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Posts posted by DarloKnight

  1. Big C. Seen this quote on this topic as you say we was not there we should not judge or accuse. But it just shows u can not make these kind of jokes. I always joke in immigration that I have never seen my daughter before when she is in front of me but will think twice about this in future.

    Sent from my iPhone using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

  2. Hi TC

    Don't you think that mentioning Gary Glitter to a female officer could have triggered off all these events? I know it was meant to be a joke but look what's happening at the moment another DJ arrested this week for suspected child abuse this as been a big investigation due to Saville ! I will also say it does not give them the right to take ur belongings with out good reason! I think your comment to a female just rang her alarm bell. But it is a good warning to all travellers even to women!

    Sent from my iPhone using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

  3. Thanks Microwave will be good to take my daughter when we come over in February something different to the usual tourist things we do. Don't think we will get our skates through customs though so will have to hire them!

  4. Just a quick note of enlightenment regarding the British Governments' Child Support Agency - the CSA.

    This agency could more accurately be called the Social Security Payments Claw Back Agency, they are not the slightest bit interested in children or support of children. They are only interested in recovering/charging cash for the government. If the OPs SiL isn't claiming any benefits for the child then the CSA will have no interest, regardless of residence.

    This is wrong I'm a full time management accountant never claimed a benefit in my life and still get CSA ? Also to the OP the absent father must be earning at least 4k a month for that amount under the new scheme. I can see both sides to this my ex as not seen is daughter since she was 7 months old she is now 15 he has never made contact! Only to threaten me unless I stopped CSA which I haven't and the money gets transferred into daughters bank...,, I suppose I'm lucky I can afford to do this.

  5. Hi guys thanks for all the replies. Going to book something in the next week or so.... Not going till February but like to sort hotels out in advance especially when it's high season in Thailand and we are in UK. Where ever we stay I will let people know and post pics just incase anyone else is interested. Once again many thanks.

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  6. I would stay away from any product unless it contains fluoride. I'm no expert but have had extensive treatment over a 15 year period. Any mouthwash should contain fluoride my orthodontist only recommends these kind of products. I was also told to stay away from any products that whiten your teeth......don't know why?!

  7. I remember back in 2006 in early September we were staying at Sofitel and it had rained most of the day. We went out that afternoon and it was bad. It was our first visit to Hua Hin and could not believe how deep the water was. I did not realise it still flooded there. We tend to go in February now to avoid the rain.

  8. It was a joke when we arrived on the 5th February going through immigration it took just short of an hour and try doing that with kids after a long flight from the UK, it has slowly got worst every time we arrive over the last 6 years. When leaving Thailand it was quicker due to the fact that there was not different queue's for Thai nationals we all went in the same line and to be fair this procedure looked liked it was working more effectively.

    To the posters that say it has only taken them 5 minutes please do tell us all your secret? Or what time you arrive and where from!

  9. UPS is the company that informed me that when they are shipping documents they open them to "see what is inside"!

    Not Thai customs - UPS!! (and we all know what that means in Thailand).

    Also, if they find a passport that they will NOT send it to the addressee but either return to sender or forward to the nearest Embassy!

    They are a joke!!!!!!!!!

    Asked hubby who works for UPS and he said they do not open documents? All parcels are scanned/xrayed and if it is suspect it will be opened due to the fact that a person could be shipping anything, we use UPS to send docuements to Thailand and from Thailand and they have never been opened.

    Do you mean UPS staff in Thailand open documents?

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