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Everything posted by farmerjo

  1. The problem starts with the EU being one big border and countries being downgraded to provinces. In business you would call it top heavy.
  2. Macrons comments about taking decades for Ukraine to join the EU seems out of kilt with the EU represented leaders.
  3. Not fixed properly,i submitted a post in sports and hobbies and got the blocked from website. 10 minutes later it allows you in but sports and hobbies remains as your main page. Not the 1st time this has happened.
  4. While it won't help this season,staying neutral and paying for fertilizer in roubles will bring the price back down in the future.
  5. In a year where there will be little or no profit in farming,i guess they want to reassure farmers to put their crops in so you at least have expensive food to put on the table.
  6. If my wife was to pass,i'm sure it would not be long before other recommendations from the village will be put forward. So yes,i would stay.
  7. Try not to get belted by to much Will. Our percentage is nearly the same as yours. Watching my boys last night,the 1st thing i would change is this coming out of defence to the easy target out wide. It doesn't give us a chance down the field. Nice hanger by Zurhaar,was the shining light of the night. The Dockers looked well drilled considering the amount of changes to their side.
  8. I grow my own seed,It's graded, moisture and germination tested before storage. I wish my crystal ball was working,i only kept enough seed for 30 rai this year so will bulk up again. Last year i sold 5 ton thinking there wasn't much demand for it and cleaned the shed out. Two months after i sold it i went to buy some back as fertilizer prices started to rise but he had sold all of it. Did some checking on the moth and think it is the gypsy moth. Sunn hemp is pretty resilient so should grow through it and the moth numbers are not high. Aphids seem to do the most damage. My rice is starting to appear so all is not lost,i doubt i would have reseed anyway as that's the piece the government gives 40,000 baht in subsidy. Had a look at a corn crop down the road this morning,devastated by fall army worm. Hope they stay there.
  9. Well done to JK getting his 700th goal,been a stellar player over the years.
  10. Planted 15 rai of kor kor 6 rice and 30 rai of sunn hemp on 21st april. The rice is not showing much vigour and i would of expected to see the rows by now,will give it a couple of more days before deciding whether to reseed it or not. The sunn hemp bounced out after 3 days,it's leaves are getting damaged by a moth but hoping it will push through as to wet to get on land to spray after 34mm of rain early this morning. Can anyone identify this white moth with speckled colours.
  11. After a poor start to the 1st 5 rounds i thought i'd change to the if in doubt pick the home teams. Wrong week to do that. Bulldogs saw me get an early exit from the guantlet as well. I hope Dew gets another contract at the Suns,they never stopped trying in their 52 point loss. I try to encourage from the couch when my Kangas play but against the bigger bodied Cats i shook my head a few(a lot)times when 15 metre short passes were turned over. Going to be a long year for the boys.
  12. It's an app but only for android. Good game of footy last night,the saints are believers this year. .
  13. I don't have a credit card so i cant get the AFL subscription. This is the next best way not to miss a game. Free but not sure compatible to your Apple,works on windows.
  14. Livenettv powered by bluestacks works a treat Alex. There is an ad free version if you wish. The only thing it doesn't do is have my Kangas in the lead at the end of a game.
  15. It was a boxers play,lead with the left and hit with the right. The left was the forty mile convoy. The ace for Ukraine is longer range artillery. But that will only tie you up in more knots with your daily doom and gloom approach.
  16. Ukraine clearly think they have the situation under control. They appear to have an ace up the sleeve. It's just a matter of time before they produce it.
  17. If you have a decent internet speed there are many sites out there for free. BT sports cover as well as Fox 503 and 504 I use a laptop with HDMI to tv.
  18. IMO it would be best if the allowance of hands in the back rule was removed. But policy makers seem reluctant to see the obvious.
  19. We have seen fertilizer prices sky rocketing. It seems chemical prices are following. I stocked up when paraquat was banned not knowing if glyphosate was going to follow. Finally ran out with one tank load required to complete the program so went to local shop this morning to get the last 12 litres required. When i stocked up before the price was 450 baht for 4 litres,now they want 920 baht for the cheapest brand. This year was the 1st time using ammonium sulphate in the mix with glyphosate,the results are showing it to be very effective when using bore water. It will be something i continue with in to the future as prefer the cleaner bore water compared to water out of the lake which was always blocking filters and nozzles.
  20. Free world as in nanny states where you pay fines daily for not obeying orders.
  21. As this report shows, violations occurred on the Ukrainian as well as on the Russian side Many on here are going to end up manic depressives by the end of this conflict.
  22. She's a nobody. Boris had a notepad under his arm. Prices and terms of conditions of arms to supply to the united kingdom of ukraine?
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