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Posts posted by Raesum

  1. Hi RueFang

    Hubby reckons Jai is actually a girls name anyway.I haven;t got any experience of naming kids but the name Jayden did come to mind.

    Falang I know but using a "J" in the name is a good idea. For your sanities sake stay away from the "R"s and the "L"s it'll drive you crazy eg Nooo....... its Luke, oh.... "Hurrow Ruke" Noooo....Thai alphabet Lor Ling NOT Ror Rua .

    Anyway whatever you decide I look forward to hearing what you decided on.How exotic!!!! All the best for the upcoming event.

    All in all I was no help at all really.Cheers


  2. Have a look at Suan Thip restaurant Nonthaburi. We had our sons wedding reception there. After getting married in Australia they had a family ceremony at our garden here in Bangkok then piled all the guests into a huge songtow truck and off to Suan Thip we went.The buffet they provided was excellent and we were allowed to bring our own whiskey etc.They provided the bar staff.They also provide full wedding facilities

  3. I recently developed a rash seemingly overnight on one side of my neck,shoulders back and front. I went to Banpho Private Hospital in northern suburbs of Bangkok.Within 1/2 an hour they had taken samples, another 1/2 an hour to diagnose and I was advised I had shingles.At no time was it ever painful but sometimes a bit itchy.I got given a course of tablets(Valtrex 500mg) and a relaxant(Xanax 0.5) They did the trick although it did take a few days before the rash started to disappear and about 3 weeks before it went completely.The Valtrex were rather expensive at about 5000 baht for 42 tablets.Luckily my (Thai) health insurance covered more than I thought it would

  4. Thankyou Cardholder and Wasp.

    i will send 40,000 Yen, 100 looks like to much.

    Thankyou to other people to, i don't understand the egg and the other words written or the meaning,sorry.

    cardholder, yes, we met on the internet and she lives in pattaya.



    According to Thai Visa Exchange Converter 40,000 JY = 1,478,249 Thai Baht. Am I missing something?

  5. Thanks for the information. After seeing the urgent request for blood and as i used to donate in the UK for many years I thought I would start doing the same here. Now seems I would be wasting my time. It is strange though that my blood would be fine in the UK but not here.

    Yep I've known that for many years now.All to do with the mad cow disease.Australia definaltely won't take your blood either.

  6. I was in New Zealand 2 weeks ago and this girl's father is really pushing the issue over her cause of death.

    He is not taking it lightly and good on him. Let' s see a good honest result here. If that is possible

    Good on the father for persuing it. Thanks to the others for the info re the backlog of blood samples meaning it can take some time to get a result as i was asking myself the question"Why is it taking so looooong to get the results"(providing they will be made public)

    With the father asking the questions and not being put off by Thai gooble-dee-gook I sincerely hope he can get to the bottom of this mystery. I think the majority of us would like to know the truth as from all accounts it may turn out to be something which we all should be aware of when travelling.Best of luck to him after losing his daughter in such circumstances so far from home.He must feel like he has no-one to turn to especially in LOS

  7. I have tried the Siam Sato with no ill effects – it does not taste that good. I have had some of the homemade Sa To on a number of occasions, even buying it on the street, which actually tasted quite good. However, it is the only alcohol which has ever made me hallucinate - I now avoid it.

    it is the only alcohol which has ever made me hallucinate.

    Jeez at 30 baht a trip this needs investigating, cheaper than blotting paper, tabs and micro dots, wheres my copy of Space Ritual?

    ...try Retsina - Greek Wines of the Gods

    ah Retsina.....Think for a moment about biting off a piece of pinewood and chewing it..Add alcohol and you've got it.After the 5th one, actually, it doesn't taste too bad at all.

  8. As it reads like an episode of Black Adder, What the officer really said was,

    ''I have a cunning plan sire''


    '' Oh god Baldrick, what delight of wisdom do we have today '' :D

    Transam was it really a cunning plan or just a cunning stunt??

  9. I find that I occasionally get an insect bite / lump come up out of nowhere, they can be quite big and painful, I can see that it's some kind of insect bite but it only happens on average I'd say about once every five or six weeks.

    There's a cream called 'Quadriderm' which is available from pretty much any pharmacy. It seems to work really well, it's worth having some of this stuff in stock all the time as you never know when the things will bite and once you start using the cream it seems to stop any infection taking hold and reduce the size of it.

