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Posts posted by uptoyoumyfriend

  1. the thai government is not democratically elected because of all the vote buying that has taken place and other irregularities. if the pad did not have broad support in the population they would have been chased away a long time ago. the whole thing the pad is doing now is to keep the government from changing the constitution to give them a legit platform before the courts will throw them out and disband the parties involved .too bad the courts are so slow.in any case this is a struggle of the thai people to move away from the eternal banana republic and thaksin and family to hold on to power and money. some people don't see that of course but then again there were lots a people voting for mc cain and pailin...

    and btw,if you don't understand how the vote buying works then you just don't know anything and maybe you want to come up here to the north and i will explain it to you.it is whole villages that are bought and the pressure is on the village headman if the voting doesn't turn out right.just like under hitler,duh!,if you remember that guy.the fact that there is an election doesn't make it democratic.

    and while the army doesn't want to govern they have no other choice when the constitution is tampered with too much.

  2. one of the owners and guitar player from riverside has a small place behind sompet market on that alley that goes in right after the irish pub,along eagle gh,all u can eat utopia, a little further on the left .fridays and saturdays from about 10:30 to midnight really nice music in a small environ. also the kantoke near big c towards chiangrai has quite a nice ambience and there is a german beer house with live bands and food nearby to go afterwards. or alternatively. places to go with people who visit.

    also santias grotto,tha phae soi 2 near changmoi rd.jam sessions friday to sunday where the beautiful santia sits in on drums herself.no shit ,check it out just the place itself is a hoot!

  3. chiang mai has an excellent road syatem as it is.the only way to easy congestion and a cheap one too is to eliminate all public parking in the inner city and around. for cars.more room to drive but less incentive to come here with your car.it's that easy.everything else will just do the opposite by attracting more vehicles.it needs inforcement though but then again income too for the boys in brown.

  4. wororot....coming from chiang moi rd turning into the road before the river the same side(left) as the 7/11,turn left into little alley with live fish,first right into the market on both sides before as mentioned fishing tackle seeds and stuff and knowledgeable people..also some stores along the moat near the sundok hospital have seeds and pots and soil etc.pets also before you turn the corner where the park is.

    check out pun puns site though ,that guy is really something!

    there was an article in the post by erika frey....

    some of it here:

    Life is Easy. Why do we make it so hard?

    by Jon Jandai 29.08.2005

    To be given life is the ultimate gift. When we are first born we have the right to cry or laugh. When we grow up we have the freedom to choose the way we want to be. Humans were born with rights equal to every other living thing but because of our unlimited desire human life is often of less quality than most other animals.

    A small bird wakes up early in the morning singing a song waking the other birds, merrily looking for food, spending a short time to get all the bugs and grain she needs to fill her small stomach, then spending the rest of her time playing, singing, and courting. She spends a few days to build her beautiful nest. She doesn?t work too much to get the food she needs everyday. Her life is easy. She has a lot of time to play and enjoy living together with the other birds.

    Humans have small stomachs as birds do. Just to have enough to eat we too do not have to work a lot in one day. If we want to build a house, we can build one in a few weeks. We can then have a lot of free-time in our life to play and enjoy life together as well. Now days people choose to work very hard, at least 8 hours per day. They work like machines just to have some food to eat even though the food they eat is not good quality. They eat the old plants and animals that have been dead many months in a can or in frozen packages. They have to live in a crowded house like a termite. If they want their own house they have to spend at least one half of their life or maybe all of their life to work for that house. Life is busy and hectic all the time.

    We can see only complications with no space for beauty and freedom. We create suffering for ourselves because we don?t know the purpose of life. We are blinded and our soul turns to darkness. We can?t see beauty. We can?t enjoy living. We have only fear growing in our minds everyday. We begin to distrust other people. We cannot be friends with others around us, even relatives or family members. Our lives are lonely, even though the world is full of people. Even though we have a lot of material goods and wealth we still feel like it?s not enough. Even thought other people give us love, we still don?t trust them. We are even disturbed by the rooster?s morning call and we?re proud to say in the middle of this confusion and suffering that this is development and we are civilized.

    Why do humans choose to live their life in a difficult and complicated life like this? What do we receive from our hard work all our life? Why is the simple and peaceful way not attractive to people? Life is easy, why do we make it hard?

    If we think we are the most clever animal in the world, why do we make our life full of bitterness and suffering more than any other animal? Why do we have to work harder than other animals? Why do we make our lives so boring? Why don?t we have time for our kids and family or even time for ourselves? These are the instincts of all life. In 24 hours we spend more than 10 hours struggling with what we call work or said nicely, ?making a living?. We spend on average less than 8 hours sleeping and 2.5 hours a day eating, maybe .5-1 hour bathing/dressing. This leaves 3 hours left for ourselves and our family in our day. Mostly we spend this time intoxicating ourselves with entertainment such as drinking, going to parties, shopping, watching movies or watching TV. Even on our day off we love to spend the time on entertainment. We don?t see the importance of spending time with family or ourselves because we think we don?t have time. So we are not different from machines or robots because we have lost our heart and soul.

    Our kids are like our pets. We take care of them enough to feed them and keep them safe but we neglect to think about their mind and soul. Kids want to be loved and cared for and to feel close to their parents but we think it?s a burden so we push them away by sending them to pre-school. Then we appease ourselves by telling ourselves we?ve done the best by them by giving them good food and expensive schooling so we can have more time to give to working and we can tell ourselves that we work for our kids. But we don?t know if the kids want what we give them or not. We assume we have given the best to them. If the kids know how to compare, they must be jealous of other animals like ducks seeing their whole family playing and looking for food together. But to be born as a human kid is so lonely. They become orphaned even though they have parents. They spend more time with strangers than their parents.

