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Posts posted by Raesum

  1. I have just returned from the Royal Thai police Headquarters where my husband (Thai) and I went to initiate the process of me becoming a Thai citizen.

    They told us repeatedly that I would have to give up my (Aus) passport as I could only hold a Thai passport if my application was successful. They said this had been the rule for a very long time.

    I have read of others becoming citizens and there is no mention of them surrendering their passports.They did suggest I may like to "say" I'm giving up my other passport and then .....

    However after a lot of to-ing and fro-ing they have said we may proceed with the application-however I am a bit apprehensive now.

  2. Just spoke to my husband(due to his location in a remote mining site)and he was like "Whats the problem? It was given as a gift so accept it as a gift"

    So I shall unwrap it and see whats in there and not worry about luxury cars, Rolexes or karma.And if I don't know what something is I can always pass it on to the family!

    Thanks for all your help.

  3. Yes AnotherOneAmerican-I could do that.

    Actually when you said that it bought to mind the image of one of the monks from the temple that we use(the one that always asks me when we are going to give them T-bone steaks!instead of the normal food offerings) Anyway occasionally he gives my sister-in-law things that he's been given but doesn't want/use eg several first aid kits, glass bowls, glass plates etc.He seems to store them in a box and when he sees her he gives them to her.

  4. Thanks folks.Although why karma has to be in capital letters I don't know-after all it was partly to do with karma as to why I received this gift in the first place.

    The other thing I guess is protocol. I do know some good monks at a temple across the way(not the beetel chewing ones at my local temple).I am even on speaking terms with a couple of them as my (husbands)Thai family uses this temple a lot for ceremonies

    .However, as a woman , I can't just front up to the temple and give this offering to the first monk I see.Maybe I'd better wait for hubby to come home in a few weeks time?

  5. I live in Nonthaburi but always travel down to Pattaya to see Dr David Pack(sorry I can't find his number at present) He does not suggest any medications or alternatives.Give him a call.The first consultation is at least half an hour and subsequent ones are about 20 minutes.

  6. Recently I helped some foreigners and in return they bought me a plate on which there was assorted items and wrapped in orange cellophane. When they gave it to me they said "We don't know what it is but we wanted to say thank you for your help" As they were on their way to the airport I just accepted it in good faith. now I'm not sure what I should with it. Should I somehow try to give it to the local temple?

  7. Yes that is entirely true that via a land border Russians can get a 30 day extension.It is also true that if Russians use the Friendship Bridge that Australia built to join Thailand to Laos they,(amongst other nationalities) ,do not have to pay any fees or charges.Australians on the other hand have to pay high fees to even cross the bridge!!??#%5.<deleted>??????

    • Like 1
  8. <Thai language removed>

    From your responses Kitsune- you have either been living in the wrong places and have no chances to assimilate with Thai people OR you have absolutely more time on your hands than you should have !!

  9. The title of your topic is..."If you had a choice"...I haven't had any children and at the ripe of age of 54 sure as eggs(no pun intended) ain't going to be having any either.

    When I married my Thai husband at 32 years of age his son was 10 years old and we even discussed having children with him!!

    However after 5 years nothing happened-we considered IVF but because we lived in country Australia it was just going to be too hard so decided on the option of "many overseas trips instead"( I was ready to have kids at 26 or so but because i hadn't met the right man had to be content with travelling the world-and content I was!)

    So here I am with a wonderful step-son married to his wonderful wife and I am "Nanna Rae" to his 4 gorgeous girls! Couldn't have asked for better really!

    Sometimes Plan A doesn't always happen so be prepared to look at Plan B..etc.

    Oh and by the way..before anyone says "adoption"..you need to be under 30 to even start that process in Aus.So nnow , here in Bangkok I am involved in an Orphanage nearby giving babies aged between 0-5 years cuddles and kisses.(I dare not say the "V' word)

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  10. Our only rules about keeping in touch is if you have been drinking call and get a ride and if you are going to be a LOT later than expected call.

    The biggest commitment you can offer is not "money" but trust. Money comes and goes but when you find that special person who you can love and trust. that is special.

    My only rule is send me an SMS so when I wake up I know you're not dead or hurt or anything.

    The special one is the key. Our first date was a public holiday in UK for the wedding of Prince Charles and Diana. Sunderland Ice Rink then a game of pool. Neither of us has ever looked back. Everybody has that special someone, it's just a matter of finding them. I feel privileged and blessed that I found my special somebody when I was just turned 17 years of age at Billingham ice rink.

    His opening line: Do you come here often? Seriously, that was the first thing he said to me.

    Gordon Bennett I married my (Thai) husband when I was 32!! First marriage (for me.He was married to an Aust before) ..but it was well worth the wait. But no I wasn't a spinster left on the shelf.I was too busy travelling the world from the age of 18 and 3/4 .He won me over with his" chicken wings stuffed with pork mince" the first time he cooked for me.

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  11. My (Thai) husband and I rarely go out (living in outskirtrs of Bangkok) and rarely go out without each other.If he goes out is normally with his Aussie friend and Thai family to a concert.As for me I usually have something on the next day that I would rather do wihtout a hangover so i am happy to stay home.And no I never check up on him.He knows which side his bread is buttered on!

    On the occasions I have been out by myself(in our 20 years of marriage)-no he does not phone or check.I will call if I am going to be later than planned.

    It sounds boring but our usual night is a few Changs at home and a good old chat.

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  12. To be honest i am having a hard time even finding the home page.I would like to check it out as I have a friend who is sometimes house-bound and also can't carry heavy packages.Sounds like a great service for 60 baht.Do they deliver the Mont Clair wine casks as well?

  13. Basically marriage is joint property for anything bought during that union (as I believe is the case in many countries) but do not have any links to details. Am sure the marriage/divorce and family forums would have active threads on such matters.

    If you are talking about a normal house/land foreigners can not own land (so likely a good reason to obtain citizenship as soon as you can) and believe there is a one year sale provision in such cases.

    If I obtained Thai citizenship and got dual citizenship for both here and Australia would anyone know if I could still apply for the Aus pension in 12 years time?(yes I know you need to live there for 2 years prior)Has anyone been there,done that?.My husband is born Thai but Aus citizen for over 30 years and only worked there so he will be eligible if we go down that road.Could I be a part of his pension?.He is 2 years older than me.Anyone have any knowledge of this situation?

  14. Just the financial paperwork - they may want wife to sign a paper that she understands the change in your status due to joint property provisions of Thai law but once done it will just be you and very easy/immediate extension each year.

    Sorry to veer off subject a bit.Lorburi3 where can I find more info about "joint property provisions of Thai law". I have been talking to (Thai) husband about our house etc should he fall off the perch before me He is planning on going to the Amphur to get things clarified should this be the case.

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