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Posts posted by Raesum

  1. this is a troll of sorts. the op says hes never had sex but in the 2 responses previous he talks about an std test now and another in 6 months. why if you havent shagged her. you sound like a very sad case and soft as a sop. any good women would walk all over you and crap on you for good measure.

    why ? because she can and you sound like you will let her too.

    grow a set and get on with it. :bah:

    Yes I did mentioned the STD tests. Because we frenched before and I don't know if she has any ulcers when we frenched. I can assume that I won't get 'freebies' from her but I don't think that's a responsible way of behaving. Anything can happen. I'm just being careful. After all, I'm dealing with an unfaithful person. I don't know what other secrets she has.

    Thai girls don't french kiss.

    Thai girls may not but Thai boys sure do !!(as Trembly verified in an earlier post)

  2. sbk the reason we ask you these following questions is we understand you are married to a Thai. Your experience could be quite helpful in this thread. Some of us wonder sometimes if women like yourself got sin sot . We also wonder approximately how much does the husband give your family each month. All you assistance in this matter would be greatly appreciated.

    Oh, I didn't realize that there were men interested in actually hearing actual women's opinions since all of the early responses were from men 'telling it like it is' . Or rather their limited perception of how it is.

    No, my husband does not give my family money. Why would he? They are perfectly capable of fending for themselves financially.

    No, we do not give his family money. Why would we? They are financially very well off.

    No, I did not receive sin sot as we did not have a wedding. Sin sot (and I have said this a thousand times) is only paid at an actual wedding. I chose not to have one as I couldn't handle the 1000+ people that would have attended. However, my FIL did give me gold jewelry after we married at the amphur as a wedding gift and they contributed financially to the construction of our home as well as gave us the land to live on. Additionally, they have given us other pieces of land for our avocado orchard.

    So, I guess that answers the ATM question.

    No, he doesn't hit me, no he isn't lazy, no he doesn't drink, no he doesn't womanize. Not all men do. I am wise enough to realize that one good experience does not make everyone wonderful just as I am wise enough to realize one bad experience does not make everyone a monster.

    Yes I have friends who did not marry beach boys. Several in fact.

    So you didnot get sinsot and the husband doesnot help your family.

    Does that ever give you a feeling of not being accepted into the family and Thai society, being that the husband saw no need to fulfill his sinsot position in the relationship.

    Did he ever give a reason for not wanting to help your parents?

    Does it depress you that a common Thai woman receives sin sot while you arenot by the sounds of it even offered it. If you are an educated woman does that not make you wonder about culture and how you are treated in the marriage?

    But it is good to se you can rationalize his behaviour and live with the fact you may have been treated like a second class citizen.

    As someone who has been married to a very good and decent Thai man for 20 years I actually find your comments rather offensive. After reading sbk perfectly civil reply I fail to understand who you think you are posting such comments in what I read as such a derogatory manner.

  3. Definately make Prchuab Kiri Khan one of your overnight stops.We stayed in a hotel right on the beach for about 700 baht.Beach doesn't seem to be for swimming but rather for the fishing boats.Lovely sheltered inlet and a good walk up to the temple on top of the hill(Mind the monkeys though-they don't do anything but there sure are alot of them)

  4. Dafyduck dont worry about it.I kept a plastic bag of it in my fridge for ages (1 month)and it didn't even turn black and here I am!!

    For my opinion all these use by dates etc eg peppers turning black- don't even think about it.I am one of those people who ignore use by dates on dairy products.If you think the "product": is deteriorating" by all means-get rid of it.And you will know what I mean by "deteriorating"

  5. You are in the easiest country in the world the world to be vegetarian IMHO and I am a true meat eater!!!

    Since coming to live here some years ago I find myself seeking out the tofu required to put in soups or the square tofu for frying or making up my own "Laab Tohu" I love it and I didn't even know about tofu and its various uses untilI came to Thailand.

    I have had quite a few people come to visit over the years and have come to experience that not"everyone is the same". But fortunately Thai cuisine is so easy to adapt eg sweet & sour tofu etc etc it really is sooo easyyyy

  6. Cheesplayer yes i personally go to a restaurant that serves a variety of red ant egg recipes.It is in Bangkok near Wong Sawang( on the outskirts but can be reached by bus etc) I don't know if they serve the actual red ants themselves but they offer several egg dishes.I think the restaurant is called Nit-ah-yah and has a big rooster out the front.PM me if you want more info

  7. aussieinthailand having been married to the same Thai bloke for 20 years (and him being the best husband in the world I must say) I am very pleased at the way it turns out for western/falang girls married to Thai nationals.We -as outsiders-are still under scrutiny believe you me( maybe thats another old phrase you havn't heard for a while) we still have to undergo strict rules and regulations amongst them reporting every 90 days , undergoing seperate interviews etc etc.Maybe I was just born lucky or maybe I made it happen but my life is just great being married to a Thai and having the word Luck as part of my (Thai) surname may just be the icing on the cake .Now back to imjustagirl....

