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Posts posted by jcon

  1. I have a Nakamichi Soundspace system gathering dust at my house... been there for a long time, I don't use it because it didn't come with the subwoofer at the time (Soundspace has it's own sub - but it's only a 30 watt sub IIRC, so nothing special).

    The system itself has a "sub-out," so I was wondering where I could find a store which sells powered subwoofers here in Bangkok. 8-10" maybe, nothing huge because the Soundspace speakers don't put out that much volume and a 12" 500 watt sub would basically drown out everything...

    Just looking for a nice and tight bass sound... 2nd hand is fine, as this isn't my main audio system and it doesn't need to rock the house, it's for a guestroom - but I figure the Nakamichi looks nice, but it just needs some bass for it to be acceptable as a system... now if I can just find the remote....


    p.s. I had no idea where to post this, I know this is the "internet forum", but there is no mention of "audio" anywhere on TV AFAIK.

  2. Ok I've been looking around...

    Found one property I liked, was going to show it to my friend... SOLD (TRANSFERRED LAST WEEK!!!). Listed price: 27 million. I was going to suggest an offer of 20 million (but the owner sold for more than that, so I don't feel like I missed it by just a week...)

    So, yes, there are good units still selling, but they must be GOOD - REALLY GOOD.

    Here is the one I looked at:


    dam_n nice IMO. 180sqm a bit small for a 'penthouse,' but I liked the decor so it would have been buy and move in, and god knows refurbishing is a pain in the arse... 27 million is way too expensive IMO, but good for him he got what he wanted (He didn't tell me exactly how much he sold it for, but did tell me it was more than 20 million).

    So I'm still utterly confused about the market and my own perceptions of it... I'm almost certain like I said before that 3,4,5,6 million baht condos are going to get train-wrecked... and I also thought the high-end would get hit too, but I guess it just depends on how good the unit is - a simple theory, yes... but that's the real answer in this back-and-forth about how good/bad the Thai condo market is: It just depends on the Unit, period.

  3. but wow so exciting dating a waitress from a Thai restaurant... how stimulating...

    Girls in Sydney!!!! and you want to find a Thai girl??? Horses for courses but personally I think that's nuts. Unless you're 60, fat, and bald... fine... do your thing. But you're 23 <deleted>... Cool Aussie chicks rock (the cool ones...)....

    I hope the OP is happily dating a nice Thai waitress, talking about food, buffalos, and shopping.... fun fun fun. NOT.

    some nice sentiments there jcon. NOT.

    lots of assumptions and holier than thou remarks.

    I would share info to the contrary with you, but whats the point. I dont think you'd want to engage in conversation with me. After all, Im just another thai girl whos incapable of any stimulating conversation :o

    Sorry Mig, I wasn't really bashing the Thais, rather bashing the OP for ONLY going for one thing when the choices are aplenty out there... I just don't understand the Thai-fever... but that doesn't mean I don't respect/appreciate Thai women (or men for that matter)... don't mis-construe my post, please, I didn't mean to offend. Sorry if I did.

    Sure I'd engage a conversation with you, no worries - I'm an easy-going guy. As for the holier than thou comment - well fark... that's just jcon - consider the company... :D

  4. I am in this age group and pathetic beyond what you speak. This is why the rare moments I do leave the comfort of my apartment and playstation 3 I go straight to Lolita's where I can feel secure on the red pleather couch with only one person to talk to, who is unable to reply.


  5. Alone (2007)

    I watched this a couple of months back, its another scary movie from the directors of Shutter, if I have to sleep with the lights on I might aswell get my moneys worth,

    Alone is quite likely the best pure horror film to come from Thailand since Shutter


    there is a trailer on Youtube

    Hottest woman in Thailand, hands down, period full stop. She also won best actress for this movie at the 2008 "Thai Oscars." Good movie. Great actress. Even better singer.

    For good old Thai slapstick I gotta say "Jaew" aka "M.A.I.D" (Mission Almost Impossible Done) is a funny movie... you have to know a bit about Thai culture, but I must say I was laughing throughout...

