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Posts posted by BillR

  1. Thought Id share this laughable experience today. I ship packages almost every day and sometimes I use the pay at post out of convenience and don't mind paying their service fee. Usually I send one of my staff, but today I decided to go as I had to stop off at the atm first.

    So im there, they are weighing the packages and one of the girls starts wrapping the 2 boxes with string, Im sure you can see where this is going, I thought that was nice of them, the boxes didn't need it but you never can be too sure.

    I get the receipt, in thai so I didn't understand, and I wondered what the extra 60 baht item was for, no big deal I can check when I get back to my work.

    They charged me 60 baht for 2 pieces of stringlaugh.gif

    They are profiting at least 2000B a week from me, just the postage commissions. They will probably wonder what happened when we never come backwhistling.gif

  2. I fly united, connecting through Japan, it is not bad flight as the layover is usually less than 2 hours. The cheaper fares are the ones that usually end up something like this Bangkok>Narita>honalulu>san fran>chicago.

    Im from chicago and you can get for a few dollars more Bangkok>Narita>insert your city here. Total travel time around 18 hours.

  3. because gold is considered a "safe" currency here. With all the political turmoil and corruption gold is seen as a safe place to physically hold your money. It is also the preferred gift to give your thai girfriend because as soon as you or her leaves she can cash in. Personally, I would never buy a thai girl gold as it is a suckers gift, it means nothing but baht.

  4. I'd use a shipping agent in the USA, one that can guarantee door to door delivery for a set cost. I know not the same, but I shipped 2 dogs here, and as soon as they were in Thailand the money games began, demanding money for everything you can think of and threatening delays, refusing to drive them from the airport unless I paid extra. I was able to fall back on the USA company who stood by our contract and I didnt have to pay one baht more than was agreed upon. They also organized all the paperwork.

  5. seems like this thread has all the phuket forum bases covered.

    1.Whatever it is, Its too expensive.

    2. Sizzler is always the best alternative, and hey its got a salad bar.

    3. The taxi tuk tuk mafia is involved.

    4. Can't find free parking, see base #2.

  6. you are over thinking the situation. I have shipped many times back and forth to Thailand. Thailand does not care what you are shipping out so long as its not illegal. The customs declaration is more for the destination, not the origin. Declaring it as personal items should suffice both here and the destination. If there is a problem, the post office will let you know.

    That being said, if the items are of value to you I would use DHL or Fedex or at the vary least insured and traceable from the post office.

    Also, some airlines will let you pay for excess baggage ahead of time, which may be cheaper than the post office or dhl fedex. When I first came here I was able to get a 100kg baggage allowance for next to nothing ahead of time.

  7. i'd guess if you had looked at his website you would of known he's probably in financial trouble

    real-estate,cars, boats and a 5$ web design

    daniel.jpgWhatever you need


    but seriously, at least your friend isnt out any money, Ive dealt with people here who promise they have things, you send some money, they call back to tell you sorry don't have. Farangs too.

  8. I use the same NZ beef we always had. Nothing has changed. We did change chefs, so Im not sure the last time you were there but maybe when he just started. There were a few issues which I handled personally, too much salt and pepper, cooking too long, etc. As I am now trying to gain weight, I eat there every night so I have not had what I would consider a sub par burger. Anyways Im there usually around 9pm so Id appreciate any feedback if you decide to try us again. Or by pm or email from the website. Any complaints or suggestions will be taken seriously and when appropriate, addressed with the chef.


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