    We are losing our instincts. We are destroying the system of life which our ancestors developed and lived successfully with for many thousands of years. Now we become the only animals that work this hard. Even in the past people didn?t work as hard or long as they do now except slaves and prisoners. What made people see slavery as progress or development? What is the reason people choose to live like this? Life is easy, why do we choose to make it so hard and complicated...

    sorry i lost the rest---uptymfrnd---

  5. :o:D:D:D:D:( a very nice place also with free internet and good food and kinda quiet without the bar girls is the Kafe on moonmuang ,very clean and a lot cheaper than no 1 bar .very nice atmosphere too. have you ever been to santias grotto on tha phae soi two corner of changmoi where the owner joins in on the drums on the weekend jamsessions? she's quit a lady !
  6. there is a travel agent,i think connected to namkong gh(if i remember the name right),if you go north from daret house(thai pae gate) past the bookstore ,the next shop or so on the same side of the road.when i needed it i found out that many of the other agents give it to them and they take it to the viets'ambassy in bkk and return it with the visa and thus had the best price in town.give it a try ,it's easy enough to go there and talk to them.

  7. the wife is from the hills and does her own thing unlike any thai food you can get and i like to cook what i call confusion....but the best way for us is to shop at the big market just a little north of the am embassy either in the day but also at night,lets say 11 to 1 along the river there ,great bargains are to be had in seafood fruits and vegetables,all fresh.then we just go home and cook the stuff up.even in thailand when you go out they are always a little short in the vegetable department.half of the time we eat out,thai and mostly lunch.

    the only one thing better than home cooking is eating out. but that goes in another forum i guess.

  8. I regularly get some standard and routine blood tests. In Bangkok I usually just go directly to a lab where it is about half the price of a hospital. It seems fairly common and accepted to do this.

    A pharmacist here in Chiang Mai suggested a place across the moat from Chiang Mai Ram. Any experiences with them or other suggestions?


    the probably quickest and cheapest place is loi kro clinic.the doctor is great,and the lab in house.

    highly recommended and often tried.

  9. I know somebody asked about a year ago without luck, but any chess clubs in Chiang Mai?


    The Chess Club meets at The Pub every Wednesday at 7 p.m. All levels welcome. For further info call 053-211-550 or email [email protected].

    according to google and cm mail....

  10. I'm currently on an Indian cuisine cooking tangent but am missing the following, anyone knows where these could be found?

    fresh curry leaves

    fresh fenugreek (leaves and seeds)


    mustard seeds

    I know Rimping has the pre-made pastes etc, but find it more fun to experiment from scratch :o .

    Thx in advance,

    there is a place inside wororot market,in the building to the right side coming from chiangmoi,all indian spices


  11. thanks everybody for you input .it really makes me feel better to know i have options .i will go there first thing tomorrow morning and guess i can get my flight out at 12.30 since it's just there anyway.i will post the outcome after my arrival in the us .i have a ticket back to cm in time for loi kratong and hope to see you then --r--

  12. If they will give you an extension is based on what kind of visa you have. Only on a tourist visa will they give an extension of 30 days, all other kind of visa's a maximum of 7 days, which is to short.

    If you are not on a tourist visa you have 2 options:

    1. go to immigration in Chiang Mai with your ticket out of the country and pay the overstay fine in advance. (Fine is 500 baht a per day with a maximum of 20,000 baht).

    2. pay at the airport when you leave the country.

    The risk with option number 2 is that since you are on overstay you can be arrested and detained till you leave the country if your visa is checked. With option number 1 you eliminate that risk. In practise the risk is not that great and since you all ready have a ticket out of the country don't expect too much problems if you were to be checked. But it is up to you if you take e risk or not.

    i should have mentioned i am on a 60 day tourist visa. but i guess i just go to the immigration and see what the options are.not sure that they wouldn't already give me problems at the cm airport security check.

  13. i just realized that i overstayed my visa which ended sep.6.i have a ticket from chiang mai to bkk on monday,sept 15 and my flight back to the us is on tue morning.what is the best way to deal with it ,should i go first thing to the immigration on monday morning to get an extension?will they give it to me?

  14. i really want to point out oasis here, on soi 2 taphae rd just a few steps in from tp-rd on the right.while they have a nice european menu i always end up with the thai stuff like laab isaan,tom ka ,or lad na .

    the food is delicious, very nicely prepared and reasonably priced and my thai wife just loves going there with me.also belgian beers, pooltable etc....

  15. loi krathong is on the day of the (first) full moon in november.november 12th as far as i know in 2008.

    it is the first big day when they have the parade .

    the floats(krathong) , lanterns (komloi),fireworks and partying go on for another two days.more or less of course, probably more since the 15th is a saturday....

  16. i had some myself this year and i live to tell that it is no laughing matter.i thought it was a bad flue and took some aspirin which is about the worst thing you can do since it keeps the blot from clotting and dengue dramatically reduces the platelet count in your blood.that is why it is also called hemorrhaging fever.you can die from an internal bleeding just by knocking into something. it also came with an ugly red rash all allover the body.ultimately i checked myself into ram for a couple of days (20 000bt) and the iv's worked wonder. before that i went to loi kroh clinic and was given the proper diagnosis ,medication, and was told to drink a gallon of water a day.but i simply couldn't drink or eat anything at all.i never even noticed a mosquito bite...

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