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Everything posted by kevozman1

  1. Incredibly petty and uneventful. Glad to see the a new bunch of 'more Thai than the Thais' brigade has surfaced on this site. Of course this naive group are recycled every 5-10 years when eventually the reality of where they are and their position in society has been made very obvious. This is the same crowd who will ignore threads where locals are dragging their girlfriends a km down the road, throwing acid on people because they were told "no", killing their best friend for 200baht dispute (all recent threads in the news section), but will focus on a foreign guy having a mild temper tantrum.
  2. A lot of people are also living in denial. As a foreigner in a country like Thailand you can quite easily become a victim and the recourse options are slim to none unless you have connections or have wealth. People like yourself are justifying your stay by essentially lying to yourself. If Somchai or Suchada is hellbent on swindling you one day, it's more than likely they will get away with it unless you fit the above criteria, or you're an impossible b'tard like Rambo.
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