the building on the left .on the ground floor not far from the road.

    also at the sunday market in serapi a guy sells indian spice. i would think they have it.

  9. maybe this is what you're looking for:

    to your wife the legal part at the ampho probably means little or nothing as long as you have the vilolage /family thing.

    i finally was the one after some years because it makes it real easy for me to get a non immigrant o without any hassle like bank statements etc at my embassy back home.i do this once a year and it takes 5 minutes and i can come and go as i like,into thailand.

  10. if you kill them all they will still come back.they like to life there somehow.had the same problem until the car was parked where the dogs can keep an eye on it,actually they sleep right underneath it.

  11. buying is good only if you really know you want to stay here and in that particular condo .

    best to rent for a while and get a feel for it before buying and thai-ing yourself down.

    renting a house is cheap and you can walk away from it if you find better.

    in my mooban about 7k south of city center -15 min m-bike- about 6000/mth. nice area too.

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