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Everything posted by farmerjo

  1. I haven't seen a store without fertilizer here. I've seen plenty with expensive product in stock.
  2. Regardless you missed the point of the post. It's ok for the west to prop up the the government administrations with 500 million a month. The common people still need to earn unless your happy to see them on chicken and bread hand outs. Having worked for a bulk grain handler handling 20 million tonnes a year,this solution by the EU will simply not work.
  3. There is no shortage of fertilizer here. Sugar cane production is expected to reach near 100 million tonnes here this year. Those factories make fertilizer be it granular or liquid from the by products. This should be promoted first at a reasonable price to farmers.
  4. It doesn't matter where it comes from. If the price still resembles current global prices the Thai's wont be buying it.
  5. It may well be sink or swim for some. My son changes from primary to high school. The new school has not even had an orientation day for these new students. And no books issued so i would say it will be a slow build for teachers and students.
  6. The EU commissioner’s plan is likely to “work”, but “very slowly”, Oubukhov said. “I heard that they would take five years to transfer all the grains and seeds that we have already in Ukraine, which we normally sold by sea in one year.”
  7. There was one game on the weekend,i can't remember which but a fifty was given and the player ran into the defender on way to the mark. In the rules that's a 100 metre penalty but it wasn't paid because i presume the ump felt the 1st fifty didn't fit the crime. And as mentioned the one like the McGovern/Petracca call was classic top side playing bottom side decision,North cop them all the time. Do you think your Eagles will shuffle in a mid season pick Will?
  8. Nearly time to reintroduce the 15 metre penalty. The umps aren't going to get it right all the time and a fifty is too expensive. The thing i notice is teams closer to the bottom of the ladder get a rougher deal,especially with time to get rid of the ball. My boys are traveling about as well as yours Will,Noble coming in for a bit of stick as gone backwards from last year. So to stay interested i've taken a shine to the Suns,love the way they go about it. GWS couldn't do it for Cameron but a nice send off for him.
  9. It's happened to me on 4 occasions for no apparent reason,usually clears in ten minutes. When i check back in i'm left on the last sub forum i was on and have no idea how to make the home page the go to page.
  10. Sad news,good player and person. Helped change the way of fielding. Will miss him on the big bash broadcasts.
  11. Spanner in the works. https://www.aljazeera.com/news/2022/5/13/erdogan-says-turkey-opposed-to-finland-sweden-nato-membership
  12. This is good but seems a far drop from what America is requesting.
  13. So you agree American taxpayers fund this. What about an equal collection from all the countries who voted in favour.
  14. I'm personally happy Paul did what he did. Although not American,charity begins at home. If they take the time to go through it they could probably halve the spending as in another couple of weeks the hands will be out again. Mind you,not saying it's not a good cause but Ukraine do have a crowd funding set up for anyone wishing to donate which other governments have contributed to. It should not be left to the US taxpayers unless there is a hidden agenda we don't know about.
  15. So it's a secret war where you can report all the good things on one side and all the bad on the other. Is that good reporting?
  16. I don't support Putin,i support the facts. Yes there is war crimes,do what is needed. What i'm interested in is the battlefront.
  17. When this started there was no red.now i see a lot of red and not much blue so that is my conclusion.
  18. You just have to look at the battlefront. Lot of red,not much blue. But i could be wrong as it never gets reported on here.
  19. I asked a constructive question and you went on to belittle me with your answer at the end,what do you expect. I get my news mostly from bbc but after just watching a reporter report about the 1st war crime when she was showing russian tanks with a V on them,maybe i will google more.
  20. Thanks,i saw the sub headline on bbc earlier today but nothing else came up about it.
  21. What's the news on Ukraine slowing Russia's gas supply to EU.
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