  6. I know fluorescent lighting is much more popular here because of the reduced costs, but is there any reason to ever choose incandescent? yes, but it's up to the owner, see my response below

    Does incandescent give a more 'natural' feel to the home at night? Yes (IMO)

    I'm also wondering whether there's any reason to do anything more than just a single fixture or two in the middle of the ceiling... does track lighting or some other multiple-bulb style make the tiles sparkle more by illuminating the room from different directions at different points? thanks

    Yes (by 'sparkle' I'm assuming you mean in a good way)

    IMO, Lighting can make or break any environment - especially a home. You can have the most beautiful of home furnishings, etc... but if you have a buzzing circular god-awful fluorescent light above you lighting up the room, it's ruined IMO.

    Actually, to me, lighting is probably the single most important factor in creating a 'warm' home environment (aesthetically speaking).

    I use halogen lights, all on dimmers - and tungsten for art (as crossy mentioned above). Dim the lights, make some love...

    It may not be "Green" of me to do so, but this is one part of my life that I cannot sacrifice for the 'greater good' - I've already sacrificed that in the form of taxes :o

  7. Thanks trogers... I don't like that part of the soi near Camp Davis so much... plus in the near future suk 24 is going to be a traffic nightmare (it already is, as it's a main shortcut between Rama 4 and Sukhumvit - with the addition of all the new condos and cars and people.... ***shudder***)

    And yes, agreed about the sound issue. This is another HUGE reason why I'm saying stay in the house, no need to buy a condo... My friend has a MASSIVE sound system, actually it's 2 systems, one with receivers and amps running B&Ws all around, and another (for playback of studio recording) running some high end stuff and components that I don't how to function and Nexo monitors all around... she will crank it up until the house shakes at any hour, day or night as she pleases.... another good thing about having a detached house on a decent-sized plot of land... perhaps the best thing! For reference, I have another friend with that little dinky Harmon Kardon jellyfish-looking-thing setup to play her ipod, and even at mid/high-volume, her neighbors in her condo complain... total buzz-kill.

  8. I'm not sure the model of placing the 'premium' ads in front of the 'regular' ads is working - at least it surely doesn't work when I view them... I just scroll past EVERYTHING 'orange' and then get to the newest 'regular' ads... otherwise I'd be there all day reading the same crap from "Gerwin" and his 'amazing properties' and that "Capitulation Sale" ad that cracks me up every time (if it was a true 'capitulation' wouldn't the dang thing be sold by now - capitulation implies 'sale at any cost'... some of those ads have been on for what seems to be ages)....

    Just wondering if other members do the same thing (just scroll past the 'premium ads'). If so, then there is nothing 'Premium' about them, it actually makes them less attractive and (possibly) have fewer clicks. if this is the case, then they would be of no use (advertisers paying a premium for nothing) and also just annoying for the rest of us who browse the classifieds.

    Just my 2 cents, and wondering if anybody thinks like me. If not, then I guess I'm the lone weirdo :o

  9. Thanks quiksilva and thaihome.

    I guess I'm going to have to make a run down there myself - because I can't quite picture it in my head... I've been to the Emporium god knows how many times, but I've only ever noticed the 4 big buildings behind it... behind the park, right?

    Where is the entrance to the project (both the 4 towers and the 1 single tower)? Can you enter from the Emporium entrance (that would be nice). And are all 5 buildings surrounding the park (that would be nice, too). 3 rooms per floor is excellent (that link I posted has that nice audio system... I like my music loud)... and I assume that the walls are nice and thick because that's just how they were back in the old days, right?

    My gripe with that condo in the link I posted was no pics of the kitchen. As an American, I need huge kitchens and bathrooms :o (even though this condo isn't even for me, I would expect to be spending some time there...)

    I can pm you quiksilva for further info, etc.... just posted this post here in case anybody else was interested, as it's general info, kinda :D

    edit: I just saw that I commented about agents, haha quiksilva... but you are ok in my book, as you are a SAAB fan....

  10. Thanks trogers, am I correct that the one block across from camp davis is all offices, not residences?

    Another question: does anybody know anybody who lives there (or lives there themselves)? How many rooms per floor is the main question as privacy is the main concern... high ceilings? Thick walls? Any idea of price per sqm (ballpark)... thanks in advance.

