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Everything posted by farmerjo

  1. I'm not justifying it. Why would they do it unless they thought there were other people other than doctors and patients in there,which we know there was.
  2. Well looking from the outside in. Using human shields will do that. Most tv coverage shows The Ukraine army around civilians. Reporters hiding in doctors scrubs in hospitals.
  3. Hi KS No corn in around here yet. We have had just over 110mm for the month. It's so easy to fall for the trap of planting to early although this year the sub soil moisture is there. I've been holding off and going to do a 2nd tillage starting tomorrow as have a good germination of weeds now and a bit of clear weather on the horizon. I can't get any of my 2 year old sesame seed to germinate in trials(should of given you a buzz to see what's around)so will just make oil out of it. So it looks like a 50/50 rice and sunn hemp crops will be planted now,sunn hemp mid april and rice mid may.
  4. Singling out other members who have a different theory on how this should end doesn't help anyone in Ukraine. But i'm sure of one thing,the laying down of arms when asked in Mauripol would of saved a lot of lives and could have been sorted out later.
  5. Could AN please make a list of what they call credible sources and pin it for future reference to save confusion. Thanks.
  6. You seem to put a lot of weight behind the ICC. They won't help with the solutions of the here and now.
  7. This is where our views differ. Ukraine hasn't stopped him,NATO's weapon supplies have. How long do you think it will be before the arms supplies are slowed to a few shipments of bullets. For any peace to occur which should be everyone's goal,Ukraine will not be left with an arsenal of NATO weapons.
  8. It sounds logical to me. Let's see if they stick to their word and leave Odessa alone.
  9. Well done Buddy. And the boys in Pakistan. Got a bit tight flicking between the games.
  10. www.youtube.com/watch?v=IGT3eqk_Is8 This one was at JSSR auction a while a go. If your heart is set on one,go for it. But i will reiterate as an owner of a rubber tracked tractor and harvester that you can wreck a set of tracks in two days if operator is not experienced with them. (i can get tracks ex china 16 week delivery but my drive sprockets are obsolete now) Another way to look at it is buy a tractor here locally and have the dealer import you a set of tracks for it,most these days are made so you just remove the wheels and the tracks bolt straight on. http://www.jcitracks.net/40hp-agricultural-tractor-track-systems.htm
  11. As KS says. From what you describe in the past your land is steep terrain which the tracks would be handy to get back and forth to. However if to use in a paddy field you would need a decent water supply to clean them often otherwise damage will occur quickly.
  12. Okay lets all clap hands and say what a jolly good job we are doing to stop this mess.
  13. Why not take the post on what it is based on instead of sly remarks.
  14. I'm glad the EU is leading the way in stopping Russian oil and gas supplies by 2027.
  15. You don't ever think it's out of the playbook of WMD's in Iraq. It seems to me they are covering there way on past experiences. Zelenskyy said after i think day 4 if there was no no fly zone each death forward would fall equally on the west as well. Well it's into the 3rd week now.
  16. I don't have a link for the last time the fair side won a special mission.
  17. Earlier in the thread you thought i was anti democratic. Living in Thailand for nearly 20 years it is not the same as my home country or as the US or the EU. So i would like to know while Kamala Harris is standing in Poland making a speech about how united every is while the country next door is getting flattenedwhich democracy does that belong to.
  18. After listening to both ministers in Turkey,this isn't ending anytime soon.
  19. It must be to do with how many civilians are still left in area's.
  20. i was not having a dig at you as you only provide the link,my apologies. There is an article in the times uk but you need subscription to read the whole article. Up to $60,000/month with the right qualifications.
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