    I never use any kind of mosquito spray, but I live in Bangkok so maybe there's less of them here.

    Yes I'm the same as you ukrules-live in Bangkok and only get bitten occasionally.My house is located alongside canals and there are canals running thru the property as well.

    However, I have just had overseas visitors and 2 out of 3 of them got absolutely covered in bites on exposed flesh on their first night here.They made sure they put their mozzie protection on after that.I reckon its the Vegemite that keeps em away!

  10. Every morning I go out and sweep the dog <deleted> from the soi(and I don't even have a dog) Now and then I get help from someone else who sees the farang doing it and so sweeps in front of her own place.Then I head off to Pak Kred babies home a few times a week to give a hand there.

  11. I have stayed at the Pimarn in Nakhon Sawan.Difficult to find if you are driving.The reception area and the rooms are a bit ordinary but the rooms are very clean(even if the carpet was a bit wavy and lots of stains)We booked 2 rooms and both were the same.However, for the cheap price the buffet breakfast was excellent and in general its pretty good value for money

  12. I'd go with Yanhee Hospital as well.Just had a friend return to Australia a couple of weeks ago after having a full facelift done there.She was in for 4 nights and then came to stay with me for 2 weeks to get over the bruising.She doesn't speak a word of Thai but that was no propblem there. At her initial appointment they said they could admit her right then however she booked in for a few days later.

  13. There is a shop in JJ Mall(next to Chatuchak markets) that not only sells clothing for the larger sizes but also sells shoes up to about size 50.It is located at the bottom of the escalator area going up to the 2nd floor from the promotion and it is open every day.Styles and shapes vary but I was there today and saw they had quite a few low heeled shoes available.

  14. Every local Thai drink is filled with sugar. They think its ok because they drink it with a lot of ice. Every Thai meal has sugar in it. Every time I order Phad Thai, I need to insist and then hold on to the sugar bowl to ensure no sugar is added in. The only healthy part of Thai food is the raw vegetables. Everything else is either soaked with oil, or sugar rich.

    This article is typical of most Thai's I know, their lifestyle changes has brought a reduction in exercise and an increase in fat rich Thai cuisine. Instead of facing up to the facts, it is easier for them to blame the foreign influence.

    I always order Som Tum without sugar. Love that sour taste!

  15. Apparently its pretty commonplace with European women in Africa and American women in Jamaica. But then, that may not necessarily be about the age thing :P

    They even have a name for the guys who like to look after the older woman in Bali-Kuta Kowboys.Interesting reading on Google

  16. Recently took an Australian friend of mine to Yanhee Hospital to enquire about a face lift. She booked in a few days after the initial consultation and was in there for 4 days.The surgeon and the staff were terrific and she had no problems with not being able to speak Thai. She then came back to my place for R&R with a couple of follow up visits to the hospital. After 2 weeks she looked great and was able to fly home thinking about her next lot of surgery.

  17. If i'm ever forced to sing then this is my party piece

    Though Thai rock sucks big time. Safe, corporate <deleted>.

    My party piece is Gep Tah Wan by Itti.Fortunately its quite a well known piece so I request it at restaurants etc. The Thais are amazed to see a falang singin along.Its a bit more cheerful than yours!

  18. Don't go Grand Home Mart then.Once you select your items they take them away and come back with the invoice.You give them the money.They go away and get your change.They bring back your change.Then they lead you to to another part of the shop where they have stowed your goods.Then they check them with you.Each step takes about 10 minutes.Not much for one journey but when it got to number 5 to-ing and fro-ing I was ...I was...never mind.Suffice to say I won't be going back.

    To me Home Pro/Home works isn't too bad in comparison.(except when you want something delivered and you have to give your life history as well as a map....)

  19. Seeing as you have left yourselves such limited time I suggest you absolutely go with Sunbeltadvisors.I did similar paperwork for 2 friends-English and Australian.There was a divorce involved.We allowed ourselves a week including the Thai marriage at the local Amphor(which took over 3 hours alone).It took 5 full days including all translations, cross country checks etc etc They were pleased to have the 2 day respite before the Thai "wedding ceremony" which was for photo , DVD and celebration purposes only

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