    All 5 blocks are residential. I am not aware any are offices, unless some occupants have converted their units.

    I do not know the details inside the block near to camp davis. The former owner of one of my old condo has bought a unit there. I can ask him the details.

    Thanks trojers... would be much appreciated... whatever building is closest to the Emporium would be best, and the one I would have most interest in (not really interested in the block across Camp Davis)... and I would really like to know how many units per floor, and if there are penthouses (of course there are, but duplex, etc... or floors where there are only a few units per floor... or floors with private elevators)... Thank you so much.... and also if there is a service where owners are selling directly (like a list with the doorman, etc... I really don't like agents)...


  11. all part of the grand plan

    whatever that is

    if someone finds out can they post it here


    duh blackjack, you only have to ask our own AlexLah, "The One Who Knows."

    3 pictures and one youtube link later, and you will understand... CONSPIRACY!!!!!!!!!! :D

    by aliens from the gamma quadrant (who also spread the swine flu virus on planet earth that they can sell their low quality beef at exorbitant prices).


    And as the Borg are coming soon... remember, "Resistance is Futile." See, Star Trek was ahead of it's time!!!! They knew something we didn't know... and now we will feel the Wrath of Kahn! Kiiiiirrrrkkkkk!!!!!!!

  12. Thanks trogers, am I correct that the one block across from camp davis is all offices, not residences?

    Another question: does anybody know anybody who lives there (or lives there themselves)? How many rooms per floor is the main question as privacy is the main concern... high ceilings? Thick walls? Any idea of price per sqm (ballpark)... thanks in advance.

  13. Sorry, I was going to post in the "Empty Units" thread but I figured I hijacked that thread enough already.

    I'm a bit confused right now as to which condo is the President Park... is it the one with 4 buildings behind the Emporium? I swear that it is, but right now I'm doubting myself because for some reason I also remember something like the name President Park directly across from Camp Davis on Suk 24...

    I'm talking about the condo that is connected to the serviced apartments/hotel? at the Emporium.... Does anybody here live there? How many units per floor? Any ideas would be greatly appreciated....

    I ask because I'm looking at this unit:


    And I'm confused as to which building it is... But I'd also like to have some input from people who live there or who have friends that live there... private? I'm interested if it's the building connected to the Emporium, not if it's the one across from Camp Davis.... and I know 17 million is expensive for that unit, I'm just using it as reference... I would think 13 million would be more appropriate, depending on the urgency of the seller and the condition of the unit itself... I'm sorry I had to post another thread, I would have posted in the other thread as I'm trying to find a condo for my friend that doesn't require her to blow 40 million on that Le Raffine project... but I guess this thread can stand on it's own.

    Quiksilva, do you know this building? Rooms per floor? I know quicksilva and steveromagnino are the resident real estate professionals, but steveromagnino has been MIA since Dec 2008... what happened to him by the way...?

    Thanks in advance.


  14. Why on earth go for Thai girls - there are more beautiful Ozzie girls in Sydney

    My thoughts EXACTLY. You're in Sydney <deleted>!!!! There are some stunners there, real stunners - and you don't have to speak pidgin English with them, you can actually have a conversation that doesn't involve food and thai soaps. You should thank God you're in Sydney!

    But yeah if Thai is what you fancy, then Thai restaurants, etc... but wow so exciting dating a waitress from a Thai restaurant... how stimulating... also you can pop over to Melbourne, lots of Thais in school there... but they stick to their own, as they tend to have money...

    Girls in Sydney!!!! and you want to find a Thai girl??? Horses for courses but personally I think that's nuts. Unless you're 60, fat, and bald... fine... do your thing. But you're 23 <deleted>... Cool Aussie chicks rock (the cool ones...)....

    edit: oops I didn't know this was a 3 year old thread.... <deleted>. Who dug this one back up? I hope the OP is happily dating a nice Thai waitress, talking about food, buffalos, and shopping.... fun fun fun. NOT.

