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Posts posted by DarloKnight

  1. This makes me laugh, you then wonder why the country is in the state its in!! Stuff like this makes my blood boil :angry:

    People should get off their back sides and work and earn it instead of scrounging off of the state.

    I have been a single mum and never claimed a benefit I have worked hard and studied at the same time to give my child a better life!!

    You are indeed a remarkable lady.

    As a single working mum you pay full income tax not claiming any child allowance or any housing or mortgage allowance.

    You never use a NHS hospital even for the birth of your child nor ever see a NHS doctor.

    Never buy VAT free child clothing or subsidized baby/child items

    You're child does not attend government school.

    Never use subsidized public transport

    The list goes on and you are happy to pay all the taxes and social security contributions without claiming anything for yourself. Will you also forfeit your government pension when the time comes I wonder.

    You are indeed an inspiration to us all. If there were more people like you the country would indeed not be in the mess it is at present, and there would be enough money sloshing around the public purse to not worry about the thousands our politicians are fiddling on their expenses or the billions failed bankers are paying themselves in bonuses with our money.

    I am humbled

    You have just taken this to another level, of course I use the NHS but I have survived the my adult life with out scrounging I have bought my own house I have my own car I do not scrounge or screw the system like many!! Also to the other poster saying women use men for babies what a load of rubish, my childs father walked out on us for another women when his child was 7 months old never to be seen again!!

    I have been brought up to work hard and have respect unlike a lot of people who milk the system for anything and everything they can get!!

  2. This makes me laugh, you then wonder why the country is in the state its in!! Stuff like this makes my blood boil :angry:

    People should get off their back sides and work and earn it instead of scrounging off of the state.

    I have been a single mum and never claimed a benefit I have worked hard and studied at the same time to give my child a better life!!

  3. Yes you will be able to take paternity leave if you have been employed with your emplyoer for 26 weeks by the 15th week before the babys due date, but you do need to give your employer written notice that you intend to do so normally 15 weeks before you intend to take the leave, go on the hmrc website or direct.gov.uk for more detailed information. It is only 2 weeks paid leave at the minute the new extended leave starts April 2011 and the current rate is £124.88 a week but all the details will be on those sites.

    Hope this helps.

  4. We have booked the new hotel Four points by Sheraton in Sukhumvit, to stay 2nd week in Feb it was due to open this month( I think but )it as now been put back to December. Do any members know if the hotel is nearly finished? I know February is still a few months away but worried cause we have paid up front for this.

    Many thanks

  5. I live in the Uk and will be coming to Thailand in February and have been clothes shopping for this holiday, I really like Maxi dresses and there is a wholesale shop on ebay selling Maxi dresses from Thailand. My question is where in BKK can I get these? They are a bit more dressier than the beach style ones and they cost on ebay around £12.60 but the postage is high, this is the only thing stopping me from purchasing these before I come, also if I can get these in BKK how much are they?

    Many thanks for any info.


  6. Thanks for the information.

    I am looking for flights for my kids during the last week in January, but they must be from Manchester. I can't see less than 800GBP. Any ideas.

    Cheers, Rick


    Try the website called "NETFLIGHTS" this is where I found my flights and have booked with them the last few times.


  7. Have finally booked our flights to Thailand we had originally wanted to come over for xmas but prices had doubled, so decided on the half term break in February. We have paid for direct flights with EVA £523 LHR toBKK I checked the prices 3 days ago and then again on the 1st of Sept and they had dropped over £100.

    Just thought I would let people know just in case they were thinking of travelling at this time.

  8. I have been watching the prices for months we booked last year to fly from London to Bangkok and fly xmas day and paid around £420 direct with Eva but this year the price is £864 which is more than double for the same time of year. I was just wondering if anybody else as managed to find cheap flights?

  9. The NuLabour machine hates the indigenous British people, partly because of the people's rich history of independence from and distrust of, authority.

    That is why NuLabour:

    * floods the country with immigrants and expects the locals to adapt, not the newcomers

    * removes all meaningful educational standards

    * eliminates history from the Museums to replace it with something 'relevant'

    * orders the police to show much more tolerance and protection to ethnic and religious minorities than to the main population.

    ... on and on and on.