  8. I can certainly say Thai husband wouldn't be waving anything other than his Thai passport in front of any Thai Immigration Officer.He uses it when he enters and exits the country but as for travelling overseas eg Europe,,UK, USA, Australia automatically produces the "non-Thai " passport.

  9. Trembly-how long has this been in effect? My Thai husband has held dual citizenship and 2 passports for well over 20 years-and all without any problems from going from country to country-in this case Australia. He lived in Australia for nigh on 30 years and has never ever had a problem (Touch wood)

  10. aussieinthailand you are a man maried to a Thai woman and have no idea what is required by a Falang woman married to a Thai man.It is not the same requirements so please stop putting your two bobs worth in as it is only confusing the situation for poor imjustagirl. There is no requirement for the Thai husband to put forward any documentation regarding income etc.or your(the falang wife) income for that matter.They are not interested.They are however interested in whether or not you are a "couple" and at your seperate interviews at the Immigration will ask you questions like "when was the last time you made love", "how did you come here to this interview-together or seperately"and so on.

  11. Mystery Luicky you pointed out that it is 4 years later on this thread and well done for going the distance.I am living here on the outskirts of Bangkok with my Thai husband of 20 years. Re the Non O imm Visa.Easy peasy.I did start out doing the Visa runs and then we BOTH went into Immigration to see what was required.It was a bit tedious the first time but after perservering we got thru it.Now I report every 90 days for address purposes and then once a year we go to Immigration and take the same old documents to renew my Visa.At Chaeng Wattana (Bangkok) absolutely no proof of income required from either of us.At it happens neither of us works here (retired until we need to work again)and they have never , over the years asked for any bank statements, income tax thingy etc.The first time we did have to return as theysaid they wanted photos of where we live.Which is what we gave them.However, they said "But you are not in them!"So back home we went and got the family to take photos of us beside the pool, in the loo, sitting on the bed etc etcThe only ones they are ever interested in are the pool ones-so they are using the same old photos from a few years ago.Hope this gives you a bit of an insight.As to changing to a work permit-no idea.Good Luck

  12. What about starting up a TV "Book Club" for swaps? I know you have 60 books but some of us feel the same way about using the second hand book shops and getting either a pittance or rejected! Maybe could meet once every couple of months and bring along say 5-10 books and maybe if someone wants one of your books you get a credit to acquire one from someone else.Just a thought. I'm all for donating them but as is your dilemma-who to?

  13. Cuddling orphans, patchwork quilting,learning Thai, exercise every morning on the treadmill and weights just to name a few. Also spend a bit of time cooking as my Thai family continuosly give me food so I try and pay them back with Non-Thai food eg spaghetti bog, pizzas,etc

  14. This is a good question. I'll try to have one of the Visa forum mods look into this also. I carry a laminated copy that has my visa stamp on one side.

    Went for a day out to Nong khai bit of shopping sight seeing ETC.

    On the way back there was a police road block which pulled the bus over for a check.

    Then seeing i was the only Falang on the bus wanted a chat with me,,Had to show them my bags they then looked inside and checked the contents inside.

    Even going as far as shaking my Tins of baked beans not sure what they were looking for.

    The the Question came can we see your passport..i say i not have ...then i had to pay 200baht fine ( tea money,Whisky money )what ever you want to call it.

    so now i always carry around a laminated copy..!!!

    Ha ha-that reminds me of a time when I was stopped by a police road block whilst driving . They wanted to check everything ie the boot, my bag.etc I had a tampon in my bag(not readily available in Thailand )Anyway , after hubby explained to the nice Bib we were sent on our way rather hurredly-no more questions asked

  15. Well Chubby thats where its up to you to get your finances, bill payings etc in order.You can get all your bills paid in Hawaii via direct debit from the bank . I Hope-forgive me I am not from there but the rest of the civilised world allows for that.

    I myself live in Thailand and although I see the bills here I don't have to lift a finger-it all gets taken out of my Thai bank account.When I lived in Australia I would pay on-line but could have direct debit if I wanted

    The thing you need to do is get an address in USA where your correspondence can be sent to(and sent on) or else, preferably ,an address in Thailand

    .You have got a few years up your sleeve to organise these things,

    The most annoying thing I found when I was planning to come here to live was how much junk mail I got to my current address.So ,over a long period of time, I would re-address it "Return to Sender.Now living overseas" It took over a year but I now get no mail I don't want.

    The other thing is to get everything on-line eg bank statements etc etc.

    Your plan to live here for 6 months and ":back home" for 6 months is quite a feasible one seeing as you can't own any property here and rents are reasonable(depending on where you decide to live).I came over here about 5 years ago on Long Service Leave from my job with the intention of doing just that-6 months "here"(Bangkok), 6 months there("Home").After 3 days I knew that "here" ie outer Bangkok was going to be home for more than 6 months so here I am living happily ever after.I was here for a couple of years before I turned 50 so had to go thru the Visa Runs etc but in the end its all been worthwhile.

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