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Posts posted by DarloKnight

  1. I have tried Rosetta stone for Japanese and Thai. I don't like both (although the Japanse version is a bit better). If you're planning to learn to read Thai Rosetta stone will not help you. The audio is compressed to a very low rate bitrate, so the audio quality is not good enough to study Thai. The voice recognition is a toy that doesn't word. There's no phonetic script. This together with the fact that the CD doesn't teach you to read Thai, will make it not very useful.

    Better start with a beginners book and CDs like "Thai for beginners" of BP Becker or "Thai, a complete course for beginners" from David Smyth. I think the latter is even a bit better, but David Smyth has no books for intermediate and advanced learners.

    The best way to study Thai is to follow courses with a Thai person. Is the a Thai temple were you live? That's always a good place to start looking.

    Thanks for the information I will look for the above on the internet.

    I don't live in Thailand, I live in the UK so no temples and don't know any Thai people who live in my area (wish I did).

  2. Have you tried yet. Prices as of this minute no difference

    Darlaknight, I hope you have a good flight on Sunday, and hopefully you got yourself a good deal. Personally I would never fly again with this airline, too expensive I have been travelling with them since the early 80's and slowly I have watched them go down hill.

    They are inefficient, greedy, and downright thick. Travelling business class with them is going back in time and I always fly Singapore/Malaysian/Japan/Korea, you get what you pay for.

    You cna buy a bottle of champers in the so called duty free in heathrow and take it on board with you, doubt they will ket you open it, but keep it for when you arrive at your hotel. I would arrive at least 5 hrs before check in this will get you the seats you want surely!

    There used to be a wonderful site until this week called Bangkok Scams, Ministry of communications has decided to remove the site.... remember no buy gems, tailors are a scam, (useless) beware of tuk tuk drivers, and beware of any english speaking thais that come upto you and start persuading you to go somewhere, Thais are shy people and wont approach you, that will be another scam!.... read Stickman's column on Thailand, eductae yourself and then you will know the ropes slightly

    Thanks for that! Not looking forward to the flight though now with all the bad comments, but if their customer service is anything to go by I know not to expect too much!! Brother in law flew with them in November from Heathrow and said the plane was dirty and it looked liked they had not cleaned the plane from last trip, unfortunatley we had already booked at this point.

    But I am not going to let the flight spoil our holiday we have worked too hard and saved alot for this!! Really looking forward to Bangkok and then off to Hua Hin.

    Can't wait counting down !!

  3. Glad to hear that Thai Airways is trying to help people save some money during these harsh economic times.

    That being said, I cannot understand why anyone would want to fly on a long flight without video on demand. That is insane, even if there are some cuties working as attendant, I still need my in-flight entertainment.


    When we booked our flights did not realise that there was no back seats tv's or would not have booked with them, but now they have changed thier aircrafts on BKK to Heathrow they will have them in, so coming home won't be so bad.

  4. We are flying out of Heathrow on Saturday with Thai and I happened to look at their site and the original plane flying back as been changed from a 747 to a A340, as I had pre-booked out seats I rang them and asked if they had re-allocated them and they had but had sat one of us on our own I asked them to seat us in the middle so we could all sit together. I also asked them why they had changed the plane and they said they could not fill them and they had knocked flights off to US and were using those planes.

    Also its my hubby's 40th when we fly and I rang them in November and asked if I could buy a bottle of Champagne to be presented to him on the flight they told me I was too early I rang yesterday and told me I was too late!! We are flying economy and I asked if there was anyway I could buy some on the plane as I know they give it to business/first class they said no too much paperwork.

    Very disappointed

  5. Hi all

    Flying out on Saturday and spending a few nights in Bangkok with hubby and 10yr old daughter. I have just been reading on a travel forum about a scam in BKK.

    A couple went out for a meal and the bill came it was around £40 which they expected then on top of that was charges of £150 and they were too scared to question this, the area they ate in was is Patpong in BKK. Does this happen all around Bangkok or just this area. Any advice would be greatly appreciated as don't want to be put in this position whilst on holiday.

    Many thanks

  6. This is my first post I live in UK and have been reading this forum for the past week trying to learn a bit about Thai politics, anyway can someone please tell me when the new PM will be voted in?


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