    They have gutted the country in a scant 13 years, and the true tragedy is that the British people don't realise that this process cannot be reversed. If they did, they'd all be scrambling to enter LOS, no matter how dire the exchange rate.

    With regards to immigrants I don't think people realise how much we are supporting them, I know of 1 person and his wife and child who are illegal - they are waiting like 300,000 others in the UK, they can not work so the goverment pay all housing costs utility bills and gives them £120/week for food, his case will not be herd by a court before 9 months time (so that he can stay in UK)Would any other country do this support immigrants and feed and house them? Look at the strain and money this is taking up. There is not enough "affordable" housing in the UK I wonder why? When there is loads of houses boarded up. The schools and hospitals have alot more strain on them now due to the influx of foreign nationals. They have soon, like the British caught on to the benefits they can claim, working tax credit, family allowance, family tax credit housing benefit. The Company I work for employ probably over 90% foreign nationals but this is because the British do not want to do the manual jobs, so who do we blame for this. The goverment should stop all benefits for the ones that are fit to work.

    With regards to education, I feel let down by my Country, my daughter is 11 and starts secondary school in September, I was told for the first time last week that she is behind did I realise this!! I am now trying to get extra tution for her at my own cost. Schools are only interested in kids that do really well and the others just seem to get left behind.

    I dread to think what the UK will be like in 10 years time, what is there going to be for my child?

    Unless you are living in the UK I don't think people realise how bad its got here.

    Also I watched a program a few weeks ago regarding the winter fuel allowance the goverment pays the over 60's, this is not means tested even if you are a millionaire you are still paid this and I'm sure they pay it to ex pats that live in Spain (I could be wrong). I don't know the total the goverment pays out a year but this is a big strain and it should be means tested and given to the people who need it only. A lot of celeb's are trying to get others to give it to charity and quite a few already do as they say they do not need this money and the goverment really need to look at this now.

  10. Hi, I know this is probably a daft question but I still need to ask, I have friends flying to Bangkok with Etiad and then they are catching a Thai airways flight to Phuket, I have told them they will have to go through passport control and then get their luggage then go to domestics because they are flying with 2 different airlines. Am I correct??

    Many thanks.

  11. I don't know if anyone as mentioned this if so I apologise.

    For the past 5 days I have seen an advert on UK tv advertising Thailand as a holiday destination.

    This is the first time I have known them do this, they look like they have spent some money promoting Thailand as a holiday destination.

  12. We wanted to get from Krabi to Hua Hin on Sunday, I saw the price in all agents was 600 baht on the VIP bus when I went to book they wanted 850 Baht per person so we paid this for 2 adults and child.

    We got picked up at 4.30pm on Sunday and taken to a bus station where we were told we would be delayed at setting off.

    We set off about 1hr late. We stopped at Surat Thani and were told we would only stop 15 mins this turned into over 1.5hrs the bus had a problem and they had part of t in bits all over the floor.

    We then set off again probably only going around 40 mph. We then stopped again and it looked like the driver was napping (not sure how long)

    We then broke down around 10 mins away from Hua Hin (We did not know this at the time as we were just on a long stretch of road with nothing around it, we were told that another bus would come in 1hr proably around 2 to 3 hrs later another bus turned up.

    We then set off again and the bus stopped in Cha-Am and we were told to get off I tried to explain to the driver we wanted to be in Hua Hin and he just said "this bus not go to Hua Hin"

    So me, my husband and my child were left on a pavement on a main road with our bags at 8am in the morning, after a bus journey that took around 14hrs.

    I was not a happy bunny!! But I suppose I must remember I am on holiday in Thailand and it's all part of the adventure.

  13. My inlaws were flying yesterday afternoon Newcastle UK to BKK, they got a phone call yesterday morning at 8am from Emirates saying that they had overbooked their flight. Emirates asked them if they would mind if they could change their flight to depart from Manchester on the evening flight and they would send a car/driver to pick them up and they also upgraded them from economy to business class. Inlaws agreed with them as they had a 8 hour stop over in Dubai and this would also mean they would only have 1 1/2 hr wait for their connecting flight.

