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Posts posted by Raesum

  1. I would like to send some calendars overseas.They must be the ones that hang on the wall prferably half with picture and other half-the dates.I have looked in Asia books, Kookinyu(?), B2S and lastly Jim Thompsons house (where I got some lovely ones depicting food last year)

    Anyone got any ideas or has actually purchased some for next year.

  2. Just to say a bit about the reason you maybe weren't allowed to visit the children in the past few weeks could have been due to the Hand Foot and Mouth Disease which was present in some parts of Thailand.I look after orphans sometimes and wasn't allowed to visit the Orphanage for 2 weeks because of this.

    I, too would say buy goods but if it is a significant amount of money maybe look at somethhiing along the medical lines.The place I go to has a clinic for the children(300 under 5) and although it seems to have equipment I'm quite sure they could do with other items to help the children get better quicker or even for diagnoses purposes.

  3. Into my shopping basket I am going to put several bottles of 640ml Chang Classic.

    I live in a non-tourist area on the outskirts of Bangkok bordering Nonthaburi(in fact I rarely see another falang) and I pay 45 baht per bottle.

    I can also buy eggs at the same shop- 45 baht for 10 eggs.I then walk home to the house that my husband and I built 8 years ago and own outright.

    Electricity about 2500 baht per month incl pool pump on daily etc and water bill about 150 baht per month.

    My TOT internet provider bill is a constant 590 baht per month plus 109 baht for the phone

    I am with Deves for my Health Insurance and that cost 28000 baht for 5 years

    I fill my VW van up with gas about once a week for 400 baht and fill the petrol tank up about once every 2 months-2000 baht.

    Vehicle maintenance is a killer when we need anything done-nothing under 10,000 baht but still very reasonable if you stop to compare prices in Aus.

  4. Hi ladys!

    I have recently moved to a village in Nakhon Si Thammarat, outside Thung Song city..

    Im also finding it HARD sometimes and Im so happy that I find this forum and can

    write with others in the same situation! wink.png

    At the beginning the hardest part for me was to live with other people, 5 of them.

    And to wake up so early every morning and go to bed early as well. Big change

    for me! I try to learn how to be more patient and adjust to the familys lifestyle.

    But sometimes its not easy and even I lock myself in the bedroom and cry sometimes..

    I do have moments when Im thinking "why I do this" etc. but I try to think that Im

    here by choice and it will become better and better along with learning more Thai.

    Only one problem is that the Southern dialect is new to me and I can barley here

    what people say sometimes..

    Other downers is that I have no internet out here yet. What internet is good when

    you live in a rural village?

    I do help to cut rubber some days but I need something more to do I just need to

    figure out what?


    Hi Miss Sorapong.Welcome to the forum and Thai life.Sometimes it will amaze you, sometimes it will dissappoint you, sometimes it will make you shake your head and sometimes it will just make you laugh out loud.But just think-you are experiencing something which most of your friends only dream about.

    But back to your query.Are you into any craft work or such?? I would recommend you buy a sewing machine and even if you aren't a wiz have a go at making simple things eg tablecloths(which there seems to be a shortage of in this country), pillowslips, small baby quilts or something similar to put on the floor or, you may find around December the weather gets quite cool for Thai people so maybe even some knitting!!! I know it sounds ridiculous but there always seems to be lots of material around in markets for about 30 baht/metre.Ok so its not the pattern youd like but for that price-make things and give them away!!Wool seems to be plentiful too in shops.

    Now-as to the machine-I would guess you are quite young and so may not know what a ttreadle machine is.Thailand has many of these. My sister in law gave me an old Singer sewing(treadle) machine a few years ago. I took it to a local place that does machines up and for 2000 baht they replaced the lid and surrounds and attached a motor.It now goes like a rocket.

    Not sure if that has helped you at all but just a suggestion.If you needed some help with anything you can PM me.

    One other thing is gathering together those photos you have taken(and got printed) and make up a "scrapbook" to show the folks at home when you go back and visit.

  5. Will Thai Air domestic flights also move to Don Mueang? Or, is this a way to help Thai Air compete against the likes of Air Asia by moving them to DM and making it more difficult for connecting flights? Exactly which airlines are moving? My wish is for all domestic flights to move to DM - would make my life easier flying in-country.

    I would think that Thai Air would stay at the International Airport just as they did in the initial time.Airlines like Nok Air were operating out of DM.Hopefully Air Asia, Tiger and Jetstar will be operating out of DM as a result of this.

