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Posts posted by BillR

  1. I go to the sandwich shop and they have very good sandwiches on nice bread. The foot long is enough for 2 meals though I eat all and with cheese and 3 meats its 299baht. It is the same price as a sandwich of that caliber in the states. I should say they definitely use premium meats, not of the 7-11 variety you'd find on cheaper sandwiches.

    A footlong at subway before extras is around 200Baht, on crap bread with a few slivers of meat.

  2. we carry Tribulus Terrestris Extract. It increases testosterone levels in a different way, however, than similar products DHEA or andro. Instead of being a testosterone precursor, it leads to the production of the luteinizing hormone (LH). When LH levels are increased, the natural production of testosterone also increases. Now one can understand why it has been used to support healthy libido.

    We also carry a product called Anabolic Meth-X

    This super anabolic complex has:

    • 5-Methyl 7-Methoxyisoflavone
    • N-Acetyl-Cysteine
    • Guggulsterone
    • Tribulus
    • ZMA
    • LPC

    Methoxyisoflavone<br style="font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; ">Promote more lean mass, increase strength, recovery times, bone mass, and induce a greater state of vitality with this powerful flavone.* All the while without worries of androgenic side-effects. In a nutshell, methoxyisoflavone is a non-hormonal anabolic / anti-catabolic compound.* This powerful flavone has been suggested to support protein synthesis and improve overall recovery from exercise.* Wow!

    N-Acetyl-Cysteine<br style="font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; ">NAC supplementation has been surmised to increase lean body mass and act exhibit antioxidant properties, especially in conjunction with exercise.* Tissue damage and a weakened immune system have been found to be the result of intense exercise. NAC works to support normal immune function due to its ability to scavenge free radicals.* It also supports higher levels of in the bloodstream, which has been suggested to help repair damaged tissue.*

    Guggulsterones<br style="font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; ">Guggulsterones by themselves have been shown to work very well for fat loss Guggulsterones have been shown in studies to affect many biological processes including thyroid metabolism and dermal (skin) function.*

    Tribulus<br style="font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; ">It´s for anyone who wants to support increased muscle growth.* Tribulus terrestris is a testosterone promoter.*

    ZMA<br style="font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; ">Don´t get me started! There is a large body of scientific evidence supportive of ZMA. Zinc and Magnesium are commonly depleted from your body. Studies have suggested that supplementing with 30mg of Zinc and 450mg of Magnesium per day may help elevate testosterone levels!*

    LPC<br style="font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; ">Lysophosphatidylcholine causes an expansion of the cells in the stomach and intestine walls which has been suggested to support nutrient absorption into the bloodstream.* Perfect!

    We also have DHEA

  3. It's a luxury hotel. Anybody staying at any luxury hotel anywhere in the world is going to pay a higher rate using the hotels preferred method of transport. They are not "ripping off their guests". It is premium paid for reliable, safe transport.

    &lt;deleted&gt;! This is local taxis refusing to use their meters so as to overcharge.

    or a taxi using its meter to drive unsuspecting tourists who have no idea where things are way out of the way to overcharge. If Im in a foreign country that is known to have many rip-offs or worse, Id much rather save myself the hassle and pay a flat rate at the hotel.

  4. The taxi mafia is worse than that, I know of a business who's customers call them directly for transport, and they have to tell hotel guests to meet them outside of the hotels they are staying. So I understand why the Westin potentially doesn't want the virus within their hotel grounds.

  5. don't have one, but have considered one for my dogs, easy back and forth to the beach, without messing up the car. Also, probably great for local errands, dragging trash to the end of the soi, etc.

  6. Im trying to remember the exact law in the the states, but I know for certain wait staff in the states are paid below minimum wage and then it is factored your earn 10% of your tickets on top of that. I was a waiter and I remember most of the time not getting any paycheck as my taxable tip earning deduction exceeded my actual paycheck.

  7. If the service is good, 10-20%. In fact, here your generosity goes a lot further as a lot of people never tip. Cashiers and bartenders make maybe 5-6k/mo so they rely on tips/drinks. If you're at a nicer restaurant, they often add a service charge, so watch for that, but whether or not that money ends up with the staff is another story.

  8. sounds like they got the market cornered unless somewhere else offers horseback riding in the south?

    There's a company I order things from in bangkok, only place in Thailand I can get these items. I will call to confirm they have stock before sending money and several times they'll tell me yes we have in-stock. Ill send the money, call back to check on my order only to be told out of stock, have to wait. Drives me nuts but I don't have a choice right now.

    The day I can find a new supplier is the day they will lose my business.

  9. come to think of it, Ive offered a few thais chips and salsa, which is nothing more than ingredients thais eat already no problem and they haven't liked it. It must be the combination of flavors that turns them off.. Look at pizza, thais will eat it, but they usually slather an inch of mayonnaise on top and it has to be all crazy looking with seafood and sausages stuffed everywhere, probably to mask the actual taste.

    Like I said, the only one in all of asia was Manilla and hardly any in europe if at all, which says something.

  10. The nearest one is in the Philippines, Ive been there and it was awesome!

    I agree ive shared mexican food with thais and every time they do not like the flavor. That being said, there is no reason why they wouldn't like say phet kapaow moo wrapped in a tortilla or any other thai dish served in this style. Thais generally don't like too much bread so a tortilla is perfect.

    The one in the Philipines was pretty much the same as in america so i'm not sure if Taco Bell would modify their menu to suit the thais. I don't even think there is a thai word for taco or burrito.

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