  15. Thanks Bojo, i am just wondering how an agency selling legal services could just give you something like this? what's the point of hiring a "legal professional" if he just come up with something that basically says: " i have absolutely no clues of what i am doing and as a such if a made a mistake it will be all your fault for have trusted me" <snip>

    I agree. I would not accept that disclaimer in a legal document. After all, what is the point of hiring a LAWYER if the lawyer does not/cannot/will not hold himself responsible for what he/she documents. Ridiculous.

    In addition, if I may add, who is to stop the "landlord" from being the one who "drafts" the document, thereby relinquishing all responsibility should something go sour. Good for him, bad for you. I expect any dodgy businessman to do exactly that. It's a horrible clause, and you should not accept it as it is worded. Just my opinion, I'm not a lawyer (but judging by some of the lawyers I've dealt with in Thailand, I could be).

  16. Not if the "investor" is a dual-national

    How would that help?

    The borrower could be a dual national too, surrender his passport to the investor and unless locked up while the transaction is in progress, flee Thailand on another one.

    If the transaction was a multi-million (dollars) and companies involved, it might work, but for such a paultry money I doubt.

    Which is why in my "idea #2" post, I suggested that in the interim, the condo would be transferred into my (or the investor's) name. That way it's effectively the 'investor's' condo acquired at 1.2 million THB until paid off by the debtor.

  17. At 2.4 million X 2, I don't reckon they're very good value. After all is said and done, they are still rice-rockets and a bit poseur.

    Instead of getting two, I'll spend the money on one really nice car, maybe something Teutonic.

    Thanks for your opinions.


    That other poster's ABBA comment made me laugh out loud.

    If you wanted one car instead of 2 (and still wanted a convertible), spending 4.8 million could buy you a BMW 320i Convert (I would say chick car but with that folding hard-top I must say I like...), a Merc SLK200, or a Volvo C70, all (IIRC) come in at around 4.xx million.

    Yes, overpriced surely, but so was the MX5 (Hasn't the MX5/Miata been the "cheapest convertible in America for xxxxxx years running" (while it sells for 2.4 million THB here)? We had Miatas in our Prom parade in High School. Chick car - definitely.

    I love convertibles. But I think if you don't care about the pricing, and 4.8 million is your budget, then you can't go wrong with the choices I listed above. TV member corkscrew has an SLK. The new C70 is nice and different, and the top drops in style. Plus, with the Volvo, you have more (easier) tuning options as it's turbocharged, while the other 2 are not.... drop in a new ECU in that C70, dial the boost up to 1.5 bar and you're gonna have a drop-top that'll kill the little 2.0 Bimmers...

    Otherwise I'd vote for Toyota Harrier/Lexus RX as the best all-rounder in that price range. Not a 'vert, but it's got a huge moonroof and it's just good car period.

    P.S. Let the missus walk :D If your pimp hand is strong, then balls to the wall BMW 650i Convertible for something like 13 million.... but strong your pimp hand must be, young padawan :o

  18. Idea #2:

    Between now and transfer (which I don't believe will actually occur in June, anyway given the track record of developer's transfer dates in Thailand), scrounge up 466k and pay that to the developer (less than 10K GBP, shouldn't be too difficult, on 200k/year for 4 years you've got smt saved, right???).

    Then I will loan you the balance of 1.2 million for 1 year, at a 15% interest rate, but the condo goes in my name in the meantime... you pay, you get the condo back... you don't, well - business is business.

    Did I just offer to be a loan-shark? :o

    Maybe I can go "Heng-ing" and next stop, pawn shop!!!

  19. Hi,

    I've been working in Thailand for 4 years, i'm not married, I have a Work Permit and a pretty high salary of 200k/month. I've bought last year a condo that should be finished in June. I need to transfer 90% of 1.85 M, ie 1.66 MTHB. Considering my salary and the loan amount I need to get, I thought the deal would be easy... But it seems that no Thai banks would provide me loans, and the deals with UOB / Bankgkok Bank seem compromised as the value of my condo is below the minimum value to get an offshore loan in Singapore (!!!) , + it's crisis time, so they seems to freeze their loans to foreigners!!

    Any idea ?? Any bank that would be interested to get an additional customer ??

    Deal directly with the developer. They will probably want to work something out with you, because they probably don't want extra inventory on their hands if you bail on your unit. It's a small amount relative to what you earn, so you should be able to pay it off in 1 year or so (i.e. if you move in, then no more rent, pay 140k per month toward the balance, live frugally on the remaining 60k for a year and you're done - hopefully).