  6. The non introduction thing is not limited to girls/guys etc.Over the many years I have lived here hardly anyone bothers to introduce anyone else. Everyone goes around wai-ing etc but I have found that if I want to know a persons name-I ask them myself eg neices boyfriends, nephews girlfriends but then- naughtily- I don't necessarily introduce myself back 100% of the time.

    As far as pouring the drinks-mostly we only drink with hubbys family so if my beer is empty then I wil go and get a new one andl take along the older brothers whiskey glass and the sisters and sister in laws glasses to replenish if need be.They do the same for me if I don't get in first quick enough.

  7. My hubby looks like the old drummer from the group Mah-Lee -Wah-Nah so whenever we used to go to their concerts girls would run after hubby shouting "Ajarn Ajarn"

    They've had a few photos together.Twins.Only their mother could tell them apart.!!!(And me-I hope!!! Thought things were a bit different that dark night!!)

  8. the park next door to Wat Chalerm Prakiat has lots to see and a great playground for kids with gentle exercise machines adjacent.Located on the Chao Praya riverside out Nonthaburi way.I think the park is called Kanchanapisek??

  9. When I remember I use Aeroguard but otherwise if I don't they don't really bother me.I told my Thai hubby its because I eat Vegemite !!!(When i used to be a cook on camping tours around Europe -eons ago- there were usually Kiwis, Aussies and Poms on the trips.The mozzies used to love the Poms but they normally left the Antipodeans alone and yes -we always had plenty of vegemite on board!)

  10. Is this the place not far from Damnoen Floating markets? From all accounts they are up and running and the top salesman there is a person who speaks very good English(maybe the break down is in the office )

    I am there on a regular basis with friends who visit from Aus.Probably next visit around end of June.So if you are still having a problem around mid June PM me and I will do what I can to make further enquiries.I will ensure one of my Thai sister-in-laws is with me to give me a hand should there be a "communication break-down".

  11. Bunches of orchids at the local Nonthaburi market were 10 baht about a year ago.Then they jumped up to 15 baht!!! Now,..... unbelievably they are 25 baht a bunch!!!And thats not even falang price!!!

    Meanwhile, keeping in our seats...Some yellow buses now 12 baht but red buses went down ages ago from 7 baht to 6.5 baht

  12. Well Raro after over 100 replies looks like it might be time to take the bull by the horns(for the BBQ) and say enough is enough and give us a place and date.

    I certainly don't envy your job as host and understand that you are spoilt for choice.(or once you start looking-maybe not)

    Would there be a cover charge (for the food) as looks like my free drinks won't be forthcoming. Happy to pay if thats the case.

    Give us an update when you can.

    Cheers, Rae

  13. I am almost in the country and we used to stay at his sisters place whenever we came here on holiday. It was OK but as soon as we built our own place and came to live here things changed for me dramatically.We have a communal area in our garden where everyone meets to chat and after a couple of hours I would get "brain Strain" so it was then easier to sidle off to our house and do a bit of cooking or craftwork and have a bit of quiet to myself.

    I highly recommend getting somewhere of your own even if the family are good people. It makes such a difference, To me its a bit like saying "Marriage is only a piece of paper".When I got married I felt like he was mine forever and "till death do us part"(that was 20 years ago by the way)

  14. I might be coming and I don't drink alcohol, but I don't drive although I do have a car and I am learning so I might need a car park depending on when the party is. On the other hand, I might decide to have some alcohol as a one-off, but then my wife might want to drive although she is pregnant so I don't know whether she will want to drive, or even attend the party, especially if she is in labour, in which case I will not be coming either, probably.

    Yes, please don't come if your wife is in labour, or drive if you're still learning to drive. Though kudos to learning in a place like bkk!

    I for one am down for a barbecue like setting - foodwise allows for both big eats and big meats as well as small finger snacks, and drinkwise it allows for an early afternoon start with no shame.

    Location is no issue for me as I'm far from both Rama IV and Suk.

    Yes the BBQ -like setting / finger foods sounds good. I too am miles from Rama IV and Suk so an afternoon start would be good as I'd be one of the first to arrive but probably one of the first to leave as I'm out Bang Sue way where Bangkok turns into Nonthaburi .

  15. Having just lost my Thai brother in law last week to cancer- when they get to this stage its a blessing that they don't have to suffer any more.My brother in law was diagnosed just 23 days before he died!If he has pneumonia as well as in a coma his quality of life will be zero.

    I too loved and still do Bee Gees music.They had a bad trot many years ago losing family members but their music still lives on.

    As mnetioned -all the money in the world doesn't help when your health goes(generally)

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