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Everything posted by farmerjo

  1. The caretaker coach winning syndrome rolls on, So happy for the roo boys to enjoy the taste of a win, Great tipping Rip.
  2. I would like to see paraquat back till the prices come down. https://news.agropages.com/News/NewsDetail---41077.htm
  3. I would get in touch with the government forestry department to see what the rules and regulations are. An old article but there maybe still factories around you could get a sample to. http://korat-info.com/forum/viewtopic.php?t=588
  4. We have over 48,000 members and finance's are ok,a bit different from Fitzroy who could not rattle the tin in the same way like the Dee's,Dogs or Hawks to stay afloat. On field success is the problem,we are getting to be a little impatient maybe although we have gone backwards this year. The frustrating part is using guys like Josh Walker who is a middle of the road footballer in the team when you can pump 20 games into up and comer. Whoever gets the gig almost certainly won't be around when our premiership window opens in about 2040.????
  5. Noble gone as coach,not easy when Cunnington,Polec and Phillips are missing most of the year.Can't help but think trading on Mason Wood and Tarrant also hurt to make them more competitive. Interesting that they have given Adams(magoo's coach) the caretaker roll and not Blakey who is the senior assistant. Well not a bad year at all for ex coaches in the mix. Clarckson,Buckley,Lyon,etc but do they have the cattle to tempt one of them. I would be making at least 5 changes to the playing list for next year,split between free agents and draft picks.
  6. I think when Russia gains control of all the Donbas they will have achieved their goal. There is already pow swaps going on so they must be talking. Rebuilding talks have started. The Ukrainian president will start to consider the toll on his people and the bills adding up. Add unrest around the world with more protests coming by the day with governments telling the people the war is causing the inflation. It's not the right result,just my take on it.
  7. I thought Finland and Sweden were bound to EU laws and this is holding up the process of Turkey agreeing.
  8. In April we purchased new paddy seed from the local government rice research centre. Sticky was 27 baht/kilo and the jasmine(hom mali) was 40 baht/kilo.
  9. They say you get what you pay for. What i've got is a 1700 baht 740 watt chainsaw that does 3-4 days work a year and expect it to fail after not many hours. This morning i replaced the short cable of the chainsaw with a 20 metre one with thicker wiring so an extension cord is not need as as the square junction box would snag as the Fil moved around. So it is now a 2200 baht saw but will get the cable back after he destroys it. I know the chain will be blunt by now so looking for a couple of replacement ones. Are chains universal? Will an 11.5" bar chain fit all makes of chainsaws. I saw this on lazada but think the price is to cheap. https://www.lazada.co.th/products/115-electric-chain-saw-parts-for-115-inch-woodworking-tool-wood-cutting-parts-i207875916-s12078371040.html?exlaz=d_1:mm_150050845_51350205_2010350205::12:13920044294!125392363912!!!pla-294682000766!c!294682000766!12078371040!129655195&gclid=EAIaIQobChMI8aj87fDM-AIVSE5gCh3O-gchEAQYBCABEgIAn_D_BwE
  10. Just keep click on the picture then remove ad,it takes several go's but eventually the control tools will appear at the bottom for a short time. It will take two stages for volume and screen size.
  11. I reakon Brisbane got spooked by Melbourne's back line. Normally they have the ability to throw it quickly on the boot and someone pops up out of nowhere to mark it. Saying that i don't think they had a winner anywhere on the ground. Petracca was back in form and Viney played out of his skin. The Dee's back to being the hunted???? Get your loose change on the Roo's this week,have a feeling it's our last chance for the fredo frog this season.
  12. Apologies,up to early this morning and missed your post about pump and flow.
  13. A few obstacles but you may get lucky. I doubt you would pick up chanote land at 1000/rai. Any lesser title at 1000 would be off a beaten track with no water supply. Most i know who lease out their land would do it for 5 years but not ten fearing the squatters right after ten. If you dangled a carrot of 2-2500/rai you might find something decent. The other thing is if a weather event came through and damaged your crop there would be no local compensation.
  14. Wondering if someone can point me in the right direction. Years a go a mate in the village had what he called a small washing machine that he said could separate the thc from leaves. Does anyone know what they look like,i don't need one for this purpose but another project.
  15. Check your pump curve and do a bucket test if you want to get technical.
  16. When i went looking for gas chainsaws global house had about six to choose from on the shelf,when i asked for a demo they said not for sale. The guy looked down and there must of been twenty returned units. All the shops were the same. So electric was my only choice locally with the thinking it was cheap enough to get another one if it lasted a decent amount of time,of course i already had the generator. You might get lucky,dad had a little McCullough that lasted for years,although in the end it still started 1st go cold but once you turned it off it was a pig to get going again. Will you be using it or someone else. The reason i ask is a lot of inexperienced people will rev the trigger getting the blade stuck damaging the bar.
  17. You can cross Khon Kaen of the list,we are about 300 above sea level. Chulabhorn dam area in Chaiyrapoom is about 750. Or phu ruer in Loei province is around 1000.
  18. Years ago i thought about buying a briquette machine to make charcoal out of farm waste. Went down the path of a cold oil press instead. Might be time to look again as you will need to cook somehow the food you can get.
  19. Yes there is a connection between prices and supply. There is also a connection with input costs which have been rising since covid which your graph clearly shows.
  20. Grain production around the world goes up and down seasonally. It's not about the grain,that is an excuse. Ok it's hurting Ukraine's economy. If countries can increase their military spending they can also increase their funding for world food supplies. If they wish to.
  21. Here is a wire chart to give you an idea.https://www.okutanikanaami.co.jp/en/woven/wire-gauge.html Number 17 wire seems popular and the chart converts metres to kilo's which wire is sold in Thailand at.?baht. A cheap controller 800-1000 baht. Ground rod ? 300 baht Some insulated wire to go from ground to controller and controller to fence?baht Insulaters for posts ?cheap. Can find all the products on lazada to give you a ball park figure depending on distance.
  22. The electric one is same wattage as mine as well as blade length. Mine runs at 5000 rpm. Looks like it has an oiler button which would be better. The biggest complaint with electric and battery power is if they have the plastic internal gear which strips the teeth after time. Some have all metal gears. What i like about electric is the light weight of machine.
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