    I would ask the developer - tell them your situation, tell them you make enough to cover payments, even show your pay-slips of you need... if they aren't stupid, they should finance you, especially if they ask for a nice fat rate of interest.

  20. I would venture to say that the vast majority of the 'empty' units are either unsold units or units that the owners are just sitting on... not 'weekend' pied-a-terres for Bankokians as suggested by another poster above... Everybody knows that 'weekend homes' for Bangkokians are in Hua Hin...

    Now I'm sure there is a market for small condos for 'mia nois,' but I'd say that is an insignificant number and not applicable to the big picture of 'Empty Condo Units.' Also condos for rich kids. But that's' a small number also.

    Either way, the market for 3,4,5,6 million THB condos is going to get hit hard... really hard, good projects or bad. Just my opinion.

    I must say I'm flabbergasted (yes, I used the word 'flabbergasted') by the high-dollar market however... the 40 million baht 1/2 rai I referred to earlier owned by my friend has a buyer for 45 million as of yesterday. I was/am shocked. My friend purchased in 2006 for 33 million THB, and earlier this year I told her to 'sell it!' whatever the cost... I thought she'd get something in the high 20's... then a buyer came along 2 days ago and my friend asked me 'how much should I ask for?"

    I said you should set up a meeting so you can judge the buyer's character and feel how they react to whatever number you throw out.... I threw out 45 million THB, literally just spit out a number.... and she took me literally and went with it and told the buyer 45 million, and the buyer agreed, because "she loves the water." Like I said, I'm shocked. My friend bought in 2006, at basically a peak (or at least I thought) - and now we're in a global recession... and somehow she managed to get a 36% return on that piece of land.... shocked. Farking 12 million profit... in a recession... so there are people with serious cash out there... but I don't think they are buying condos.

    Like I've also said before, the rich in BKK do not own condos, they own land... that is a fact. My observation of empty units still stands.

  21. I think I saw a 120m2 unit listed at just under 1m USD.

    That price is INSANE!!!

    1 million USD for 120sqm in bkk??? That's just plain stupid.

    For reference, if you look at the "360 degree view" on the Sukhothai website, you'll see right at the beginning of the 'aerial view' the condo in front of the Banyan Tree with the arch on the penthouse... I know the owner of that penthouse, he is a half-vietnamese/half-portuguese (or brasilian, I can't recall) Yacht-builder/designer. I know he purchased that ENTIRE penthouse for around 1 million USD a few years ago. Now THAT is a unique property, well worth a million USD (and a senior member of the "Central" family lived BELOW him haha). 4 elevators come up right to his foyer (or is it 2, I haven't been there in over a year, but he used to throw a lot of parties up there), but regardless it is BADASS. He has everything integrated, stereo, lighting, EVERYTHING (partly because he was seriously injured in a car accident in Miami, and was wheelchair-bound for quite some time, so he couldn't get around to turning lights on/off, etc., he re-couped in bkk).... when dusk comes, all of the lights come on incrementally until darkness falls.... there is a big pool on one side, a huge terrace on the other, and the penthouse itself is just incredible... one of the best properties I've seen with my own eyes here in bkk.

    2 years ago I remember asking if he'd sell it for 40-45 million... (not that I had the money to buy, I just wanted to know if he would sell, as he said he had people asking him, and he didn't spend that much time in bkk - and jeez he had some stories about pirates in Southern Thailand, he said they were the 2nd worst in the world, next to somewhere else I can't recall)... he said no at the time, but I dunno if he'd sell now... but I guarantee it would be better value for money than ANY of the Sukhothai residences, I've seen some advertised for 60-70 million... they would not compare, if not just for the sheer uniqueness of the property.

    From Vertigo, you can look over the back edge of the balcony bar and see the penthouse for yourself... awesome. To spend a million USD on a 'regular' unit at the Sukhothai is crazy IMO. Unless you MUST live in Thailand and just don't care about spending your money, I just don't see the value, there are so many other places in the world to buy and live if you are that cashed up...

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