    Just thought it was a good story to share as this does not happen to people I know every day :)

  14. We are flying with Eva from LHR to BKK on xmas day and got a really good deal we have flewn with them before and I think they are one of the best I have flewn with to Thailand but really liked Qatar but you have to stop over, did not like Thai airways plane was old and dirty no tv screens in backs of seats and its a long way to go with out any entertainment.

  15. Thanks for the info how often do the buses leave Krabi to Hua Hin? Also I emailed a few companies in Krabi for rates to take us to Hua Hin one wanted 7900 and the other wanted 8000, we can't afford that amount I was prepared to pay 5000 did not realise it would be so much.

  16. I have posted this in the Krabi section as well.

    We need to get from Krabi to Hua Hin and I have the following questions-

    Which train station to use Surat Thani or Trang? Which is the closest to Krabi (I have no idea)

    How much would a private taxi cost to get to the train station?

    Can I get a private taxi to take me to Hua Hin and how much would it cost and could I book it once in Krabi or do I need to do this before we get there.

    We travel in under 4 weeks and I am in a panic!!

    Many thanks


  17. We have finally booked a hotel in Krabi for a week and have decided after that we want to go to Hua Hin aswell for a week. I have looked at the trains but do not know which station to travel from would it be Surat Thani or Trang don't know which is closest to Krabi, also how much would it cost for a private taxi to take us to the station?

    The other option I am thinking of is just a private taxi straight to Hua Hin but do I need to book this before we get to Krabi or is this smonthing I could do once we get there? And what would the cost be?

    We travel in less than 4 weeks so I really need to get this sorted so please can someone help me I am getting really worried now.

    Many thanks


  18. Thanks for the advice, I keep telling the hubby Krabi but he says the flights are a bit pricey to Krabi and he is a bit tight :)

    Also how often do the buses run from Krabi airport and do you know what time the last bus is please, and I would really appreciate if you could tell me the time of the first bus on the reverse Ko Lanta to Krabi.


  19. Which is the best way to get to Ko lanta and not too expensive? Is it via Phuket/Trang or Krabi?

    I have looked at flights from BKK to Phuket and they are the cheapest, we travel 27th December from BKK.

    Any help or advice would be much appreciated.

    Many thanks

  20. We are staying in Ko Lanta 27th December onwards and as per usuall we have left it till the last minute for flights, I see that you can get flights to Trang with Nok Air, I have never herd of these are they any good? also is there any other company that fly there?

    We have looked at air asia to Suritani can any one advice of a private Company that would pick us up from this airport and take us to Ko Lanta but the flight does not land till 3.30pm ?

    Any help and info would be greatly appreciated.

    Thanks in advance

  21. If you walk in the town centre I live (in the UK) every other person you walk past is a foreign EU national, I work for a Company who employes over 250 people and I would say 90% are from other countries, The town is becoming more and more racist and BNP are getting a much larger following, people think that they are talking our job etc... and I can tell you they have all soon clicked on to the benefits game!! They are given vouchers for food clothes, a council house and what ever else is available.

    I don't understand politcs or economy but I sometimes wonder if this is a factor why our country is in such a mess? The population in UK is growing rapidly but this is due to foreign nationals.

    But back to the orginal post by the op the BNP will never get into number 10, not if the greedy Company directors have anything to do with it because they are getting skilled workers at a knocked down price by employing foreign nationals.

    I would just like to point out I am not a racist I have alot of friends who are foreign and I love learing about the culture and back grounds they have come from.

    Not whilst working, they know all about you only have to work 3 days and you can go on the sick and claim and that is the law for everyone. I know of people bringing sick elderly parents over so that they can get them good healthcare on the NHS.

    I know of people caliming family allowance for children who do not live in the UK with them!

    Why would people not come to England when you can get benefits for not working? You can claim for 70% of child care if you are working you can claim working and family tax credits, family allowance, reduced council tax free health care etc that is why people come from the EU they have it alot easier over here as do alot of Brits who have not worked since leaving school and this is passed on from generation to generation.

    I myself have been very fortunate I am 38 and have never been out of work, I have never claimed benefits even though at one point in my life I was a single mum working full time and studying Accountancy but it paid off for me and not everyone is the same!

    So if I read you correctly - 90% of your work force are EU citizens?

    yet they are claiming benefit too?

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